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.fN_'1�:.. ,_ . __ - yn.,�v�-:�.�....L.'°�'"_' 1 .�, -'-- --- <br /> .. _, . n • . -�_, _.-.�:-. ..•�e�a�.�n+n — - �;. . :r%.r�.` _-� --- - -- .- <br /> , ... ' - !P�.'�. . - �W+La.� :il��•.a71t�� . ...,� - t - . <br /> , .. � � . , .. . � . _ ���_t ',�n <br /> pp�lpp�fon v otY�t�tYy darpr MK d IYr�.er br oio�lwyww b l�w 4R�.a���i4c �'��� . . ` _ <br /> +�pM►��s1rd�,� - - - -- <br /> � ' - !ar,r..rt d..air.idM e�r:rM�y:fM�.��pr +�Wt w��Ie rl� rr.� ..a�r y►.ii.�...:�'--'°--: <br /> � �p,onenb�rrM�Mr a_ooe dw dw.wMh�r oa��ft�id p��DoreoMer. Ie t�rv�at d a prtMl dld�d�M�p�ry M .. . <br /> w�A�e lYdfr aw�rloa vdae ardre n+opMtr i�dlMe+r lelb�tie atie�i�.qwd w or p�wr�d�.w.00et d ily d.i. � .. <br /> ,x,.ea by u�sec�ufty tn.tewnea immea+.teay beEa�e d�e a�,uola.9on�+wer�c14�a+a.o w h e�w i a+y�e'i��r e tl�. ° <br /> IMe aans recared by d�i+�Security Iothtwrlau�IWI be e�adwotd by t�e a�a�ouR of tdpt �iei by d�a Aei�o�'i� . <br /> • Atctba: (�)the wtd�nount ot tbe weas�ecund i�waetpMety be[oib�hc qkia�,dirided b�>IV' muket.aMM bt dr � <br /> . A+uputy ia�mcdiaicly betw+e the taJcia�. Any balutca sltsl!be paId W$occowu. tn the event ot�pirtiRt atcin� e�d� <br /> p�ty�n which the f�ic n�ko�ndue d�he Hropaty immedi�oely befae tAs ak4� a tea tlMn da aawuit d tie� <br /> �ecurod laaaedLtaiy betae the ,un{eu Harnwer aod l.ender othawt�e�ee in writ�a unlew•applic�bk 1nw <br /> ail�wise pruvida.tbe poc.�eed��tl�e applled w tha tuau tocurbd by thi�Sectuity ln+wum�oot w6�efh�e a uot the a�� <br /> t6en d4ie. <br /> � i�tbe.Prngaty i��b�ndo��ed by if��notiae by t,e,rder to�amwer uw tl�e candem�oe ot'Rent w.m�ire <br /> � � . �,�,�or ecff3e a,�I�im for damwges,Haaower fail:w rapond to l.ender wlthin 3U ilsya aftu t6o dae t6o notfce is�iva�. <br /> i�c��.1u ooltect and yq�y ttho��Ceods,W iu option,eitha to ze:tar�tiao a repat�ot d�e Pmp�erty aa b ihe <br /> ara��ec1u�b�J.tb�S�cutlt�!�truma�4 w Qr rwt tben duo. <br /> !�,��s l.e�rkr�id�&x.n�wer wl�wise�rOe�id;wcuin&�Y aPP��p'���P�lpal�1!twt tx`atl a <br /> ppytjpo�ae,t�e dua date of the ieo�KhiY WY���f�Ati ia pnn�mphs 1�ud 2 a�amount of s�h P�Y� <br /> �„�,r�Not R�laued� Pbrbainle+k � I.s�der Not • N�Wver 6�ctens[on of tbe ti�aae fa paymont a <br /> �s B�000d by;l:ender oo anqr:uccasor in i�ra+est <br /> �q�liotd,ipf�orli�atfan of tho sums secutedI�y. Securi Irswment <br /> o(�dr�dvl�r'�Fipll not operate w relea�e N�e Uability c►f tda eti�nd Harower or Boicawerl�Qucoeasorc in interat.I.atder <br /> spsll nat..�e teq�rd to corrunenca proceedia,��g�to�st anX suocessor in intaest at pafb�s to wcUad time far p�ym�earor <br />- atherwi�e a►odifY�orii�tion of tb sw�u�aro�:urwt by di�Secuqty Iasa�uu�cnt t,y�r.