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� ;rk+i'�b ?�'�:� _ 'r f . �;e�dr`f�i+r�fi�H➢!Xl.k7Y��:;;;V�+7fiP�Sv_.rrr�.t�----°_. <br /> ,n:.. '�.,<a .4�._ Aa_n <br /> �� ,=y�R�zq'�,�:.._ - _—_- .e.1-,.-,- - � <br /> 1 .. . . . -:.;..ta .�..�.._ .✓ . ` - <br /> ,I� � _ ,.,.._—. <br /> .�NW.Y.M'�MY..a.:.,..- '•• � <br /> k J:".��,'� <br /> "=�'3C��..�'4'""�j•�_ - --- �------ <br /> • .e-�' - -- <br /> _ . .... . <br /> — �� ..._ - __ _ __ <br /> � <br /> � , � � ..r_ _ ..� � 91--102960 - - <br /> ��� o c F'm c�r fnr cunvc nncc in licu ol'conJ�hnnudan,urc hereby u+.rig�xd uiui <br /> condemnatinn or mher toking ot uny pun f ih perty, y �__ <br /> " �� . xhull be puid to Lendcr. <br /> k:�, y� ; In the event uf u lutal laking ot' �he Praperty, the pr�wcrd+: tihull lx upplicd �o thc ,um� �rcumd by �hi� Srrurity _ <br /> Insuument,whcther or nut then due, wi�h uny cxrr.. paid to Bnrmwe�. (n I hc rvenl��I'u pu niu l t a M i n g ut'Ihc Pr�+p cn y in <br /> which�hc fuir msuket valuc of�hr Pm�x:Ay immcdiutcly ixrl'orc thc tuking i+cyuul tu or�t�cutc�Ih•rn thr umiwnt of Ihc+um+ <br /> ;' �. , jt,` rxcured by this Securiiy Inhtrumem immediutcly ix:ture the luking.unle,+B��rn►wr�und I.codrr utherwi,r ugrec in wri�in�s, <br /> — -.��._ � � ,����ttf the �um, �ured My�hi. Security Ins�tument �hall ik rrduceJ by �he t►m�wni��i �Fk pn•c.ti�l+muUiplicd by dx� I'ollowing = <br /> _-� .. - ;�.�...rri'' i'mctiun: lul d►e wtul umuunl ul'thc wm+.ccurcJ imni�Jiutcl� tktiirc Ihc tal:ing.�li�•idcd hy lhl�h��:�ir mii���vidur oI'ihc � -_-_ ��_ <br /> -^ '' :'s'.•�,:� <br /> �� � • l.t�,l';f,>:,: propeny immediutcly betore ihe luking. Any lr,dunr��holl t+r puiJ w Burruwrr. In�hc rvent u(:� partial rrkin�e ��i�hc <br /> ��!�4't'�'�i�� pro n in which Ihc i'uir murket valuc i�f Ih� Pr���xny immcJiuirly i+4ti�n�thc lukin�is k..Ihun�hr umnunt�►f�h�,u�m <br /> ��t'i(:'y,r�' ,' . , Y,_;r,,,; Pe Y <br /> �,.,;t�!`�'•%r� '�';�-,��>:t�;: +ei:urcd immcdiatcly bctore tlx� wkiog, unlc., R��rruwcr und Lrndcr athrrwix agrcr in wri�in�s ��� u�d�„u��n�+�ni�luw <br />'!�`.-�:::-�%, _:�� ,•", u�crwi+e pmvides,�hc prcw:c��d.r rhull hc upplicd lo Ihc�ums+ccur�d hy ihi+tircuriry In�trumcnt whrthcr nr iNU ih���nnv ar� <br />;.�,,: . _, <br /> �hcn duc. <br /> t.•.. . If�hc Propcny i�uhundanrd hy RoRUwer.or il'.ul'Iar nolic�hy Ixndrr lo li�►rruwcr Ihat �hr r�a�drmn��r��Ilcr,lu m+��c <br />:. � � .