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T _ �. . <br /> . <br /> ... ��—__ • i . � .� .•�;INi=_-�.�...'" <br /> .���1� . �,�.�_�. <br /> a. H�w�1 rr rrn�q u��e.. saro+�►x �u b.p u�e ir�p�v�me�.�. �o�w .� or MrwtMr.naed oa !ho . <br /> PirnpaAy in�u�+d�{deM IoN br 11re.6+Wrda ieduded�vithin�be teroa`atnaided oavara�e'aad wy►atber IwranM. Molt� <br /> tloada ar!lee�.--- ------—--�'�e�i�+l�tta�.��•�►�!!!-!���#ti tho a�atAts rssQ!be d�p!�o�ls - '- ._ <br /> ,� .� U�M L�ndw r�in�.'iti i�o�c+e arrriar p�+avidl�Me inw+MO��6�11 be e6o1�+n by Bfan�wor w�jecx 10 i.eewler•��ppnw�l <br /> � MhkL �11 nQt br�arb1Y wNfiheld. It'Barow�r t�W b�iaWn�oMee�e daK�ibed above� Lrdrr�qr.�t Landar'� <br /> opt{on,obqir,a,een�je a p�wxt La�dar',dghta tn the P�o4ayy in a000rdanae xitl►p�nQ�ph 7. <br /> . AU i�wnnoo P��rod�aaowal•�lail be aooepl�bk a t.eidor�nd�11 iadude��ndad mo�ye ciw�e.l.ader <br /> �bdl b�ve tbe eijM b add die pdides and ramw►�Is.iP I.aider roqulrca.Honrow�a,�fW!proa�tlY dve ta��aider all reoeipta d <br /> Poid Wemiuun�prx!reacwa!notias.!n du eve,nt of toss.Borrowu sfy!!�ivc prawpt aotEoe w i4e inwmrsce aurler and l.aider. <br /> 1,Nder m�y m�ke proof pf but If nat m�de pnnoiptly by Bmmwer. <br /> Unleq I�ad�x�Ad 9ormwer atherwl�e a�roc In writin��irou�anoe prooeeds�hdl be�pplled w roAoration or�apdr ot die <br /> propmty da��ed.If the�toradaa or rq�ir i�000nomic�lly fe�ible and L,ender't cecudty i�not leuaied.U tbe�Mio�n a <br /> re�nir i:no!eoonadca�ly faulbk or Laide�'��cudty would bo les�cnod.tho in�u�noe piooeoda�11 bo�liod w tAo suaDe <br /> �eairod by thi�Sa�dcy lasaumait, whdher or no[ then due. with any exoes�,�id to Bonnower. If Borrowir+�bwndan�N�o <br /> property�or das not aiuwer wlthin 30�+ys n natia from Lender tlmt the insura�atrrier h�as of'!'lcred to s�ttle s claitpi.tl4�i• <br /> [.endcr may ooll�cx the inwranoo p�0000da. l.a�der ma�y we tho pooeeds w rep�eir or natoro the I'nopaty or w pry'�:�}�' <br /> �ocu�ed by this Socudty lasduma�t.�ri�a�or na tqea duo.Tha 30-day p�riod,will begin when the eotloo is�ivaA• •'��' <br /> Unkss I.eo�ic►�nd fbrrower otherwlse�qe i��wriW�g, �ny applics�tiae u�proceeds to priacipa! a�l� not eateM or : <br /> poppone the dno dMO of Ihe monthly p�yrments rp��!r�r�'to in pu�raphs I uurll G or chwge the+imount o�'�the pqym�nts. if <br /> uoder p�ragrap6�1�hc Property is�are�t by I.cixter�Bonowrr'�o ri�At ta�i►y l�aiurance policies and pruceeds resutti���mm <br /> danu�e to�he Propa�Y Pio�w the�a{y�u�r�idoa shall pnas to Lender,m tiu wct�t�oi,the a��oaired by this SaudtY lt�umwt <br /> iavaediaWy pr�or w tbe acquisitioq. . . � - <br /> f.Oocuprui.y,Pnaa'valloo.Mpintm�noe sawY�+ut�cdRn.of t6e fh»Pa'�Yi Born►wer'�I�opa AppYicaZdan;Leweboldr. <br /> Borrower sIW I occupy. atablish.and use the Property aa 8o�mw�r's ptfncipal residena wittiin sixty i�ys u�ter the eueculian of <br /> • thls Secudty Imtrutant md e1wU oontiaue w axupy the Proper�y as Borrower's principal residenoe foa� iut leant one year:ifter <br /> ' � the dato of oxup�y, unksa l.ender a�henvlse agroes in writing,tivldch oonsent stwll not be a�aircas4nitaty'wld�hcld. ot uhlesa <br /> e�ctenwdng circunwuwes e�st which aro beyond Horrower's coatrol. Borrower shaU not da�trny. c�aQnage or impair the <br /> . Property�allow the Property to deterioretc, or con�rnit waste on the Property. Bomawer shall be in det'au1�if any forfeitu�+e <br /> • �ctlon or pmce[ding,whether civil ur criminal. la begun that in Lender's good fai�h judgment could result in forfeitun of the <br /> Property or otherwise