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�_ �_ _ ,T�-_,-- __.___ _. ::,�,.,�_ __ <br /> . -��: <br /> ' � , . .e r.�/M1�h��„4��'... . ir.�."' ....r•. � .�t^.!'.. •.Ir - .__—__—__—...--'�._. ____. <br /> . . .. . 93,.�a�e� - <br /> .' M�r m�r .pectfy ra nioa�eseet)b.f�cn. W.d��e Ar�opecey pwswrrt!o«�y po+wr d aiN oo.WMd iR,t�M <br />, . ___. ���N)_�X d!I��e�'�.M!4�Y Luu��, 71aN oaniit�oa��r�r_iIl�t goao�� <br /> �iAw�l'.Y wrs�ldef d�A,*e�pld��t �t tIW�Ity teliswsea� �id�iiolf�s�r en soar�M�Oi l�i ��-- . <br /> ooe�(b)a[e�ray dstwlt d�odrpr�ovwret a�peaneau;(a)paY�d1 espauea incurted ia isEaec�tl�3�eity • .. <br /> � 6rA�o�t,�.but not I�Md ro.rai�aribM �Mlo�eys'fae: and(�Wres wxh actiaa�L�odet mn►rntarbiy <br /> roquitq b atMrrO tht f110 lien C[ddt SeCUiitp Waqn�ma�,I.eOda'�rI�l�LI tAO.�'rOpqty Md 80R�DMd'y obiipflon b p�y� <br /> . ipim iecutedby Ihi��Crrlty,�onaiaK �ball ccndnue unc�l�ed. fJpon�by Hcr�o�rc. dd� S�a�city <br /> la�naK�ed t�e��ec�ued bareby�U renuix lWly e[Xective�s lf no�oodawloa fad ooetirnd Howrwr�qd� <br /> �ht to neleatste cAa�3 pat app�y(a tAe cau ot accekraflaA wu1e:parag�xph 19. <br /> ' 1!. l9�M�Nai't;CM��e d Lar Sinker. 'itie Nab at a prc8d inta�t ia tbe Naoe(to�ether wNb{hit Soc�rit�r ' <br /> Lqw�at)a�y be soW aoe ar moro Waes wltbout prior nodoe w Hamw�er. A�ak m�y rault'�e jn�he eaHtp <br /> (k�noMa�r tha"L�o�n savke�')thu cove�ts mooduy PY�aue anaer t6e Nb�e ind mk security rnueumem. 71�a+a alw <br /> ayy be aqe or mae ch�es ot t6e La�a Savka uoi+el�ra!to a We of the NaKa' ii tGa�e is a chmao ot the La�a Savloer. <br /> BanoWar Mi1t be dvea writoa�aoBce of the charyK in�ccordanoa withp�n�aph lA abova aod�pplicabk law. 7be n�tioe <br /> wW wb ILe n�cae�ad sddre�ts of the aew Lo�Serail�aet and the�ddress to wbI�l1 paya�aw:houW be made. The uotioe will <br /> abo oontaip any other Lfic�rmation re4��bY.�PPUcable faw. , <br /> 71� Bazar�s S�bdras. &mower'�all nat o�use or�petmit d�e p�aor�ce.uae.dicpo��;atbrage�or release of my <br /> Hawd�oro Sub�ocxs oa ar ia dte�ert�t.���oaowtr ah�l!nnt��Ibw�nyooe elsa to do�anythin8 affecdna the <br /> Piope�ty th�t is in vioWiaa of arry Enviroma�W Law. Tha proceding two�nta�aes slWl noi�,PPly'to�the presa�ce,u�e.or <br /> uar�ge or�d�e N+cpaty of amaU qwwdties df H�zArdou�subtana�tbat�ro geher�llY����N1Ar�Pr�+�e W eormal <br /> re�idend�!uscs nd oo maintetwnce of the P�opetty. <br /> Bamwes�Il I�P�Y ave I.ender written aotice qt wy inveulgadou,olaim.dera�od.laweuit or otF�a acHon by�ay <br /> �ovenurw�nt�l or�uLwry�aicy or piv�te puty involving the Propaty�nd rny H�,udous.Sub�wice or E�rvlronmental <br /> i.