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<br /> r� � •� of wrle wad Ibe sala�includlnR the payment ot the 71ruMee's�erx pclu�lly Incurred,nut lo ezceed 3.0 `�� -- — --
<br /> the pr�pCI�MI YIIIUUIII�Iil!M01!Yl�IIO(Iq10 Qt Ihe deClpl'�IIOII 0�dC�NYIf�YOA�RAifMYblt A1toP11ByN�teen a+pennUled —
<br /> by lowi lbl lo atl wm�recurcd 6y ehb!+tocurlly Inct�unwott wnd Icl Any excera lu the pei sw+u+'perwm I�rl�y ep�N�
<br /> • ,: :�..' tu tt.
<br /> :'� •' •`�,.•a`�.� 22. Recoqveywnce. L'p�►n p•ryment nf ull xuni� �ccurcd hy Ihiw Sccurity In+Irumcnl, l.cnctcr+hu0 ���ucti1 'itu.lcc lo
<br /> ��� -� ^ recunvcy Ihe Pr�crty wnd +�h�ll xumendcr Ihir Sccu�ily Inxuumcnt und ull nwen evi�lrncfn�t dciu+�cuRd by ihix Sccurhy
<br /> ���+�'�-�::�::� inslrumcni iu i'ruhicx. 'itiu,i.t ,h�it r.canvcy shc t'mprny wlthcntt wusrant,� atn! wfthuut chnr�e to �he {+rry++n•a{+�•r�mK �—
<br /> . ""�'"' le�olly rMilled N�il. Such�xnun ur�tM�n�whull p+�y uny recardutfan co�is. �—_�--
<br /> �'.. (•'�'� ti. Sub�tllale 7Fu�lee. Len�kr.m Ux�►Mi�M.muy frum�imc tu�imc rcmuve'Iturtec und opp�int u�uccr,w�r�Nr���c��►
<br /> . . �-�.�:, . ---
<br /> uny 'Itu�tcr uppnintm! hercundr.r by un in.r�rumem reeorded in ihr cuunty in which thix tiecurily In,uunKm iy n�:urded.
<br /> `- �'� '�.';� ��.e k ° Withou� cunvayance�if Ihe IMn�xrly.�he�uccesr�x Iru�lee shall wcrerd ta ull �ha ti�le. ��wer und du�ics c��nl'e►reci u�m �.
<br /> '.;'y�� � . 'IhiKtee heroin und hy appIfcuMc taw. --
<br /> -- 24. Requc�t Par Naticer� Bonuwer reyucslti�hat copies of the noticex ot'dei'AUIt und sule i�seM tu Bnrmwe�k uddrexx
<br /> _ =��`"�`°:�'':''� which ia Utc Property Address.
<br /> --.-t�����;:,;�-•*% ZS. Ridera!o this 3ecurlly Inetrument. If onc�tt morc riders urc excculc�i by Borrowcr und recur�d tagcihcr with _-_
<br /> - � � Ihin Secu�Uy Inntruo�ent,Il.e mvennntx und ug�cemen�s of each.uch rider.hall be incorp�r++ted intu and vhull umenJ und _�_ -----_
<br /> � ����.'��.�•. hupplement the covenuntR nnd ugreements M'Ihis Securi�y Instrument as ii the riderlsl were u part ui'Ihis Secu�iiy Inxtrument. Y
<br /> '�"��-•�'r�<•:_, . �Check appUcnble box(es1�
<br /> ��.�:`""�'":�� �Adjustable R�te Rider �Condominium Ridcr �1-4 Fumily Rider „{.;��A_--
<br /> � �A�!{�.i:" __
<br /> � ' �3` -`
<br /> ;i.t� ',' � . : . . �Graduated Puyment Rider �Pisinned Unit llevelopment Rider �BiwcYkly Puyment Rider �'� -
<br /> ':'���rwT:� t . �Second Home Rider �"-,���
<br /> �.,•:.' ,...,_ �Ballocm Rider �ItAtr Improvement Rider
<br /> ,.t ,r;,.. -
<br /> :1�+. �
<br /> . �,�,� �v xx Othcr(s1�speciFy� Adcnowledgment
<br />--_��: ,�n o . .