- <br /> T .:,� " � un uwurd ar u�dc a cluim f��r duro•rµr..13u�ruw.r I�+�it,u►rc+�md to I.cndrr�vilhin jD d:��,ul�rr ilir�I�nr d���n��la�r i. i�en. ._ _ __ ___ <br /> , :.�.t; ..� ., � <br /> . Lender i.i�uih�ttin•�i tu culleci unJ upply ihe pr�K•red,,ul il.option.ei�hrr u�n��l��ruliun ��r rcp;ur ul tlu Prn�x�i1y ur�n Ihr <br />�r '•'� � xum����ured hy Ihiti Sccurity Iminim�nt.whrlhrr��r nut�hrn due. <br /> • -.a , l�nlc..l.cndrr�md Not7uwer��Ih►�n�i.e +tgme tn w�itinµ. uny :�pplir;iU�HI��I pr�M�e�d+lu p�mc�p.d.bull nnl cv��pl ur <br />'�" ,; f. ��.�������n�au.a����„r�n��n���uniy ru>���.���,Ri.n�•.i��►�„�;�raµr.�ph, 1 und��►r rhun�:r Ihr um�nml��I,urli��,p menl.. ��:�=Y <br /> . .,. <br /> .. .: <br />{,: . �, .. II. Nurrnwc� Nnl Rcict�edt Morbcurunce Ky Lende� N�rl u W+�iver. li�iru.iun ��1 ihr umc lur p+�,riu�m ��r — <br /> m�.dilirutiun nl'amuniiuli�x�at�Ihr,um..�rurrd hy Ibi, tirrurily In.irumemµr+mlyd by Lcuder tu,m� wc�e.,ur�u fwcrr,l <br /> • " ' � �d' Bom�wcr.hidl nu�oixr+�tc U+ rck:�,c�he liuhiliiy ��I thr nri�einat Nnrrnwcr��r linrr�����r'. ,urcc,.ur. iu inlcrc.l. I.cnJ��r __ <br /> • � �.� " .hull nut Ix rcyuircd�o c�mmmncc pnK•r�dm�t,n�swmi uny ,ucre,.ur ui inlcrctil ��r rc1 uM w.rirnd �iui�I��i p��ym�nt ur -- -- <br />; r-. � " �Nherwi,e m�►►lil'y arm�niiuii�►n��f,,rrurcJ b��ih�,Serurity In,irunum by r�u,an�N any drm;md mudr by Ihc origin�d ..'°�••"°' <br />' � � • � fl��rr��wrr„r Burn�wcr; ,uccc�.on in inirrc,t. Any turlxuranrc My l.rndcr in r�rni+mu any ri�thi��r rcu�ed,v +b�dl n��l ik n �..�._ <br /> wuivcr ul ur prccludc thr cxcrci�c��I any right nrrrmedy. ' : <br /> � . � ' 12. Succes.s�rrs and A�.vi�os Round:Jninl�nd ti�verul I.fubillly:('�HSlgners. 71�c c�wrnum.und agR emcu�:.��f ihi, � .�^.Y' <br /> ., Sccuriry In�lrumrnt,hull bind anJ Ixnclit ihc ,ucrc„or+and u�.i�n.ul l.cndcr unJ Hunuwrr..uhj�c�a� thc pr�►vi.i�m. ul <br /> • , parugraph 17. sorrowrr:covcnun�, and :�grcemeniti .hall Ix juint und .evrral. Any B�►rn►wer �vhu ru-,ipnn�hi, Secu�ity �---_�-' '- <br /> . .. In.trument hut dces not execwe�hr N�►�r: lal i+co•.i�ning ihis Securiry Intitrumrm unly ta mon�ugr.�rant ancl canvcy Ihat i=_— <br /> � • , .