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<br /> perfoJs thut Lcnil�r reyulrca. 7'!�e In�uruncc cs�rrfer providing�hr insurance�+hall he choticn by BaROwcr xu6ject to Lendcrl�
<br /> ,s a�ppmvol which s�hall not be unreosonubly withheld. If Burrower iuilx�o muintain covernge described above,Lcnder muy,at
<br /> • 1.enderi:aptian,obtaln coverpge taprotect l.ender's rigbt�in the Prapeny in uccordance with pnrugraph 7.
<br /> � � All insurance policles und renewalx shall be ucceptable to Lender und shall include u s�undual mongage clause. l.ender
<br /> ,� xholl have the right to hold the policiex and renewuls. IC Leadcr myuires, Bonowcr�hull promptly give to Lender ull receipts
<br /> �• oi pald pmmiums und renew�l ndices, In ihe event of loss,BoROwer shall give promp�nwice to�he insurance currier and
<br /> - .,�;,.�:_: ,•,- . ,,. },cn�cc Lcndcc may makc proof af loss if not madc promptly by Barmtive:. �_—_—_
<br /> - �'��•�`�' Uniesg l.ender:md 8orrawer utl�envi.e agrec in writinK,inwrunce praecd�+hall be npplicd to rcstarntion or rcpnir of �,^--- ___
<br /> . i�4�%=• the property dumaged. if the regtarution or repair is ecanamicAlly fea�ible anJ l.enderl securi�y i. na Iehsened. If the �,;�r;:;.--
<br /> � } �i'4'����� rcstoralion or repair is not econumicully feasible ar Lenders ,rcurily w•cwld be lew.e�xti,ihK insurance }xoceeds rhull be ' ,����x;�;�.�•�-
<br /> _ _`•�' �•l='..,.,��r�,• applied to the sums secured by Idis Securi�y Instrument, whether ur not then due, with any excess puid to �urrower. lf �r•;��,.
<br /> �r ` ��..,,,:.
<br /> - + ;���• Horrower obandans the rt or does nat unsw•er within 30 days u naice fmm L.ender thAt the insuranre cc�r►ie�hat
<br />—-__,�,...S.,a,,�.f,•�;.�':.y� � Y�
<br /> -r...�F��.!;4:, d �z�°`.
<br />-- r,� � ?,};5��;;�si{o�;��,R,y�� tlte Property or to pay um ti ured by thi Secunttyn trum t whethcr or naet hen auC u�Tne�aa epericxi wll�begin wh n
<br /> _ �'..`.�
<br />--.-�•-•�,';'��:,;>>�,If1-;alif Ihe noAce is given. _ - --
<br /> `""`��`=�°' :}`+4:��^�a' Unle.�s Lender�nd Borrower othrrwise :�gree in wri�ing,uny aipplirutian of praccedr lo principal tihall na extend or �_��___
<br /> „��,:.� 7.��.,,
<br />-,._�,�lt�•t.a� '"'`'"'- �tpone the due dale of the monthly paymcnts referrcd ta in pumgruphy I und 2�x chungc�he umaunt of Ihe puymcnt+. If _
<br />_..:,.�.. under parugr�ph 21 the Pmperty is :xyuired by Lendrr. DoRrnvcr i right lo uny in,urunce�x�licic. und prnccrds resulting _
<br />--- �'`�"' U'�"` ^ from dumuge to thr Pro�eAy�r'iix tc•the acquixf�ion xhull pu.�to Le�uier tn�Ix exten���f the .ums.�curcd hy�hix Sccuriiy --
<br />—�_�,� ... �, .
<br /> --_rt,^��:n •,.; . . Inx�rumcm immrJiu�ely priur in dx uryui.itK�n.
<br /> -';t;^�:-- 6, llreu{wncy. preservwtlon. MpiMenunce Wnd prulectlun of the PropeMyt Ilorrower'x L�wn Appllcalloni
<br />_° _ ;.. .-,��' . �,: IxwzeboWx. Burn►wcr+huU�KCUpy. c.tuhlf+h.anJ u,r Ihr Prn�xny u.li�,rn�wcr�.prjnr�p+d rr.idcnrc wi�hin.izry�luy.ulirr ` ___..__-
<br /> ���'. � � ° Ihe ez�wu�N►n��F�bi,tirruri�y In,trurnent +�nJ +hnit coniimic�u�krupy u��I�r��xny :i,NuROwrr',prinripul R+idrnrr li►r u�
<br />-21r•; : Ieu�t une yrur ufler ihr duie uf�.ccup�i�xy. oak,. Lendrr �dhrnvi+. aµrrr, iu wri�ing. which ron.rm ,hull nut I+r
<br /> . . � '., ,� unrcuw►nuhly wi�hhrld.nr unk„cKteuuuliug circum.iuncr��ri,�wluch un IxyuiKl Rnrn�wcr;rnmrol. t3urmwcr,hull not
<br /> :' .�;' 4�. . .. ik.troy, dumug.or imp�ir thc I'r�q+rirl)•,uUuw• ihc Ik�qxny���drlrriur,�le.��r cummi� wu.�c un tlir 1'ro�rty. Harm�vrr,hull ��_,
