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, ,� ..�o.t�t�F � �.. a.-,..�_�"';-•• .. .. �.. . , .. . � Ii:... _ inr'-'-_-_ <br /> - � . 9� �o�s <br /> . appl4e�ble lew eAe�i�peclfy!ar teiroudee�+eM)betae,u�M at tbe f4q�ty p�r�nt m iny po�d wie caol�d!�titlr <br /> S�cur3tY 1aws�aaeo�o;�tb)�y ot a jud�ma�t enfarcitt�this Socurity Iastn�rtwu. 'iba�e coadlticaa�a tdat Bamwar: U1 <br /> + p�q� I�der �!1 wm� wl�ch dien kauld be due undar tN� Securiry Inst�umak�nd the Naee a� i[no �!� <br /> aavnad�(b)cu�any ddault of aty di�oova►Nna ar yroane�w;tc)P�Y+W eapa�uer inourted ip entorcins tld�9ecurity <br /> In�neM.inctadia���ut not limioed t0.rasoru6k auomeya'fea: atd (d)u�ke� woh actlan a�LaQder may re�ranably <br /> . �+equi�to u�uro th�t the lian ot thii Secu�iry Iasuumeot.�aiderY d�hq in tbe�+cpetty md Bart�owetk obllption to pwy tbe <br /> suaat iecurod by�tb� Sacutity Intttuma►t �11 condnue wrch��ad. Upon �t by Baaower. thli Secu�iry <br /> imdwnent and�i�e oMi�tions oecurod t�eby�Full natu�in fully effective�s If ro aooelastiou had oocurred. How�avar.tbla <br /> si�bt to rc�n�te thdl not apply in the c��e of aooeleruian under p�ryyrtiph 17. <br /> 1!. Sde af Natai Cl��e ar I.o�n 8ervioa�. Tha Note or��i d intc�mt in the Note(to�etlia with this Sacurity <br /> Inmwaeat)m�y ba�uld ane or mone dmes without priar notice to Nc�rtower. A�nnla msy result in a chanao in tfie entity <br /> (Wawn u the"Lo�n SerWcd')th�t coUectc monthlY MY�w due w�der the Nou�nd this 5eoudty In�rume�t. 71kro alw <br /> nNy be one or mom clunges of the Lo�n Servicer unrcUuod to�iale ai�he Note. If thae 1�a change of the I.ora Sorvicei. <br /> Bortowu wfU 6e�tr�a written nodce af the cbange in ucord�ncx wlth p��aph 14 abuve and�pplicable IRw. The ew.ia <br /> will shte the�aame and address of tho ntv��oan SeRVlccr and Ute addrc,s�to which payma�ts�hould 6e mde. The notice wHl <br /> ako oo�M�io�uqr othtr infaraa�tim required by lawr. <br /> 2l H�aardors S�es, Bon+ower 1 not cause ar permit tho prcsence.use,disposal.atoraga.or rcleaae of�n�r <br /> Hv.ardars Sub�tanas oo ar in�the Pruperty. Bo�m�wer ahell not do.oor albw enyone else to do.anything stl'ecth►g tee <br /> Flppe�f.p tfut is L�viol�tion of ony Bnvlronn�ennW Law. The precediag two sentences sAa14 aot�pply ta�ho pres�es�ca.use.or <br /> ato�ago�nn the P�ope�ty of smpll quantiNea of Hu��dous Subsuu�es that ae�a�eraliy necogni�ed w bo appopriaoe w noinW <br /> �, . re�idenHd uscs and w maintenance of the Property. <br /> . ��. . �amwer ahAll PromPUY 8ive I.ender written notice of any investig�uia�,�rwr+d,lawsuit a oti�er action by Any <br /> yZovemtpeutwl or regulwWry�ge�:y or prlvAte patty involvi�d�e Propaty and any Hawrr�dous Substat�ce or Envina�unenW <br /> Law af whlch Borrower hae actuai Icnowledge. If Bairower ieams,or is notified by any go�cmme�tal ar�egulatory <br /> authbrity.that�ny�moval or other rctnedluioti of any Hezardous Substana afiecling�l�e Pmperty is neasswry.Bomower <br /> � ' sf�ll promptly take�11 necessary remediel actians jn accordance wlth Envi�onmental Lsw. <br /> • As used in Ihis ppregraph 20,"Hazerdoua Substencea"are those subsRamcrs defined as roxic or hezaMous subsmnoes by <br /> Environmental t�nw and the following subsuu�ces: gasolinq.kerosene,oY�her�lammable or wxic petroleum products,taxic <br /> . pes{i�ldes and