�soU oi'any��rtd m�try eke nreg� _ <br /> Barxaw�'a'$osrower�wccesson in interest. My forbeatanco by I.ondet il►e�teroGbtg atly tl�ht a taaedy tdaU not bo• <br /> - w�iver of or pryCtude the axercise of any ri,gtxt vr�emedy. `• . <br /> � lx. 3aooqSsc�r��ad Aed�m Bo�;,/aiat aad 3everul Llabld�•:Ca�nere. Tha caven�nts and agroemonta of this <br /> gecwity Instnunent�hall bjnd wxl beoeSt the aucc�awt�a and�ssigns o�Lender oad BorroWer,oub�joct to tho pruvisiaaa of , <br /> p�y�ph 17.Hocrower�s cmreoa�ats and mettta�hall be joint and ecveral.Any Borrnwer wlta co-signs thia Security <br /> Insqument but does not exaa��!e the Nate: a)is cu-signing thia Security Inedument only to mortga�e,grant�utd eonvey that <br /> , Bonoweri�inteoeat in the Pmp�r'ty under the terms of lhis Security Instrument; (b)is uot pet�anelly obUgated to pay the suma <br /> • secu�ed by thi�$ecudty Insaument;and(c)ag�oea ttut Lender and any other Borrower may,agree to�ify,fabeu <br /> , � or make auy accotamod�ons with �ga�d to�he terma of this Security Inatnunent or tbe Nute�without �hu Hormwerti <br /> conaent. <br /> 13. Lo�n Ch�r�es. li d� loam secur+ed by this Secu�iry Inshumrnt is aubject to a law which seta maximum loan <br /> charges.nns!s4mt!nW is fi�ally interproted eo thu the Mte�rat or other loan charges caUec�ed or w be oollettod in connetdon <br /> • arlt6 the lwn exc,eed�he permitted limits.the�: (a)eny sach loan chuge ahell be reduced by the unount neoessary w redua <br /> the eharge to the permiaed limir,and(b)any sums elrcady collected from Bomower which exoeededpetmittod Umitr w01 be <br /> rofuadod to Borrower. L.ender may chaose ta make this refund by oeducing�he pdncipal owed under ihe Note or by making a <br /> dinect payment w Borrower. If a tefund rcAuces principal.the rcductio�wlll be peatal aa e partial pt�pAyment without rny <br /> prepayment cherge under�he Note. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice ta Bomnwer provfded for in this Security Inetrument Rhall be given by dclivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mu�l unless applicable law rcquires use of another method.'llte notice shall be dirocted to the!'rnperty <br /> AddRSS or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notica to Lender shall 6e given by first class <br /> mail to Lenderk address s�nted he�in or any aher uddrcss l.ender designatcs by notice to Bornower. My notice provided for <br /> �n this Secudty Insaument ahull be deemed to have boen givrn to Bortower oc l.ender when givcn As provided in thir <br /> �IS GovernioQ Law; Scverability. This Secur�ty instnrment shall be gcw�erned by fedcral law nnd the law of tho <br /> jurisdiction in which�he Property is lacated. In the cveM that any provision ot cim�se of this Security Instniment or 1he Note _ <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflic�shall not affect mher provisions of�hia Securiry Inatrument or the Note whlch can <br /> . be given effect without the conflicting pmvision. 7b this end the pmvisions of this Security InstnKnent and the Note ara <br /> declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given onc confomicd copy of the Nae�nd of this Security Ins4ument. <br /> 17. 