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�Y+tf'S•e.- m-�1�1+�P�►^^'_.--.-��:�}..'l".'.:': ---__ __ _ <br /> ' . .. � : �� ' ' a 1 i.. .':M'yµ"-'^�Sny�•���.�E�i��41i'_(1�i:�h�t4+�!/�.--r a =ww) .__ .. <br /> , '�'�i+���,;�..-_.�. <br /> . . .. .� �° <br /> „ , .,,. . ,, . <br /> ^��M IOA�'M Irq��IK�all�O�0���111�It�1t A01��MM "'����. �:_=`�''y=�-' <br /> .#�ll�t!!MM�M M�nt q�'on�Iq:ir��'�ti�oo�r av�r • <br /> - ,—1��,����� �.��������►-��,�II Ibis � ;- .:;�;:3�. -„ '',::� <br /> V�a�oe�ia wii m9Mwi �1�iii�tari�ilo�M 4�►. -.:: -.,.� <br /> n � !:�a11N.I,�nd�c�x��t m�n�4�w atrir u�oa�a�d M�om d 1!h!'raMaty.[�M�r�,/pnI � .- <br /> . 1M'Mwyf{NKtoe Ilt th0 fltlt0 0�or pf{Of b au�Illp�ip�Ip�C�ee�M�1bM pMIN for t�YII�IOOfioD. . <br /> ��• �. �10 ppJ00b1 Ot�► �1M��C�Ip�d�R1�01��h[C0�1l���II C0�{0�w�l �► <br /> p0�M�00 Or ol�Ilr t�l�O�M�{IIII O�1� ll�ty.Of��OOIIVOyn10��11 Wp 0��04 Mr�M��� <br /> ���M�10 LMI�f. .. <br /> �O bM N0�Ot�b1v t�Mj 0�1�10�]I�u10 QlIJ0001��t���IO��W 1�10 MIUI�IOG11�Od�I t�t�qit�►�fltlqMK� . <br /> Mhetbec or not dbu Aue� wltb u�y exaeu pdd to Horruwror. In dw event of� pttId uklu� of the Propetty la�vhtdi tbe fidr <br /> antl�et valne ottba Prapaty itmnediatdy beta�e the Wciu�b aqual to a�ratat tha�tl�e w�ount of die sumt�ecurod by d� <br /> 9eau[ty Iaq�waeat imendi�ely bdo�o 1he htin�.ude�s Hon+owar�ad I,e�der al6erwl�e a�ree In�vrid�y. We suay�ewned by . <br /> tba��eaniqr Io�teuims�t aW! be cadnoed by teo�rnouot d'Me pooeeds �auiltiplied by Wo fo11o�M►f�fiaction: (a)the wnl <br /> am�omit vf tb�o Maa��earood fuao�nodi�wely b�efvno 14a W�.ia�g.divided b�r(b)1ie irir q�rrlc�e v�it�e nf d►e P�ropcity irt�me¢a�l+ra�. , <br /> bd'are d�a t�tio�. My b�l�o�e sbrtt be Paid to Bormxer. in d�o�aat 4F a PnuW W3q of 1he Prope�tY ia�rh�cl► '` #�t'�:i:;.. .: <br /> niploet value o�E'd�e�rlf immqdiat'ely befa�e tho W�ing is�ia the��vftha em�rocnrod immodiNdy , ixc.4�t.`t:;.+,'�`.;��•''.F_._ <br /> I�L��YOIW Aqf4OWOr'�tl��Cf,�Cf b1�C�1►�OQ/SfEO�11 WfIHQ$tl�71IlId{8,�CAt1�UN Of�Q�1011�Oi•;�IC Q�.7i�'. '• ' .�.- <br /> bo�pplidd to:c�o'eum��ecurcti.4y tdis�srcurGt�Iat�wp�nt whetbei�nr�aot the eurae are�then duc.. �, . ,.�i..,� ,.� : <br /> , � ���Xf tMo i�rapaty f��Ctpaed,by 8onr�w�+ or ii',aftar aotico by t,end�r tu_8orravyer tha4.ths�co�afflt�to i�c l�n <br /> . ' �wiuA.or i�ls'�cLim for dMmogea, BotropGer t�i1s w cetppnd ta l.euder�W141►(n 3b.d�yo I$ftcr Ybe d�te. the Aodcb ia�ivcn, <br /> L�r ia��rt�cd ia rolkr.��d appiy'#hc p�tu.ut 4tu vpiiut�.riWer to rstarallon or rc�sa#r of the Prag�t�r o,t W Wa snma <br /> reaned by ttt+is Sxudty In�tuma�t�whet4er or rot thea duo.' . , <br /> Ualeae LeMer�od Borrowar othcrwtse ag�ee in wrldng, any applicuion of prooeeds to principl dull not eatend or <br /> po�tpone the duo date of the moathlY poymerrto r+eferrod to in parag�phs 1 aM 2 ur ctuo�e the airwunt of cuch payment�. <br /> il.Borro�er Not Rele�uedi Forlwranoe y 1�Not q Wolver.Bxtauian ot the Nme for p�ymau or modiflauloa <br /> of�atizadoa of tbe wmr tecurod by thit 3eaadty Irotnu�nt Qranted by I.rnda w nry�ucra�or in i�t of Borrowcr�lull <br /> aot aperste w nlease the Ii�biNtyr af the oti�inv Borrower or Borwwer•�a�ooeswrs in interat. ��hall not bc roquirod w <br /> oonunp�oe pr+ncaedinp�iwt ury wocawr in intere�t or rcfuk to euta�d tfine for pymait or otherwi�a modify amoN�tloe <br /> ot tbe wm� �anrod by this Secudty Inutument by ee�uon ot�ny demand mide by the orl�ind Bomower or Borrower'� <br /> a�ca�wrn in iataest. My forbannoo by [.ender ln exa�ci�in�any d�ht or remedy�lul1 na be a w�ivu of or proclude�be <br /> exu�cite of�ny d�ht