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<br /> � i� IiWitY�ili '�" °- - -- - --�--
<br /> �� , — -
<br /> . �� � 91— iQ2972 �:��.u,- -_---_--
<br /> , . � . �:s�:-_---
<br /> j. � cuix�mnu�f�Ni ur�Nhrr lulin�uf w�y pan uf Ihr Pr+yxny.�x li�r r�Hiveywrcr in lieu��I r�HUlrnmuii��n.urr Ixrrby u..ipned u�iJ �=�.�:
<br /> . i'� xh�U hr Mld�u l.rrakr. °--
<br /> b� 11�►evenl uf u aNUI luking ��t'�he Nn+{xrty. �hr pnKeeJr �hull h upplird �u Ibc +wn+ Kcu��d hy Ihi+ Sccurily �„�--
<br /> � '. ?•:� .r. - In,irumcnl.Whcthcr�x nnt�hcn duc. with uny.�trc+,puid iu Horn►wer. In Ih��rvcnt uf+i pamul �al,in�ut'ihr I'ru�xrly in
<br /> �t(f�'.���aY� ,,.
<br /> . :,,.. . ,¢ w hieh �hr f►iir murke�v:dur oi'thr f'n�perty inmiediu�el�• I+cti►n•�hr�aliii�t i.r�pud lu ur urra�rr ihan�hr amuuu���f�Fk wm.
<br /> : - :�+.'� +.erurcd by Ihi+.Se�:tid1Y In.lrunxnl immrdunely hcti�re�hr tul,mg.unlc.. 14u�ruaer und l.rndrr otlicn�i+e uHne m wriiinF. —" '"'---
<br /> - .y �,�'�°`.-.��:.5:' Ihr,um�vcurcd hy Ihi+.S�wuti�y In+.ln�mrnt �hull he nduc�•d hy �he am�x�m oi ihr pnKrcd,iiit�ttipli:ct hy thr ti:llc���•in�: �� ---
<br /> ��A
<br /> ,Yy, Fracd�m: li���hr totul unuwn�uf tiu,nm..rcund immcdiu�rl�•ikti�rt•�he ia{,inE.divid.d hy ibl Uir f+ur m;�rl�rl��alur ol Ihc , .
<br /> ''.�, � '''.v�..�;�;t ' pn�p�hy immediu�r.ly hcfuR thc tu{�ing. Any balunce .hull Ix� paid iu N�Kruwer. In �hr r�•�m ut a panud takmg�H il�r �,:;�=��..�.._ ° .:
<br /> r��t =
<br /> ,•.,,�. � �; . ' pry�ehy in which �he li�ir murkri vulu���f�he I'�o�xny immcdiaurly t+et'�ne�hc�uhinp i, Ic.. ihan �hc i�muunt nt'�hc.um, �,_:::,..�_��
<br /> .� � :" � ,rcund �mmrdiulely Iwti�re the lubing. unle., Hurruwer imd l.rnder uthenvi,r :+�:re. in ���itin� ur unle.,appliruMr luw ..�...:�-.•�.
