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.. - .i s/:��, , .._ - :... •.j�,-.k}�j'A�±�!l4ii-;ic.: _4", .- � ;u.a{Y�✓�!� _ ' �_ ^ :» � <br /> • �� "' _ . � �� a'A , ''' <br /> �.�a��o�w�a,w�oaro.or�..�,r�.�e..n.��a�r«a�..�..�r��r�iMw� .. <br /> aM t� r.�.+Mw po�ay ry��M�nr.p�e�w+b�r e�.�ew..�M e.00.u.�i1�Y..r V oeM+..+. t�er�..i.�rr IN�e► <br /> � iM�i�w��wi-a wi�wiw�t�t i�wea i�iwet,ar a p�arji i�se�:w�ii i��r��i[�4n�i • <br /> kw�or�h�a�+oii�a�rYY ir0l w�Ml�e yww�t l�4w���siwr aid l�I�r or�iiaMb 1�►. <br /> f.1�e1iN. t�d�ae ip�ye�t�q��wo�N ieeM�v�oa�nd Iaip�eoKa�af tIM h�p�ty.Le�J�iYl�w <br /> fo�owic Notla at i�r d�ar o�ar�eior 1M a��prctio�tp�d(yi�nroMbM cw�e tbr dw irp�lo�. . � <br /> 1i.GMaW�Miw.'1'6e p�ooeed�at�ny nv�ad ar cWn�for dMay�.dlta,t or coMaqwn�Mi. la aon�eabs witA Mq► <br /> •�taa nr aYr ddp of rqr pMt ol tlM hqwq.or I�cr ao�wy�na ia lMr a�oo�dw�b�.w hw�ari�wi wi : <br /> �MMII!i0�M1d M l�dr,kt. . <br /> � M tha evaNt a��lonl pdci�ot the Nropa�ty.the pnnoea�tYdl be�ppliad w tt�wn�as�ea�tud by Ihi�Searlq►InM�f, <br /> whetber or nat dkn due. �vitb aoy a�ccew pid W Horrower. Ia 16e evaut ot a p�AW qkl�of the Pna�pe�ty in which tbr E�ir <br /> m�rkat valre ot da Prnpaty ima�edi�tely beloro�he qklaj i�equNl w ar��aMar tbaa the�aiouat of tbe�un iea�rad b�►di4 <br /> 9eauiry innumaK i�m�edi�tdy befa�e the pdnZ�unlew Horrawar�nd I.ader od�awlw+�roe in wrldn{�tho wua��earod by <br /> tbit 5�ecnriry Inrhua�au �II be roduoed by the amount of the pooeedi mulNplied by Ila followin� fr�ctioo: (�)d�e taW . <br /> . �roouw af d�e walt�ep�red inunediatdy hefo��he Wcia=.div�ded b�r(b�1Me tair m�ritd wlue ot Ihe Prupaty 1m�aedlMdy <br /> beforo t!e t�ti�.Aoy b�4�noe shdl ba p�id to Bono�ra. l�tl�e are+at of'�p�tW Wcin�of the P�upat� ia whkb tYe trr <br /> m�lo�t valrc d tha Ptopaty iauedWoly befone d�e��iciq�ia las thm 1!e�oi t6e swm se�w+ed inr�Mt�jr bei�iMe Ilie <br /> qki�.uelas 8ottowet and Laid�r atliaw�i�e a�nee in v�rrkin�ar wlan�pplic�bk la�ad�atwiue pto�rbde�.lle pqoeed��4q <br /> 6e�pplied ta tbe�aao�s rocv�c+d by diis Sacurity Imiuumwt whdber ar�not die sums am dm duc. <br /> U the Pmperty�s�baaidoaad by Bomaw� if.aRa nodcr by L�der to Bamwer tlad dee 000dcamor offe�s�a a�c ao <br /> awa�d or�ettk a claim for d�. Borruw�a fails b �e�po�d w Laider wiWia 30 days aRer tbo�We�o aatioe it pweo. <br /> Ln�!�t b�tliorinn!to t+a!lPst ases��ly the pn�m�s,at its o�sioa,cUher ta�x�4o�t�r[�e nf tAa Pnrpetty er ta!!��wen <br /> tea�rod by tl�if Sacuriry taspuatiart,whe�her or not then due. <br /> UNcss Lendcr and 8a�rower otfurwlse agroe in writi�. any applic�tloa of pmc�eeds w principd sh�U �ot extad ar <br /> poupone the due d�te of the monthly payrt�aqs referrod to in puag�aphs 1 aad 2 or clwnge the aiooaot of sach p�ymaas. <br /> 11.Bati+uwer Nat Rdeiuedi Forbpirauce By I.a�der Not a Wiiiva�.Factausion of tbe tiaae far paqraiaK ar modlRc�lion <br /> of amort�oa of the suens+�ecurod by this Secudty Iasavment granted by i.aoder to any st�r in iu�erGCt of Homowu sbdl <br /> not operate w rolease tbe B�Mtity of the original Bormw�u or Bor�uwer's aucaessors in iacnst.Lender eluudl not be roquirod w <br /> oommencr p�nceedings a�ai�t any suu��essor in inte�at or�efuse to eatcnd time for parymer�t or otherwlso modlfy a�poKl�tloa <br /> of tde s�u�,c tavred by thia Socurity i�snuma�t by restsoa af any danand made by the arigi�al Borrower or Borrower's <br /> sipxx�ors in intenst. My forbeannce by l.endcr in ea�crcisin�any rigUt or�emedy shall oot be a wxiver of or procluda the <br /> c�cise of airy dgM or�+emedy. <br /> !2. � s�t9 ,��euu�'I.lai��i �! �.-=�ra!! d.