�w c�i.wbich Sarower ins aceual knowtedge. If Borrower icarns.or is notifu3 by any goxcaunr,�tai ur tcgut�tvey <br /> atuhoriU►,ths�x'nny redav�l or od�er remediadon of�ny H�udaus Subtance af�ecting We prapaty ia r�cessary.Banower <br /> �IWI pm�A►PdY take all neceasary�rat�edia!actions ln accordance with Bnvlronmental <br /> As usod in Ws pua$nph 20."HazaMous Substances"w�e those aubstan�es dafined ea to�ic or hazardous subsw�ces by <br /> Bnvironmental I.�w and the foUowing aubatAnoos: gasollne,kerosene.other 8wnrn�ble or toxic petroleum pmducts.wxic <br /> peatIcides and hublcides.volatUe solvents. materials contalNng asbestoa or fom�aldehyde. and radiw�cdve materitls. p.s <br /> uced in this pAragaph 20,"Fnvlronmp►W Law"means fedetW lAws and Uwi of the jwricdicdon wl�ero U�e Pr�npetty is located <br /> thst rolate w halth,safety a envlronmenW protecdon. <br /> NON-UIVIFORM COV6NMITS. Harower and Lender fwrther coven�nt and egree aa follows: <br /> Z!. Aooele�Ho�;Remedks. I.ender sbaN give noda to Ilorrower prlor w�ccdenNon tdlowiag Borrowar's <br /> brach a��uy ooveasat or a�eemeot lo thb Securlt�Ioatrnmeat(but not prbr to aoc�kratioa under pua�pb 17 <br /> unks�app8cable la�i provldes otherwise). The notla s6all specit�: (a)t6e default;(b)t6e acNoe reqoired to cure t6e <br /> ��i��?a���t���1AyA fM�m the�IAte the noHre ts givea M Brw�maer,by wbich the detault mu.d Ue <br /> cured;and(d)tlut isqare to curo the detaull oa ar before the date specifkd to the notice may result in acodenNon of <br /> the wa�a secured by Ihis Security lnstrumeat A�d s�de ot the Property. The nodoe slwll NM6er iatorm Bor�ower o� <br /> tbe�Ight to rebsbte af/er secekradop�nd tde rl$ht to b�lag A court Actbn to assert tde non�ealsteaoe of a ddAUlt or <br /> �aay Mher detcase ot•Borrower to acceleratlon and sole. It the deioult is not cured on or before the dAte apectfkd in <br /> the notloe,I,ender at ita opdou mAy requtre immedisNe pnyment In Adl ot all snras secured by thtv Securlty Instrumeat <br /> wit6out tLrtber dera�ad �nd �ny invoke tbe power o�sple�nd aay other remedles permitted by applkable law <br /> I.ender a1Wl 6e eadtled to collect all expetises incurred In pursuing t6e remedles provlded in this pnra�raph 21, <br /> iach�dlag,but aot Ilmlted to,reasonAbk pttorneys'tees and costs of tkle evWeace. <br /> lf t6e power of s�le Is iavoked,7lrustee atwli record a notla of defoult In each county In which nny part of the <br /> Property L�located aed sh�ll mail coples ot suc6 notice in the manner�rescri6ed by npplicable IAw to Borrower and to <br /> the other persoas prescribed by appNcable law Aher the time requ red by pppNcAble law,7Fuslee shaU give public <br /> notke of sele!o the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable low 'IFustee,wilhout demand oa Borrower. <br /> s1wU sdl the Property pt publk auction to the i�ighest bldder At the tlme and plACe and uoder the tervns destga�ted in <br /> the notla of s�le M one ot morc parccls and(n any order 7lrustee determines. �Iy'1181CC IIIAy pOSfP011C 8flI@ 0�YII OI'YOy <br /> parcel of t6e Property by public annauncement a�ti�e tlme and place of any previously scheduled sale. l.ender or its <br /> de�tana m�y purchs�se the Property s►t Any sAle. <br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the prlce bid,7Fuatee ahAll dellver to the purchaser'IFustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recltals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be primp tacie evidence of Ike truth oP tde sls�tements made therein. <br /> 7tustee ah�ll apply the proceeds ot the s�le ia tbe folkwing order: (a)to pll cests And expenses of exercising the power <br /> Morm 3628 9/9p Ipu�e!oj6 popr�l <br /> 4� � • <br /> -° r -7-- - .. , ,;;�yF,,;: �� �{;�1; r1^ r <br /> ---- --�j tiv �,;� L . '. ,�'�S�;�;;;:,rt��r':t,�.� <•a G�`�?ti.E'. ti. � .���4S �'��`�'�'`� <br /> �'� ` , i' " '� :..�L;�'• �?�t��nl�tIrr,����u,ij�C'tu�?'�i�ir�ll�i',� f 5:��! �i�"Vc4t� <br /> ty..+a�2c h , , .. •;1:�•:r , �r,. ,,�9;..,x�1S�.1:. .,'�',�l}� �<'%r�„t�';Ct ��f Z�'r �y� •x.,j'.73',�;�:�t �i°�s <br /> ��h,.s.t _I�.i„e.....a.�!b1'���:•vr� �� .u��:'.�.. . .►� . 4�: � r�, r ' ��a�1", �}:y�' �S ���i:�i:lnsi.•?t c...�'�t".it.-_ <br /> ,..,el.-,-_ .i� _n. +�.,.!'�LbS�i�;_.s:�v.��•�,.. ;ilicu t.� <br /> .,, ,... <br /> �' -'-' <br /> : � _y _ T-= ° --- - - - -- , , : •— t —. ,47�k . � - -• ,-� -. _. <br /> _ t :�y ' � ., 1� � ��..� Y /t . <br /> 3( t . - .._.a.e. _ � ' . ��l. '_ 1 �� f . <br /> —�,`� �L.751C�:e:M �t . , . -��- , .._ .__}I �. . ' . .. <br /> ° . - ' dlv65K�� g _ _ _,�� .,.;�;��.. . .=- -- <br /> - �uK rt . <br /> .. ,r Y ut'}I,�"_ ..!�-. . _ ' ' . •• . _i.-�...�1:.. � ,l� . ... . <br /> - -- - t��•li.�"�.`Y'� , ,. . � _ o - -� . ` .. . . . <br /> � �• • � , • • •� . Jp {( �F.AH'./J 1�-- <br /> �o�a.c _�wa,an� ,,�iM . � ' F`�ir_, . . .. ,• �i0�- .:ry .. ;,,�.1 <br /> r :1�. �1 . wV'�/=i t . . -<�t <br /> aerrs � �:.�e. . ..,- � � � �t»4:: - . 3.i� - _, , <br /> - . . _. j�y � � � ;sr� �f� <br /> �{- ...slr.v�..�-x�.•,.�:n,,,�....�r.0 .✓ �� r` � - <br /> ±5� -.--_ r .ri'..,�.... "' - �. . #�4 br 'iIi�4�1Ayk.b.a.!'tkt t�t `��I� c- � . <br /> ".}^'S[7°' lue t���.S...a�iuM-01���'w.l�a.rr»:�r1.\.�:;iV�`..:�.i�-:l. ` � _ ��Y-�F' » t-• �' �+�y�, �4� �,a.-saa . _ :.r � 4. <br /> ._�� �y� . . ���} ... � .. , ; .�l+�it� .. , <br /> YQ�'f���+^�-���F"II��rV�.�V N . 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