<br /> —•ti.�l- Pi � V •' ..�,y y-
<br /> _ ^- utherwi�pmvidas.tha paxecKlti.hull he upplirJ tn the.um.�cumJ h�•�hi,Securiiy In.trumrm whelhrr or not ihc.rum.un ', ;:�-�=- --
<br /> , °;�:� . . , �hcndue. •c_.4�__'--_
<br /> �' :�.:' �:ra-._�-':- '
<br /> �„7.-.:r�L�r1��,
<br /> If�he Pn►�rny i�uhundnnrd hy Nnrn�wcr.ur it'.ulicr nulicr hy l.ender w Norruwrr�hut �hr cundemnn���fl'rr.�a m►�kc u...__--__
<br /> `��;;;,;,,x„':., an awanl��r.eule i►rinim ti�r damugrti.Bunower fuil�to rc.��nd lu Lrndrr w ithin�0 day�.:d�trr Ibe J��tr thr nuli�r i+gi��rn. _ -----
<br /> 1 " :
<br /> W' . LCIUICf Iti LUIIII)f17@lI 10 l'OIINCI AOII A�1�1Iy Ihr pnxrrd.. t�t i�+optiun.rill��r w rr.wruti�►n ur r.pai�uf�h�Nru�kny or to th� , -
<br /> • - • wm++ecured by�hi.Sucuriry In.irument,whrthcr nr nrn�h�n duc. "�'" '"x'"? `
<br /> , ; _� _ ._ �'�:
<br /> :, � Unle+,l.cndrr und BuROwer uthenvi�c ��gnr in writin�.uny applicu�ian��I��r�xecd,to principa! .hull nnt rx�cnd or -
<br />- . �... .:,....., po.��mc�hc dur dutc of�hc mumhly puymcn��rrl'rrrcd to in par•rgruphti I anil 2 or chun�r�hr unx►unt ut'tiu�h payrnent.. �,..-..�--,�_
<br /> . . � ' U. Burrawer Not Releasedt F�rl►eurunce By Lender Not a Wniver. l:x��n+i�x� uF tt� �icm fur pa��mcm ur �"'°"�`�'�'��
<br /> ii,.�==�
<br /> ' �'i� maditica�ion uf umoqiiu�inn ol'thr�um�.ecureJ by�bi�Sccurity In.trum�nt gruut�ti!by LrnJrr tu an? .urc�wti�w iu inten:.t :.�;w,.:;,�
<br /> �`� �;�%+�� ot Sorrower shall not ope�utc�o mlcu.a Ihr liubiliry��f Ihe�ttiginul Hom�N4r�K &xn►wer� �ur��c.wn in icet�R.�. Lrnckr
<br /> ..<;t:.- - 8a1s,':;,`'� .-
<br /> �:,. , . , . .hal) not be rryuirevE�u cuwmeuce pr�k�eding+again+t any .urre�.ur+n ineen,� ��r rct'uK tu e�hn�l t�mr tirr pa�ment ��r ' „ --.-
<br /> ::� utherv�'isc malii'}•amunization ot'the,um��un�l b?Ibi,5��.uri�y lu,truincn�hy rcawn�►t'any Jemand�nade b���he original � . ' . i_,.
<br /> � BcKmWer ur Bormwer; succr.u►n in intrn.t. Any li►rt�earurn�hy LenJcr in�xcrci,inN:my righ�ur renxYl�•,hu11 M�t fx u ,:: 1�,:;%�,ti —
<br /> '�'i ,,y,;�'' wai�•rr c+f or prerlude Ihc rxrn ik ut an) dgM ur rcmed�. �-� ,'`.r�°'C
<br /> • � 12, Successors and AssiKm I��wad:Juiat und Se�en�ll.iAbilily:�'o-signer4. Thr cuvrnant.anJ agrcrm�m,of Ihi. "-��,:��
<br /> � Securit�• In+trument�hull bind�nd txnetil�hr.urr�+,un und u.�ign.of Lrndrr and 9urn�Nrr.,uhj�ct �o the pnrvi+iom ul' ��,�,__�
<br /> ' ;,�y. � p.uagn►ph 17. Born�wr�z cov�nam. and a��rements,hull tx join� anJ ,cvcr;d. Any Hurnn�cr��hu r��••i�n+ thi. Srcurily ��,�,�..
<br /> .�,. „ ° Imtrument hut d�.not cxecute�hr Nntc: i al i.co-.iNning�hi.Sccurily Imirumcnl onh w munLaLr.ir.mt and r�mvcy�ha� „�.,,,�,h�.��.---
<br /> ,....�.
<br /> ' •;'� .•,�„�,�, .,,� B�ttrower+inten.l in Ihe Pa,prny under thr tem�s�if Ihis S�wuriry In,uument: Ibl i+na prnuoall� ohligateJ w puy the,um� :,,.;, �;;,,-�
<br /> , � secureJ by thi�Serudly Inxtrumci�t:and Ic�u�!rec.Ihai Lrnder unJ any ather Nncra��rr n�a�a�rce a�ex�cnd.m�Klify.forhear '�,�r��: .
