, . �. . �. �. ._�.._ . _ _ _
<br /> IJ ���`- .�, .. ..".,�'r'`� � , -- - —.. .
<br /> I; ..+,.+.��q:�,�.�.:, —-
<br /> i . . <� .'�s�+rrw"t �aaiw+�s�.a.._ - --- --- _
<br />--- i - - - —- -
<br /> � ' il , --- —_ -•-
<br /> .,
<br /> � � " 91-1o2s7�
<br /> ., •.,; ` appliC�bk Iaw rtwy cpeciFy for reiiuuuem�nU tsefore sale af the Pm}xrty punuant to any power af wulc contalned in thi€ _____________.
<br /> ' : Securiry instn�ment:or(b)antry of o judgmem enl'acing this,ccurity Inswment. 'Ihocc condidon�are ihAt Norrower. (�►1
<br /> ' ., ;� `�,�.�_, . . ', �1Ay8 Lender all sums which then would bc due under thia Secudty Ins�niment und �hc Notc us if no Lcceleratlon hwi
<br /> ' • :�;.�• ,•�� occurnd:lb)cures any d.�Pault of any ather covenon�oragreemenls;(c)payR ull expens;ca incurred in enforcing this Security _
<br /> - Instrument, including.but not limited to, reasana6le anomeys'fees; and(d)tnkcs +uch actfun uw Lcndc� may rcusawbly =
<br /> -- �s � �� s,•,,�17 reyuire lu wssuro i{wt the ifeil uf thic Scctirity fttstrumeatt,l.cmler4 righta in thc Pro�rrty a�ul Hurmwerl ablip,�tion to p�y thc �...�_---_ -
<br /> � .�;�...�...:�� Rums s�.�cured by this Security lnstrument shall corninue uncheu�ged. Up�m reios�Atement by Barraw�v, thia Security c
<br /> ° � ' ';�""' Instrumenl und Ihe ohligutions secumd hereby ahall remain ful ly c fia tivr us i f nu+wce lem�i�u�ha d�r u rt c a f. H u�.v�v c r,t h is �-� - -
<br /> " � '' ��'' ��' riaht to reMstute sholl not apply in the case of acceleration under parograph 17. __
<br /> f��,�� ' 19. SWs a!Notei Chaage of I.oaa 3ervker. 'IUe Natc ar a pwtial imcresl in thc Nme Ilogether with thic Sccurity �,
<br /> - ��_�� '7 ` lnstrumentl may be rald one or more times wilhaul rio�notice to Barr�wer. A wle muy resuU in u changa in�he entily
<br /> .--- ��.h:�.. ��'
<br /> -- = ' ^ (known s�x the"Loan Servicer'7 thut collects monthly�yments due under the Nate und this Sccuriry Inr�uument. There ulw -�'`��` ��
<br /> _ �'fjits�P�. - - -
<br /> :':;�;,�{;' mwy ba ona or more changes of 1he Laun Servfcer unmiai.ed to a sale of Ihe Nme. If there ix u change of�he Laan Servicer. `—�_—
<br /> ��•, � ' '' ' • Bamower witl be geven wdlten notice of U�e chunge in a�co�d�nc�e with purngmph 14 uhove unci upplicuble law. The noticr •- _`
<br /> will alete the oar►ie;utid addrecs of the new L.oan 5c�svecer and�he address to which paymenlx�huuW bn mudcs. Th�natice v+ilt �����_ _ ---
<br /> �';4'� .,`°,j� alsa camaia any otLter info�matton required by ap�rlica@9e Raw. '
<br /> :r,;c,;,: —
<br />:: , .: ��y. 2p, 1#aa�rdous Spbsta�ces. Borrower sRali aot cause or peanit�he pre,ence,une,di�posul,titorAge,a�releu+e of any
<br /> - •� • Hozardous Subs�v�ces on ot in Ihe Ptoperty. Bo�uv+er yt�al�not do,nor ullow anyone else tu du,a�yihing uifecting the __ _
<br /> Propeny�Aat is in violation of any Envimnn�ental Law.The prec�.vling Iwa sentences shull iwt appEy to Ihe presence.use,or 4=--
<br />:`.��';�'r ' ' :�; ' storage on the Prope�ty of small quantitie�of Haza►dous Subat3nc�es that am generally rec�gnized to be appropriate tv nannal ��_
<br /> ���r'"� ,.,:,�;:�,;...� residemi�l uses�ncl to maintenance af tl�Ptoperty. _
<br /> � �'� ;�. `-y �' Borrower sl�a!!pru��ptly give Lencler writteA�xwt+re��f uny investiga�ion,cluim,demund,lawsui�oraher action by any ��� 3'�---
<br /> '� "' �-E'�L�� � ��"' "� overnmemul or re ulat� a enc or rivate rh in�olvin the Pro and an Huznrdous Subn�ance or Enviranmental �`.r..;,ur,=;,
<br /> � :,Ti 8 S rY S Y P Pa . 8 P�Y Y
<br />,%i�'y� j�.., 4��5���. .� � � ... � Luw of whit'h Borrowr.r has uctua{ knowledgc. li Burrawer leams,or is notified by :u�y gavemmen�al or regulatary �,�.�-a:--
<br />;,:,,,;.. uulharity,thAt any remuval or other remedintion of uny Hnzurck�es 5ubstance uffecting the Rapeny is necessary.B�xn►wer n___`__
<br /> r �•�. _ � �`'•' . ��.
