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.��.1 I _ — '�—�"_'.— _. '.__— . <br /> ` ��.R''•- - .. <br /> 1 ...,;��.. '�—�— <br /> , ;. . -- - . . �f�n '" -- <br /> � 'r ��.i,ew�i ' arr�.. . ._ °_—_ _ <br /> .._,,..,... ..o .,e:,_•.. .� . _— <br /> ' _ <br /> � .,_-__-_____'__'_ _.— ._ <br /> ' ;1� � - <br /> ���"���� 91-1029'72 - <br /> .�: �; TOaETHER W I'1'H all the improven�ents naw��r hem•rf'tcr cn��ed un �he E+r��perty,nod all ea�ementx,uppunenancer. � <br /> ^ and fizturc�now an c�reaftcr a pyrt af ti�propcnY• All rcpla+rcmcm� wxt udditfans ah�ll also bc covued I+y lhlw SecurilY <br /> -.� Inswment. All uf tha tarcg�ing is rcferrcd lo fn lhiw Sccurily In�Irumcm rr the"Pn►peny." <br /> . ;, sORROWER COVENANTS�iwt Bi�m�wer ix luwfully.ef+a:d of the e�tale Ixrcby conveycd wKl ha, ihe ��ht tn gra��t <br /> . , '��, w�d convey�hep�rt y und�h���he Pn�PenY ia unencumher�d.rxrept far encuml►ru�e.of n�nrd. B�xtc�wer wurruntx and ---- <br /> '� M,,,,, � .� vrnii defend gener�liy��Ae�i�le m�he Pmpeny p�ein�t all clu�mx and dem�nds,sub�cct to any cmumixww�.uf r�uid. °--- <br /> - ~� THIS S�CURII'Y INSTRUM6NT cumbi�u+ uuifu�m co�•en;utts tur nntional use imd nr�n-unifam c�venantx with L __ _ __ <br /> "�n� :k '. IirNted variodona hy juri�dicti�m 1a c+►nstitute u unifunn�curiry in�uume+�t coveting resl pn�perty. <br /> '��:�y�� ` IJNIFORM COV6NANTS. Satmwcr ond l.cnder cuvcnr�nl unJ aRme as inllaws: - <br /> f+'..y �;�,.. meal aad Chary�es. Borrc►war shull m tl when duc thc ----- <br /> -- 1. Paymeot af Principw)And Interesti�P�y � p y �y �-- <br /> j�.s�.. principal of and iMerect an Ihe de6t evidenced by Ihe Nme und nny�xepAyn�eal ur�l lute churgBS due u�ul�r the Note. �,-_ <br /> �c <br /> - �'�''P+ 2. Funds tar'Ihxcc And Insuranee. SubJect�o applicuble low c►r io u wrluen wuiver by LenJer.Bnrrower ahvll pay la ���;�_. <br /> �'�,�• - <br /> ���""' �'`"�'" l,e�der an ihe day manthly paymcn�s arc due unde�the Nc�c.unlil lhr Nntu i�paid in full,a�um t"F1ind+,"1 tor.lal ycArly � <br />- - - � ��-• . � tuaes cmd assessmentti which moy uuain priority m�r�hi�Secu�iry Instrument as o lien�m�he Pn►prny:�bl yeArly Icusehald � _-__ ___ <br /> ^ _ - ����{��-��:=�.� ">;��- payments or ground rcnts an the Pr�apeAy. if AnY: le) yea�ly hauvd or prc�eny in�:urnnce premiums: ld1 yeurly tlncxi <br /> —� '��• insurnnce premiums. if any; lel yeurly ma�gage insurunce premium�,if uny; And 1� any .uma payAhlr by Bormwer �u -- <br /> __—{=�;. �-'„""- <br /> -_� —•;;��'a�- . Lender,ln accoNance with ttee p�uYisiac�oi'parogrnph lieu of the payment of munguge in�urance premium�. The�v __ <br /> ==.-,��. ..y. . • . <br />--=-:-�;;�,,,�,,,,,,.���.,.:;. , :.':� i�ems nre callecl"Esrrow Itcros." Lcndrer may.a�.any time,coUect and hold Fund�in un omoum not�a excced�ho muximum -- -- <br /> - -- -��i��;...?, ,..,;. . �." umount n lender for a feder�rliy reW��1 mc�uge lann may �+eyui�for Bo�rowert escrow accaunt under Ihe federal Real Y_- <br /> -_a_� Eswtc Senleme�t Proc,�edwes Act ot 1y7�3 us amended from lime to tinu:.12 U.S.C.�i 2601 e1 s�y.("RESPA"1,ualcrti unother -'° <br /> - � `��''"' - law tQ�at applies to the Fuids set�a lesser amount. If sc►,1-�Mder may:u anY time•rvl�ect and hold nn amuum not to �___y . <br /> _ .. �';•'" - �• eaceed �he lesser amount. l.ender muy estimate the umount of Funds due a�tttie ba�si�uf current da�a:�nd reuwnablc ���*- <br /> =�J�{�;= ` ,' .;.. , eslims+tes of expendilwes af fuwre Escrow I�ems or othen►ise in�ca�dance wi�h applic�abk law. ��``�„`� <br /> `?