<br /> � . or muk� uny :k�Y�mm�xlations u�ilh rcg�rd a� �hr temi�of ihis Sccurity In+�nimm�� a� tlr� Natc wi�hout Ihut R��rmurr: Q�,��...
<br /> ".,�� -� consent. -
<br /> ... ��-.�
<br /> ;,�, . .
<br /> 13. l.oAn l'hatges. If Ihc lu•rn ,crured hy Ihi, Seruritp In,lnmt�m i� .uhject �o :1 I:HC NIIKII xl. muximum ��an
<br /> '`'��:` ;, . char�c,.und thut law iti finully intcrpretcd u�ihat ihc mtcre.�a����ncr iounciiurgc,.��iir�trd��i h�5.:.�:7.cscd in rnn�crs's�:r. __ - �
<br /> • wiih the loun exccrd�hc permiued limi�..�hcn: lal any tiuch laan churEc tihall t+r redurr�i h� �h�an�uun�nccr..aiy�o�eJucc ��:�.��_
<br /> , a � the rhiugc to th�prrmiucd limil:unJ Ib1 any.wn.ulrcuJy rull�cicd irom Bnm�u•cr«hi�h��re�drJ�nnilied limih��ill ix ��T�-.
<br /> . .; . . rcfund�d to Burr��wcr. �ender muy ch�wx lo mal��hi.r�fund hy rcJucing Ihr princip:d m�cd und��thr \ut�ar ny ma{,ing a -- ----
<br /> � . direct paymeni���B�xn.wer. If a refund redur�,prinripaL�hc rcduction will Ix treutrd:�.;���n�:,i����;��•nien�w ithnu�any �'_ ---
<br /> ��i�,'!� , prepuyment chur,_��uadcr Ihc Nulr. ' � '� ;t�..:
<br /> ,:, ' • 14. Notires. ,�ny noticc u►Batrowrr praviJcJ li�r in thi� Sr�urity In,Inmirn� ,hall Ix�i�•cn b� dclivcrin�; it ur hy .-=u....u�..:,=.¢i
<br /> ���'.�• . mailing i�by lir��cl•rti.muil unle++applicublr lu�� requirr,u.�of anuther nM:th�xl.'Thc n�►tice.hall Ix direcird to�hc Pro�xny : -;� ;!� _
<br /> AdJr4+,or any other udJrct+ Burn+wer ik�ignale. hy nulirr to LenJer. Am• nutice tu l.cndrr,hall Ix gi�•en by tir.�rlu,. ,,, :_.�� �
<br /> ��.;+::'_�
<br /> ';�`,:i � • ,,`��� rn•ril to Lcndrr+udJre„+�a1rJ hcrrin or an��nthrr adJr�.,Lcndcr Jc.ign►HC.b)•nuiirr tu Rurruarr. An�•n�ilirr proviJeJ liir . " °. . •�� �-m
<br /> �.a•a.r.:::-"_...' .
<br /> �.:, , '� , in thi+ Srcuriry In+wmrnt .hull Ix dremed lo huvc Ixcn �ivrn t�► B�ttn►wcr ur l.cnJrr when �:i�rn a. pr�n•idcd in thiti �.,:r,.,,
<br /> para�!raph. ^ ,:�
<br /> •'����•,i � � IS. Govern{og I.aw: tievers�bilily. Tl�i� Sccurit�� In�trument ,hall he gu�•crnrJ by I'cderal la�� :md thr la��• ol ihr �. �_... - - _
<br /> �'ti;'' 'r;•�� juri.diction in w hic h i hr 1'n►�x n y i.I�K a t e J. I n�h r c v r n t t hu t a n y p r o v i.i u n o r c l u u.r u t't h i,S ecurii y In,�rumrnt or the Notr , • --�
<br /> .'.�. . rontlirts wiih applicanle luw..uch runtlict�hall nut idl'�ci uthcr provi,iuns ul'thi�Srcuriry In,uumrnt ur ihr Nu�r��•hirh�:ui
<br /> t
<br />`;;;'•�;,,; lx givrn cf'fec� without �hc c�mllir�in� prn��i,iun. To �his cn,l ihc provi,ion,i►1'Ihi�Scrurity In.�romcnt and�hc No�c arc ,...�, �::�-,;-_-
<br />".,�t'�,.;•.'',',.i .. d��lured to ixe.cvcrahlr. ..• --, '.
