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<br /> r t �.k�b. �-,� 1.�1 1 _ ' .�M4{,�
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<br /> � .�ir��" , ni��}R:,nF"^ - — _ __'—_' _-. _---T '.'_..
<br /> � ` ' �1-�1029��u --
<br /> ,,� ,
<br /> y "` applicAbk Iaw may cpecify for reinstcuement) before sele of thc Property pursuunt to any power af salc cantained in this = _
<br /> �� Secudry�nswment:or lb)entry oP a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those condiiionx uro ihat aormwer. lA)
<br /> .'� ,,�;.�,.:•... ' paye l.ender all sums which etien would bo due under this Secu�ity Instniment �nd �hc Note us iF na accelerution hod
<br /> . . occurred;(b)cures any defeuit of any other covenants or�gteements;(c)pays all expenses incutred in enfarcing this Secu�l�y
<br /> ~ • Insttument. including.but not Umited to, reasonable oltomeys'fees; und (d)wkes such uctMn ur Lender may ret�sanAbly
<br /> �.. �. ., -
<br /> , require to axcurc tha�the lien of this Security losttument.Lendert right�in�he Property ond Bormwerk obl iga�ian to pry�ho
<br /> �"_�, »......':.:; . sums secun�l by tfiis Secu�ity in�irumcnt nhofi continue unchanged. Up�►n reinctuiement ny Hurniwer, thi� S��curiiy --------
<br /> ° `" v Insln�ment and�he obligatians secured hereby�hpll remuin fully elfective os i(nn ncreleru�i�m IwJ�w�urrral. Now�ver. Ihiw �^�--�-�-.°--
<br /> "� , ; dght�o rcinatu�e�hpll nnt uPpIY in�hc co�c�f urcelcr�Uon under parugrnph 17.
<br /> �• . � 19. S�le ot Notei Chwage of l.oAa &wker. Thc Notc or u purtiul intcrc�l in Ihc N�Nc lu�tethcr with �hi� Sau�ily
<br /> -����;;� Instrumen�l moy 1�µdJ onc or mure dmca wUhc�u� prior nMire�o HuROwcr. A+�ulc mAy r��ult in u chuagc in�he endiy
<br /> --ri-;s� � Iknown aw Ihc"l.uun Scrvjrcr")Ihul collcc�r manlhly puymcnlv duc umlcr tlu Nute unJ ihiK S�wurity In�Irumcnt. Thcrc�I�o
<br />- :�,� � mAy be unc ar more chungcs uf�he I.oun Srrviccr umeluted to u hulc of the Nwr. li'thcre ir a chuagr uf ttk�L�wn Scrviccr.
<br /> �::.;'`� Borrower will be piven wril�en�x►tice i�i Ihe change in u4cnrdunce wilh purog�uph I�l utxtive onJ uppliraMe luw. The nu�ice �___
<br /> - ��:��o � will xWtc the nume und nddrca.of'thc ncw L�►an Servlccr uad�Ite wlJrexs lu which payn�nt��hould hc made. Thc nc�tin will ���;�;a� ,
<br />--= "'. ° uls�oconuin any aher inkxmutian reyuircJ by upplicuble law. �. -=— -°- --.-
<br /> - . . �.
<br /> _;::_ . ,�.�. �:.
<br /> ��. r. • ° 2Q. H��dous Subslwaces. Borrower xhall not cause ur pertnil�he prese�ce,use,dis�posal,�uirage, i�r releusc oP any —
<br /> ' •' .,,� . '" Hs►xardous Substonces on ar in the Properly, Bam�wer xh�ll nat do,nor allow onyone elsc lo do, uny�hing a(fecting Ihe "°���-.�..` rY
<br /> �� .u,,; Prapeny Ihat i:in violatlon of any Envimnmenu►I Lnw. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to Ihe presence,use,ur � -�
<br /> ::?IFr;�;� • � ' storage on the Property of srtwll yuantitiea of Hazardous Subsiances tha�suc gc�iernlly�ecagnii.ed to bc aPPropriale to normal ��.�•-.`'"•± ., --
<br /> :_.�":_ �''�' , re.cidenti�l uses and to maintenar�ce of the Piroperty.
<br /> � •� - =� - � - Bortower shall promptly give Lender written naice of nny investigntion.claim,demund,luwsuit or other acUan by pny �.._,___ ___
<br /> �'�. • gavernrnentol or regulatory ugency or private party involving the Property and uny Huzardous Substunce or Envfranmen�al =___
<br />' ' �� Luw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is nutiGed by uny govemmental or regulatory � •-----
<br /> • , ° ., authority,thut nny removul or dher remediatian af any Huzardous Substunce affecting Ihe Property is necexsury,BoROwer "v�;�`;__ ,_
<br /> • �t�;� .f shall promptly tuke all necessary remedial aciions in accorduoce with�nvironmental Luw. ���`•�""
<br /> • . ''�',. As used in this paragruph 20."Huzurdais Substances"ure Ihose substances deGned as toxic or hnxardous substu�ces by "��
<br /> : �f!;�,�:<-
<br /> � �•n . , •� ; Environmental Law nnd the following wbstances; gusoline,kerosene,nther flammnble or toxic petroleurn prciducts,taxic ��1�-,�.:`
<br /> .4 L�GlWr-�..
<br /> pesticides und herbicides, volntile solvents,materials comaining Asbestos or formuldehyde,and radioac�ive muteriAls. As �,__�jY�„��,-_
<br /> �j�`�d,,..• used in this pnragtuph 20,"Environmental Lnw"meAns federul laws And laws of the jurisdiaion where the Property is lacuted -
<br /> �:. that relate to health.safety or environmental protection. + �.;_��—
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender funher covenanl and agree ati fullows: =::___._—°_
<br /> w; , . 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lepder shall give natice to Borrower prior to acceleralioa folbwing Bo�rower'.s �-
<br />