.. .
<br /> - t.h. , : _ ... .. .,x,�� w�,.� � ...'� �- F .�=
<br /> , . � � .��
<br /> _ _ _. -�`�...tr..�,�.�..;. .
<br /> : 1� I1 , �^^� �� . - - -- �_,..�.
<br /> • � ,
<br /> :' � 91._io2s�r2 - _
<br /> _;�: perladx Ihul Le�cr fequires. 7tw inxunu�cc cArtier pmviding�hc in+urnnre�hull t+c cho.co by B��m�wcr,uhjecl p�l.endcr K _
<br /> nppmvul which shall nai be unrensonably wilhheld. If Eicxrower fails ta mi�intaio coverug�J�+crftied ulx�ve,L���der mwy.at
<br /> - �. Lender'�optian.o61Ain covemge to protect Lender i+rights in�hc Prapchy in ucconianrc with�rt�gtaph 7.
<br /> - � . All insurunce policie�and renewuls xhall bc acceptable lo Lender wxi+h�lf includc u�iondurd mongt�gc rlausc. Lcnder
<br /> _ shrl)huve the right to huld the policiex and�newul�. If Lender rryuires,B��rrower.hall pn�mp�ly�sive te�Lender ull receipt� __
<br /> - r.-` ��:;- of paici premiu�n.wiJ r�newai nati�es. In thc tce�st uf lass,&►mower•hsll give pn+mp m�tKe M�hr in+:urnm:e c�rricr and �
<br /> Lender. l.ender may mukc pnwf of lass if nut mude pmm{�Ily by Humswcr.
<br /> � U�le�s Lender und Borrower atherwlse ugree in wriling,insuroncr procecd�.hall ne applicd io rr.turaliun ur��pair uf � -�
<br /> ;;q,; „.d;, �he Ptopeny dumuged,if thc restomuon�+r rep•rir is ernnomicully 1'cu�iblc und l.endcr+ M�:uri�y i� n�t le,+ened. If�he _
<br /> - '"' � w mst�ration ar rc i� is not economicull feu�ible or Lender�security w�u1J Ix� Ic..cncd.Ihe inFUrunce proceed� shall bc �'
<br /> -�;�i��t.�.. • � y ---
<br /> � �-�'KY.�.:. upplied to the xums :,�cured by tbi� Security In*uumeot. whe�her or ncq �hen Juc, with uny exce�x paid to Bormwer. If �.,,._
<br /> �f.�:--o.= , _....
<br /> ,�e;�t„r}�� Bormwer Abandans the Pmpeny, or dnes oat i►nswer within 30 duyz a no�ice from l.ender�ha�the m�uisu�re camer has .
<br /> — offeted to s;enle o clnim,then Lender muy callecl lhe in�umnce proceed,. l.ender muy use die pr�eeJ+ u��epnir or r�e�l��rc �t!-'�°
<br /> ���=-_` � �he Prapeny ar to pay suma�ecured by Ihis Ser.umy Instmment,whc�her or nat then due. Thr 3Q-duy,xriad will t+egin when �-'`'-`'
<br /> ,a,�l�nr.
<br /> .:•�:..--
<br /> .;�;�. � � � �he m►�ice fti givcn. '` -
<br /> �" '�'' ' Unlcxe 1,ender and Bnrrower o�henvi,e ugree in writing,uny appliru�ion of pnxeeds tn pri�cipal �hull no�extend or '°'
<br />_;:tt�'o -�` — -
<br />•-����;.���' � pvup�o�ee the duc dute of the m�mhly puyment�referred�n in purugrnphti I :u�d 2 or changc�he unmunt of�hc paymcn�+. If
<br /> — � '"�`` ' under ''1 the Pm h is uc uimd b Lender. Borrawer's ri h� u►an in�urun�e ►licieti und rexeed,retiultiog _
<br /> p:u`agr�ph.. Pe Y 4 Y 8 Y (� P
<br /> _ -��v,. f�o+n elamage ta the Property prior ta�he Acyui�i�ion shull p:►.��to l.ende�to�he extcnt nf the sums secur+ed by�hiti Security _
<br /> �_�,���=�5,ti._ la.wrument immedfately priar to�he acquisi�tian.
<br /> -���.-...:.,•� b. Occupancy. P'rese�vAtion. M�intenance aod ProtecNon of Ihe Property: BarroN�er's Lo�n ApplicuUon; —
<br /> .-��-_ .
