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:_ , __—__ _ ,.- ...,..__ ' ' '.,,,.L:-- .. .. . • �. . ����z J, ,a.ttG"a__ <br /> ��R�I�II i�M IA�O��t�M►0�YMM�It�OM�lf#MM�ty.M/rI�.�f1�� ' <br /> if�asM �:hlli0db� � pMi Ot Iw OM1DM'{1►• � M/� � �fjOd �IM rq � Ob`Yr� y � �- ,. <br /> ��id.AtI 41f Ibe�fo�oit�b�at.iva3iis ta{lt��.�i�li y�7.M. et�S�G'!4�'!�►.' „.—,::..,..._._ _- . <br /> �ORR+O'W8R G�01i�1AM!'�i�t�a�o+�r is Ir�r1Wy�M�d d trs�Mrt M�j aarr�d�lMd Mr tM ilril te Ni�t arf � d�... • <br /> co��r Iba lfnaprtq a1d t6�t 1be lnoperty!t tmaa�abwrd.��M�at teao�ed,Dolt�iwr'.�r�nll,wlM .. , <br /> bli�d/eoenlly tb0 tit10�c fbe lfnpe�ty�pM1t ull CW1nR Im�dal�ads�wbJeR b�eY�Of n0oed. � ' <br /> 77l18 SE�:tllittlTY IN�'RUMBMI'a�mWr�a unifae�cavan�na tor eu�tiond wa�ad sowaito�n�orrairib w��i <br /> �„d.nh�by jnd,diaioa to co�te�untGxm�urky 6�a�nt oorerlue�ProP�Y• � <br /> UN1�01�11�CQV8NAN�'S.Bamwer And Lerider coveuw:t wyd�aa tollowa: . <br /> 1. tir■Mie�t rrMei�l,��ria LM.r.�ti Pr�p�r�w�t ..i Nts C'�. Bormw�a dntl a�o�aptl9 P�' •rbea aw qr <br /> peioeipd ot�ad intamt on the debt evidaia�d by tha Note�od aa7►PropYmeM�nd I�te ch�r�a�ua�wder d�e Noee. <br /> �.lYNd�tor Ta:a�ud ia�uesaaQ. Subject to�pplicable law or w�wrlua�waiver by l.a�der. BonoMer�b�ll pry w <br /> Laxla�on t6e dry monthly paymau��u�e due uMer tha Naa.untU the 1Votc!s p�id in fi�ll,a wm('Puads')for:(�)YmiY o�u� <br /> �nd aNwmaw which ta�y qt�in priorfty ovu thic Sxurity inabumau�s a li�o aa tbe Propetty:(b)Y�Y�P�Y�+ <br /> or poond ra�b on Iha Propetty.iP�ny:tc)y�iy�o�ww�y+�,�Qremiva�:(d)yearl�flvod in�naa P�aniumt� <br /> if mY:(e)Y�Y�B�Be inw�ance p�emwmi.ii aiy: �nd(�rmY�P�Y�b bY Horrowa w Leoder. ln�000rd��oe wltb <br /> tho proWdom of p�r�gaph S,io lieu of tha p�yment of mart�sa insar�noe ptmoiva�s.71KSO ite� am pllad'EtcroN Itan.' <br /> L�aidex auy. at any dma,oollect and hold Fwnds ia an Wnount not to exoeed the m�ucimum a�aunt a kndet for�fedaaOY <br /> t�el�[od ow�tp�e lan m�y aquire fa Bonower's escrow aooaiat urrder the fedeial Real Bstxto Sottlana�t Prooeduros Act of <br /> 1974 As aoaa�ded fiom Nme to time, 12 U.S.C.Saxion 2601 a seq. ('RE5PA").ualeax�a�other law IfuM applia w the Fwd� <br /> ,��a�rs at�ks�'surwud:•If w. L.eMer tnry. �t wq�r time. oolkci aad hotd �widt ln�n p�bbuN•�wt ta,ex�ct�ed the lesccr�noouat. <br /> �. :.�,dcx sn�ea�iu�a�:�he aaxwat ol �unds��u the isaiis of a�rc+cn�c d�t+ar�d.�ra.cixisi43lc cs�+�:�r+'i:r�yr�tdi�w'���, ' ,; -' <br /> � . Fscno►v?f7e�intoratberwi.�e•i�xcoidanocwi�ap�lieaMe�aw. � � . . ;. , ;,',� ,. <br /> � . 'il9�e Fua�Js sba0�:be E�e9d �in aa�iastitutii►n yvAose de.pos�ts are 3nsured �y a icdernl ager�cy, Ins7��Jiry, ar'eniisy � ��` <br />• � ,� (iacG�W�i�yg I,ender,jP 1�e�1c➢er�ia sucd ap ata�¢itwoic�p)o�r'In am}'�F+.dersd FHmme 1.oAt�BaarBc. :Lentler s9�ai�ap�0y iQae Funt�s�o pa�r W�e ' <br /> �sct+�w IteMa.Le�may'pot�hstge Buxaower for halding and aq►plyan�tha 8unds,�a��uaily am�ly-cir�tl�e esciaw ucoou�t;�+r <br /> verifying tlio Escrq►v Itertls,pnless I.ender pay�9orruwer inte�est on d�e Fands did�applicsb]e t��v,p�rm�te L.ender ta.•m�e su¢b' • ,��. <br /> a charge. However,i.ender may require Harrawer w pay a one•time clierge far an ind�pendept�al estate taz rcporting retvfce <br /> usod by i.cnder in oonnection wlth thie loan, unless applicable Isw provides othcrwise. Ualcas an agneenxnt is mode or <br /> y�plipble law requfnes intenst w be paid.Lender shall not be roquircd w pay Horrower any intereat or tarnings on tho Fw�ds. <br /> Borrowcr an�l Lender mpy Agroe in wridng,however,that interest shpll ba paid on the Fwid�. I.ender siull give w Hormwer. <br /> wlthout charge, an annlla�exounting of the Funde,showjng crodlls and debits ta the Funds and the pu�pose for whicb a�ch <br />� debit ta the Funda wa�made.The FuMa aro plalged ae additionai�ecurity for�ii ams savrad by Ihis Savrity iradr�bt�+t. <br />', lf the Funds hcld by l.ender esceed the amounta permittod W be held by applicable low.Lender shall account w Bonower <br /> for tho exoe�Funds in avcardan�e w1�h thc rcquir+emente of applicable low. If thc amount of�he Funds held by I.e�de�at ury <br /> Umo is na wiflcient to pay Ihe 8scrow Item.c when due, l.ender may su naify Bomnwer in wrltinp, wch cue Borrower <br />' dwll poy to Lender Ihe amount na�ry to m�ke up the def7ciency. Barrower chdl m�ke up tho defickncy in no moro tfya <br /> twelve moMhly�ler'ri tinlc df�crc�ion. <br /> Upon pAymont in full oi uli �ums nccured by�hi�►Sau�ity Instrument. I.ender shwll promptly rcfund Io Bomnwer any <br /> Funds Iteld by Lcidcr.If',uncler parag�ph 21, L.ender stwll ucquire ar seU the Properiy.Lender. pr�or to the acquicition or sale <br /> of the Pr�uperty.F{wll Apply any Fundc held by I.ender ut the timo of acquisition or sale oc a credp ageinct the wmc seeutal by <br /> thia Secu�lty Instrumem. <br /> 3.Applkatbn ot Poyments.Uidess applicable luw provides olherwise,all payments receivod by Lender under puegraph� <br /> 1 w�d 2 shall bc applied: first.�o any prepnyment cherges due under the Ncxe: second, to amounu payable under par�graph 2; <br /> Ihlyd,to intercst due;fourth,to principal due:and las�,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Clu�es; Liens. Burrower shall pay ull taxes, s�sessments,charges, tines and impositions anributable to the Property <br /> which may atwin priority over thiF 5ecurity Ins�rument,und leasehold payments or ground rcnts, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> these abligadons in thc manncr providod in parngr�ph 2, or if not paid in that manner.Barrower shall pay Ihem on time directly <br /> to�he person owed paymc�u. HoROwer�hall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices af unwunts to be paid urder this puagraph. <br /> If Bomower makes�hese payments direcUy,&►rrower�hall promptly Pumish to Ixnder re��eipts eviJencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shnll promptly discharge any lien which hac priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> writing to the payme�t of�he obligation secured by the lien in u manner acceptuble to Lender;lb)contests in good Faith the lien <br /> by, or defends ugains� enforcement of the lien in. legal proceeding� which in the l.ender's opinion aperate to prevent the <br /> enforeement of the lien;or�c►,ecures fmm the holder of the lien on agrcement satisfurtary to Lendcr subordinating the lien to <br /> this Securiry Inslrument. If l.eixler determines�hut uny part of the Propehy is subjec� to u Ifen which muy atwin prioriry over <br /> this Security Inctrument, l.ender may give Borrower u nolice identifying the lien. B�muwer �hull+uti+fy�he lien or take ane or <br /> more of the ac�ions sel fonh above within 10 duys c�f�he giving ot'notice. <br /> Form 30Z8 �/90 <br /> Pp�7o16 <br />� �- <br /> - - -. -,. :,",:.-RF,�vef'T�ii='�!"i-T3V..-....�N�AL _ F��i.:AhfRiilE�tl�•'tl�MYLM4v�iTe�F+' <br /> _!1�'�'� y � ' . . .. � . .5 � � . . <br /> :",r:f::a; .�_.�,;i:i.� .,�x.=ab�a\�•s'.� 1 �t .:u,E"e�'rfr���.,7��4'eis'=•. �.�r�So':t�"�; '�`.:.1' +:��'F�'i�tN� <br /> •.... .. <br /> ' `--- - `-` - ` — - - - <br /> �-`�-;g - - - ---------- --- --- -- - ---- - -----`- ..--- -- -------------- ------- - --------------- ----- <br /> � o_�_ _ <br /> - ...F.'�:fr. . �Sb..LV , . . � � ' <br /> ��a'�''^. +,r",W!- • . , <br /> .�.rs�d +.:;�i1::..:.�... .��: . � � � <br /> ,� ! �i r�si i.p��ql��y S � 1; ._ � - � ,- . ._ . . - . „_ Tl` �y ` . .. _ _..-- �-- � -. - - <br /> -..evir e���1�1�.�` � t � yi� 7'�. : f � � . . . T ..-. • ,- . 't . . <br /> rnl�y�}��{{�� k�'��'t!:.::�a !4 i .,� � � k �i r . � .� �i r ' <br /> � 1 � t �t�,i� l ql� •� � � '1�•:�, ' �� i �1 i . <br /> `�`lS�ni t ����� ti !��,,,a� r� ,y,. � � � K �� .v.,.s 'a, lv:.„r.`- �vu�tr �! <br /> 1.-,5.�j.�y i .i ���� � '1��(�( {i+` ' � (��.1}R�51.`- h�:t �� �i� r, ,;.,.��fi^•�;:• { _1,: A "'Yr 1 �1. '. - '�� . ' � . <br />--�li��f�}tiFTti '�rfl}f����.h���`f4�'� 17i '•I: i��6�� ��( -�i� '� i��t. 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