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__ _ __ _ _ _ ... ._ <br /> , , - .. _ <br /> .. �� �� <br /> p�rbds Iln�t L�ndx nquf�m. '11r inwnooe sani�r provldl�R ILt iaiunao�slMI16e�ba►9wtoWx wbjKt m L�dirti <br /> r�pprpval which sA�p tat bo u�onsWY whhlxld. it Baroara�ta au�intNtn covem�c��bove.Lender� <br /> � LpdKy o�tion.abtaincove�e to pro�x.K Laiderk ti�in dM P�npaty in�ccoid�s w#t6 <br /> Ab�noe polk{d�nd raiewal�slull be w L�et�der�nd�Il lnclaae��t�ndud ma�t�ye clwre. L�and�r <br /> t�ll have the tls�llu to hold the policie��nd ronewal�l.ender roqui�e��Bon�nwer shall Pra►�P�IY Qive w L.a�d�er aU roc�eipu <br /> � of p�id pemiwru�nd ronewd notkes. In�he avcnt of lou, Bamwer�luill olve prompt aolloo W the insurance carrler�ad <br /> Lender.l.ander may mdte pnnof of lau if not mMie Pi'at�PdY b!'Bamnwer. <br /> Unleu I.emie�and Barrnwer dt�erwl�ngroo in wcitin�.iniutitcaproceeds�IuU be�pplled w reuontion a�ir of <br /> ro��P�up�tyr d�ed. if tbo nstaatlon or�ep�ir i�eoonarnkally feas]bla md I.endarl�Rocurity i�not leuened, if�he <br /> atio�� ar �i�not a�omicaily teuibk or Lenderb eecutity would be leueaed,the insurarca poceed��iull be <br /> �Ilod w the sums saurod by thia 3ecurity Insuumcnt,who1her or not thcn duo.with�ny eRCesa ppid lo Btxtawer. If <br /> Bonewer abndan�the piape�ty.or does�ot auwer wl�in 30 d�y��notico from l.ender Ihpt �he incumnca cu�ier h� <br /> o�ferod a aeltb a cl�n,thrn Lender m�y collect tho insuru�co procoeds. Lender may use�ho proeeeds w r�et�ir or reatoie <br /> die Prvperty ar d�pny s�r�ns r,aswed by�hia Security Inarument,whather or not ttkn due. 'IUe 30�d�y period will be�in when <br /> �he�oqx ia�ivon. <br /> Unkss Lender and Bamwer otherwise a�iree ia wddng,any application oi proceed�ta princip�l aiWl nat extead or <br /> paatpone u�e due d�oe af t4e monthly pymenta refernd to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or chmge�he amount of�F►e pAymeats. If <br /> unda. p�nph 21 the �s acquir�ed by l.snder.Borrowcrh�ight to any insutince policies and proeads rcsulting <br /> from d�e to the Prope�ty�or w th�:acquisition:Yall pas:w L,endcr to the oatent of the aums secw+ed by Ihis Securlty <br /> Iasuuma►t bmnedfauely prior w theacquisitlon. <br /> 6. Oocrpaacy. Praervntio�. (Npiatenance �ud Prahclior at !Ue Praperlyt Borrower'a Law Applkatio�: <br /> [,esaepaid,t, Borrower ah�ll occupy.eslablish.and use the Property as Barrower's pdncipal nesidence within sixry days afler <br /> the executian of this Scruriry Instrument smd sball cauinue to accupY the Property es Borrower's ptincipal�esidence for�t <br /> leaist one year after the dute af accupancy. unless Lender ot6erwise agrees in writing. which consrnt sfwll Rot be <br /> • - � unnasooably withheld.or unless eztenuating ci�um.stanca eaist which ue beyand Barrower's control. Banower shall not <br /> destroy,dampge or impair the Property,allow t6e Prop�rty to deuriorate,or cannmit waste on�he Propetty. Bomower sFwll <br /> be in default if any forfeitune action or procading.whether civil or criminal,is 4egun that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> could rault in forfeiturc of the,Prape�ty or aherwise materially impair tDae lim cr�eated by lhis Security Insaument or <br /> � Leadcrb security interesl. �a�rrower m�y cure such a defauk and reinstate,as providod ip parngroph l8,by causing 1he actio� <br /> • or procxeding to be dism3ssetl with a ruling that,in l.enderk good falth detcrmiiantion. precludes forfeiture of�he eomnwer's <br /> " interest in the Propb�iy or ather matedel impairtnent of 1he lien created by at�is Security Inswment or Lender�a security <br /> interes� Harower �71 alra be in default if Borrower, dudng the ioan applicatian process. gave meteriully falsc qr <br /> innccurete inforrnatlop or stAfemeru.g to►.ender(or falled to provide Lender with any materi�l information)in connectlon wBah <br /> Ihe loan evidenced by the;Note, inrlading, but not limited w. representatians conceming Borrower�s accup�cy af the <br /> Prope�ty as s principa�residence. Ifi thea Security Insuument is on a leasehold.Borrower shnlG canply wi�h�11 the provisions <br /> of the lase. ff Bomoae�acqoirav fec aile w tho i�mpeny,rhe lersrin,id wni i�ic fca iida shaU u.