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. --- - -- ..�� . �� -T , -..: -:- <br /> � 17.7't+��r�e�f 1ti �e a�w�flel�4Rw�t Y�e�. If Ril at p�et of dw hopert�or�q l�M�b1 it <br /> k rold nr awfer�wl(ar it�i�l bMxM ia llaww�w f�atd or trwtmed�ad�V eat�urp�nl pwsa)rvMro�t <br /> l�.tir'�r•i�i'wdttw c� t�a tmqr� 1!! Ib a�dp�, fmMeAb�N @�y�ru la fWl of all a�t�orrd Yy IW _. <br /> d��i�ea�,FlowevK.a�op+o..wu�a a ane�iwr�D�y°L�ander ir o�ac4e it pro6ibilea iry feadr�r bw�rr ot�.a�w <br /> Iwqun�ent. , <br /> It Lead�c�cerd�Ihi�option� Leeder�hdl�1ve Bamo�w+er adlce ot a�oodemt�an,The notiae�lullpenvWe�periad aP not <br /> Mw dya 30 O�ys from Ihe dMe the aotica i�delivaod or mdle�d wlthiu which Horrowar mu�t p�y�II sums�ec�urod by 1!� � <br /> Secnrity tnanuned.If Bonowa fi�ls to p�y thde wnu prior ta tha e�tpintton of th1�perlod,Laalor aMy invoke�ny romedia� <br /> yy d�i�9xu i�wrumeat�vithaut Ihed�er notloe or detwuid ae Barower. <br /> �l��or�+uw�•�� to R�IiM�s. lf Bocm+wer meels oat�ia aoaditia►a. Borrower �ull l�ve tlre ri�ht w havo ; <br /> eataoa�w�t ot tbi�Secu�ity iroau�r�pq di�oo�Ninued�t my Umo prla to�be arlier of: (a)3 d�y�(ar axh alber peNad�u F <br /> �PP�� �+w �Y �� for rcirMirta�aeM) befaro de of tta P�opaty Pu�wuK w �ny power of sale oonuiaed in �hi� <br /> Sep�rjty G�Wmenh,or(b)aqry►ot w jud�ma�t aiforel�Ihi�Security laarument.Tho�e oondiNoru am ti►at Bonower:(a)p�ys � <br /> La�der all wmi wldch tda�wauld ho due undar U�i�Seaairy Imuumait aad tbe Nate�if no�ooeler�tian h�d oocumed:(b) <br /> cura my defiwlt of�ny otl�er ooven�au or�reemaits:(c)P a all experues incurrod in enfor�cing this Secudty lo�iiun�at, <br /> includ�n�.but nd limited W.t�sble utome�r�' foes:and(d�wices wch�ction aa I.wder may ncawnably roquiro w aaiune <br /> t1W the jka of thit Sa�w�ity Insttument.L�ender s ia tlie Prop�.tty wd Bonowu's oblig�1on to p�y ttho wma�eared by <br /> thie Sxurity tttqrwant tl�tl oo�tLtue �Upno rrinsp�aaa�t by Bo�rowa. this Secudqr I�nmaidat aM thc <br /> obli�tlonc sa.�u+od�e�eEy ahwll n�aiu lhlly efFoctivo as�f no aoaelenMior�Ad oauned.However.Ws ri�MR to rcimqte�MwU <br /> aot y fo the a�e vi�ooelaratioe wdet pa�t�ga�pA 17. <br /> �,9Me at lW�C'M�Rc oP Iw� Serrloe�.TAe Notc ar w putiW inerw ia the Note(togdher with t6is Socuriry <br /> Mauv�aeaR)Aa�y be s�caW ooe or mae tioaes wihow prior aotioo to Ho�owcr.A s�le nwX rcsult in a�t0e un�iry(Imor►u <br /> �n N�'l.u�n Serviaer')�wt edlons maathiy p�rmeste dre�mder tba IVote ad tAis Se�ccurity Ipsuuanent, al�a nvy 6e aa <br /> or mar ci�ea of the Lavo Serviccr w�nelatod to a s�lo of Me Nae. U�here is a of the I.a�a Savi�er. Bo�naaer wIU be <br /> �ivq�written notiqe of Ihe cF�nAe ia �oco�danca w11h pan�mph 14 rbove wsd applicab e law.'lt�c notie�ee wiii ct�te the�amo�d <br /> ddress of the new l.oan 5ervicer u�d the addrcss to which p�yments�houW be made. The notia will aA9u wu�a w►y ot6er � <br /> iaforrn�tbn�oquired by applicaMa Iww. <br /> 2�. H�ardo� Sab�t�noe�. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presa�oe. use.disposal, stara��, or rclase of�ny <br /> H�ndo�u Sabstaioes on or in tf�e Propeny. Borruwer shall n�t do,nor Wlow anyone elce W do, ar�y�hiag affaxing the <br /> Prope�ty ttiat i: in violwion of�ny Environmental l.ow.The pr+eoeding two centa�oes sl�ll not apply to t6e <br /> stonge on the Prot�erty af smAll quantilies of Ha�audous SubRtwn�a that ane gencrally raognized to 6e appro�priwu ta normal <br /> �esWeikid uscs ard to maintenanoe of thc Property. <br /> Borrower sholl promptly give Lender wrilten notia of any inveufgation. claim,denwnd. Iawsuit or atlxr action by any <br /> �avernnr�wl or rcgulatory agenry or private patty involving the Property�ad any Ha�rdoua Subs�ance or Eravironmental Law <br /> of whkh Bomawer hes Actual knowledge. If Rorrower Icams,or is notifiad by any gavemm�nwl or rcgulatory outhodry,titaa <br /> any rcrtwval o�athe�renwdiation of any Harardcws Subst�nve affacting�he Piapetty iR necessary.Borrower shall pmmpdy take, <br /> �II noox�ry rcntodiwi actia�s in a000rdance with Envimnmetital Law. <br /> AF a�l fn thi�!'�'.�rnph 2�, 'H�z�rd!w��?GIhWP.I1Pl=��Alr"(FIASP�IIF�FIBAEX'A�Ir�lflf�Aa f4x�f!�i Il�iil�kl9 Bl1�91A11��1}� <br /> Environmental [aw and the following substances: gasnline.,cather flemmable or toxic petroleum producta. toaic . <br /> pesdcides and herbkides.volatile solvents. materials oonlwning ust�estos or famwldehyde,and radioacti��e moterials.As used in <br /> �his panrgraph 20. 'Envl�nmental Law" means federal lawa nrd lawa af ihe jurisdiction whero the Pr+upercy is lacated ihat <br /> rcJwte�o health,safdy or environmental protaction. <br /> NON-UMFORM COV�NANTS.Barmwer und L.ender funher covenant und agree as follows: <br /> 21.Aoodet�doni Retnedtes.Lender slwll give notke to Aomow•er prlor to soceleration tollowing Borrower's bnach <br /> ot any aoveaant or ag�+eapent In thls Security Instn�ment (but nW pflor to �oelerAtion under pa�ragrnpM 17 uNesv <br /> applk�bk Iaw provides oU�awise). The notlee sdidl specifyi (a)the de�iultt(b)the ucttan required to cure the dd'pult; <br /> (c)�d�te,nM les�than 39 dwys fi�om tbe dnte tbe notice is given to whlch tde detAUlt must bB cured;smd _ <br /> (d) tfwt fwilure te cure the deipult on or before the date specified In tbe notice moy result in aaeleration of the svma <br /> eac��ned by thi� Security Inrirnment ond sale ot the Propetty. The notia s1w11 further intorm Borro�rer of tAe Nght to ' � <br /> reinbtate aita�aoceleration end the right tu bring a court action Io�e�t Ihe non�existence ot a detRWt or eny other <br /> defe�se aP Bomower to a�xeleratbn and sWe. If the