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;;�+r:.�; ' ` _ �•;�;;:_:� - .j, .- <br /> �. .�S'-�.� �-.-;,�CiY11'""'y'r:,i , �:Y-9:�.r,-+..;�,=�: r .,+�.,�`°�— �C�-y-�,=-w:.�.��:- ----- <br />, .. .. • • . ., '�T-frAr. ,. .. ' , , , ..`�,a�al�.:/� � . _ _ <br /> - . .. - . � T�I , - <br /> � r . � ' , _ ' ' .._ <br /> '[��Q�� �I1��r1�0�'WNIIIH�OMr 0[MIN�Nef�lr/al!1N pf�0'Mlr�YO�;�� 1: _� <br /> -. .---�•-_��Of 1iDN lIC O�dbY f�d 1�aO�L ���Id i�01ii���0 94�i��pl�'� �.:•-'�` , <br /> �t�ii.�Mt.�A11�C MN�r nll�n�r�a b i�rr�i7:o.�iqf i�poma�t�/n-�rq�wryr.'�---—._ _ - . -. ; ..�- <br /> • ' ��B�R�V�1ANT9�SOq�w�►�VN�Iy IOi10d fl�Ih0 MfMO hN�'�001lw�M�YY�li�b]�MI , . <br /> � ad aa�wy ie hop�►e�a i�IM Prope�g d�wo�wb.�a..:oep t�ar«In�6neos or rooaid. eanow�r w�r.�a.�d <br /> wi�i�a�u�a�adly tbe P„�oPacy yidn�t�Il cl�i�.�na de�dti wb�d w+nr Ma�■Or+nou af ieoa+d � � , : <br /> 7td3 9B�U�f1'Y WS'IftU1�H[YP �oebines wdlC�d aov��ntt fat artioad we aud ��+witan�ooa�rr �rMY . <br /> IiMiwd v«ri�tia�w by jari�di�tio�eo oarddt�Ne�u�ilbnn Mauity InMiueeeeN oover��wl pec�p�ty. <br /> UN�+ORM C+OVBNAM'S. Bomowec ad I.ealer oo'�rtt Mid 1p�eo�t follo�w: <br /> L R�..w�.tPe�ci�l,�.�t.�awa l�r�,�•a 1.�crrp..�Harowe��u aoo�ptlyp�y�han eue an <br /> pdsc�pl otnd lut�at oa We dobt avtda�od by the I1ooe md anY ProP�Y��ad I�ta clwr�ea due uoder tbe Nole. <br /> i FNd�Ihe'hi,e�a�d L�a�oe. SubJect w appikabla uw or w t writtdf w�iver by 1R+nder�Hamwar�11 pry ro <br /> [�od�x an db d�y moMY,�pyr�aia clno wider t1�i f�ote�widl tiw Nato Ia p�W in tWp.a sam("i�q�dt'�far.(a)Y�Y <br /> w�es�d+iwe�b Mr1dd►ay�r aiq�ia�pdaiity over thi� Jnwuma�t u�11a�aa 1tie ftaperty:(b)7re�dY b� <br /> �� ar grawnd rawi vn�e Prop�atca�.jt wy; (e) Y� a p�opayr i�snnWnce pre��u�a�(��ke�qr flaod <br /> P�ai�s.if ap►:(�)�a�e�Y maALa�e iowraoae P�emi�e. ii+wY:�d(n ao�►��PlYabb by'$ouu�wrr b <br /> I.eader,in�ooa�dmoe wNA die pnnricioam N pw�r�th&in liea oi IOe pymast of aao�tp�e i�umooe piomi�. 71e�o <br /> ilenis ue c�lied"Esccow Ikme." l,eoder s�r t�me.coYoct�ad boW Nunds in�n�erou�rt not�o e=ceed the muidum <br /> aoouot a lacla far�iede�Uy neWed nwit�age lan aa�*roquire!ar Hono+�rrtr�escmn►�ocaiet ueder�he feddra11Ga1 <br /> Fsta�e Sar�mt Pmoeduros Ac[af 1974 aa u�ndod&aa dma a time. 12 U.S.C.f 2601 er se�q.('RFSPI�").mdas a�od+cr <br /> law thx a�splies ro tlra li�nds sets a ks�et atmunG If w.laderm�y.u any iiwe.coliact�od hdd Iiuids W tn�mouut not to <br /> exceed�he M�na amouat. I.erider rray esdmu�e die �mouat d limda d�e an the basis of cwro�t d�h aad re�o�uble <br /> � t�iims+tex:alwzg�ii 'x:.;��CaiucC&.cs�Iieca�s as a3iterwlse L3 scca,�uax wiii�ap�cabk Iaw. <br /> • 7be Rndt�l�e fie�)U1 an iadwdoa whase depooitc ue Liwned by a fedenl agen�y�iratruir�eaWitY.ot ealitY <br /> � : r"QiAclwiln$��. iP� a►tjer is sued an instiadon)or in arry Fedeial Hwne Bank. Lender ah�U�ppty the}�u�ds w pay <br /> the P.saowv hemt. L4a�dkt ltwiy ir+ot�:.�rge Borrower far holding and applyjng the fi�Ms.wmiwllY analyzing tbe esc�ow <br /> a000w�,¢a tOte'`�i+uw.lterm, unksa I.mder pays flonawer interest on the f�ndl,md �pplic�ble law permits <br /> •. L.ender to iaice�;�'d�a;ge. However.Lender au�y requi�o 8armwcr w p�y A one-tlmo chuge far sn indcpeodent i�eal <br /> , esqto Iuc s+epstting setvw�e{uod by Lender in cannxaaa with thie loan.unkss ppplicnbk law p�nv(des olbavvite. Ur�eae an <br /> • agreemeru i�rsude m'ppa�tloable law roquires interest w be paid.La�der slWl not be requi�ed to p�y Bomower any in�st a <br /> eaminga on the Rinde. Bomower and L.ender mny ag�ee i�writing,howava�th�t inte�est shKll ba p�id on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall glve W Ba�ower.wlthout m�u�l accounting of tiie�u�ds�showing credits and debita to the i+hode and