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T. . . . _ <br /> .. .. <br /> i _ �y , ..•- . .. ,. � . i,., <br /> , ' ., , _� � ��. <br /> t. i�ii N� llr�y iiwr�l. io�M+w��11 ic�p tM in�+twrm�b��ati�d� ar ���wMM1 M NM -� <br /> ��i�wwd�t ise��y f�.l�d�► '�d�i wt�W I����odd�ar�r���d�D►�Ir Y�.Ya�:� <br /> � ti�c.�+�r a:.�.y��ss cr�t�s t.caiaa:rc�lrt,s ir�uiac�.'D't�ir.:�c:��t�a�i��i.:�.w�s,�r..d iar ii�i.e:..+ <br /> IMrt LY�1or w�i�l. 'I1M iwnro�s�eriK pnwidi��Ys Y�nea idl bt�iuwn by 1lot:+o��ib}�ot b t+wilt'��rl ' . <br /> wM�i aM�ll �at b atweMoMblY wNYwW. i!Bo��orwr Ifdh b �e�i�nowr�p dacrib�d�bove� i.�d�r q�.�it t+IwY�•� . <br /> ap1o� altaia oawrye ro�eaxt Lander'��ijha in tM l�nope�ty ia�000rdanoe whh payropii 7. . <br /> AU ia�rrnnoe polkla and rw�wals abdl be�owpt�ble b l�ndet ir�d�lall include a�and�rd atoit�o cU�. [,�adK <br /> �Iwd�Mw u�e ti�ht co hotd�he ranewat�. lt trat0er�+eqairo��earo�ror.hd�pooapuy�ive a t�ndar�u�noiipu ot <br /> �id prsirar�nd�aaw�l ihe arat of ioa�Bor�er�Fdl�ive piompt notioe 1u tbe iannaoe caiTier aid Lder. . <br /> • �.r�►Muce�rot�«irn��.ae�ur�y e�+��• <br />� uNe�.Lenae�,ma eormw�er�ahec�vl�e qroe in wriNnj,insuruwo qiooeed.dau�be,q�pliea w ranon.tioa ar nepir dtue., <br /> I 1'mpeity d�ed,iP tla nenonuian or�ir i�aoono�adally Ges�161e�nd i.ender's reauity i�aa le��a�ed.lf da raMantion ar <br /> I rop�ir b eot aonnoaaidl�►te�ibb or l.akkr't�ecudty w�ouW be lessabd.the iawnnoo pnooeeds�b�ll be�pplied to d�e�aau , <br /> �ecu�ad bY thL Seariyr Ia�tnsedt.wtw�ther or not tbai due. wNb aay croe�p�id w Botrower. If Aormwa�b�ndoa tl�e . � <br /> Propaty,or doas iwit�w�a�rittiiN 3i1 d�ys a notioo fiom La�dCt tMt��rwra�oc wrrier im ofl'eied to aattle a c1�im.d�m <br /> t.a�der a.y ooUect tlie r.w�aoe p�ooeeds. t.a�aer m.y we cne or�tMa Propeity or�o p�y wm� <br /> axi+rod by tbit SecYrity I�w�eat.whdhar or not ttka dae.'1'he 30-day perad riq bie�io wben the mRice i�Qfiven. <br /> lidas I.a�dR aad Ban►war u�henviw�roo in�itio�. aa�► +ipplic�ioo of prooeedR to peiacipl �IWI mt e�teod or <br /> postpone�he due d�ta of Ihe monthly prymain�+efe�nd to ia par�phc 1 aad 2 ar chu�e the amooat of tbc p�yoeat�. If <br /> wider p�aph 21 the Propaty i��oquirod 6y l.eader�Bormmer'�rijht to�ay iaauanoe policies�nd p�occ+eds�aultia�fiom <br /> d�m�e w tho�ropaty prior to the aoqui�tion dnll p�w[�ender to thc c�eat d t4e w�m�ecurod by dds Sa�uity Iartrument <br /> �y��c���. <br /> f.OooupMe7,Ptia�vatiow.Mai�teo�ooe aad Pnotation of tie Pwpaty;Bmrower'�I.opn AppltcMioa;i�erof�t. . <br /> Borm�ra:hall oocupy.e�tablish.uKl use tbe Property u Borrowa'c priacipal resideauc withjn s��cty day�aRar tbe exxut�oa of • <br /> thia Securiry iosuument�nd�hall oontinuc to oocupy�he PropeRy as Barrawer's principal t�aidenoe for at Ira�t one year�(te� <br /> the d�te oE oaup�.y.unlecr I.ender othcrwisc ag�oes in wrltin�.whicb conaent shal)not be ua�ea.wnabiy witl�held.or unlese <br /> e�ctenua[ia� cinaumtanaes exiu which a� bryond Bormwer's oondol. Borrower siu�ll not destnny. dun�e or Impti�the <br /> Propaity,dlow tbe P�uperty to dderior�te. or oommit waste on�he Property. Bomuwu eh�ll be in dehWt it my fort`dwre <br /> actlon or prooeeding. wGaher civil ur crimi� begun that in Lader's good fiith judgmrnt oould r�aWt In fodeitun of the <br /> Propaty or ad�ervvise mueri�lly impaiir the lien c�ted by�hie Searity Inswment or l.ender's securlty I�.Bor�ower may <br /> cu�c aich a defwlt u�d rciRSt� providod in p�rsgt�ph I8,by cwsia$the action or pnocceding w be dlsa�icted with�rulin� <br /> that. in Lerda's eoo�f�lth determination. procludes forfeiture of the Barrower's inteeat ln the Property or dher materitil <br /> imp�imKOt of tt�e liea crcated by this Secudty Inatrument or Lender's secu�ity inteteat. Bomuwer ehall also be in default if <br /> BoRmvu,during the lorn application process.gavc materially false or inarcurate infam�ation or statanents w l.e�de,r(or f�ilod <br /> to provide Lender wlth any m�terial infornwtion)in cannErtian with the loan evidenced by�he