<br /> ti ,;.,.-.�-- Le�seholds, �otrower xhull occupy.c�alb3itih,und utie �he Prupeny i��Normwer�princips�l r�widen��within xixt�-days after �-,_--_
<br /> ;,}'�'� '���� �?:�: �
<br /> ,--�`����" �•��,,,, the exrcutw►n of 1hi.Secudly Instn�r�xnt :md shull continue�o cxrupy Ihe Propeny us Bom�wer:pri�x ipal m�idence fi�r al L =_ -
<br /> �;:°� �.f� � :.• `� kust a�e yeu� afler the date of o�rupancy, unless l.ender otFKnvi.c ugrer� in wri�ing, whicfi ronwnt �iull not t+�
<br /> �t ` � unmawnahly withhetd.ur unks.estenuating circumtitance.exi.t which are l+ryonJ R�xrower:c��nm�L Borru�.•e�.hall�xw
<br /> _'-� .�`� � .. destmv.dama�e or impair tiK Property.ullow thr Propeny �a detrriorate.w comneit �va.tr on thr Pn�pen�•. Rurn+wer�hall i�
<br /> �:,.,�,-:°-
<br />-°'.�_� '; � `., He in defaul�if vny fort'eiture action or pmceeding.whelher civil or crimin:d, i.hr��m ihu�in Lrnder's gaxl i'aith judgmem ��.+-,:.__:
<br /> .�.�:�' , rauld nxult in fort'eilure of Ihe Propert� at otherwixe mutcrially im�ir �hr lirn crc;►ted hy ih�c Secunty In�lrument �x —
<br /> -� ��� � •• Leadr��xti���,ri�y intcrcst. 8ormwcr ma�curr,u�h u Jefuult and reimtatc.a�providcd in�rugraph IR,by ruuwing thc ucti��n
<br /> _ . " � ar praceefiin�1a be dismi+.r•ed with u ndir�g thut.in Lendcr;gaxi ful�h determination.pnwludc,Inrieitu�c of the Borro��erl ��..�.�_
<br /> - � . �. iMeresl in IAe Property or other mnleriul impairment �►f ihc licn crru�ed by thi. �rcurit}• ln��rumrnt or Leodz�� �eruriry _ _
<br /> • °� . intem�:1. aorrc►wer �hull oh+o he in defuul� if Borrower. Juring thc loun upplic:itian prtkey.r, guvc mutzrially� fulu� �x _
<br /> `"{;'• ''�`" � •' inuccurute infarmation or ti�atements lo�ender lor f•riled io pmvide Lender wi�h uny material intcxmation)in cunnection wiih
<br /> :;:�;� ;,;;,��„�.�y�;;,�,;,;. the.lcum evidenced by the Nae, incluc��ng. bu� nnt limi�ed to, �tipn.�entu�ion+ canceming Hlorrower;�kcupuncy of the
<br /> - - - - 1'roprriy ux a principal re.ridrnre. ii'�hi.Srcwity f�i.irunie�t i,cyn a lra�chol�l.9or.:�se:�h'.a!!�t�.".'.Y!,wilh aN thc>>r�vi.i��n.
<br /> h: "' - °_ ° �. of�he Ieuw:. If Bi�rrower xquireti fee titic ta thc Pm�xrty.the lear:chold an�!!hr!'re litle�hall no�me�ee unless l.ender aFrce�
<br /> lx'
<br /> ' to the merger in writing. ��
<br /> - " 7. Protectlon of Lender•s Rights in the Pruperty. li' Born�NCr (a+l+ �o pc rform ihr rnvcnuni� and ogrremcnts _f:ri�' -�.:-
<br /> ?� � cnm�ined in �hi�+ Security In.trument, or therc i, a IcFrd pnx:ecdio� �hat ma�• siFnifiranUy affecl LrnJcr's rightti in �Ix� Yy��
<br />.'�•:�, . ,.
<br />:::+.,;:? .. ' „ �:'�;r pmperty(sikh as u pnxeeding in bunkruptry.prohnlc.1'or comlrmn:uion ar ti►rtciiure ur u�enti,rcr tow,ur regulutionx►.�hen ! —
<br /> ; i.;;;
<br />-,�;,•. .� , - �j���. Lrnder muy do and pay for whutcver i.nrce.wry tu pmlect the �aMue��f thr Prupeny and Lendcr: ri�hi+ in the Pr��pany. _•�
<br /> .; - .,.. . - L.ender�•retians muy include payin�uny�um,.ccurrJ by a lien which ha�priori�y over�hi�Security In,irumenl,uppeurinF �_^,:.''
<br /> �r , „ in courl,puying reu�onuble uuorncy,'fec�und rntrring on ihe I'm�xrty to muke r�pair. Al�hough Lender muy�uk�action r-Y.
<br /> � ,, � ..,. . .;;:,:; uncler thi�paragruph 7.LenJrr Jiie.not hcrve to Jo,o. �:._:.
