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<br /> � 1 . . _ -- ---
<br /> �,..: , 91—io2�7� -
<br /> of:ale,�wd the s�le.iac Wding the p�ym�eel dthe 7Fu�ta's fees actu�lly inruned,not lo ezceed 3.0 `�� —..
<br /> w
<br /> �he princlp�l�mouot or Ihe aWe at Ibe dme oi the decbntia�ot defoulf,a�d�et�ouoble attoraey�'tees as permtlted
<br /> ° by lawt(b)to oil wau�ecured by tbi�SecurGy In�lrua�enti w�tc}pay e:cw to the person ur personr k�I�Y enqtkd
<br /> . lo ib
<br /> � 22. Recanveyance. Upon pay�nent oi ull�;ums �ecured by this Securiry Instn�tltient, l.ender.rhall rcyue.� 'Itustee to
<br /> __- -- __ rec�+nvcy tt�e Property u�d shall surrcnder this Security fnstrument und ull nat��evidencing deHt sccured by this Sccurily
<br /> ��''� Inctrum�nl to 7tuxt�.-e. 7tustce xhall reconvey Ihe Praperty w�thout wurtanty a�xi wfthaut charQc to the per�on or per�on� ` .
<br /> IeYally entiQed to i1. 5uch p�:rwn or pe�ans stialt pay any recordation c�qts. ��-
<br /> ,�, '; 23. SubsUtut�1Fusla. Lender,ot its option.may fram time to timc rcmovc'Ruuce und uppaint u surcc�wr Inistec:tu
<br /> A� :.�K . `..,,_ � • nny 'IYuatee uppninted hereunder by un imtrument recarded in �he caunry in wbich thir Sec�rity Instrumem ic rccurded. _-.
<br /> - '"°`"��=j=��-� Wilhout canveyunce af the P�ropeny.lhe successor tru�tee shull succeed to c�U the tiUe,puwer und dutiex conferred upan �__
<br /> ;�3-."�:`,�>:�`�•;,: 'Itustee hrrcin nnd byappOcuhle law. --
<br /> � '��ti���`•� 24. Request frM Natices. Borrower requost�Ihut capies of�he notices of defuuU and wle be unl tc►Barmwerk uddress �
<br /> � which is the Propeny Address. —"---
<br />---�' '��' �� �!�' ZS. Riders lo Ihis Security Inst�umen� If onc or more riders ur�exrcutecl hy Borrawer und tecardcd�oge�her wUh
<br /> _..!.�1^e_..�.b,,s . --.
<br /> �'°���-:. :.`.k . Ihis 5ecurlty Instrument,lhe coven:mts and argceer.nents of eueh such iiJer+hall�:inc:arporated inla und tihull umend and ;._:_
<br /> a„�.+: :•:;��.;;;.�: supplement the covenants ar�ci agreement�of elus Security iius�mmont as if�he rideK�)w�re u part oi this Securiry trotsvment. —.�
<br /> ��,-
<br /> - .:�.�_ _ . .�: (Check applicable box�esl{
<br /> �='.�r�,;a�e;»'..:,�,' t;c:�
<br /> ----:?�•>....-� ;k �Adjustuble Rate Ridier �Candaninium Rider �1-4 P�mily Rider
<br /> �� � ,'�_,.
<br /> - --��-� � � '�'� �Gnwlualyd Paymen¢Rid��r �Planned Unee Development Rider �Biweekl�r Pnymietu Ride� �.
<br /> -�„��::;,•-„,`�" •"�'';�i ��:.::
<br /> k �_'d.�.:i.,1 �irJ��.
<br />_ .� �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Ri�Jer
<br /> ,�eo �:�
<br /> -��'� ,� ..�:. —_
<br /> _�� .�"•.. �Othe�isl f Yp���Yl q�nowledgment �'`
<br /> :,,� . • • ' ��,, .
<br /> �'M*� _�� ..•.� �.`. BY SIUNING BELGW,Bomower acceps and a�me����he terma und covenuMx cuntuined in this Security Instrument -�
<br /> �a
<br />-_;:�� and in any�idertsl cnecuted by Bormwer aM recor�ed with it. ■��`
<br /> :�.. '!;� ����. .' : Witnesses: �::_•
<br /> 't' � //�> �` -
<br /> ur'�r�� ::.�' � //_�-� Iseal) --
<br /> � ' `:'�>�"�' � ,ar� Iloecks -emMwer a
<br /> 4 S r ,�• ;� ., Soc' Security Number SOB-36-4244 �.-
<br /> '��+,: �� . •` . ��/L�lr �/ .r�9� 1�.�'� (Seul) �;:
<br /> ?'���'�� . � n .. '�Ud� A VoeCkS -Bom,x•er �r_
<br /> '�<i �t � : .. Social Securny Number 553-66-9989 � ';
<br /> �.:���;::,�. . ,. . �;..:
<br /> r.`;�`,� .. �•'(:.
<br /> °'`'� STATE OF NEBR�►SKA. Hall County ss:
<br /> :��:`� ° .: .
<br /> •� e�.�,,. . pn�hi� 15th day ��i may ,tx:forc mc,thc undeneigned,a Notary Public �_
<br /> �� �4 '��'" �. :° � duly commissioned and yuulilied for suid caunry.penonally cAme Gary F Voecks and
<br />- r '• > • . � Judi A Uoecks, husband e�d wife . ,tu me known to ix:the
<br /> '_'��, � �';r ' identical pers ti)whose nomel�)are sub,crified w thc fotegoing inslrument und acknowledged the execution thereof to _
<br /> � � be ir voluntap•act und decd. �,_,
<br /> �' �'` �' Wiq� tariul seul•rt GT�]nd Island ebraska in said county,the --.
<br />--Jk.� '+r' • . date ufore ff�j�l
<br /> ,:�:H��''.r •�.: . 3: MyCt,mmisvion �
<br /> �_;.
<br />,:i;t t1;i�;�' ;R:,.', � • Notary PublK
<br /> , l..j: v. �r�� �_
<br /> . r:�':j�r'` '`��;�tiry��EF;;='�'= �: ������cq� EQUESTFORRECUN�EYANCG �'`
<br /> ' •''� •"�f,,I�,�;;��"� '� TOTRUS7'EE: ��
<br /> '_' „ . ; .ftY�i��)�'/:� .:' � o
<br /> ._ y. Tlie undersigned is thc hotder o nate ur notez+ecured by this Dc�d of'1}ust. S.�id nute�ir notes.together wi�h all
<br />°''�••.'"��� ''• ' �• • other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'T}uu,huvc been paid in full. You ure hcreby directed w ranccl said nwe�r notes
<br /> •• � ' � w• ant uU the extute naw held bv ou under �_'
<br />- ��� �:�� . •• . und this Deed of 7tust, which:uc delivcred hereby,and to reconvey,wuhi ut arr y. . 9
<br /> � .' . •, • this Deed of 7iv�to the penon or persons I�ga11y entiUed thereto.
<br />- Date:
<br /> Fwm3U2N 9190 l�wrK�'e.nn�wxes�
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