default Is not cured on or betore tbe dnte specitied In the�wNcl, <br /> I.ei�der, at its opNon.mpy requlre immedls�te payment in Full oi�II sums secured by this Security [nstrument without <br /> f�urlher danond aad mpy invake the power ot sxle and any other re�prdles permitted by appllcu6k law. I.ender shall be <br /> entitled to collect aU expet�ses incurnd in pursuing the remedics provided in thia paragrnph 21�indudiog.but not limited <br /> to.reasotwble wttaneys'tees and ca�ts ot title evidence. <br /> If thepower oi sale is invoked.Trustee shall rernrd a notice of default in each rnunty in which any pprt uf the <br /> Property is located and shall moil rnpks uf such notice in lhe manner prescribed bv applicuble Ipw to IMn+nwer�nd to <br /> the other person4 pr+escribed by opplicnble law.Atter the tlme requfnd by appUct�ble law,Tnn�tee shall give publk notke <br /> of sole to the persons and in the m�nner prcsc�ibed by applicable la�ti�. Trustee. �vilhout demand un Borrower,slwll sell <br /> the Property at pablic auction to the hlRhest bidder at the tlme and place end unde�the termv designated in the notice of <br /> sAle ia one or more pat+cels�nd in any order Truntee determipes.Trustee may puslpone sale of�II or any parcel of the _ <br /> P�operiy bypu blic announcement at the time and plece oP anv previo�ly schedukd �ule. l.ender or its desiqnee may <br /> purchase the Property at any sate. <br /> �,:,, <br /> Form 3028 BI80 - <br /> Pp�6 0�6 <br /> �d. <br /> ... . 57�7'1�v�s+-.�.+.�--n....-,.�i, —'l... _F�� .�F�n�; � S�r-; <br /> - iS-r. 5f'yf•±�j /{f i (� � -_^j� j�t "f��l�''y�� 1 r1, f� . <br /> xe l�'���.�{�i`��' �� r1 J r��•�(1S . - .. . _ ,� LI �i��f1.', '+2�: . A� #I�.�_ �Yfy� /���t�dt .�.%�' :,r - <br /> � '� ��PR����t�'�(,a �t„ti �' 1i' �, ������s.�. , �,i5':�• f,;C. �t f` ./1:.'�' . . . <br />_�'� ���'�it�i$Y1S'r�}�E4_s :L'!�'� _tu _���i�tSs.=''�1�_`X��l�.%Ld.i��.�.k:�� �R4artw�.�.'_�!.],ls�.�.� •1.4_?It tv',• .... <br /> ...,7Ht � i ;.__ . ._ __._ _.__- "____ � . .'___-1 _�5 r.. ,-J ._ . _ ... . . <br /> 'r a�' � '�; i �t�� . .. .,P <br /> � �_ • _ _ <br /> �'"'.F i>>`�, ' �� � , . , ,,�� , ,� !T . <br /> ,:j�ye���p�}"{ � . . � �k��c �'" �:.i5 ., �Li t :. <br /> t..- 1 1 �h �' <br /> 'Ti���J;�Xlsl �°�ICP�f' � � � I'1' � �, yt w-��• . 1 _ . ��`�� •� <br /> ..�� M t 1 : .� . , ; � � <<! fl� 4 +�� f� <br /> . � �1. 1 �4��, <br /> r .o�- ' r'� . . .. r . _. . �fft 7 i' t' t ..+ :ty '-- —" .. - r. }i� .(-. <br /> v <br /> .u.i� � ��owf.�e.�.�y.- .i_. ,� . �`'1r' • . .���f������ 4 y,��f . , � . . i .��,{t i t{1��_-. <br /> � .� . — -�. . , .r f 1`� � o � . . . �r( i 1•�r.. <br /> h.< �3.a5� . • , . . � ' � � ' . • .��� �' •1\� il� , �f�+}1�t� / r, <br /> `- - -e . , yY i Y -- s1f. . � �,3 I�{ >�r �r.r. <br /> �t . 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