-'F::,� °`�'� � `�'�:,,; The Ftinds sh�ll be held in on institu�ion whose deposils sur insured by a federol agency. intiaumentality. or cmity �`- <br />-�:�.'j i f..- ` <br /> :¢v°• -' <br /> --:;;;;;�� :,� „ (including Lender,if I.ender is such an in.rtiwtionl ar in uny Federal H�e Luun Bank. Lender+lull appiy Ihe Fund+ui pay J�,•�_;��: -� <br /> >,•.. �:, ,,�� the Escrow Items. Lendcr may not chnrge Borrowcr Por holding and upplying�t►e Fund�, annuully ;malyzing the cxrow _ _ -� <br /> '��� '��� nccount.or verifying �he Escrow Items, unless Lender pay, Borrower in[ercst on the Fundti and upplirablc law pc:rmitt o_ _,__.� <br /> -_�:. '-�• •���'` :�?�;�� Lender to make such a charge. However.Lender mny require Borrawer to puy u one-time chiuge fcx an independen�renl ______ <br /> ,,,�,,,L;:e '��•!� ti'�{���!� � estate tsue t�eporting service used by Lender in connection with this lan.unless applicoble law provide�ahenvi�e. Unless pn ---_--- <br /> �',;,,s;����� • � - pgmement is made or applicuble luw reyuire.r•iotcrest�o be puid,Lcnder shall rtot be reyuircd to pay Bamwer any intcrc�t or �'°�-��""-"-" <br /> '- 'f'i'��i .�•}.,i'.. rr. e'�r4. <br /> � ' �R•� eamings on thc Fun�ls. Borrower nnd Ixnder muy agrce in writing,huwcver,thut intere�t shull 6e psud on thc Funds. Lender ��'°.�:`°= <br /> -''��' � � ' ����' � , J.> shall ive lo Borrower,withuut ch �.un annuul uccauntin of the Funds, showin credils nnd debits ta ihe Funds and the ������—,:' <br /> ;;:�,i+ ': •l.I".r%��-�.. _ 8 arg g 8, .�r:::::__�._ <br /> '�'t� ��4�`�t�`'�� u se for which eu�h debit to the Fundn was made. The Funds are pledged a.�udditicx�ul security fur ull sum�secured by �;,, ,�,; <br /> � ��,��.�i�,�,: L��,a;r• P!Po �ztrw ,� <br /> Tj��,�'-�" tb�Security instrumcni. :.. <br /> . .��y ,;��,.!�5..;-, If the Funds he1J by I�:nJ�:r excced the amoun�s permitted to be !acld by applicable Inw, I.ender xhs�ll uccount to �IL d�.- <br /> �`� � '� ';•;�,1;��„ � Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance wilh �he reyuiremenls af applicable law. If Ihe umount oi'Ihe Fund,held by �y"' ' -' ' <br />����' •' ��'1! � ' ' • l.ender ut ony time is nnt sufficient la pay liae Escrow Items when duc,l.cnder may so nolify Bormwer in writing,and, in �"�"�'-�'��; <br /> .:,�,,.. �,..,.,., <br /> _' �'r.,��7'.:,, !. _ .•. � � .. �..r _. <br /> ���;;'t,� ' ;•,i�i;;;(� �� such euse Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessnry to make up the deficiency. Bornower shall make up the n, <br /> ''� " �:�t•!'. , defic��ncy in no more thun twelve monthly paymentti,m Lender's wk dixre�ion. .�.rs- <br /> - . , 1�'pon puyment in full of all sums sacured by �his Security In,�rument.Lender shall prnmptly mfund to Borrower any ����...1L•-' <br /> c� � , Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragr.�ph 21. Lender�hall acyuirc or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior to the ucquisition ar v�":�- <br /> � sale of Ihe Property,xhull upply any Fund.hrld by Lender vt tha lime of ucquisition or tiule as u credit against the sums ���"=-��=� <br /> �j � 'c secuned by�his Security Instrument. �.i'-._; <br /> ' i j��{'A "r,. ' 3. Application of PAyments. Unless upplicablc law pmvidea nthenvisc. ull pnyments mrei�c�! by Lcnder under ��u_� <br /> ; {��::t;t'•,- parr�raphs 1 and 2::hall t+e upplied:firs�,to uny prrpayment charges due uo�fer the Note;�econd,to umoums puyuble under �?'��==-- <br /> ,� �;,,,.,.:.:� � x�a �:,...- <br /> � • +'''�!?�,,�s� pur.�raph 2;third,to interes[due;fuunh,ta pnncips►I due:nnd latit,to:iny late char�es dur under the Note. <br /> . .,��,�;,.��,,;. �€I�::. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall puy ull taxes, usxessmen�s, charges, �ms �and impo.vitiuns unribuwble w the �� <br /> . ., •,�_, � �r� �pperty which may attain priority over thi�Sc.:uriry Ins�rument, and Icasehold pvymems or�ownd rems,if uny. Borrower E_r_�,;,�r� <br /> .• . ' • �hall pay thesc abligations'n the manner pm�icled in puragruph 3,or if not ¢aid in thnt manner.B�.u�nµ•er shall pay them on d.---- <br /> ' �' time directl to the non owed u ment. Borrower shall mm tl furnish tu Lender all notices of a7naums to be paid under �;=;.. <br /> . . y pe. P Y P P Y _�i:r��..iir.c_._,.. <br /> • .w;... thi,parugraph. If Borrower makes�hese payments direclh. Horrower sha11 promptly furnish to l.ender receipts evidencing .��-➢fF"" <br /> ' -.:�� � ' � the puyments. �j <br /> .,, s. . . ' , Bamower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority uve��hia Security In:stn�ment unless Bortower:(AD AjlfCCY ' 2 �';��� <br /> , „�••.;' .�.�,,- • ---_,--1��ILi_— <br /> .. � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u mnnner w aceplable to I.ender,(h)contests in good fuith Ifie �t,Y..r.r. <br /> ';;'tt !:,��•�,...,,_J ti lien by,or defends Against enforcement of thc lien in,legal pmcec•din�s wh ich in�hc Lcnderk npia�ion nperate to prevent the =-� - �^_ <br />- enforcement of Ihe lien;or(cl secureti fram the holder of�I�c lien nn agreernent sutisfactory to Lende�•subordina�ing the lien �;~�`r,,;, <br /> `I�'•.�T� to this 3ecurity lnstrument. lt'Lcnder determines thut uny pArt of the Property is subjert to�licn which muy attuin priority � ,.,`;; t s <br /> . � .:;�:;.:; <br /> ,.,��� ;;�+�,;��;r+�'#� over this Security Instrument,Lender muy give Borrowcr a notice identifying�he lien. Barrawer shaei�tisiy the lien or take •.;:a,�';:;"�:�� � <br /> • ;,;�;, "•�'�'.�:�iti���'� �� .��•� one or more of the uctians set fort h u b ove wit hin 1 0 days o f�he givi n g u f n o t i c e. � ���� <br /> � ,,;�,,/: �" ' S. HazarA or Properly Insurance. Borruveer shall kccp the improvcments now exi,ting or h�rcaf�er erccted on the <br /> • property insured agninst losx by�re,hazards includcJ within thr tem� "cxtended rovcrugc"anJ anr oaher hazs�rds,including • • <br /> � •� ;�;;i�i'. � floods or flooding, for which LenJer reyuires in�uruncc. 'iliiti insuranre .hull be maintainrd in the omounts and for the � . <br /> , ., � �orm W2l1 9l90 r�ge2u)n�Resl �, <br /> '�•',.`�, ._ <br /> ';:;; �i '�S� � �� <br /> . ;•'j�i',1 .f'.� . , � �. � . <br /> . ���! <br /> � •14�`' "— . . . �� � ^ . , � � .. ... . t��,. . . . � ,. . ' .d'. <br />. f ,1 r _'_ _"" . . . ; . . . <br /> ' 1 �' , . i <br /> ' ,}i�1� .� � . � 1�. . <br /> . ' 1 ' <br /> 1 . ' <br />. � , � � <br /> . � � <br /> � ' ._ ... . . . . _. _ ._ . _ . . � - _"_ <br />