<br /> ;��'� • � � ° .. ' • Any umounl+ Ji.hur.cJ by LrnJrr undcr Ihi+pur•rgraph 7 ,hall Ixcomc aJJitinnal JcM of Bom�wcr+ccurcd hy �hir __
<br /> '��+ Sccurity Insirumcnt. Unlr++Burruwcr and LenJcr ugrre lo uther�cmi�of p:�ymrnl,thc+c amuumti.hull Ixar in�rr�+t from thc ___
<br />,. � .�c;� ,. , ' Jute of dlshursement a� �he Nutc ratc and +hull Ix puyahl�.wilh inlcre+l. u�x►n nutirc 1'n�m Lrndcr to Burrowcr rcyuc+ling -- -
<br /> . ` puyment. �'_'""_-
<br /> '.. 8. Mart�e Insurance. It'LrnJrr rcyuircJ monEugc inwrancc ci+a rundilion cd'mul.ing �hc loan ucuRd by ihi, �,:�:�,3;.-�:
<br /> . . ,yr� ._:, �.. Security Imtrument.Borrower�hull pay tlx prrmium,rcyuiRJ lu rnuintuin thr iu�m;:uge in�urancc in cffrrt. It'. ti�r uny �TRr,�-,
<br />:_'i , 4� ° rev+on. the monguge in,ur:mcr covrragr nquind by LcnJer lapu. ur cra�e, t., he in rflrci. Borrower .hull puy �he `f:�:'.::
<br /> premiumr, reyuircd tu ubtain covcragr wb.�amially �quivalenl tu thr murtga�!c in.ur,uir� prr��i��u,l�• in rlFrct. :�t a rara r
<br /> `"•�' . '.�. '� ' ,ubstuntiull e uivaknt ti►Ihe c��+�to Burrowcr of Ihr mon�agc in,uranrc prcviou,l�� in eftcct.Irom an ahcrnute mongaLr ���• _
<br /> ��• . Y 4
<br />_ . ..�, . .. in.umr uppruveJ by Lendcr. If,u{,�tantially cyuivalrni m�mgagr in.ur.�nr�ro�•er�gr i> -►�n a�•ailaMr.Burr�i�vrr,hull p.���« �
<br /> ' ,�> . , Lcnder e:Kh mon�h u.um equal tu unr-t�vrltih�►1'Ih� y.urly mong•r�:e in,ur,�nce prrmium Ixing paid hy BuROwer��hrn the , ::'�,
<br /> ' . imur.�nre rovcrage Iup.rJ�rr rra,rd tu Ix in et'Icr�. Lr�xlrr��ill urrrpt.u,c nnJ rriain Ihc��pa�menN a�a I�►..r"en c in liru '-"' -
<br /> � - . of monga�e insumrne. Lo.s re.rn•r paymrnl,nwy nu kmger tk reyuircd.al Ihr ��ption uf l_cndrr, it' morlga�e imuranre =__-
<br />"`•::�' � .. ° �'' ;;;, roveruge lin the amount u�xl ti�r 1he�ni�d diut Lrndrr rr��uirc,►pn�v�drd hy :m in.urcr apprut•rd hy Lendrr uguin h�erometi �-�.;};
<br />..:�;.;�.; ; . * {,,r'; uvuiluble and iti obtained.Barcowrr.h;dl rny Ihc prrmium.rcquircd to maimr�im m�r�gugc in.urancc in rf(crl.ar ta�xo�•i.lr a
<br /> ,,,, _ ..�"�t:I�;�,,.fr�' lotiti re,rrve.until thc myuircmcrn tiir mnrtgug�in,uru�xc�nd�in arrorJuncc ���th�m•��riurn a;v�cmrnt I+c�wcen N�,rn,�►er � ,
<br /> , ;::''r,�%':,: • � �St`°��.� unJ Lrndcr or a I��ahl�la�v. ••..
<br /> .� �,:••:;i„ ..�,,��..,:.., PP
<br /> �v,a�s;r ;`�t��.':,:•: 9. Ins lio�. l.�nder ur il,a�rnt mu muhr rr:�.��nablr rntri�,u�m .�a.l �n�;�ilum���(Ihr Pn��m•. l.cnder.hai0 ;:,'��;,•'�
<br /> ,,r.�.. ,���,�Ri�! � � � � ,;,,�.��:
<br /> � '1 MY,-;�'^r�?.�1�5�...,5.: give Bormw�r nuli�c�11 thC Ii111C��I ur prinr lu an in.�xruun,�cilyin�rca�unah���.W����i��Ih�•IO��X�'U�HI. _ .
<br /> '.7 ,,,',�; `•,��t�tl�:�`;: IQ. t'andemnotion. Thi pnxccd.��I am aa:u�{u�i laim lin�tarn.�L�,.�hr�.•t ur r„u�:��a��nu.�l. in cunn�wlion��i�h:�m
<br /> � ,.... ��t��'�ff'�`y°� ., ..
<br /> ' ir'�f'f�'t. •., l�:�(���li tiii�flcl.un�h F'u�nk\fuc�Fravldk�furl\IFUR�11\\IRl�1t:\1' In����aui�. :n.mi. Y411 ;�.�;r?..r��.... ,
<br /> + l.2,5y1'�`'� � , . iar.il I.J�,ft�ra�-::�v�n qa r
<br /> .. ij �V�u,�;�� •�'•. :�J:cq . I.��Mdrr1a111w�F:YF•IC��i . 61\r,I�.T11-IIII . .
<br /> ��;�{i`l�`, i,,..(.�y �..
<br /> , � ���5y�'�l�„ �� ,
<br />- . fi�4„
<br /> �' f�.
<br /> � �R.,lll�•� ^+wf�:T•T^^'�_'1'r^'^:'�P"--�`.� _ ....�:�. , ' . - . , ' . • . . .. (1....' .l?�v.�1F'Vr^-•��i'.(.::J�
<br /> . 1
<br /> • .. V - .. .
<br /> .. ' 11 �
<br /> . '
<br /> t . ' �.. . . _ i.____._
<br />