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.. . ,. . . , � ..a <br /> u�;�� , � � . ., � 1 . ::w� .. <br /> .. � <br /> N.1Yi�e.r lin l��.>wfldr til...�t 1�tl.�r�e.It.0 a Met ar ai.t�nP•1y ar..y i�w�t�i�I� . <br /> a�old ar trwlYend(ar it� IaA�rwc ia da�a�wrr i��old cr a�Virnd�ad�lo�oc s�lernl/�uaywW�e <br /> t.ea�ar'�pt�t wdtta� oqesati. l�eoder miqr� M ilr aptlai� iarMii�pay� l�dli af W � w�Me�r1l�i1iY <br /> G�ONI.fiowwaa�i�i.�olnn i4�pOt be o��i Le�M1et U ize��b�bs"!E"!eN l�+r Ml�l!!!!'d�? . .,__. , <br /> o(���italrument. ' <br /> I�Lar�der exe�ci�a thb aptian.l�qrdr�h�ll�1v�e/ormwar ao�ioep��ooekrMlao.t6e aotloe d�il a perlud pI uot� , . <br /> leu th�n 30 days ham!he cwte tbe notba f�doiira�ed or nMiled rrrMAin w►hicb Hari�er mo�t py rnmr secand b�►dd� <br /> Secudty Imdumaat.U Borm�ret fiW W pq diere,swnt�tior to die eupiation of lbis�Mr�MY imd��uY�� <br /> po�nittadby thh la�auir�ent Miltwu�A�efl�e[no�lop or deawd on Qorrnwar. <br /> 1l1. l�errw�e�'s� b R�MMe. it Bosow�r meats ae�Wn aouditlom. BotroR�er t�ll blve tde d�ht w h�ve <br /> anforaemeM of thi� ty la�trun�di�ooadaued�t wy dnie pripr w tbe earlier of: (�) 3 dqrs(or such adier pe�iod ar <br /> �pplicablo uw mey q�ocify far rafn�taaau)befaro wle af tbe Pu�aunt to +unY Powor of ale oontdaed !n thu <br /> 3ecudry I�sttum�aU;or lb1 eniq►of a judgmeat eufatdng tdie Secutit�►pn�t.71w�e conditiotu u�e ih�t HotraMeer:(�) � <br /> maU <br /> L�eader tll �uau whicb tl�ea would bo due uader tlif�Socu�ity Ia�auaaeot ad Ihe Note�if ao aooelentioio�b�� ? <br /> aua aqy defwlt of wy Mha'ooven�au or�gc�eement�: (c)WD�s�II�L�cuc�ad itt aofa�cirt�tNa.Smqw��'►� , <br /> . including.but not lim.itod�so�wbk attorna�rs' fas:�und(d)Wms such action�s L�eader m�U►r��a�bl�!'r�oq�W,tr�e <br /> th�t the liea of ttiis Socudty Iaeuument.l.mder s rights ia tha Propaty aa�Bwrower's obUg�tion w py We aqq�sacu►+' •' •.,, <br /> � � �•..thia Seqirlty La�uiiinent,�h.11 continae�uncdan8ed. Upon �ei�tp�t by��Harrowsr. d�i+ Socurity.,iast�enc ��iho .. •.,�,:;, <br /> � '' obli�qtiAnc sei�icad.heroby s1w1!�remaia fally effective�ah iP.nP acxelaration riad ocou�+�od. HoweYUr�thi�rIght ta�it�trRe�aill '�, <br /> nM�Y in 1h8 Cas�of accelerationuader P�B�Ph 17. •. � ' • . . . <br /> ' . x9. Sde oi Net�i�,�!q[�.oi�R.o�a 3ervtcer� Tde�Nat� ot A partial'iaterest ia tAe Now (wgetdds"qrtth tliie Secnriry <br /> Iastrument)may be sMd opo ur mutb tltnes wltbaut pdor notioe w Horrower.A awle taey result in a chat�e in tiKS aWlty(lu�uwn <br /> os the"I.oan Servfoer')thot oollecte manthlY PaYa�ts due urtdar thsa Nou aad thie Security L�shument.Thero alio maY be oue <br /> or more chpn�es of the I.opn Servloer w�nelpted to a s�le of the Note.If thare ie A cfunge of tbe I.oan 3ervfoer.Hormwer wlU be <br /> - __ —– <br /> Qivcn writte�rroUce of tha change!n s000rdenoo wlth puu�mph 14 Above�nd a flc�blo I�w.Tbe aotloe wW wto die runte�od <br /> °_-- �ddrcse of 1ho new I.oan Scrvictr wKi th���ass to whtch paymetus s�aot[td m�.17�ttat�cc w!!1 al�rxsnWn aQy e�lea _ <br /> infornution roquirod by�pplicable I�w. <br /> 20. Hwt+duw Subp�nne�. Borrower�hall na e�ur�or pennit the pramice. u�e� di�paW, ua�ge�or robs�e of�ny <br /> Hwaudou� Subsuncas on ar in the Prope�ty. Barnowcr �hdl �wt do� nur dlow �nyona el�o to do. �nythin� affeotln� 1he <br /> Properiy ttw i� in violMlan of any BnvironnKmal l�w. Tho preoedln� tw��aMonoea d�all nat y w the pia�aioe�we,or <br /> — Kar�a on Ihop�ny ot�mdl qwuNltics nf Hwnbur Sub�W�ea IhiN�re�enernlly ra�o{ni a be�ppropdMe w nomrl <br /> naldenlirl wcR wd to nuiMenuk+o oP�he Pmperty. <br /> Borruwer�iWll�ramptlY�ivo Le�dcr wrincn notioo af any inve�ti�tlon.culm.dmmnd.I�w�uit or o16ar�ion �ny <br /> Qovernmenql ar te�u�tory ngency or priv�toputy fnvolvin�the Praperty�td�ny Hvordau Sub�ee or Anvlro L.