t��c �� . <br /> purpose far wlilch e�ch debit to the�aade w�s mAde. 71►e Iiu�aYs�we�ted8ed u�ddidaW �ocurity far aU wms�ecaretl by� <br /> thit Secudty InsuurneM. , � , ; <br /> It t6e Na� held bv'�der exr.ctd the una�nis permitted to be held by applicable law,i.ender stWl aoeount to • . <br /> Bomower fa the e�ccess�'unds in accaW�na wkh the rcquirements of applicable law. If the am�wnt of the i�nds held'�y � <br /> La�der at �nny dme it not sufiicient to pay tlie Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notlfy Borrower in• <br /> such c�se 6ormwer ehall pay to Le�rler the amount necessay ta mWce up the deticiency. Barower clWl m�lre up the <br /> deHoienay ln no mo�than twelve monahly pnyrnents,et Lender`s satc discretion. <br /> Upon p�yment in full of all sums secwed by this Security ihstrwnent,Lender shall promptly refund w Barower tury <br /> F�nda deld by Lender. U,under paragraph 2l.Lender shall acqui�or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the ncquisidon or <br /> sab otthe P++opeity,sh�ll apply any Wnds held by L,ender et 1he Hme of acquieiNon ar sale �a c�edit against the sum� <br /> za.�u�ed by thls Sxudty Instrument. <br /> 3. Applk�tio�ot Pnymeafs� Unless applicable law Fsovides otherwlse, all payments rcceive�d by I.ender w�der <br /> puag�phs I and 2 shall be appliod:first,to�ny p�payment charges due under the Note;second,[o amounts psyable under <br /> p�h 2;Ihiid,to interest dur,faurth,to principal due;and last,ro any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. CMar�a= I.lent, Borrower shall pay all taxes, avsessments. charges. fines and impositions attr+�butable to the <br /> , PropeTty wldch may attain�riority ov�r Ihis Security Inswment.and leasehold payments or g�+cwnd nnts,if uny. �a'rower <br /> shell p�y tl�ae obl�guions�n the manner provided in paragreph 2,ot if nat paid in that manner.Borrower ehu�l pay them on <br /> ' time diroctly to 1he person owed paymenl. Bomower shall promptly��umish to Lender ell notices of amounts tu be paid�oder <br /> , � �s patag�. If Bmrower m�lces these payments dir+r.cdy.Borrower ahal)prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> PaYm <br /> Borrower ahaU promptly discharge any Ilen which has prioriry over tliis 5ecurity Inswment unless Bortower.(a)agrees <br /> in writlog to If�e payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the <br /> lien by,or defends agoinst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceeclings which in the l.ender�s opinbn operate w prevemz t7�e <br /> enfoc�canent of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lie�aro agreement satisfactory to L.ender wbordin�tjng the li�en <br /> to this Sacurity Instrumen� If Lender determines that any part of tfi�e Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Seturiry Inattument,I.ender may give Borrower a notice idendfying tfie lien. Bornower slwll satisfy tlx lien or talce � <br /> one or mon of�he acdons set fmth above wilhin 10 days of the giving of nwlce. <br /> • S. Hu��d or Property Iosurs�nce. 8orrower shall kecp Ihe improvcments now caist�ng or herea6ter emtod on thS <br /> Property i�sure�against loss by fire,ltawds included within the term"extended coverage"and any o�her hazards.fncludi�g <br /> floods or �flooding. for which L.ende� requires insurence. This insarance shall be maintained in the amounts and for t�ee <br /> . Fbti 3�2a !M (vox�2 olb P�x�sl <br /> - i __..-�.�..,� �•".� �_nes ;,y. :,:v+n— -- - - - - !'dki.� <br /> .,.:t�si� - . . . � .�" . • • ,,., _4 , <br /> � „ ;� , � , . .. :b:�; ,�c:ixq�� ' . . . • <br /> --"�l`��7i_7 _�. . . . � 'i �. ..'a.. , v. � . . � •l,'. <br /> J.;•r 1 . _ . . . ' <br /> .� -.��� � � .L�..NA��Se_-it�.. 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