<br /> ,y n?.. t . �(1. Borrower�c��OpV. Harrow•rr,hall��ei�rn unrronli�mud rapyul Ihr iVotr and af�hi.Srrurit�•In.trununt. �`.,,�."
<br /> •,�;;;:;,;;� _ ' , 17. 7lrunsPe�ol'Ihe Property or a Benefirlul lnterect in Rorroµcr. It aU ur;my pnrt ol'thr 1'ruExny��r am�•in�ere,� in : '•:s..�'` —_
<br /> .:;.`��;,�1 . . it i� .nld��r tranxlcrted lar il'i�t+enrliciul imer.,1 in RurroHCr i.,uIJ ur tran,ferrrd:ind B��rru��•er i� nrn a nalurul �xnnnl - ' ''`-�-
<br /> i:..
<br /> �. ,,�,r;•.,,..� . w•i�hout Lender's rrinr �vrinen c�m.en�. Lender ma).:u ih optiun.rcyuire immrJiutc pa�menl in lidl��I�all ,um. .ccureJ hy
<br /> .y:�,;�.,;�: S. ' �,��, '"`�.�" � Ihis Securit�•lmlrument. Hu��cvrr.Ihi.„plian tihull not Ix rx�rci.rd hy Lendcr if excrcisc i,prohihi�cd ht•f�dcral luu•a�ol -- -
<br /> � , i <��tl, ��s._ .
<br /> � �he dute of this Srcurlty Intitrumeni. r..
<br /> Y
<br /> '1•,�'I;��:.:.'r .,r• ;.��: If L�nder rxrrrise.�hi.upu�,n.Len�k'r�h:dl gi�•r 13i�rrci��rr nulic�uf;�rcel�ralion. l'hc n��lirr�h:�ll pru��ide a�xri�xi ol' '- Y,�F=
<br /> S•'••,�.�� , , � n�H Ies,ihan 3n duy,from th�d:ue the na�i.e i�dclivcrcJ ur muilyd��i�hin whirh li��rn���rr mu,l p:i�:dl .um..rrurcJ h�•1hi, �`.
<br /> '. r�!:;.� , ' .. .
<br /> ;,�,., • 5�rurit}� lnvtrumrnt. It'g��rri�aer ti;�il, 1n puc ►he,c ,um• priar tu thr erpiraii�ro ��I'!hi, periixl. Lrn�kr mu�• invol,e :in�� .
<br /> :',�,i;: RfIiCC�:�•permincd h�•Ihi,Srcurii� ln+tnim�ni a�ihuu� funhrr noticc ur dem:uiJ un I;urn���cr.
<br /> �,� . :; I8. Horrower'c Ri�ht In Reiostate. II' Harruwrr mrrt. rrn:iin :nndi�u,n.. B�»•r„�►rr •hall ha�•c �hr n_�ht tu h:+vr
<br /> • . �nli�rccmenl af ih+,Srruri�y In,trumrnt di.rnmmurd:u am limr��n��r �.�ihe carli�r ul: i:u S da�.���r.uch athcr prrn�l :h �
<br /> 1im_�r 1•am�l�..Fannie�luc�Friddie 11uc l\IFtIR\1 I�tiT�}tl S1F\1 �l mlrnu('r�:uann nnll ��n�;r l.�r�p��;•'•
<br /> � i '
<br /> t
<br /> .t.:' Si�:� . • .
<br /> - � � • ,•i1��;V�f,%�•1i.�� ,d' . . � . ... . 'll�.G: . �Z,�,� 1, ..
<br /> . , � , . • 1
<br /> �, , . .
<br /> f .� , , .. ,
<br /> . ; .� . ,
<br /> . . � i .
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<br /> � �.�J_ - - - - - -_
<br />