<br />'"``'` � " ' BY SIaNING BELOW.Borrower accepts And ugrees to the terms und covenants contAined in this Securay inatrument
<br /> �'`'`�` '`� " �� '�� and in any rider(s)execuled by HorroNS�r and recorded with il. �
<br /> _;.�;�y;:� ',;�� ��':t�' �
<br /> � ', ,.; i ,
<br /> u' . ,��f�i`; Widiesses:
<br /> N ' 1I 4 / . _
<br /> . ? .!u�t .v./1inf�L���� `(.t�j � L� � "� �'���]��.'4�.�.:��-.
<br /> a..- - � � _ -.- i. �$C:Sl� f .....�,.:_.. -
<br /> 4, r,>�" paniel K Pleyer ' •�o�ow�r
<br /> �'�. ;,,.: _.
<br />, 1,�, � . . . ',,};;?,;;� Suciol Security Number 50 -70-9002 c���pr
<br /> .j. . .�..;t. , ,.. .�,::.
<br />,"� . ..r , ,,'ri�is•�:,�: �Scal) f :�:.
<br /> �.�ti�Rt: i _
<br />' . . ,� � "�71;�s�%'� Cece A P'IeyeI. .Bormwcr
<br /> '''`�: 507-7 -1330
<br /> � ' . • �',J,��,,;f So�:iel Secunly Number
<br /> •� .}.,,�.r�k ��—
<br /> . . .. `;;��`::'�::�."- 3TATE OF NEBItASKA. Hall Cuunry _— -----
<br /> sti: �-�,�:��,....
<br /> _. . . �z",.. . �.'��1����•'cf LT�[Q�".,�•_-
<br /> k-:t.::�•�_.�..
<br /> . • On this 15th duy af may ,hefore mr,�he undersigned, a Notary Public ;j-� ___
<br /> duly commissioned und quuli6ed for�aid county.personully came Oaniel K IrleyeT and '�i - —•—
<br /> ;QY. , • ,-; -�
<br /> �` Cece A Ineyer, hi�sband and wife ��'`��r�
<br /> 3. . .to me known to t�the j.,�••-s��,���•s,;�:A,�
<br /> a ." ,:t7i-ri� r.. _.��..,
<br /> , !, •,;',;,:::;�;� identical persons(s) who. (�l are wbscritx:d to the 1'ore�oin,instrumenl und acknowledged the execution thcreof to 'i. :•T�'��,�s.:,;,�_
<br /> - ,,Jy ;;i (� thei � vnluniary act und dced. " �'� -
<br /> � �` W �� in said county.the � '�;` -
<br /> ; �cul at Grand Island,
<br /> �;' 1� � ' ' ' vl►N'b �u��'!'� �r.��-�.-
<br /> m• �„�" j,� .,;.�t' ��:.>-
<br /> �+ ., ..r. y l� � � Nauy Publk '��,.
<br /> - . �i ryr(,� n
<br /> � +� '; ! RE UE5'f FOR RE(`ONVEYANCE — =—'--��.
<br /> . . f�';.:-:` Q — �:.-��
<br /> . ��'��'itnir�;`�'' TO'1'RUS7'EE:
<br /> '•� ..,� , ��. _
<br /> �� ,�;�l,.��,r,; The undersigned is thc holder of the note ar notes scrured by Ihis Dced of Trust. Said note or naes,togcthcr wilh all ��"�Y ��� .
<br /> ;,ti:;.�'f... aher indebtedness secured by thi,Dced of 7Yust,huve been paid in full. You arc hereby directed to cunccl suid no�e or noteti �
<br /> :,1;�;�, und this Deed of 7ivst,which are delivrmd herehy,and u�recomey,withaut wumanry,all Ihe�slute now held by you under ,. .
<br /> :;;�^�' this Ured of Truxl to thr penun or Ex rsons legally entitled thrretu. '� . �' '��•"�
<br /> . . ,. U }_. ' ��-.n��-.�,i,.:.
<br /> . ti �'i
<br /> . . Date: . . .:r�
<br /> Form t02li 9r9i �ry�r n n/n p�ur�I
<br /> ,s ; k. ..
<br /> � . � . � ... � � . � .
<br /> , .. _ . ,._,_ . . .. . _� .
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