�w <br /> aP whioh Borrower iws ac�wl knowlod�e. If Hon�nwcr Icarnr. or i�notifled by wny governtnen�l or reaulotary wuthodty. th�t <br /> any rcmovnl or olber remodiwfon af any Haraindous Sub�tanco aflcctin�tho Proporty ir noceuRry. Burrower�tull promptly uke <br /> all nocecr�ry ncmedfal Actions in acco�dence with Environmcntal I.ow. <br /> As ssscd !st tltiaparagrsph ?A. "Haza:doss� Subslsssces" srr thoss sub�te�cx��fined �n tnzic ar huendoua subs��by <br /> Bnvironmenlal I.ew end the following substences: gesc�Nne. kerosene. other tlemmable or toxic petroleum producta. toaie <br /> pesticides and herbicfdes,voletile salvents.matedals oont�ining asbestos or fornwldehydo.and radioactive materi�ls.As used in <br /> thisparagt�ph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal lows end lawa of tho juricdiction where the Property is located th�t <br />— _ rclato to health.sef'ery or emironmentel protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further rnvenant end agra as follows: <br /> 21.AaxlerAtion;Itemedles. I.ender sludl give notke to Borrower prlor to�elerAtlaa talbwlug Borrower's b�cb <br /> of any wveqont or agreement in thls Secu�ity lashument (but not prior to aoceleration uader p6 17 udess <br /> n <br /> A�IIIqW!I�w�N+OYI1�CS Otllfl'WISC). T�IC IIOt�CC SI1f1II SpE�IPy: (p)tI1C 1ItfAW�; N) ul!i1CtI00�'Cqtl� �O G11�!�1!�YUIt: . <br /> __��=__l�,:;� (c)A date.aot les.s tlwa 30 days trom the date the aotice is givea to Bo�nwer,by w6kh the det'ault must 6e cu�+ed:�utd <br />=�`� - �� � (d1 tbat fAilure to cure the defAUlt on or betore tbe date speciiied in tlre aotice may tesult b AooderaUoo ot,the sums <br /> '—'������,,�,!',ii;;;� r,�ur.ed by this Security InsinMnent and sale ot the PropeMy. The netice slwll tlurtbe�inYorm Borrower oP tt�r�IgM to <br />;��r��.-.,.� r�eJnstute a(ter aoc4leration ar��the right to bring A court xetion to AsseK the nun-exlsteaee of A detAWt or aaY othec <br /> _�,���_ �epense of BorratisQr lo wcceleratbn and sale. It the default is not cared on or be[ore the dsUe epaciQed In the notia, <br />'� • .. '�� Its option, mpy requlre immadiaRe payment In f�ull oP uid sums secnred by this Secwrity I�ment wlthoat <br /> , �.= �° f�rther demand and mwy invoke the power a�sute and any other remedles permitted by applicp'bie law.Lmder ahall be <br /> ,.�°$��'F` entitied t�collect all expenses incurred In pursuing lhe remedies provided in thla pera�rnph 21,inclwling,bat not Nmited <br /> . a�:s.,w�=•� , <br /> �: .Y ,;: _, __ ., to,reasotwble attorneys tees and costs oP tltle evldence. <br /> 4�y�..,ti;. .• , It thepower ot sale ts imoked�Trustee shrdl recard a notice ot defAUlt in each wuntv in which any pa�rt of the <br /> �, a�d•.• � P r o p e r t y i s l o c a t e d A n d s l u d l m p i l c o p i e s o f s u c h�o t i c e i n t h e m A n n e r p re s crlbed b y a p p8ca�le law to Botrower and to <br /> ��-�°�::�:� . ;� the other personr prescrlbed by applicable law.Af�e�thc time requlred by applks�ble low.T���stee shall give pubNc notice <br /> — --��`""'; ;'• otsale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law. Tru.gtee. without demaad on Borrower, sdWl sell <br /> --��- ' �`' � �= the Property at public auctton to the highest bldder at the tlme and plece and under the terms deslgtwted In the aottce of <br />.-,��5 ��i:�a.., ..,, <br />_�+.�.,,�.�;. ~ ''� sale ln one or more pancels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may pn�tpone snle oP aH or any parcd ot the <br /> =�'- =`16ad`'�= Pc�perty by publk annnuncement at the time and place of anv prevbusly scheduled sale. I.ender or i�5 designee may <br /> '��° � '-.'` ;��si purchase the�roperty at aay sele. <br />���`�'��u,s.�}�F <br /> �,. ,� '�%►i <br /> �..�ra...= ... ,_4. <br /> =a#`��,�;�`,_�::�-�; <br /> -.•r.� -, .. ,� Fun��3028 0100 <br /> '•�•,`.� , .� <br /> Pp�8 0l 6 <br /> ,�,p,� <br /> St.�i's.... .. y <br /> r� %.-� � `'�?.� . <br /> ;::�,4�..0,'c �! <br /> ��'�- `1:"� - <br /> '�;'r5 rl���:,;t<M���� i•.�:J' � . . . . ."w'_—�-�'—'_y .. - - --- - •-._ <br /> . ..y yi. <br />_ "lY!L� . 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