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- -�- __ _ ___ ____ _ <br /> _ _-______ _ _ . . <br /> 93�,�� , ►. .. . . <br /> � 17.�'r�tir�t tMe 1'repKty or�DemAcid Inta+at ip Bomower.If dl or�ny piurt of the Pcq+erty or�ny lnuro�t In it <br /> I�sold o!d�miRrad (ar it�beaetfcW intero�t in 8ormwer i�ald or t�uu�errod and Hote+owar 1�rt�ut a nNunl Penon)withaut <br /> lradrr's prlot�oo�t. l,�ide��n�y, �t in► npti�xi, n,qu!ee ImanedlMe pymont ia tWU of dl wrn�recund bY thf�t <br /> d�yLtitt�tu�eml.Ho�vrver.tN�aptloa�ti not be�xereirc�i by LtadcP if a�cericisa re prafdbftr!bp l�erc4!�r t+et Nn dw <br /> 5�curily ImOivaia�t. - <br /> U I.ender exaM�a thii option,l,ader�11 ive Bormwer natiae ot�ooelor�don.7t�e ac�lae ahWlp�ovWe a peeiod of Aot <br /> las th�n 30 d�ys fFpen the d�ta�ho notlee b del�veied o► m�ilad wit4ln whkh Bormwer mwt pay dl w�w recu�+ed by lhir <br /> Sewriqr Imuumeat. It Borrower fiila to pRy tl�eao wm�p�w Ihe expira�ion of thl�period, L.aidar a�y invoke wy renMdia <br /> perniiqedb�r thl� Sxud lmtnune�M without tb�tl�not�oe or dainnd on Bortower. <br /> l�. liaiov�r's �lg6t to Rd�tue. If Eormwer mxts c�erhin oondition�. @ormwer �hall havo the ri�ht ta lu�vt <br /> anforeaneat o�tld�Securlty I�tnuna�t di�continuad at nny titno P*br to�ho es�rlier of: (o) 3 d�ry�(ur w�:h�ther perlud as <br /> �pplicabb law ncny speciPy for reinstatemwtt) before wla of the Property punuont W aay puwer af a�le contdned in thi�t <br /> 5ecudty Incaumenr,or(b)entry of a judgment enforciag thjs Socurity Iraaument.Tix�so roMidons ara th�t Bormwer.(a)p�ys <br /> I.en�ler�II sumo which then would ba due undar thia Sa�urlty In4tiument�nd the Note�s iF no wccekratlon had oocurrod: @) <br /> curos any d�faelt of any other covcnants or agrecmente: (c)p� a all expen�a lncurned in ent'arcing this Secu�ity T�ut�ument. <br /> including,but aot limited w,reacoaeble auarneys'fas:and(d�tAkes such oction as LGr�der rrwy re�son�bly roquioe w�asure <br /> that tha 8et� oP thie Sacudty iasp�utnent.Lcnder's righls in the i�opercy and 8orrower's obli�atioi►to p�y it►c sutna securod by <br /> thie Secu�ity L�swmcnt ohholl contlaur anchan8ed. Upon t+cinstatement by &xn►wer. s Sei.-urity Insuument and the <br /> obligatiune secut+ed hereby ahvll remain Polly effativo as if no ecoeleruion hd oocurnod. IMwever.tids ri�ht to mi�wate shdl <br /> not apply in the cace of acceleratlon uoder�wragcaph 17. <br /> 19. Snl�o!NMe� Ch�n�a at I.opn Servker. 'I'I�e Nac or a partial interest in the[�ctc (togetFier with this Sxu�tp <br /> Insttument)raay hc sold onc or mor�times without pdor natice to Borrower. A sulo may�+e.celt in a clwnge in the erMity(knowa <br /> AB tI10"t�cwwn Servioer")that collects monthlY PaYmxus due wder the Note and this Secunty Insqument. TAcre also may De one <br /> or more ciwnges oi tha Loan Scrviccr unrelatad to a�alc of thc Note. lf there is a clwnge of the l.oun Servicer.Barnower will be <br /> � oivM writtrn n�ice�f�he chen�e in�lamr•witi�parngraph 14 above and applic�ble law.Tiro notice will state the name wd <br /> addrcss of the new i.oan Servicer a�d the address to which payments should be made.The nuuca wifi also cantain any o�er <br /> infomiation required b applicable law. <br /> 2p. Hwtt�Mous �. Borrower ahal!a•a1 �ause or permit the preser�ce. use. disposal. storage, or rclease of�ny <br /> �la7ardous Su6stances nua or io the Property. Borcawor shall not do. nor al�a+� anyone else to do� up��tyuaig affecting the <br /> Prope�ty thr;t i� in violatiun af any Environmentnf'L�►w. The pre�ding two�entence.s shall nwapply to th�presence, use,or • <br /> storage un thc Property cif small quunieties of Hazardaus Substances that aze generally eecogniud to be up�rupriatc to norn�al ' <br /> residen[i�l�ses�nd to maintenance af tfie Ptoperty. <br />, Bor��wr.r shall protqplly give i.ender wr�t:r��notice of any invcstigution, claim.demand,Iswsuit or olher action by any <br />; govemmpn�tul or ttgufaianr agency or prlvate party irvo�ving the Property aml any Hazar�dous Substance or Edvirorunental taw <br /> of whicA'Bonower has actua! knowledge. If Horrower Ieams,or is notified by any governmentel ar regulaeory authorfty, that <br /> any