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I s t b e e v a w o t i a s,H a t o w�e r�h a u�1 w p w n p t!�o d a w I�e i a�r l�w c i n i M r�i . <br /> Lasir.L�r aNqr m�1oe Proc�f u�IoM If no1 m�de p�ompdY bY�oero�• ' <br /> m� �np bt 10�wla�tioa or d <br /> Unla�r L.a�der�ad Harro�war odKrwi�e�roe in Mnit�.i�wnno�e prooe� +�PP�� �� � <br /> n�d�ed, jf d�e rataratiar�cx�p�ir �ocoaomlcaUY faslble end l.end�erb sestMty h nnt le�e�pbd. If da <br /> ar repe�4 not eeanaa�iaiU9 fe�uibla ar l�dert�ecurfry w�uld 6e lewa�ed�the irwwNwos pooeetb iiU bs <br /> Rppibd a da wna�ecured by dda Soaui�y Inanunam�whah�a na ihen dne,wW�aoy esoen pid w!lareuwer. (t , <br /> Bano�a abantloro 1he PraQe�ty.or dae�na1 wuwex wlthia 30 d�ys a notice from l.cnder dWt d�e in�ur�oix c�rbr br <br /> d'feral ro�et�b a clalm.then I.endcr msy oollect the lnw�t�nce p000ed�. l.eoder m�y we d�e p,�ooeed�to ar re�lo�o . <br /> the ar to pay wrtw�ecwed by thit 3ecurity lawun�nt,whother ar no1 tkn due. The 30�dry paiod b�n wb�n <br /> tbe�j�ender a�d Botroaer dhcrwico�oo in wridn�.ony pppIlcadon of p�uceeds to prineipal shaU not exte�d ar <br /> postpooe the due due d tho a�oothlY P�Y�t��ferred w ia p�r�apii� 1 aid 2 ar cban8q the�unount of tbe pyiao�s. If <br /> under puagtapt�21 the ia aoqulrod by Lender.BomowerS��tht to any insuranca policIes and pnuceeda raaldni <br /> ibom daiui�e to Ihe Propaty�to the Aoquidtion sb�ll p�ss w i,.ender w tho waot of the�s socure�bq�iiw 8ecurity <br /> Impwnent immadiately pr�w d�ea�u�fdon. <br /> 6. Oocup�acX PraervNio�. Mdntemaoe � Protectio� o� tlie Propert�, Barrawer*s I.w Ap�Yn�t <br /> I.weLoldi. Barower th�ll�bliQh.end we the Pirnpaty ai B�rtorrerk ptiac�pal ncsidence wltt�in siucty d�ys afYx <br /> Il�e eaecution of�hia Security Inwumcnt and shdl ooatia�o 00 oa�upy the Ropaty�Horrowerl�p�iacipd rosideNCe�ar�t <br /> la�st aae p�r dicr ti.� d�te af occupancy. �-•t�v il..c.c:r.s�a �ryi,; �cas En ��, witfch rot��a rd�sN eeat hs <br /> norasaaably�id.or ua�ess outeaw�oing cu�'a euist which�beyand Bamwerti coetrol. Bonower clWl not �. . . <br /> dau�o�r�damage or impair the Ihaperty.allow Urc Prope�ty w deoeriaue.or commit waste an the Property. Bamnwer slWi , <br /> 6e in defi�ult if aay fafeitum acdon a pta'ading.whether civil or crimiu� begun tdat In I.ender�s gaod taith judgma�t� , <br /> oould t�ewM in forfeiwre of the Properiy or otherwise materi�lly imp�ir drc Geo creatod by thi�Security Iradumem ar <br /> I,enderb security interes� Borrower may cure such a default end providad in parAgraph 18�by c�utsing the acdon <br /> or prooeoding to be dismissed with a ruling that.In Lcnder's gaod faith determinuian.lmcludea forfeiture of the Narowu�s <br /> interest in d►e Propaty or other material lmpaimxnt uf the lien created by this Securiry Inswment or LenderS security <br /> inte�es� Bomnwer shall also be io default if f3ortawer. during the loan applicetlon process. gave materi�lly f�lse a <br /> insccurue infomwtion or slatementa to Lender(or faileA to provide Lcnder wlth eny matedal infortnatlonl!n conaection with <br /> the loan evidenced by the Note. including,but not limited to, representations coacerning Borrowrrhs occupncy of thee <br /> praperty As A princlpal residence. If this Socuriry lnsuument is on a leasehold.Eiortower shall comply with all t1�e provisions <br /> , :.:t�i tcasc. If Bossawer ar.yaores fee dtle w ths Pru{�kacehold and the fe'e'ticle sl�all not merge unlesc[�emder afuees <br /> w�emerger ia writing. ' .. <br /> 7. protcWiap o�Lender's Righfs in the Praperty. If Borrower f�ils to perform the covenents