> , Bnrrowcr's intrrcst in Ihc Pm�xny undcrthr trnm al'thi,Srcurily In.uumrnr. Ibl iti nui�icnunully obligmrd u►ps�y thc,um+ ��� --- - <br /> % � •s.. . +erurcd by ihis Scrurity In,�rumrnC:md Ic 1 agrce+ih:U Lendrr anJ cmy oth�r 8�►rr���ver m+ry:igrer w rriend.m�klily.fortkar �N�,�� <br />• • � or make any ;iccomm�xl�i�ion. wiih rcEurJ �o ihr trrms of�hiti Securiry In.irum�ni ��r �hc Notc ��•itlx�ut Ihut B�irrowcr; <br />' , �1.� `' ' conrent. � -�S::F��� <br /> � !3. Lc�n Char�rs. !1'thc• I�qm �•run•�1 hy �hi.Securiw In,lrumenl i.suhie�l lu,� luw whirh .rt.niuximum luun �',�4Y�Si. <br /> '�.�?,!''. ' � chargc+.�md th+u luw is tin:dly imcmrricJ.o that thc intcrr,�„r othrr loan rh�irgr.roUcr�ed ur to Ix collrctcd in ccmnccu�m ; -�u�•_;�:-_ <br /> ;':�'� .,. ':-�i). . u•ith Ihe loan rxcced�hr perniin�•d liini�..�hen� i:�1+iny.urh I��un rhargr shull Ix rcducc�l hv �hr:nnuunt i�acc��ary lu reJuce _.;i j� ���,� __ <br /> Ih�rh:�r ��o Ihr rniilted limit:anJ�hl un tium�ulr�ad rullectcd fn�m B��aower whichexcecded�xnnili��i limits wdl tx r)1 T.�, , .ss,. <br /> . ':•:;i,. .r��:'�.�5• F' �'' >� Y .�' • <br /> .:.�„r,:,•;r�i:, y�;,r:; . rct'unJcd tu BuROwer. Lendcr nr.ry rh�w,�to makc�his rctund hy rrducing�h�principid uwed undcr�hc Nuic ar hy making a ,,. : . �'�.w� <br /> �,,,�.,,':.;. . . Jirer�puymenl to Bonowcr. If a Rlund redur«��rincipiiL ihr reducti�m will Ixe treaued:�+u p+ini�d prcpuymem without uny '� �v:`'��"y <br /> � .,. • , rc r mrnt chur��umiar thc Notr. ��,.1' ��• � <br /> .. . ,";•'.�,;,.�. p p'Y �' ,1.+ ,�,; •, <br /> '��' 14. Noticey. Any nntice to Korruw•rr pm��iJcil f��r in thi�Security In+innnenl ,h�dl Ix �iv�n by dclivcrin� i�or hy .. :•s.:j,*,;:,_ <br /> ',�t r � � ;�,� <br /> . '.:�.,,. mailing i�by tint rla+,rnail unlr„applir,�hlr I:nv r�quire,u,c ut'anolhrr mr1h�K1.Thr naticr+hull In Jircrtcd tu�hc Pr���xrty ',• •:ac',r= <br /> . .. ,:U.. • �r,: <br /> ',�;..,; Ac1JR.,ur uny��thcr addm,�Bunowcr dr�ipn:nc.hy n��tirc�o Lendcr. Am•n��tire�n Lrndcr�hull tx gi!�cn hy lir.t clu.+ <br /> ��:`r;' • muil lu Lendcr�c�ddns,,IatrJ hercin or any�►�Ikr:iddm.+l.endrr d�,igniiic�hy nu�irr u► Bnrro��•rr. Any nuiicc proviJcd t��r . ..t._: <br /> "' • • • in Ihix Security Instnnticnt ,h:dl Ik dcrntcd In h��ve hcen givcn to li��rr���vcr �,r I_cndcr whrn �ivrn u. prm�ided in thi, ,,,-'. ��•; <br /> ;.t:.•.'; `i „ . .. <br /> ;,,•.; .,. paraEruph. � <br /> . I5. Cove�ninR I.uw: tievrrubUil�. 'I'hiti Scrurity h�.irumrnl +hall Fx�avrrncd hy I'rdrral lu�v and ih� luw ol' �hc , <br /> ^ .