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�.�_-� _ <br /> . . : ., . . ., �. . �•s0�ti� .. , ��� �� �.. _ <br /> . '�+Qq6�l�it a►rfH aA a�e impnawasrb now or�a.a oe�r pnpNlYti«�a.0.w�ls.�Iw�.a�1 <br /> A�ws �ow� tK hdne�Aer � pA d t6� p�prety. AU nplaaawa�r Md additbr �11 ala M oorwMd b�r IW �o�riq► � <br /> i��l1t AU.4f d11�toeyoi�4 h ai�n�d an{�►�9•��!�i r�Eh�s"�+'++;�tY.' . , . <br /> �DRi�O�►RR OQVBNANT�dNt lnroirrr i�YwlrYy MiM�d dM MuM Iwnby oow�r1�t�ri*t 1o'A�et+Md <br /> oc�pvsy IM l�rapaty aad drt�ho Prop�y u anao�vmb�r�d.�xc�aP'�for aw�b�ana�of r�oad.brro��enaU aM wN! <br /> erfi.a�noenuy 1he sue co ine Propaty�io�t�I�cWaM ana a�nnna.�wl►,j�a eo.ny.oca�b��ao�ot noora. .. <br /> 'f7iI3 S�CURITY 1NSTEtIJINBNT oombine�unifotm oavaawl�tor n�tianl n�e�rd aoiwdipm oov�wrtr rid�II�Md <br /> v�ni�iar by juri�dlqlaa to aoaititote a ueitbnn�eairily imtnaned oov�It�re+l prop�rty � <br /> uMAOR1N oovelvAKrs. Bon�a a�,a t.ader oove�a�.nd.Broe o rouo�w: <br /> 1. !l�rNt at Pei�cip�l�1M�+Mti Pnpq�wM�rM I.Me CM�. Bomnwer �!W 1 pra�ptly PI�Y w6ea dw IMs <br /> Priodp�l of atd inta�mt on tbe de61 avWa�oed by the Nate and a�y p�roprymdnt�nd IMe d�r�a due w�der!he Na1a. <br /> g.I+had�tor T�uca wi Itia4sooe. Subjoct w�plic�ble 4w or w� wriva�waiver by�.aider.BornwMa�11 p�y a <br /> La�de�on the d�y mc►nth1Y p�ymenta ar�c due urder the Nota�unljl lhe Ndo is paid in(WII,�a�m ('Pur�")tor(U�Y� <br /> u�l weun�entc which may w�iu priority over thi�Security lnuumau iu�liai on the PmpmAy: lb)Y�Y���P�Y� <br /> or arouad n�an�he P�operty,lf�ny:(c)Yeuly ht�ard ar p�cpat�t iaw�ee pe�emiuma�(d)iro�r1Y flcad iiaunmoe peardum�. <br /> if+�qp:le)ya�r1F�B+Le in�ooa paoaiums.iF�apr:�nd(f}+�w�ow P�Y�ble by Borrowa to l,eoder. in�ooardanoe with <br /> Ihe p�ovkioas�f p�gnph 8. in llau of We p�ymaia of mr�vg�o 6�suraoco p�niuma.These ilem�uie allod'&ccow Itenu." <br /> I,ender may.a�ny dmc. aolka ad hold Fuads ia an�aaoiuk not w cx000d the maximum�rnount •le�der for�federally <br /> reWad mortg�e lan aa�y roqwr+e for Hon+�wer'�eac�a000ua uoder Ibc fade��!Real 8st�ta Sealanau Prooedun�Act of <br /> 1974 as ar�ded from tia�e to wiae. 12 U.S.C.Sectioa 2601 ei seq.("RESPA').adas�nother I�w tlMt applks to tbe Fundi <br /> �a lacer atnount. If ao.lander may,at any titae. oollect amd t�oW Fuads in an�moura not to excaed Ihe la�er atnnunt. <br /> Le�tdcr m�Y atimatc tbe anaunt of Putds duc oo tde b�eii of amrcat d�ta sod�omble ati��et of sxpn�didin�of� - <br /> B�cmw Itans or atherwise ia sccorda�ca with applic�ble I�w. <br /> Tbe F�mds ahall be held in an i�titudon whosc dcposits ue insurod by a fader�l agascy. insuwtkntaliti• or er�tlty <br /> (inciudiag l.ender.if I�ende�is wch�n institution)or in any Federal Homc Loan&mk.lrender�wll�ply the�unde to pAy Itie <br /> Escrovv Items.i,�a�der may not chArge Bortnwer for holding eaf appiyin�the Furds,�nnuoliy�lyzing�he escmwr a000unt.or <br /> verifyin�the Escrow Iterris,unkss I.ender pays Batrower ir�t�:nst on tAae Funds and applicable uw permit�L.ender to make such <br /> �chArge. Novrever,l,ender may r�equiro Borrower to pay a onc-tinle chur��for an independait rrAl estate tax rcporling servke <br /> used by [reMcr in cotukcdon with this loan. unl�.cs applicable !aw pnrvides othcrwiic. Unlas an agaement is mde or <br /> �pplic�bie!aw�q uires interest w be paid, ixnaer shall pat be roquired W ps�y Borrowe�any intenst or tarnings an the Funds. <br /> Bomower and LeiWer may Agnee in writing. however.thei interest slwll6e paid on thc 1'unds.Lender shall give w Borrower, <br /> " • without ciwrge, an em�ual aoGwndng oi the Funds.showing credits atd debits to the Funds utid the purpose for which e�ch <br /> �tQ s!x Fussd.4�:�as assde.l7x Fs�sls arc F!�-�d as addltionel s��ty�'nr ell+?