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� _ __ . <br /> - _..�...,,,.� .: ,� .. . . . .:,��:. . ►�•._ --' �, >„:-� <br /> . . ,. � ., ���� -` <br /> r, <br /> . � . . , <br /> p,�y�mqr�q la�b�ncpirad.�t tiw apia�ot i� nratt�ya GMUraooe gpwe�a tla t6e�nonnt ad!ex�he period <br /> �t l.wodec raluire+?P�Py�bY���PP�'0d bY�w�n becco�ei wi�1�bM Nd 4 bb�ai�d.6onow�rr�IMiI pq► <br /> tMp�.•�d�r�quiNed��nriw�in n�o�e�s i�ur+�aon M w po'rid��bu�cdrw�..wiW dw r�quinanmt tior aaoitqr.--- _ <br /> "ie�rMOit eM�ia�000rda�oe wilb�ny wrinen�roanait batweea Hormwar�nd L��.ar�Iia�M 1�'• . <br /> !.A�q�Noio. [�or its�ent n►�y nu�ke re�o�ble aNrN�apon�nd larpectioer�of tbe Piqpoty. I.�wler ib�ll sivs <br /> 9at�o�not►oe�t the dme of or pdar to�n intpeatlon�pecityina rauon�ble cauie for d�e iarpealau. <br /> 10. OoMewrtM�. '�1ra procaedi of�ny �ward or cldm for duru�c�� diroct ot� ooru�ec�ba with any <br /> ao�donu�tbn or od�er takia�of�ny pat of tLs Propetty.or far oonvayanoe in lia ot ooademnation.�ro berrbY u�i�rd+Mad <br /> �ll be paW to I.enler. <br /> In 1he evaot of a toW q�ai d�o Pmpaty.the pr000ed�dall be applied to tho wnn oea�rod by thit 5ecurity Inpnuneot. <br /> w}�ther or not then due. witb�ny o�cceu paid w 8o�mwar. Tn tha nvent of�putl�l t�kina of the Pmpaty in whtoh 1he t�ir <br /> rnukot wlue of the Property immedl�tely befare the toldna I�eqwl to or��aut tlum tha unount af the wrtu�ocurod by this <br /> Saa��ity Uutrunxnt inunedi�tely befo�+c the tticing.unleat aarrower and i�onder othe�wlee�ren in wridn��the sunu eecurod by . <br /> thio Sccu�ity Inmumatt sh�ll bo neduoad by tbe aniount of tho praoeed� muldpllod by the folluwin� fraction: (�) �he toW <br /> xmouut of d�e sunu soairod immodiWely.before 1he trking. divided by(b)tl►e f�ir muket v�lue of tha Pmpetty immodWdy <br /> bdore the ta�ing. Any bal�nca shall ba paid w Bonower. In the cveal o��puti�l Wcing of tho PropeAyr in whid►dk Nr <br /> nnuket valua of tlie Pmpaty immediatcly beforo the t�king is leas thaa the aan�oiu►t of 1he surt��xurod immediNely befae tha <br /> takiag�unless Borrower and I.endcr othcrvvibe Agroe in wdting or untess appliciblo!wN otikrwlse providcs,tl�o pr0000d�slnll <br /> be�pplied to the sums acurocl by this Secu�ity Inctniment whqher or not d�o sums�u�e thea dt�. ' <br /> If�he PmpMy is abandonod by Rnrrowcr.or if.after notioc by Lea�tb$axuwcr that the co�demnor o�'ers w aadce�a , <br /> a.rud or settle a claim for dampgcs. 8urrowcr fdla to�+espond to GeMkv within 3U d�Ys+dter thc date 1he no�iaa is�iven; <br /> l..eader ie auttwrizal w coliect and apply the pro�e�s,at its apt►on.Citf�C� tu rCStorntiex�c�r regair of the P�aperty nr tn tke semn _ <br /> s�eourod by tbis Securily insuument,whether or not then due. <br /> . Unless Lender ud Borrowu mhenvise agroe in wricing. eny applicatian of proc�ecds ta p�lncipAt shall not exta�d or <br /> ' postpane the due date of the monthly payments referned to in paragraphs 1 and 2 nr change the amount of such payments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not R,deaad;Forbearanca By I.ender Not a W�iver.Exte�ion of the dme for payment or modlfication <br /> ' .catamortization of the sums savn�d by this 5ecurity Instn�rtKnt granted by Lender ta nny successor in interest of Horrowcr shall <br /> ;�ot operato W rclease the liability of the original Barrower or Borrower's auccessors in inu�+est. Lender sball not be requirod to <br /> 'c,onuaenoe proceedings against any suaxssor in lnterest or rofuse to eatend time for payment�x ottierwise modiPy amoKiuulon• <br /> �oi�lhtl � �� by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mede by the original Borrowcr or Horrower's <br /> suo�essora in intercst.Any forbearance by I..ender in eaercisia�eny right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or procludo thid <br /> e�se af any right or.remody. <br /> 12. Siuoeescors and AFSi�ns Baundi 3oiai wai Several Liwbiiityt Co-stg�ters. '!'!�c cavs�sts a�c!sgrxmeists flf slils <br /> Security Instmmcnt shall bind and bene�t the succesiwrs and assigns of I.ender and Horrower. subject to the praviaions of <br /> patagraph 17. Bornower's covenrutts and agreements shell be joint and severnl. Any Horrower who ca-signs this Secudty <br /> instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgago. grant and oonvay thet <br /> Borrower's intarest in the Propetty under thc terms of this Securfty Instniment;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the suma <br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that[,ender and any other Borrowcr may ngree to extcnd,modify,forhear or <br /> rnake any accommodations with regard to the tertns of thie Security Instrument or the Nate without thet Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. I.orn Chprges. If the loan secured by thia Security(nstrumem is subject to u law which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colle�ted or to be collected im m�nection with the <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to tt�e permitted limit;and(b)any sums altratdy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lender mny choose to make this refund by reducing the principnl owecl under the Note ar by making a direct <br /> poyment to Bormwer. If u refund r�xluces principal, the reductlnn will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> pre�wyment charge onder Ihe Note. <br /> 14.Notices. Any natice�o Borrower pruvided for in this Security Instrument shull be glven by delivering it or by mniUng <br /> it by first class mail unless upplicable Iqw requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the PrapeAy Address <br /> or any other addres.S Horrawcr designates by notice ta Lender. Any nolice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other aJdress Lender designutes hy noticc to Borrawer. Any notice provided for in this <br /> ' Saurity lnstrument shull be deemed to have been Qiven to BoROwer or Lender when given as pmvided in this parngraph. <br /> 15.Goverai»� I,aw; Severability. Thic Security Instrument shall be governed by federal IAw and the law of'the <br /> judsdiction in which the Propeny is Icx:Ated. In the event that anv provision or clauge�f this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with Applicable law,such conflict shall not nffect nther prnvisions of thi�Security Instrument or the Nate which can be <br /> �iven effect a•ithout the con�licting provision. To this encl ihe provi,ions of this Seruri�y Instrument und the Nate are deciered <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borrawer's Copy.Bonower shall be given une cunfurmed copy uf the Note ond of this Seeurity Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> Paqe 4 oe e _. <br /> _ __ Li , uf R, • ��,j _ <br /> .:4�;;' 'E""o-•� .'. <br /> '_ /M1ry)����.�-L/�[44-1'v . .. 7�P� 1 � 1! .. ": '� .��� �+�•-��" t1y'� . � <br /> o,���.. �_..l eajit��l � �j ���,ill _. .- - .., ��;�r��r1:+�1'��'jt j,1 r.vy . 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