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__ _. � <br /> W_ _ ....�� ., • ., , .�,�i�...,....�. . ��� , ,�� . ''`�r, . <br /> -- — .. � , ' � - <br /> �SR M1'�I�II t�f����11DM►Of�11MAIr�fMWa ql l�plIO�M'l�i.Md A11 M��� . <br /> �1�1nMa MIIM 0[ Mlfd� • P� � � ProP�Y• /111 I�p1�0�IMt rd a�d�R�Q�1 �MI) �110 1� 10�MM1� � � � ., <br /> - I�Ilt�t..Ait af the fon�oi�ir�viw�atf qo ia d�#s 3eautltY�as tho't�eope�t�.' � <br /> 10RROrvBle Qo�►BNAK1'S d�.c�nero�w Iwolha�f reil.a d�h.aub M�►aa�rerid rra Ys IM d�M M�aMt.�i <br /> ooevey da 1Mo�Mty�iod tWt dre l�npe�ty h wanaanb�rod.e�ccept l�a�aunbnMOrs d e�eoo�d.Barowu�a�rrrtt�wYl � <br /> �t�'��Y Ibe tltle to the Property�t all cl�faa�aad de�onW�.�i�Jeet w anY a��b�es ot neao�d. <br /> n#ISS s6cuunr n�l�"TRUi�IeN'r oo�abine.aitro�a oove�ata ror a�iaa�l u�e ona noa-w�irata oove�u wfea uo�i1�1 <br /> �bY 1�*�qion to ow�i�°�unitam�ec�rity io�nua�a�t oovaiu�rorl propaAY• <br /> [JPIIE�ORi►I OOVfsNANTS.l�o:'nPwer aad L,e�der covapa�t end Me�e a+follorw: <br /> i. !'+tr�red�f!'ti�dpl a�i 1�Mw'Nti P�+ep�R ted L�te CM�r�. 8ano�er �I�ll p�aa�tly P�Y �dw 16� <br /> p�pd of and intaat on the de6t evlda�ood by the Nate and anY proP�Y�+�We cl�a due wder Uio Nate. <br /> 2.P�i tar'h�a u�d Iawraex.Subjxt ta�ppliablo I�w�ta a writtan waiver by l�a�dcr� Bonawer�hall p�y w <br /> l,pder oo tbe dayr�ntWy paymaws�ue due ueder tho Note.until tha Nate i�p�W ia fLll,a am('F�ids"I far.(+�)�aar1Y tua <br /> �nd�aartaNs which m�pi au�io p'�od�Y over this Secudty UauumaN a��lien aa�bo PropeAy:(b)Yaui9le�wohold pyme�M� <br /> or�round t+d�tc on dw PropeAh�.6Ea�c:i�)Y�Y hwnl or prope�ty inwrmoe pranlum�t(d)Y�Y ���0°P�►�um�� <br /> U�ny: (e)Y�Y���P��•if my:�nd(�an9 �P�Y�ble by Bomuwer ta l.arter�in a000rd�noe wllh <br /> the provWon�of pa�ph�.in liw of d�e p�yr�au of mortg�ge insunuioa prcmiums.71�se itam �re a�bod"8icrow Ite�n.' <br /> l�der rta�Y•Rt+wp'�ime.oollart�d 6o4d Funds in an unount not w exaai tho mauiawm amau�■ koder for a feda+�lly <br /> �el�tod mortpge loan mq nequi�e for Borruwer's acnow A000unt under tMs toder�l Re�l Bwte Seala�e�t ihaoedu+a Act of <br /> 1974 at�dod from tima w ti�ac. 12 U.S.C.Sex�lu�u 2b�1 r�r seq. f"RE9PA").unles+another law that applies to tbe Fund: <br /> � �ets a la�cr�mount. If so. t.ender mry. at su►y Woe. ool{at and iwld FuMe in an amount not to exoead tho leaer unouot. <br /> _— — _-- l�ender may ectinwtc tha anouin of Fun�x due o�the inasis o#'�a�ui airia�u�t raa„-wble �cs of ex�ditum of futu�+e . <br /> F.saow Iterns or ahcnivise in acoo�du�oe with applicwble Is�w. � <br /> = The fiunds shall bc held in an institutiox whase dcpocits am inw�od bar a fedewl �ge�cy. iastruma�tality. or ent�ty <br /> (including I.a�der.if L.ender is such an irustiwtion)ur in any Faderal Home Loan�nlc.La�da'sl�all�pply�be Fw�dc w{my the <br /> Escrow Ucans. l�ender may na chuge Borrower for holding and s�pp9ying the Funds,annually iwly�ing the escrow�ecount�or <br /> � verifying t�e�.�crow Items.unless I..�ndar{wys Borrowa iater�t oo the Fur�ds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a chuge.Nowever. [,c:nder may requo�e Bomowe�to pqy a one-time charge for.un indepa�dent rcal es�ate tnx repording aervia <br /> usad by I.ender in cc��onectlon with thiS laan. unless applicabk law provides otherwise. Unlas in pgracmenc is made or <br /> applic�ble law requires inter�est ta be paid.Lender shail not be requirod to paY Borrower onY intercst or eamings on the Fwda. <br /> � gorrower and I,ender may t�gree in writing,however. ti�t interos[s}wll be paid on the Funds. Lender sf�all give w Bornower. <br /> Iwithout annual acrnunHnB of�he Funds,showiag credits ard debits to�he Funds and the purpose for which ach <br /> � debit to the Funda was in3de.The Fund�arc pic�lged ati additionaf secu�ity for a!!sums sansrd by slsis Stc�risy Instn:mes�t. <br /> __ � If the Funds hel�bp I.ender eacad the amounts permittod to be held by�pplicable faw,L.ender shall ucc�um�o Horrower <br />°�'i►�`1�' , for