oeiqoml or other remediation of any Hararduus�7�stuncG affecting the Property is necessary,�Bar�ower shall prompdy toke <br /> all neoeSS�ry remedial;�ctions in accordance with Envimnmenlal • ' <br /> AQ u.t.l in �his peragraph 20. "H�eardous Substances"ur�those substances defined as toxic or hawrdaus substances by <br />'i Environmenta! L.uw And the following substances: ga.roline, kcrosene, other flammable or taaic petrdeum pinducta. toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides.valstflc solvents, matcriuls containing asbcatos or formaldehyde.and tadi�aclive materials. As uscd in <br /> thiaperagraph 20, "Environmenwl [,��w" meana federal laws and laws of the juriadiction whcrc the Property ia located that - <br /> relote to hcalth,sefety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Aorrower and I.ender further covenant und agree as follows: <br /> 21.Acceleratton;Remedies. I.ender siwll give notice to Bonrower prior to aa�elerAtion tollowing Borrower•s breach <br /> oi any rnvenast or pgn�ement in this Security Instrument (but not prbr to saxelention under pwragraph 17 unless <br /> oppltca6le law provides otherwi�sel.The notice shall spociiy: (a) Ihe default; (b) the Action requlred to cure the dtfault: <br /> (c)a date� not 1�Zlian 30 dnys trom the dete the notice is�iven to Borrower,by wbich t4e detoull must be cured; nnd <br /> (d)thAt tailure to cure the deipult on or before the date speclfled in the not(ce may resdt in occderatbn ot�de sums <br /> secured by thtv Securlty Instrument And sale ot t6e Property.TUe notice siwll further inform Borrower ot t6e ri�ht to <br /> ref�utate after siaelerAtion ond the riqht to Ixing A cou�t actfon to pssert tAe nan-existence ot a defi�ult or ony other <br /> defensc ot Borrower ta ucceleratlon and snle.If the detault is not cured nn or before the dnte specitled in the notice, <br /> Lender,at its oplion,mpy require Immedivte puyment in Pull of all sums secured 6y tMi�Security Instrument without <br /> further dcmoaa ond may invoke the power of sale and�ny other remedtes permitted by applicable law.I.ender siwll be <br /> entitled to collect WI expenses incurred in pursuin��i�e remedies provided in thts{wragaph 21,tncludin�.but not Iimlted _ <br /> to,reaso�wble aUorneys'fees and costs of tille ev�v7ence. <br /> If tbepo wer of sale is invoked,Trustee shAll record a notke oi'deFault {n cach county in whicb any part of the <br /> Property is I�cated �nd sholl mail caples ot Ruch notice in the manner prescr�bed by appllceble Iww to Burrow�er and to <br /> the other persons prescrihed by applarable la�v.Afler the Nme required by upplicable law.Trustee sl�ll give public notice <br /> of sele to the pe�soos And in the manner prescrlloed by applicable law.Tru,trr, without demand on Bnrrower.shall sell <br />� the Property at publtc aucNon to the highest bidd�r at the time and place anu�under the tenns dcsigaated in the notice uP - <br />' r,wle in one or rnnrc pancels and in any urder Trustee determines.Tru�tee ma�� postpt++� �ale of ull or any parcel of the <br />� Property by public Announcement ut the lime and plwce of any previously srhedutetl wl�. Leader ar�its designee may <br /> �n�ta���y at�ny s�e. <br /> i <br />� <br /> FOtm 3028 8180 <br /> Psp�5 al 6 . �. <br /> -----. 5�••-•---•-^r,...........:e-........., . .. .. � , .�.- . - . -�..� . --�..r�...�w-,�fwv.-`-....-.��+w+�-.L��-t.�.�..�i�ewc.u���rrt'�i- <br /> ���)�.L���,F.� � . _ � �� � ...., r ,:` I 'L : ' , t. <br /> i._ <br />. . S-}��� � � fr�- ' � � ,� - . ' ��� �•...,.^��f�sh,���� �f� . . . � <br /> � ""''s,�^, ,!ul.s'+:.7'_ ._�titi'�1rs4L��'s,�.�.,�A�:S.�'� .iS�._ �X��In:��i.�:.i:.__ <br /> ' - - - -' - <br /> ' <br /> . - ta*7$"�" � -.__.. . - - —_'T- ..._—� � - -- ----,- ----- .- - �- - -- ------ ------ ---- - --- . <br /> . . �u �' ��'r t , , ,.� � /, ,� u - '. �11�r` . � ... . . � . <br /> --_ _.s,.�:.1�1Wr1��;�r .,,a4. . � , . - .� <br /> - � r r. ..� i� . _ __. . <br /> . '�� - _ -_-. r ar.�v V+xscr� � ' --� -�- ''���i�� .. _ . . --� -- �---°—'_ -_ � <br /> .�,4'_ g+_. .� - , . , ��• ' . • ' . �t <br /> -"�.� . � . ..'•' . . <br /> r����1;�j w�. y%. 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