m�terially impair the lien cn8ted by thia Sacudty Instrument or Le�der's socudty intereat. Bomower mey <br /> ' cure such a defwlt�nd provided in Qaragraph 18. by c�uaing the action or prc�oeedi�to be dismissed with a ruiing <br /> that, in L.ender's good;faid�dctcrmination, precludes forfeitq�e at the BaYraaer's Interest in the Property or ather materW <br /> impoirnrcnt of the iien crcatod by ihis Security Jnstrumcnt or�i.cntier's security iircerest. Borrowcr siwll Also 6e in de�auh if <br /> Borrower.during the loan application pracGS.s.gav�muterially fulse ar inaccurnte infortnation or statemenxs�a Lender(or falled � <br /> � to provide I.�rder wlth any nwterial inforn�ation)in connection witU��he loan evidenced by the Note.inoluding,but not limited <br /> to.representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property ac a pr�ncipal residence.[i lhia Securlty Instrument is on a <br /> Icasehold, Borrower stwll comply with all the provisions of the leasc. If$arrower xquitea fee title to the Property. the <br /> leasehold and the fee litk shall not merge unless l.ender agree.c to 1he merger in wdling. <br /> 7.P�otecUon et I.ender's Rights In the Prope�ty.If Borrower fails to parform the covenants and agreements wntaiaod in <br /> this Savriry[nstrument,or there is a legal pn�cealing that may significantly affect l.ender's dghta in the Property(such as a <br /> proceeding in bu�lcruptcy,probate,for condemnation or fo�feitu�e or to enforce laws or re�[ulationv).then Le�der may do and <br /> pay for whotever is neassery to protect the value uP thc Propeny und I.ender's rights in the Praperty. L.cnder's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Secudty Instnrment, appeAriag in coun. paying <br /> roasonabb attomeya'fers ard entedng on the Property to mike repairs.Although l.ender may take actio�e u�ulrr this paragraph , <br /> 7.I.ender doas not I�ve to do so. <br /> Any amounes disbursed by Lendcr under this paragraph 7 shall bocome additional debt of Bar�awer secured by this -- <br /> Security Instrument.Unkss Borrower und Lender agree to ather terms of payment, these amuunts shall bear intere.ct from the , <br /> date of disbursement at Ihe Note rate and sMell be payable, wilh interest. upon notire from Ixnder tc� BoROwer request�ng - <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Martgage I�u�nce.If Lender required mortgage insuronce us a candillon of muking the loan secured by this Securiry <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requi�ed to n�aintein the mongage insura�x�e in effect. If. for on� reswon, the <br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender IApses or ceases to be in eff'ect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtein coverage subslentielly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,ut a cost substantial9y equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previcwsly in effect, from an ulternate mortgagc insurer approved by L.emier. If <br /> substandally equivalent mortgage insurnnce rnverage is not avpilubl�,Bomiw�r shnll pay to I.ender each manth n sum equul to <br /> ane-twelfth of�e yarly mongage insu�nce premium being paid by&�rrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> be in effect.Lender will ecccpt,us�and ret�in Ihese payments aw a loss neserve in lieu of mortRa�e insurance. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3026 9/�0 � <br /> Pq�3d6 � <br /> . � — <br /> �r�`��F�'�;� "9T:�'�A1I�V11�71h.. . , _. <br /> �vY;��(�` .. � . . 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