h�rbicides. volatile solvents,mutedals coqu►ining asbesWs or formeldehyde,and radloactive materials. As . <br /> • uied in tbis paragraph 20,"Environmental l,aw"means federAl laws and lawa of the jurir,dictlon whene the Property is located <br /> . ti�lit relate W health.safery or environmental p�otectian. � <br /> � NON-UMFOItM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further coveaant and agtce as follows: <br /> xl. Acoderetloa; Remediea Lender s�all give noHce to BorrowP�prior to a¢celeratlon fdbwing Borrower's - <br /> , �� .breae6 d any oovenaut or agreement In thas Security.lnsirument(6ut nM prtor to accelerwdoa under pa��ph 17 <br /> ualess ppplkabk law provides otherwlce). '�'he notice s6n71 specfFy (al the detaalt;(b)t6e actbn required to cure the <br /> dafanit;(c)a date,not less tdan 30 days irnm�the date t�he notice ls givta to Borrower,by wbich the deinuit must be <br /> cnredi and(d)that�ailure to cure the defAUlt on or before the dAte apecified in the notice may result fe accsleradon ot <br /> tbe sums secured by thts Security Iostrumen9 and sale ot the PropeMy. The notice sh�ll turther inform Borrower of <br /> , the rig6t to retnatate ofter accekratlon aad t�he rtght to bring a court Atdion to�ssert the non-existeace ot A de�iult or <br /> any other detense ot Borrower to accele�Ation and sale. It the deiault Is nW cured on or before We date speclfkd i� <br /> the nafke,Leader at its opdon mAy require immediate pwyment fn ibll otnll sums secured by lhis 3ecurlty Iostrument <br /> �vlthwt furtber demand aad rtwy iavoke the power of sale and ony ather remedies permitted by Appltcable low <br /> l.ender s6W1 be eodtled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiag t6e remediw provided in lhi� para�aph 21. <br /> ' iadudtag,but aot limited to,reasonable attoraeys'fees aad costs ot Ihle evideace. <br /> if f!�powe�ot sale Is invoked,'llrustee aAall record a nodce of default in e�ch county in wbkh Any part of the <br /> Property is located and shall mail coptes oP such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by upplkable low Af�er Ihe time rcqrired by nppllcA�ble law.'I�ustee sh�ll give pub8c <br /> �otice ot sAle to the pensons And in the manner prescribed by applkable law 'IYusiee,withaut dem�nd on Borrower� <br /> sUWI sNl We Property at pnblic auction to the highest bidder at lhe Iime and place and under the terms desigapted in <br /> the nottce of sale in one or more parcels and io any order 7lrustee deterrnines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> p�rcel of tbe Prqperty by public Announceme�t at t6e time and place oi ony previously scheduled sale. Leader or ifs <br /> deatgoee may purcha�e the Property at any sule. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,7Yustea shall deliver to the purchpser'llrustee's deed co�veylog the <br /> Prope�ty. The recitals in the'IYustee's deed shall be primu facie evidence of the truth of the statemenfs m�de therein. <br /> 71�ustee sholl apply tl�e praceeds of the sale ia�the following order: (al•to�II costs end expenses oP exercislag tC�e pawer <br /> Form 302Y 9l9Y IpaR�S alnlwx�Jl <br /> e <br /> , � <br /> i� <br /> _ -� '���'r.� �..�v-� � �, -.. _ ��Sr�;iy;;!?Ph�h7Y'+,�'`�+t�if.:i: :'i�'cj y�;i ��.... .� .,�'^1,t,�t r � . . 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