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-9 _ _ _ ___ _ <br /> —.,,.��•.4.^.- . _ . ., .V <br /> .� .. .�.... . . . u < . . .. ' A• :I• • •'^fle�....�.... <br /> .. . . - . . .'� <br /> ,� „ 93• �'� .� . <br /> �e'�vrru�m�e�rov�now at a.�rt.r«�ct�a a�atie pro�ty.+��d�ea�aaa�. � <br /> aNi�w�ow ot hrrwf'ae�p.�'t uJ qw p�aO�ttY• Ail rccmean�rd a�ttc.��i�stt�t+�wr�ai;,��4y� . . <br /> dnwwit IW d q»lbryoi�h�hd b Y d� ty IawwnNM ar IM"frop�q." ' <br /> iO�ROwpR C�dveNANTS dre Baeowrr i�Iawhliy�ebed d uia aule he�oby aoaNSyed a�a u�s u�e ri�c a p�c <br /> �d cmvey d�ep�n�y md q�t dr PtopMty b unprcumbaed.e�aept!ar eac�n►b�noa af rocu�d. Banowac watr�net�od <br /> wiq dN�nd jwerady uw ti�ie a dw Prapwey y�in��u cWr�n.nd de�wnd�,�ubje�x�o.Ny mcasbhnoer at noo�+d. <br /> 7HI�S�CURITY MS7'rtUMBNT coiabina wdtam oo+r�aou ta nrtiand we �a�i aaauaitona oww�nq wIW <br /> Ii�iwA v«i�r�loiw by j�xiK8a3on a coaattwe�urdrorm�wity 1�ment wveri�ce�!pinpe�ty. <br /> t1NiPDitM COVBNAM'S. eonowar�nd L.aiAer oova�nc Md�ee a tdlow�: <br /> 1. h1�t d PeMn,�l Md 1MN+�Pr'M�7�t�i l.�q Ciurp�. Bo�rowar shW prompdY Pn►wban due the <br /> �of aatl iiMaat aa tbe debl evida�oed by tho Note aad�nY P�Y�and I�te char�es dus widor the Nate. <br /> lhM�tlor 7bu��d i�wra�a. Subject to�ptic�bie uw ar to��writta�w�ives by l�ender.Ba�ro�va�II p�y to <br /> Irander oe the daY�Y MY��t�nc due w�da the NM0.unW tho Nate is p�id ia fWl�a wm l"liutd�")lar:(a)Y�Y <br /> tuas�nd�ne+nu whkh nuy atWn priariry over d�Secudty InWruma�t�u�Ibn un�he Pnnpcty;(b)Yar1Y Iea�elwW <br /> pyment�ar pound�aata an tbe Propaty. if�ny; (c)Ye,�rl9 lu�.ud or pnoperty inaunwce premiwns: l� YeufY ilood <br /> pem <br /> �e promfumu.if my; (o)Yarly mo�t��8e insura�x.'a P�emiwru� it�ny:�nd (A�ny aunu p�yabla by Batower ro <br />�ooad�noe witb the p�nvi�fau of pu�g�ph 8. in liau of tba p�ymait of moAgtQa inwr�noe p�mium�. '11�ese <br /> i�ems�re aqal"R.s�row Itan�." Laider m�y.u any dmo.cdlect aM hold Ru�do in an amount not to a�ccoed thn mu�fmum <br /> a�or�t a lader Car� fad�dly�laud matgage Iwn�aay ioqu�re far 8amuwerl�acrow�ocount w�er the federnl Ral <br /> Csilwe Seulmm�nt Pr000du�p A,ct ot 1974 a4�froa�time w timo. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.( RESP!'�7,unlesi woU�er <br /> 4w tWt apptiet w�he Rud��s a iaser amoun� U w.l�rnder may.u�ny tioAe.collect aed hold iiods in�n amouat oot to <br /> exooed tl�e laxyt em�et. l,cnd�r ax�y eNie�ro tbe anwak af tiuids due aa the 6asis af cune�t d�1a aod�ea�onwlale <br /> atis�les oicxp�dipurcs of fuW�e Eccmw IQemr ur uti�rrwiaw in rc,.,i��wid�op�liuiF,ie l�w. <br /> Tho Rud� slWl be heW io an in:uturion whoae depoda m inwred by�fedaal ��ency. lawuma�WltY.or e.�tY <br /> (incladiag Ixnder.if Lender is such ao insutution)or in any Feden!Name l.oan B�nk. l.ender shaU apply the FLnda w WY <br /> tbe Fs�xow Itans. Lender aWy not chuge 1lonower fa Mklinig and applyi�g�he Iiu�da,a�uiwdly analyzin�U�e escrow <br /> axoun� a vaifyL�g the Fscmw Itaro. u�kss Lencler paya Borrower uxuest on �he �nds and appllcable I�w pem�its <br /> La�der W malce such a charge. Huwever.I.ender may rcquue Borrower ta pny a one-time chuge far an independent rcal <br /> estue ux repadog savko usod by L�ender iu connectian witb this Iwn.unkss applicabb faw povidea othaa�ise. Unkss an <br /> agroe�nau is m�de or spplicable law requires inteKSt to be p�ld.I.ender slWl nd be roquired to pay Barower any in�enst oc� <br /> arnings an the limds. Borrower and Lender may�x in writing.however,that inteast stiYl be�an ihe 1�nds. Lender <br /> sl�ll give to Bonower.wfthout annual accauidng of the Wnds,showing crcdits ord ta to the PYu�ds and tl� <br /> pu�po�e fa which each debit w the P�t�ds was m�de. The Hinds u+e plodjed a�ddida�al�ecurity far dl cums secwed by <br /> thb Sxwity L�strummt <br /> If ihe Hmm�1a� i.3.1 i►y Len3ei exce�i ihe amounis�Ked to be held!sy spg2iCSble latY.