and agrcernents <br /> � cantained io ihis Security Insaument, or thene is n legal praceeding that mny significantly affect Lenderb dghts in the <br /> �upe�ty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or fort'eiturr or to enforce�nws or regulations).then ' <br /> Lender may do and pay for whetever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeat�r and l.endet's dgltts in the Property. <br /> Lender�s actions may include peying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appeanng <br /> in court,paying reasonnble attomeys'fees und ente�ing on the Properry to mWu ropairs.AlthaugN Lender may take action <br /> under Wis paragruph 7,Lendcr does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnragniph 7 ahall become s�idditionel debt of Barrower secur+ed by this <br /> Security Inswment. Unless Borrower nnd Lender ngree ta other terms of puymem,�hese amoun�s shell bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement ut the Nate rote nnd shall be psy:+ble,with interest.upon nc�tfce from Lender to Bmmw�r requesting <br /> PaYment. <br /> S. Mortgoge Insurence. If Lender requircd mortguge insurance ac n condition of making the loen secured by this <br />� Security Instnmxnt,Borrower sh�ll p�y the premium�required to maintnin the mortgage insura�ce in effect. If,for any <br />� reason. the ra�ongnge insu►ance coverage required by Lender Inpses or ceasex �o be in effect, Bortower shall pay the <br />- premiums required to obtain coveruge subs�antially equivulent to the mongage insurnnce previously in et�'ect. at a cost <br /> substentially equivAlent to the cost to Banower of the mongage insurnnce previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage <br /> inxuier approved by Lender. If subs�nn�ially equivulent mongage insurance coveruge is not uvailable.Borrower shall pay to <br />- l.ender euch month a sum equal to onedwelflh of the yearly mortguge insurance prcmium being paid by Bortower when the <br /> insurance coverage lopsed or ceased to be in effect. Lend�r will arccpi,use und re�vin these puymenls ns u loss reserve in lieu <br /> - of mongAge insursince. Loss reserve pnymen�ti may no longer he rcyuired,at Ihe option of L.ender, if mortgage insurnnce <br /> coverage�in the umount und for the period thut Lender mquiresl provided by un insurer upproved by Lender ag�in becames � <br /> nvailable and is obtained.Borcower�hull pay the premiurns reyuired to mc�intuin mortgage insurunce in effect,or to provide a - <br /> loss reserve,until the requircment Yar martgage insurance eml�in nccurdunce wlih uny written agreemant between Borrower = <br /> and Lender or applicable luw. <br /> 9. Inspeclion. Lcnder or its ugen� may m+�kc reasonuble entric+upon t+nd inspectiom of the Property. Lender aha9� _ <br /> give Borrower notice ot the time of or prior to un inxpection specifying reusonable cuuse far the inspection. _ <br /> 19. Condemnation. The pmceedc uf uny awurd or claim For d;�mugex.Jirert or conse��uential,in connectian with uny _ <br /> 5inglc Family--FAnnk Nae/M�eddlr�1uc U�IFORM INS"fRUM�NT••Unfform Covc�an4c 9l90 �puar 3 n/d paRe.+l �- <br /> 1'rew late�Biretr Yorms,lat■ - <br /> � 1b q�IQ G1 IiBY0.'1499i0 C1 VA1 NY.791•1191 <br /> �� �_ ,r.� 1�MMi���tYv. .�t . W .Yi. • . ..... . .. .. , ��' �� . ]7��`s�� <br /> T.' 1� 'i. y, � I�• <br /> x� �c ir t �'.;,." <br /> �,�" � ,, . �,. • w ,'' � T �:' , r <br /> �� , -..r. , ' ' . - . � . . �tr'�;h.nd��#�'�k.. .. . .- , t a r��<�t, ,-. <br /> �-_ 'a�'r��.:t� �_ _'{,i.,._ �s•' � -..�i , . . . 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