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� .,- -- • •: <br /> �--�--^---�----- -- ., . ' _ ... ,., , .. . • -• . ; . ur� . , •. . ;' : . ..••i�+�::, <br /> • . . ' . '���• ".ie'rs�.l�r"'�.. <br /> . . � , <br /> I ���� ��� � �� � � ����� . <br /> .������!,�-�M�I��M�Mllt �1�111�d11d�� a�d�l�� <br /> • '�M�0►AOOa�. Mf MI��/1�N�M�MMO�.1��0���1M��1�0�1Dp1p MI��01'(�10� .. - <br /> •���K I�IM��M �C�T�K pfi0'V�1�10��1�f�lOM11�►�011�W�Y�MI�IQ�MI]�AM�Of���f�Y� <br /> 'WIIIdI�MIJ YDt b{ r1111�M�lAt�. I��1lOM�0��f rD �COYM����lOY��LRf���.M�L��� " <br /> .q�f{blj�•p�p arirf��1`A pfOMCt L011ddf��1'l�'�II tbE�10Nily'��OOi0f�M100 M��1�Mfl�7. . . <br /> 1��1MOIMOb �Md fMMM��1��b0 100���0 b T�II�K Mld 1�� fpC�O�'�I�d QlOffj�O C��M. �A�If �� <br /> �irll�w dw tiRMt lo Add 1M polide�aqd reoew�lb.[[i.eoder neql�iro���ofrow�x�1!pr000ptly�tve t0 I.endet n!1 noripl�o[ <br /> Prid paqiva�ad reatwal aotla�.In tbp a�ent ol lan�Bornawor�Wq�N q�oopt no�in b Ws inanoa cwri�r�i L�Mr. <br /> �,mu.or n�ay proor or au[aaae p�aapdy br BOCto� <br /> Ua{e�I.adar aid Borto�ver utl�a�vl�e agnee ia a�ridn�.iasunuioa pr000ed�i1Mll be�pplfed to rator�tion ar n�ir of d�e <br /> Prope+i9�iad. if the rato�atloa or�epdr is acatamic�lly iGaribk�nd L�wfrr's�ea�dty ir dat Iena�ed.It the r�auotNtioo or . <br /> �pit i�not 000aomic�Uy feuiblo or I.eader's�xudty wauld bo lesiaiod.the inwr�noc p�oceed��lull be appUed w�h�e runr <br /> �ewrod by tbis Seau3ty In�uua�aa. wlKtlkr or not tlia►due,witb sny exau p�id w Horrowa. It Horrowar a6�odonR die <br /> Pmpe�qr.or doa uot u�wa withia 30 days a antioe fros I.eeda tWd the!iosurmoe�rrk�bs of�'ened to saqle a ddm.t6en <br /> taodc�t mty oolkct tho iewt�oce pere�ed�. L.ader mary u�e the procoods w te�ir or reatae tf�e Prop�arty or w pry s�ma� <br /> sowrod by�his Security Iapltumiaat.wb�ther ar oot tlia►due.TAe 30�dty pedod wjU 6egin w1�m the notioo is Qiven. <br /> Ualeaa I�ader�ud Banower othetwise #g000 ia writing� �ap+�QP�ic�doa of proceeds W p�iacip�l,�ll not�et,00d oi'� :,,�, <br /> patponc the due d�of tha m�thly paiymems ncfurod to im ipu�r�pde,l;�nd 2,or ch�nge the amo�f of�tba•p�ng+a�erixa.�L�F , ;� . <br /> qoder p�ra�r�pd 21 the.Pioperty i��oquired by Lender,A6r�u�rer's rig6c to aury iiw�it�aioe potiC�t��ad`�noc�d�re��+tih'g�r�a • <br /> d�ge to the P�+!*�'�i�r ttf!hs aerpieitio�«1�4'!�tt►��:t�e+�'n�tlre:c�uant�of tlic sums�eatt�od.4Y�ihis��curitj+Lat+ruak,aU,�� �. <br /> immedi�te!!�'�ridir av wl�e Aqqaisitiaa. ' � . � � � . �•�� . � <br /> ' 6,(3uC+�ioa�cy,C'kb9b'v�tttoa,14i�9nRdnl�o!�ud H'dectaon ,of t6e Pr�up�tyi Bt�trower'e� Applk�allopi i,ewse�o�di: ' , .� <br /> ' :, �RTonxawer sV�iU oceu p y,e.qabUsfi,ancJ nse�he�'roperty es BoROwa's p�neipal residence wit0i6o siaty daya aRer th'e execution of <br /> � this Secu�iry Insdumuit md thall continue to occupy tho Pmperty ae Borrower'a pri�dpAl ratdeaca for at least one yem d t u <br /> 'the date of oxupan�y.ualeas L.eMer otherwisa agnrs in writiag,which wnseru aludl not ba uoresconwbly widil�eld.or unleas <br /> outenwNpg ci� e�ist ahich a�e beyond Aorrower'� control. Bormwer shWl rat datnoy. dam�ge or iatpair tha <br /> Pmperty. allow the Prope�ty to deterlorate.or oommit waste on tMe Pmperty. Burrower sludl 6o in defwlt 1P any forfeiWe�e <br /> �xion or procoeding, whether civll ar begun�hat in Lender'R gaod f�ith judgma�t could rewlt in forfoiture of the <br /> Propeny or athawi�e m�terWly lmpair thc lien crcated by thi�Securky instrumait ar Lender'a sacurity iiuerest.Bormwer m�y <br /> cu�e wch a defwlt�nd rdnst�te.