�nna��red Ay�hlx Securiry tosorument. <br /> If the Funds held by l.snder exaeed the amaunts permitted to bc held by applicable law.Lcnder s4ull account to Borrower <br /> for tha exoess Funds in accorciunce with the requirements of applicable iaw. [f the amount of Uie Funcls held by Lender�t any <br /> t�me is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lxader may so notify Borrower in wdling,end,in such cusz Borrow¢r <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount nocxssary to make up the veficicncy. BoKOwer shall make up the deticiency in no more tMan <br /> twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sok discretion. <br /> Upon payment in fLll of all sums secured by this Secudry imstrument. C.cnder shWl prornptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Le�der.If, under paragraph 21, I.ender sha�9 acquire or sell the Property, l.ender, prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcdit against the sums securad by <br /> lhis Security Insuument. <br /> � 3.Applk�atlon of Paymeats.Unless applicable law provides o�herwise,all paymenu received by l.ender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall bc applied: any prepayment churgcs due under the Note;second, to amounts p�ayable under paragraph 2; - <br /> interest due; fourth,to principa!due;and last,to any late chergea due unde�t6e Note. _ <br /> 4.Charges;Lie�. Borr�wer shull pay all taxes,a�.ccsstnontx, churge.v, Pincs nnd impositlons attrfbutable to the Pn�perty <br /> which may attain priority over tfiis Security lnx�rument, ancl lea.cehold peyments or ground rents,if any. BoROwer shall pay <br /> lhese ubligations in the manner provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in tfiut manner.Borrower shull pay them on time directly <br /> to the person a«•ed pnyment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcncler nll notices of umounts to he p.�id under thls paragraph. <br /> If&►tcower mukes these payments directly. Borrower shall pmmptly-furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the pat�ments. _ <br /> Bonawe.r shull promptly discharge nny licn which ha�prinri�y over this Security Imwn�ent unless Bonow�r:In�ngrees in � <br /> writing ro iha puyment of the obligution aecurcci by the lien in a m�nncr acceptuble to Lender,(b)conteats in g�wca daitfi the lien a <br /> by, or defendx•ugninvt enforcement of the lien in, legul procecdingti wfiich in �he L.ender's i,pinion operu�e to prevent the ° <br /> enforcement of tP�:lien;or(c)arcurcti fmm the holder of tl�e lien a�agrerment,•rtisfartory to l.cmte� subordinuting the lien to <br /> this Security Instrumem. If Lender determines that any part of the Property lx subj��ct ta a lien which may unnin priority over <br /> Ihis Secu�ity Instniment, Leixler rnay give Barrower A nutare idernifying the Uen. Borrower shsdl s�tisfy�he lien nr uilce one or — <br /> more of the actions set forth atK�ve within 10 days of the�uving of no�ice. _ <br /> Form 3028 9fY0 ~ <br /> P�q 2 016 <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> - a,,,-.c— .-�> e�.'�!�j.'. ._ _.,. •"�_'_.'_L�?�"�.,,�n r i- .. • � - >r, �. .r yr�' . <br /> 'T . . .w A�'� .c���. .. . ' <br /> :�� � �. .� . ) u�� . <br /> . _�'.` � .'�t „ - . - �• . -s . . . _ '_'�''�c`}i..::WS!;�; ` - - .. , .. . .. <br />._'_'.'%4:�_ - . • . . :.,'. � a.'lq. .�. �� �. . . <br /> .. v.••• .x�•:��. 'YPte: +!a. :.�?ti, ":Liil'xiY!f:SV�7ulJ[�tlIIi16'!'��u�Yt<:eY:2�:. •�: �)�1.. <br /> _— ___ .._'�. . _'' _'___.. _ . _' _ ' _ _ _ _ <br /> _.�a, .i <br /> _�- .. .,____. ._:.- - -__ __- . __ _____ __ '___-__.____. _..__ .,__ .__._' ..-; _ ____ _.. .__- -'. _ .,__ .. __-__ —____... <br /> .41"• . . . . ' . ' � � . . . , . . <br /> __-':"�.. :� _ • . ' �� _ • � . , .� � . <br /> � .yfc.r^'` ...-'.�l�!_.!iay.�dd/3%�.;.1. •• - • ' ,lj - " . . „ . . ,, ... .. - <br /> -»_. - _". ' ... v. - ` <br /> . tt�yl� �� � . " ' .. . _ '- "' _. _. , _ _ _ _ " '_'�_' _"__ " .. . <br /> L �.f. <br /> — _�'Ale.2T�Eli1"�u r._�� �f.. . .�l �t. '.1�. � ' .. �- . . <br /> �i 1_�.1 [ J:-'J'. 1 -__"(} ,.�. ,� � _ " 1 ' . ` . . <br /> -L.$JL�:.uw-= .. . .. . . . � . <br /> ��;r�-;-=;' .;� , � - .. �. �.. 1. . .. ., , . , , <br /> ,j1.� ��+F;- c � _ 1',. . . ' _ . 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