�r sl:a!! ss�sust to <br /> Ban+owcr for thc Guoess Funds in aoco�ance wi�h the nquirements of applicabk law. If the annwunt of the iiinds held by <br /> i.ender at�ny Ijrne is rwt sut�icient to pay the Escrow Itenns wl�en due.Lender may ao notify Borrower in <br /> � such cas�Bortower shall p�y to Lender the amount necess�r to make up the deficia�cy. Bormwer sliWl make up the <br /> defi�ncy in no more tlwn twelv�monthly Lender�sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all 9ums securcd by this Security Insawnent,L.aider shall pmmptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Ponds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Pnopeny. l.ender,prior to the acquisition or <br /> sole of the P�operty,sh�ll apply any Punds held by Lender u [iie timc of acquisition or snle as a crcdlt ageinat the sums <br /> sxunA by thia Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Applkatlon of Paytnenta. Unless applicable luw pmvides otherwlsc, all payments rcceived by [.endcr under <br /> paragtapi�s 1 aad 2 shall be applied:tirst,to any pnepayment chnrges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable w�der <br /> pwra�aph Z; inunest due;fourth,w prfnaipal due;and las�to any lue charges due under the Note. <br /> 1. Chsrees;Liene. Borrowcr sheU pay �II taxes. asscssmen�s. charges,fines and imposidons attributable to the <br /> Hoperty which may attaln priority over this Security Instrummt.and lea,ehold payments or ground rcnts.if any. Hamwer <br /> shall pny UKxe obllgutions in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or If nut paid in th�t manner,Borrower shWl p,ay lham on <br /> tlme directly to the person owed puyment. 8otrower shall promptly fumish to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> thia p�ragr�ph. lf 8orrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish lo Lender reaipts evidencing <br /> U�e p�yntents. <br /> Bormwer shall�ranpdy discherge any lien which ha� priority over this Security Instrument unless Bartower:(a)ag�es <br /> in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured by 1he lien in�manner nccept�ble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of Ihe lien in,�gal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent�he <br /> enforcemrnt of the lien;or(c)aecures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Inswment. If Lender detemilnes�hat any pa�t of Ihe Property Is subject to a lien whtch may attain priority <br /> over this 5ecuriry Inswment,l.encler may give Horrower a notice idendfying the lien. Borrower shuli satisfy the Ifen or take <br /> one or rtw�e of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nwice. <br /> S. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Horrower shall keep the improvements now existing or�herenfter erected on the <br /> Property insurcd against loss by flre,hazards included within�he term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including <br /> floads or flooding.for which Lender reyuires insurnnce, 'lt�is insur�nce shall be mai�aained in the amounts and Por the <br /> Faw 30R� 9/�0 fpage 2 nj6 pagerl <br /> � �-4a1.�r'Sr*JR, '� ^ �A� '•5�� • � y;�.���. . ' . . f, -- -v t. 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