• juri+Jictiun in whirh�hc Pru�xny i�I�x;urd. In ihc rvcnt thai an} rravi+i�m�x rlau�c��f�hi.Srcurily In,�rumenl ur Ihc Nutc <br /> ► • . runllirt+with applicahk law•.�uch r�mllirl.hall nut atlrri�Hhrr pn���i.iun�uf ihi+5rcurit}Imb•ununl or�hc N�H�which run , <br /> , r • Ix. Eivrn eftrc� wilM�ut �hc c�mtlirlinE pruvi.inn. 7i�Ihi.cnd Ihe pnrvi+inn,��I Ihi+tircurity In.�rum�nt :md the N�xe un u'' ' . _ ` <br /> derlarrd k�hr.evrruhlr. �`' ' --• <br /> � ► .. 16. Borrowcr's Copv. liurrowcr.hall Ix�ivcn�mr cuntiinncJ cupy ul Il�r No�r;uiJ uf�hi,ticrurity Intiln�mrn�. - =;'T <br /> . . ., 17. 'I�ansfer uPthe Properh or a Benefkiul Inlere�l in Rorru��•cr. If.dl��r nny��an uf ihr F'n��xrly ur nny intcrctit in , ' ��= <br /> it is,�,ld ur�ron.fcrrrd ror if a ixnrlirial inlrrc.t in Nurru��rr i, ,uld ur tr;m+irrrcd and Borcu��•cr i.nut a nulural ( �. .cL:. � <br /> � • �i";. witM�ut Lcnder:pri��r u,riu�n cun.ent.L�ndcrm:rv. :n its uptiun. ityuirr immcili:tlr p:i�•mem in full ul all sum�,rrumd by ' • .�.:r.�� <br /> �,� E,��,: a 'i� . "� " � r"'--`-- <br /> r.;}, �j . , thi.Srcurity Inslrumcnt. Ho��•rvcr.Ihis��pli�m.hull nnt fx cxerci.ed hy Lenikr il'cxcrruc i,pr��hihitcJ hy I'eJc�ul Is�w:i,of r�„r-, <br /> ' � • ' � � :� � �he Jate of'thi�Srrurily In�trumrm. 1 � • . <br /> _�S . ` <br /> ..�. .��..,.`�� '�; It'L�nJcr rxcni,c.�hi.��p�ion.Lrndcr�h�ll gi�c{i��rn,wcr nulir�uf acrclrratiun. llu nutirr,hall��ruvid�a�xriad��f I . <br /> Itot I�»th:m 30 duyti from thc diuc thr nu�irr i,drlivrred ur nu►ilyd �vilhin whirh H��n'o��e�ntu�l p:�v�+ucur�d hy thi� I <br /> .,:li: '> '; Srcurity Instrumrnl, 11 Hurru��•rr fail. iu ��a� thr.�+um, prior ��i ihr rxpirati�►n ��I�hi, ��criud. Lcndrr ma�• incukc :uiy <br /> � �� . , ��,:�, , <br /> , •� �1',', n r�imdir.�xmiiltrd hy thi,Srruril��In.irumcnl�eiihuw li�nhrr nalice nr demand�m liurr.x�rr. <br /> . �� `,.., 1$. Rorrower'� RI�(ht !o Rci�»lute. II li�in•„��rr nieei. rrriain r�mditi��n,. R�►rn���cr �hall h;i��r d�r ri�:hl w havc `� . <br /> ' ��:•� ��: <br /> .' . '�;�,.., en(an:ament of thl�Sc�utily htMruntenl di�r�aiunur�l:u am limr��riar N�Ihr.•ailiri ul: i.i1 ��lu��lur.urh �Ultcr peria�l a, , <br /> ' , ti�uil.I.nnd� •F'unnfe Nne.Fr�rlJlr\1uc l XII�11N�1 IVti'1'RI SII•:%'1' l udonul'��� 4�411 qaier�„I��P.�c�'�i , <br /> 1 ; <br /> � i: <br /> 1;� %7 <br /> i• ' <br /> �., . , <br /> � ,� <br /> �� � <br /> � <br /> • �1_ . _ - <br />