the excess Funds in nccordance with ti►e requir+ements of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds helc�by L.a�der et any <br /> � time is not sut�icient ta pny the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may so naify Borrower in writing. and. in such cme Bormwer <br /> slwll pay��o Lender lNe wnount necessary to make up the deficiency.Hornf�ver stuJl make up the deficiency in no mone ltwn <br />:;�' twelve monthly payme�►ts,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> _ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Ioslrumant. ILender shall promptly refuncl to Horrower any <br /> Funds hcld by Lender. lf,under parngmph 21, I.ender shAll ocquir+e or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisidon or sale <br /> __.��� of ihe PropeKy,shall appiy any Fur+r�ls held by Lender at the�ime of acquisition or sale as a c�edit ageinst the sums�cuKd by <br /> :— -- this Security Instrument. - <br />- 3.Applk�adon ot Poyments.Unless applicuble law provides otherwise.all paymeMs received by I.ender under purographs <br /> :` 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to uny prepaymeAt charges due under the Note;second,to ttmounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> - thitd,to intercst due;fourlh,to principal due; and Inst,ta any late charges dae under the Note. <br /> 4.Ci�rges;Liet�s.Borrower shall puy all taxes, assessments, charges. fines und impositians atlributable to the Property <br />- , ;�� which mny attain prlority�ver this Security Instrument, und le:►sehald puyrnents or ground renis. il'any. Borrower shall pay <br /> these obli�a�ians in the manner provided in pamgraph 2,ur if not paid in that manner. Barrower shall pay�hem on time directly <br /> � � to the person owod payment.Rnrtower shull pmmptly fumish to I.ender ell notices of amounis to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> " �t`1 �`` if Borrower msikkes thexe a ments directl Bormwer shall rom tl furniah to Lender recei s evidencin Ihe a ments. <br /> ��,+ ms p Y Y• P P Y P�' � P Y <br />`='��_���„Fj,� A`�-�"� Borrower shall promptly dischArge uny lien which hns priarity over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:lu)agrees in <br />- F. �{i.'t:. <br /> ,,`'��;:?tiit w�iting tn the payment oi the obligatirn secured by�he lien in a manner uc��eptable 10 I.end�er;(b)rontestc in goad faith the lien <br /> - --�� by, or defends against enforcement of the licn in, legul pnxeedingti whirh io the l.end�r's apinion operate to prevent the <br /> �j- 7;t�, enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugreement satixfuctary to I.ender aufiordinating the lien to <br /> :�c.:�±.,�+�,p�� this Security Instrumcnt. lf Lender determines Ihut any part of the Propeny i•.uhjcct tn u lien which rnay ntwin priurity over <br /> •��'}'I'� • '�" this Secu�ity Instrument,L.ender may give Borrower a notire identifying thr licn. &►rr��w•cr shall.a�isfy �he lien rn tuke one or <br /> .,Lr.��F:��, <br /> 4�f•,;s1�' more of ihe ectiohs set funh ebove within 10 duys of the giving of�otice, <br /> �.�i��`t�a ._ Fort�30s^o �IYO <br /> : '2'J ,� ,. <br /> � ��'' vpe 2 018 <br /> +'�' . <br /> . "'.�'t�.�' •�' <br /> i ff's;�•��,•: <br />... 1j:r;��nt.�!.. <br /> II��, i `,': ' ����k"+;s�"+�'r.j �. ;T:' . ... �-. <br />,_ ._J�•.; � <br /> ".;. ,' ' • • r` • r r, ' �,''� ��:�.�: ... :st_ ,. ,. ;�.•�,.,,;,' . _r . . <br /> { .'i/ v .. r• ...�,.- .,/,l.Fp ,r1'1. �. . j• '�• •y�.t:�. <br /> ' k 1r'iP•�„- � :',f��t'1�� �1 �f ..� , ' " ' .'` ' `'f`f'_'.1F'tFii J..t. `�f rx� . ... .. . ��. <br /> �L•'.u.�. ,i,as+f;,c.��.�2-_`,.i�r'.�� . , '�4`'ri' - ,i••u�,t•�..'iv'F�.�.{�4t'dLiolil���`�t�sYL�k4� �!�i_.3'v_. <br />---`_ ---- ' -`-� ---- ---._ ,- , - <br /> ` - <br /> a�■ ���W ` �4j� ____ _ . _""_ . . . __ _ . _. _ . . .- A 0:1��.:�•� , . • , <br /> � 4 ��M r�'. 1i i} � �� . • , ..- � .,• - _._.. r . _ � . • yl��)V '� . �.'� � � �� • .. 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