7�r�ater of the Proper�y or a Beneflctwl lnterest in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any interest in <br /> it is sold or trensferred (or if a 6e�ficiul interest in Borrower is sold or transferred tind Horrower is not u natu�al person) <br /> wlthout l.ender's pricr urltteo con�em,l_endsr muy,at its option,reyuire immedia�e payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> ihis Security Insdument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if excrcise is prnhiWted by federal law as of <br /> the dece of this Security Ins�nimen�. <br /> If Lender exercises this cpption,l.ender shull give Borrower notice of accelerrtion. 'fhe notice shnll provide a period of <br /> not less than 30 days from the date Ihe notice is delivered or mailed wilhin which Bamwer must pay�II sums secured by this <br />- r Security Instmment. If Bortow•er iails to pay these sums prior to the expiration oi Ihis perfod. Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies pennitted by this Securi¢y Inauument without funher notice or dem�nd on 8arrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. lf gorrower mee4s certain coaditions.Barrower shnll huve the right to heve <br /> . rnforeement of this Security lnsvrument discontinued nt uny time prior co�he e:ulier o�: (a)S duys(or such other period as <br /> Singk F�mfly--Fi�nnk M�dFYeddk Mrc UNIFORM I�STRLiN�NT-vniform Covrn�w 9l90 r�e 4 of'b pagerl — <br /> � .�ti_,_ �� <br /> _... .... �„`S �T�r'�n����w�i�d 4 /, �1 �. �.'i_ <br /> � -r � _.�. ,_ ,, �. , .c. . • . . , .;p;,,;V/ �y • � �,: .�•�rT;•�' ��.�1����y,� �: <br /> - -��l,C �7�1�.,-Atia�l:�- ._ ' �:�, ,�'.� . -. �.�'� _. :. .:' . - y>.e�.�.�,�y!�[1� s�+.:�t..�:, y:��' i !t�� <br /> . _ �_tr�� n • . 1.. ' - �, �••'. . _ . . � Zlrl<\ll�:•, '..1 ,,.,y� i 1 5 1 l. <br /> il.av' n. __...-'ytralcs.. �r .I.�,w u�:✓Aekf[!}.tti.' b��f.��l."':���'1'�i�i�r�`: ( " <br /> �^.y14.a�f L,Wnli•—w1,.i�. .�i�s� �{ <br /> ._. _ ... - t• -' �.`S " r . �Sl � _Y _ _ _ .__ <br /> .. .' 1 - T"ni�r u.c�.a-rc_J . . . L�NI` ���{Y�F F In �F. � f . <br /> - ._. .._...:.. T _ __` _ <br /> _ r „ T� <br /> __ _' 'r"`�iJR .iw.,,. � . '� . .. - ,I ;.2 +.. ... .. . .� � . <br /> . _�— ..1.�. 31 n'�u�� ���F?d+�1,;. .:.k�a�vv -'�� . V ' ..' .��. : � : '�, . �✓...�-�. '.`�:iC.i:�,. . .,�.: ' • ��: .. «�4.. :. . <br /> . ` � . �,. � ,.. <br /> _ ��'�=ray� `* 'tS�91a�'+�tS'�TX+illtidFr"+�LtSZ#�O'.�%n�c�.L3w.:k l+.tti�V:�t r '`___.. •'__.r...:�r.r�•" � _' ' ' '__ <br /> .. ..� �f� . . . I�I�- �/4iWw�laiYQ+.iAr.��YAln:3-F.V�.•c:Rr� <br /> i'L'"'=--'=1..wV- _ 1\a�A�� Y' . - .,. . . . . 1. y.l " . . _- . <br /> . •••..�74iPi...YliC:tl4�t(��`i.� . -� .. . <br />- �fYl�1l7;�..�,..�-� .. . • .fl� ` . . � , . . , - . � u " <br />—'__"—__'n=�•-�..3'.1':"+'il e ' •�"S � ' , . ��' .. .. . . . . <br /> _�.. _ -xia...3t.n�.Al's+�.:tf��� �t�� .r a i ir.`,_i,.i:-..." � - -. .•-� . . . . <br /> -._@.t2.T.7� �, wj. .- i ;` .,`. _ . • ,� ; : . �dliG . 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