�t a�erQe uniess l.ettider agrc�s <br /> w the merger in writin�. <br /> 7. Prokcdon oY il.ender'�ltdghts In the Preperty. If Bomower fAlls to p�darm the covenantg und ag�ements <br /> coeuined in lhis Security Instrument,or there is u legal praceeding that may signlficpntly affect Lender's rights in the <br /> Pr�operty(such as a prviceeding in bs�niwptcy,probate,for wnclemnation or Porfeiture or to enforce lews or�egulationa).then <br /> Lender msy do and pay for whatever is necessary to protxt Ihc vulue af the Property and Lender�rights in the Property. <br /> L.enderg Acdais may�include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Inslrument,appearing <br /> in cou�t,paying reasonubie annrneys'fees and entering on�he Prnperty to mntcc repairs.Although Lender may t�lce action <br /> under this pangraph 7.I.ender dces not have to do so. <br /> My amounts diebursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shall become additfonel debt of Borrower securcd by this <br /> Security Insuument. Unless Borrower ond Lender agree to other tertns of puyment,these nimoun�s shall besv interest fmm the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be paypble, wi�h imerest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortg,�e IasurAnce. If Lender required mortgnge insumncc a�u candition of mal�ing�e loan secured by this <br /> Security[nswment. C9�rrower shall pay the premiums required to muinu►in th�mortgnge insumnce in effect. If, for any <br /> reason.tlte mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lupses or ceases to 6e in effect. Bnrrower shall pay the <br /> premiums required to obtaln coverage subst�miully equivulent to the mortgage insumnce previously in effect, at a cas� <br /> substentially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the moMgage insursmce previously in effecl,from an alternate mongage <br /> insurcr appmved by Lender. lf sub.r�antfally equivnlent mortgage insurance covemge is na uvuilnble.Borrower shall puy to <br /> Lender each month a sum equal ta one•twelfth of the yearly rnortgnge insumnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or censed to be in effect. Lender will accep�,uxe nnd retnin tlx�e puyments as a loss nserve in]ieu <br /> uf monguge Insurance. Lavs rexrrve pnyments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if martgage insu�ance <br /> coverage(in Ihe umount and for the period thnt Lender rcquirex)prnvided by un intiurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> available c�nd is obtainecl.Barrower shall pay thc premiums required to mointain mongage insuranre in effect,or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the requirernent for mortgoge insurance ends in uccordancr�vith any wrinen agreement t�etwcen 8orrower <br /> and Lender or applicubfe tAw. <br /> 9. InspecNon. Lender or i�s ugent mny make reusonable entries upnn and ins�xctions of the PropeMy. Lender shall <br /> give Bomower nalce u�the time uYor prior to un ins�ctian rpecifying rcusonable cause for�h�inspection. <br /> lY. Candemns�tion. The proceeds of uny uward or claim far dama¢es.direcl ar consequential,in ronnertion with any <br /> Single Fnmily--Fonnk:►1or�Flreddie�f�c CNIa'/IRM I��Ttt�;�7ENT•-Unifam Cuvenonu 9�lW �puqe 9 nJn pageal <br /> crcatLota&v�aean Fm�.Ix.A <br /> T�On1�tG/:11iP63�WU8 O PAR 81&7Y1•1191 <br /> _ . -..-r .�:-^_ :F�Ti�r.�-,Y.-��tiP�•xT;.��: . . . - . ----- .._-- ._ ....* . . � ' . .� �p� ('�.r� <br /> �i�i�: �- . �.; .. . , • '. ' . --- � , t <br /> —�YV':ni:!"� . ' .. ,��� . , . . . �+. . . . �� _ _ . . . � � ' �' �;�c- <br /> � , • <br /> . . ,i � . . <br /> ...�..: ' � � . 1 ' ' <br /> ��:__._. �, . - � .�.' _. <br /> �.:k..�.,Lir�yC. . _ , . G� r-- <br /> „ , <br /> f+i`�hd'..�4til1�C'di+. .�-". _�_ .____.__.— .____ —_. __` .__.__ .___.- ._.___..__'.w _ ..�•_:a.yL.�_"/.L�.. __._..a.y.t�I��- yl':.�_' �` <br /> . __._�.,r,—, .___ _—__...—.—__._"_ .. _- __._— ____ . ._.__— _ _.—'___.___ .____ — __' __'._—__'_—__ '_ __._.. .« -.-- �, - <br /> � r: . ' . . 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