�!lky: Ca-a�gtsa�s. 7'!sc cav�ssts au� agrc�ncnss u�tl�S ' <br /> Sxu�ity Instrurnent sF�all bind aM be�efit �he suco�csors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjoct ta the provisioni of <br /> paragrnph 17. Bomower's.rnvenants and agrc.emenla shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Sxurity <br /> instrument but does ncK execute tl�e Note: (a) is co-xigning this Securiry Ioslmment only to mortgage. grant and convey Utwt <br /> Borrowcr's irNerest in the Property under the terms of this Security Insuumc{N;(b)is not personally abligated to pay Ihe sums <br /> secured b�this Savriry Insuument;and(c)agrees that Lender And any dher&►rrower may egree to extend.modify.fotbear or <br /> nwlce any accommodations wlth regazd to[he terms of this Secudty Instrument or the Note wlUiaut that Barrowor's consent. <br /> 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Secu�ity Instn�ment is subjact to a low which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> and thst law is finally interpreted so thnt the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan exoeed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such laaa charge shull be reduced by the amount nocessary to roduce tho charge <br /> w the permitted limit;end(b)eny sums al�rndy collected from Bc�rrower which eza�adad pertnitted limits will be r�efunded to <br /> Borrowe�. [,ender may chaose to make thifi refund by reducins �he principal owed under the Note or by m�ng a diroct <br /> paymrnt to Borrower. If a rgfund reduces principul. the reduction will be treated os a patiial pr�epayment without any <br /> prepaymcnt charge un�ler the Note. <br /> !4.Natices.Any notice lo Borrower pmvided for in this Secu�iry Instrument shall bc given by delivering it or by maili�g <br /> it by flrst clasa mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or en� other address 8orrower designates by notice to L,ender. Any notice to l.ender shull be given by first class mnil to <br /> L.erder's address steted herein or any nther addresx L.ender deaignates by notice to Bnrrower. Any notice providod for in�his <br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I.ender when given as pmvided in this peragreph. <br /> 1S.Coverni� Lww; SeverAblllty. This Secudty Instrument shull be governed by federal law and the Iaw of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacuted. In the event thnt any provision nr cluuse of this Securlty Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts wilh applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument nr the Note which can be <br /> given effect without tha conflicting provision.To thi�end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declured <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Boreower's Copy.Borrower shall be given une conforn�ed cnpy of the Nwe und of this Security Instrument. <br /> fo►m 3026 fll90 <br /> Ppo4o�8 <br /> -.�_— — 1=; `C-r... .'�v .# <br /> _�rc a•'.iy::� t'n��'.��'Y3� iatiS�ti�;�;ys �},w.�.Sttsf:..�.� `.. _ <br /> niJ'.�,y�� {S' �( �� } .i :- -� � r�' ' . . •..a� i :.'-.r.' - � tt. . 7f:�+y• -, �4� - <br /> �5N iiri' !I���y�1�y A-Y �, ' ' . �liLi�i[�% �t� .�.� � . .. . . . •�'�`A ✓ ' ri:.;e.d•:'�, V:�'�''�'t�� �.. uf ir <br /> .�'S4AS �<f �1�l �tt � t' , �: '' ' .� �7'� .. . , , .u�+[�'�F�f�2�'.• . ?�' ,...f''���}/{L. -.• 'rs.. <br /> .�,d5..►���a� . � . �.,` _ � } 1\ A �j\7 � <br /> �i� S, . . � . .. . i •�ry � r <br /> .'a.:.iYfS?,v41.�}Mfs►.r•.:•� Si14!�,.L� 1 - "-�1.: .LY.'�LL'1, 6�ti._.yRS9di�kC�l..:" <br /> �tf_�.lW4��l7hZ�uV� CcY�._ ..�_%�_ "'-_._�.� . <br /> YY� fYji I)lT,..'.i "'._."_–_'_.. . _--._ ._ .:_-: :— _.. _ _ __..--_______--_ _ _._ .. .s _i{_ _ � _ '_, _` . <br /> r� z t1��� , �. ... . .. . �p�+i iA��� . . . <br /> �,.� - S� r, -� • - . � � • - •• ,�y v1�� . 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