or�anedy. <br /> 1Z. Saooeron aad Awi�t�Round� !dW and Savernl I.I�AHityi ��• 'llks covuunt�uid agramenu of thu <br /> Security Inctrument �hall bind and beaiefit We succeaors and wcQign� of Lender and Borrower, subJoct w the provieions of <br /> ptc�raph 17. Borrawer's oova�anta and agroema�u shAll be joint atd snver�l. Any Bomower who co-signa thi� Securlty <br /> Inahumant but doea not execute tho Note: (a)is oo-signing thia Secur�ty in�trument only to mortgagc.grant and coavey thot <br /> Borrnwer's intenat in tt�e Property undcr the te rmc of this Sxudty Instrum�u:(b)i�not peraonally abligatad w pay the swaa <br /> iocurad by this Socudty l�utrument;and(c)agroea tFwt I.ender and any other Borrower may agroe to extend.modify.fotbear or <br /> malca any aocommod�t�ons with regard to the terms of Ihls Secu�iry InatnuneM or tha Note wlttaut Uwt Bormwer's oor�s�cm. <br /> 13. I.oan 4'hat�ej. If the loan savred by this 3ocurity Instn�ment is subject to a law which se[s muimum loan ct�r8es, <br /> ond tlwt law ie 8nally interpretad so that �he i�terest or other loan charges colletted or to be colkcted in 000noctiaa wltb ibe <br /> loaa osceod the permittod lirt�ta. then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the�nnt a�ssary to reduce the charge <br /> to the parntitted limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Bortower which exceedod perrrrittod limits will be refwided to _ <br /> Bore�nwer. Lrender may choose to make this�fw�d by reducing the principal owad undar the Note or by mnkjng a�irect <br /> payment to Borrowor. if a «fund reduces principal. the reduction will be treard as � psutiel prcpayment without any = <br /> P�Y��eharge�ader tlin Note. <br /> 14.Notloa�Any nodce to Borrower providod for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by majling _ <br /> it by fi�st class mail unless epplicable lew requires use of another method. 71�e notice shall be directed w the Property Addreas <br /> or any other add�+ess Borrower designates by aotice to Ixnder. Any notice to L.ender shu�l be given by first c1a5s muil to <br /> L.ender'e nddress stated hercin or any other addresa [.ender design�tes by noticc to Borrower, Any notice provldod for in thie <br /> Sa�uriry Instrurn�mt shall be damed to have boen given ta Borrower or Lender when given as pmvided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Goverqiu� Lww; Severability. This Security Instrument shall 6e governed by fodera! law ancl the law of thc <br /> jutisdlction in which the Property is locatod.lri the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> oonfliMS with applicable law, s��ch rnnflict slull �wt affect other provisions of this Securlty Instrument or the Note whicb can be _ <br /> givcn cffect without tl�e conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instn�ment and the Notc are dcelarod - <br /> w be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Bomower shell be Etiven one confom�ed rnpy of�he Note and of this Security Instcument. <br /> Fam 3028 9fB0 --- <br /> rap�a or e — <br /> ��.,.�,.�y� ., ,y r- ._.:_ _.__.. . _ ,r_ . . - f�,."L!"s� - .. • _ <br /> '�.Y --�-.-ir r;�. <br /> _-�:.�?�.� � �. . .� . , ., � ' . ; . _ . - �;,f 1;�:� .� _:.�. .��`� ., : . .. . • . . <br /> ...---°",r�, .,:. • '� • � ' . <br /> �i�.1:� . .. - -_—:.�.w•nn(���1{�� � ` .••15�1f�:.-s3ih�i�h�1ti�FL1k�J�Lv=-^ - <br /> ._ _ _._'� -. _.- -'_-_,-: __'� _ _' --- ___ ___ -- --_-_—_-_ __-_-_._ ._' . <br /> ---._""l�� ••. - - �• , y. i._..-.:r-:.-.�� .--'- - _ . . -� . <br /> . � �_�i-w��.f7�,.LZR��'. t . . 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