�provided in pwraQaph 18. by cau�in�the�cdon or pr+uceodinQ to be diuniaed with�rulinQ <br /> . slad. 4n L!a�le�'!ga�d f�ith det.umimtian, pr�ecludes forfeiwro of�he Barrower'r intei+at in the Pnnperty or o�hor nuta�l <br /> impoirment of tho Ilen croatad by thi�Secudty Inurument or L.mde�'s �ocurity intenat. Borrower�tull dw be in default if <br /> Borrower.dudng the los�n application pnocerx.gwe mpterGdly f�lse or inaocurate inPornution or�Iatemmb to i.ender(or failed - <br /> to provide I.ender witU aay material informwian)in rnnnection with�he lonn evidenood by tha Note.including.but not limitod <br /> ' W,n:prese�UUions oonceming Borrower's occupmey of the PropeRy ns A priocipal�sidenee. If thle Securlty In:tn�ment is on a <br /> , leasehold. Barrower shall onmply with all the provicians of tMe lease. If Borrower acquims fee tiUe w the Pmperty. Ihe <br /> laicehold and the fee title sFwll not mcrge unless Lender agroes w Ihe mcrger in writing. <br /> 7.Protecdon ot Leader's Rights in the Prope�ty.If Borrower feils to perform the covenants and agroements contained in <br /> thic Savrity Insuument.or�here is a Icgal pracoeding that may significanUy affect l.ender's rights in the Pmperty(such As a <br /> proceeding in bankrupccy, probate. for condemnation or torfeitu�c or to enforcc lewa or rcgul�tions),then Lender may do and <br /> pay for wt�tever is nocessary to protect the velue of thc Property end Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include payfng any surns sxural by a lien which has priority over this Security instrument. appea�ing in cou�t, paying <br /> reasonable attarneys' fe�.+and entering on tha Property to make rcpairs. AlUwugh[.ender may take actbn under thie puragr4ph <br /> 7�I.ender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbureal by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becnme additional debt of Borrower secured by thls <br /> Socurity Inswment. Unless Borrower and [.ender agree to other ternu of payment, these amounts shall bear interest trom tht <br /> date of dis6ursement at ihe Notc rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Bornnwe�requesting <br /> PA9��. <br /> 8.Mo�tgage In�uranoe. If l.ender required mortgage insu�ance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Insuument. Borrower sholl pay thc prcmiums r�equired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effert. If, for any reason, the <br />__ mortgage insurance covewge required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bnrrower shall pay 1ha p�emiums requined to <br /> obtein coverage subatantuJly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effert,at a cost substantielly equivalent to the <br /> cast to Borrower of the mortgage insurana previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurcr approved by L.ender. if <br /> substantiafly equivalent mortgage insurance rnverage is�mt avellable.Borcower shall pay�o [.ender euch month a sum equul to <br /> one-twelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsod or censed to _ <br /> � be in effoct.i.ender wili tooept.use wKi r�etein�hcse paymenls+� a lusa re�rvC io lieu �f �uu�i�age inaurwx.�. [.v�� rzserve <br /> - Fo►o,aosa sreo <br /> Pq�9 018 <br /> ' -�- --�_ssn ,r:,i^.. ... . _ :.ctt,,.'rR.ti'1.'r'.s. t,!.',t ' �•f:N: � + . _ ,. . . <br /> �%�y'�jS....� f" . .. 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