Note,including. but not timited <br /> to, rcpr+e.sent�tionc eoncerning Borrower's c,�r.upnncy of the Property as a prineipal nesidence. If�his Secu�ity Insuument is on� <br /> leasehold, Borrowu stwll rnmply with al� r6e provisions of the lea�:. Zf Borrower aoquires fee title to t6e Prope�ty.the <br /> leasehold ub the fa tiQe stwll aot merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protecdoa ot l.eoder's RI�6b in tbe Property.If Borrower faila to perfarm the covenants and agreements oo�uained in <br />, this Security Instrument,or there ic a leg�l proceeding that mey significantly atfect Lender's�ghts in the Property (auch�s a <br /> procading in bankruptcy,prolwte, for condemnation or forfeiture o�to enforce I�ws or regulations),tlxn I.ender may do and <br /> pay for whatever ie necessary to protect the value of the Pmperty And i.ender's dghts in the Property. L.ender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which Iws priority ove� this Security instrument, appcaring in court, paying <br /> reasonobk attmneys' fas�nd cntcring on thc Propeny w maks repairs.Although l.endcr may take action wde�t4is pua��ph <br /> 7.Lender does not have to da�o. <br /> Any amounls disbursed by l.ender under �his �arngraph 7 sh:�l{ becnme additional debt af Borrower savred by this — <br /> Sxudty Instrument. Unkss Borrower and Lencler s�sree to other temn�of payment, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> dwte of disbursement at the Note rate anJ shall be payet+te, with interest, upon notice trom L.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mo�tgoge Insurapue.lf I.ender required mortgugs insurance as a condition nf making the loui secured by lhis Socurity <br /> Inst�ument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any re�son, the <br /> moRgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to tk in effect. Bormwer shall puy the premiums required to <br />, obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurnnce previously in effect, ut A cost subuantiully equivalent to the <br /> case to Borrower of the moatgage insurance previously in effect. from an alternu�e mnngage insurer approved by l.ender. If <br /> u�bsLvitially equiv�lent mortgaFc insurance rovernge is not available, �orrower shail�ay to L.ender each month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfih of the yenrly mongage insurance premium being paid by k�nower when the insurs►nce coverage lupsed or ceased to <br /> I+e in effert. Lender will ecce�,u!se and mtsin these payments as a Ioss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss rrserve <br /> Farm 3028 8190 <br /> P+a�a oi e <br /> � <br /> _- ----��x•,-�;r+..�-nrr�cif�' - . .:r '�� .. � 1� :4••:� :.ti�iqy+q .! ..a,r�. , .. 7 �. <br /> —,{+l�i���ti�y;�,ra � � f C2if�`' ^a.... . � � . : lf4(t . , . • w�'�._:s��1y•3!t'�?;� .. `� ,.,.J��...+i�i� ljy�t�,��Z�, !� a �'.al�._,•l6}J�; : <br /> - _..��n:%9L'•�.cKS�:�:�. � �NF.4...�a '. . ! �t ��� � •����'t�:!'i+,���:5'�:ld!IISC�� r3}��.:h���.�`�S�}•1"t �SiC� '� �Sr�- <br /> _ .�tc�.:. .�r: ,�..�. _.;,LJ•�� �{, .,6���+�c� �,li�re�.«.��,�r.i'3�l�� <br /> � Td�L�� '�;�7y�J.- �� . _--� .. ' i/_.l jt1'[�-}'.... ;-tF- - ���.�...i. "S `��tY�yr'f-Y ��-!ii �1't T�`/ {��'''' F .._ <br /> � - 1 ! � r l� `r �'1�l �1 1 1. �:�y\�y�)� ;�� 1� I 1 1t•1 KY / <br /> ,�l ' •1 �bu����•�`�`^'W, �•-•.l'� Sl���� � �1f..w r_. <br />.---°ae��ila�_s:c::.��.4� ".k' , , � )�f�d.S{4{�r���t�j� e'tiyrkR��xv u:F� A �.'.. .+ r��,��i�1`�7'`�r++�.: r �r Z���jJ�.`,F7�`+y-,.ft"° <br />_ V�`�.� : ��,'.�:�� ',�:;'4�' ''�("•�A�y, ' ' �s*•:'.',. '? �{ti ,a. '.c:;c�`+.r,c- . <br /> �'°�ts� � �._ �A..:._s+3:Rfr�'=��, i1!;.��W.�i�t�r,r�n5ir��:,c�h.,�-,�?<<l1�u��x�z ;a.��:��� 3� � � .r` cr -- <br /> �---��� . ..y}'YtC��� �< r\"r �(1- o t, �`1;)�+«t '"`�'-"".�.w-.r�••;..�m.P'. y��� - r._ . , Tr�..r i 'i � :'S .- <br /> = --�+� .�, �,re� L * , ti � � ���+ "(<< T.r�;�ajcrt,..�,'i.��� .�s�5{�� • <br /> � ry, �_ ,9.^�(r�i'�(,i4+� .�r;::.�:. • , �t�� 1t��+�'��P�t�11�. s� - - "V .. „ . . . <br /> s45�.�. �� YI..� <br />