<br /> •,,t..• y ��, .,,. � shall prompily take ull necessary remedial actions in uccordancr uu¢h Environmental Law. . �3,'.
<br /> ::{ll�.„.y , x: �ld 'r=:rt, ., � �`:..
<br /> ,., ;�:!� . As ueed in Ihis pnralnaph..0,"N:uardous Substances"are thox substunces defined as toxic or hazardous xub.rlance.by
<br /> ,t;-;,, , , r.-_�a-_.
<br /> �. ; .� •'.. • ., Environmentul L.aw and the followinb subslances: ga.wline,kerosene,other tlammoble ar�oxir petraleum products,loxic
<br /> '�;�:;;iy; ; pesticides nnd herbicides,valatile solvents,materiels containing nsbestos or Fonnaldehyde,und radioactive muteriuls. As
<br /> used in ltsis�uragraph 20,"Environmt ntal Luw°means federal lows and Inws of the jurisdiction where the PiropeAy ix lacated ="="_�"'-�`
<br /> � • "�� that relute to heal�b,sufety or envir��r�mental pnxec�ion. _—
<br /> � ,;'•� : �= NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covennnt and pgree as f�pows: ��v�
<br /> ' ' 21. Acceleratioa: Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Bonower prlor to Acceleratlon Pdbwiug Borrower's _.
<br /> - breach of any covenaat or agreement in this SecaKlty �nst�ument Ibal�ot rior to Accelerption uudrr n�gra h 17 "N�``°_
<br /> - � - = u�irx���iic�bie iA�psoi3des oittersrfse). Thc s�o3�rx�ha!!�pecify: !s!thr dtFsult:(b!!hp nrtion req�uired Io cu e the �s� >: � �
<br />`�' ' �->-- defAalt;ic1 a d�te.eot lcss than 30 days from tAe dete the n�►tke iv Riven to Bor�ower.by which Ihe Aesauft must be �- -ro�
<br /> •` ' � • ,,,._;�`� cnred;�nca �dl that fAilure to cure tQ�r deiault on ur kefore IC�e clnte specifled in the notice mny result in e�ecekrath�r�a.° ^'�ti:;,,. ._
<br />»:���' ' � the sum.�serured by this Securih•la�strument and sale oi the�'ro�erty. The notice shall further inPorm Borrower ot ����;e�:�
<br />' • `'• • the�ighi to a�einslate ailer acceleraRion and Ihe righl to brfng A cuurt acNon to aa�sert the non-existence of s�default or �µ� .
<br />� • �,:,,
<br /> � ;;;;; ' . any dher defense oP�orroaer to acceteralion aed sule. If the del�ull i�aol cured on or bePore Ihe date specified in �, . . ::
<br /> � �'%'+ ` ' " tbe notire,Lender at i¢s aplion muv require immediate pAyment in iull uiva0 sums secured hy thls Security Instrument F;'"'.: �� .'_j,;:.
<br />���•1�;; , � +�i``� without Nrther demand and may invoke the power of sale und Any other remedles permitted by applicable Is�w.
<br /> ' �' .•+ "`f�,:�:; I.ender yhall be enUAed to collect ufl espenses incurred io pursuing the remedies provided in Ihis paragraph 21. �---==-
<br />•.�,;, - .'` ' including,but not limited to.reasonub1e altorneys'tees and cos�g arlitle evidence. =" .
<br /> • ' . ' If the power oi sale ts invoked.'ibuslee s7�ali rerord a noNce oF dei'auli in each county in whkh any purt oP the � Y�,=�.,,=,
<br /> . � : , ,, --_�.
<br /> , .::: Property is IocAted and shall meil copies uY such r+atke in Ihe manner presc�i'bed by applkaWe law to Borrower and lo �,::::,,,�,.
<br /> �� the other persons prescribed by appllcs�ble I�w. AQer Ihe time r uired bv a Ucable law. �-' `�""
<br /> e9 PP 7U'uslee shu�!give public �-_,.o.,-
<br /> �;;;'.��; , ti•'"'. ' notice af sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applk�ble lua•. 'i'rustee,without demand an Bo��mve� L'
<br /> - • . , shall se7�the Properly at public aucN�on to the Ai�h�t bidder nt t'he time and place at+d under the terms designated in --.°':�k-.`
<br />��.�,,'• ..
<br /> � the notice oPsale in one or more p�o�4�c1s and in any arder'I�uti�re determines. 7Y�ustee mav postpune sule of all ur nns �`._,�-_�,..__
<br /> ° p�rcel of the Properly 1ey public ar�oouncement at tAe tlme and�luce of an�•previoucly rrheduled wde. I.ende�u�iYs �.-.,��.:�-•
<br /> � �,`t',�.•,��,__-.
<br /> � " designee may purcha.ce the Property at any sale. l:.e��-'���_
<br /> ; ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trestee shall deli��er to the purchaser 71�ustee's derd conveying the N��:�_:":;�;:;�___
<br /> . - Property. The recitals in the 71ru9tec's deed�haA be prima facie evldence of the truth ot tfie ctAtements made therein. ''�� ,� �;�b
<br /> G"+�-_._---
<br /> . ' . - 7Y�ustee shall opply the proceeds ui'Ybe sale in the faUowing order: lu I Io all custs and expeases of ezercising lhe pu�ver �,
<br /> , �°`- _ -.-
<br /> � �,,�„
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