<br /> • , . � Ix in Jcl'aul� ff uny ti�rl'ci�un�ac�em �rc pnxceJln�,.whellur civil or rriminal. i�tx�tun�hu�in Lei�lrr'.�!�xxl fu�lh.juJ�mcn� �"``�-
<br /> ' . cnuld��ult in li�rl'ci�urr ut'�hc Nn��xny ur uihcnvi.� mu�rri+illy �wpuir�hr licn c�cu�.d hy �hi. ticcuri�y In,�rumrm or .�._.,.,._,,,
<br /> .•��.s,. , Lender�xcuri�y intrre��. Dom�eer may curc ,urh n defuul�und rein.t�ne.:�+proviJed in purugruph I K.by cuu.ing�hr urtiun �.Y.�;�m�`-
<br /> :•;F, ix pracceJing to bc di�mi�sed wi�h u ruling Ihal,in Lcudcr;g�Nxl li�i�h d�tcrminuiKm.pmcludr.li►rlciiurc ul�h�Born�wcr:
<br /> - • , intcrr�i in ihe Pnipny ur��iher muterial imruimicnt ol'thr lirn rRa�ed by �hi.S�rurity In.trumcnl ur Lcnderti.ecuriry __
<br /> , ,' interect. Bam�wcr �h•rll al,a hc in del'uult if Borruwrr. during �hc Iemn applicu�ion pnxr�ti. guve muieriully I'ulk ��r � .a.,w._
<br /> ��+� � "�� inaccursite infarmntion or��ntemcm+ to Lrnder ror fuiled to providr Lendcr with uny muterial inti�rniutionl in connrctinn with _^_
<br /> �� �� b���• the loan evidenced by the Note,incluJing, 6ut noi limitc�l to. repm�emution.ronrrming Borrower+ occupancy at' �h�
<br /> ''°—- � '� ' f'roF�°cty as a pri�eips!rer:iLesx�. !f Fhi�Sccut'il;• In•�n�mrn�i.�,n a Ica.rhold.Burtx�wrnh•rll romplv wilh ull the provi,ion, �-` _�-:
<br /> ` • of the Ieu,e. If Borrowcr ucyuireti fec litl�to thc Properly.�he Irauhold and ihr f:,��iUe.hull no1 merge unless Lrnder uFrces �„d:_'�,,
<br /> c�' '
<br /> - � : m thc mergcr in writing. '
<br /> ' ' 7. P�otectiun oP Lender's Rights in the Property. II' Hurruwcr 1'ail. in �x:rtimn the co�•rnuna and ugrcemem+ �'c`�
<br /> � , , • ."�,� cantained in �hiti Serurity Imlrument, ar Ihere iti a Ieg;d pr�xceding thai may tiignifir:niUy utTect l.ender: rightti in Ihe ,; -=_
<br /> ;;,,:;;�?"',� Pmperty Ixuch ux a pnkecJing ia hu�kruptcy, probale. t'or condrmnuti�m ur lii�lcilure ar t�*eMi�rce law.nr regulutiom►.Ihen �i�:;;;;:
<br /> � �'�"•% 4ender may do and pay tiir whatev�r i� necr,+ury tn protect ihr value�,t'the Pr��n�� und LrnJer; ri�ht.in Ihc Properly. �"'�'��`.
<br /> .�:1�%"V.�,... --- -
<br /> �. �� �i.;t,:,,.,, Lender's u�:tion.m�y include puying any+wn�+ecurrJ by u licn K•hirh ha+priorily�wer Ihi.Securily In.trument,:ip�xarm� ____
<br /> .,... :��::.., -°a
<br /> � •,.•.,,�;�t�:��: '" in roun,paying reazonublr:uwrney�'1'ee.und cnterin}��►n thr Pm�xny ta muke repa�irti. Allhou�h Lendrr muy tuke ucn��n M
<br /> '��.'!'�'' � ��� �..,'�._��-
<br /> ,` -,r`;�%;j•.t;,,`;'�::r;-•: underthiaparagruph7.l.endcrdacsn�Nhavetodutio. •.i :�:_.�:
<br /> �,;: , Any amouniti di�huned by LrnJcr uncicr�hi.pi�rugruph 7 ,hull fx�comc addiliunid deM uf Norrower�ecurnJ hy Ihi� 1 ,��-��,-
<br /> ,, �'!�E's?'�j,'E( �; i; ' Serurity In+trument. Unlctiti Hurrmvcr and 4crnkr ugrcc�o�i�hrr�crni,ol'pa��mrnl.lhrx�amounl,.hull Ixur interc�l fnim�he . ��'•'w;�,�m
<br /> .••;;'��l','1���:?•::'%.�. �. J•rte��f Jisburu:nxnt ut thc Niite mtc and tihall Ix pay:iMc. with interc.t.u�x,n nmirc from l,�mder to Borniwcr reyur+�ing ;�:.t;,:',;, .;.._
<br /> • :1 ��,t,.(,�,;,�.rS,..�l;i.'�� ` `
<br />- .,i.t�;;:'r:�.1l,.�, pryment. ��•'.'
<br /> ; ��... � . - B. Murty��};e Insurunce. U Lender�quired monEugr in.unmcc a.u ruixli�ion uf makinE �hc lo:►n�crurcd My thi� '�r.���1�,��,:
<br />_• ;',�:' -,.,,��:,. . Security In.trumen�. Borrower .I�II puy IM premium,reyu�rcd tu maintain �hr mi,ngagr inxunmrr in rffert. 11'. for am� Y�.'r:%'{1i�%"?
<br /> , ,�r„4..':^,syo._
<br /> `:��:�';:r;�� rcusan. the mongagr inr•urun�c covcrugc rryuirrJ by Lrndcr lup.�. ur cra�r�I�i tk in cfi'crt. Nnrn•��•cr ,hall �ay Ux ��,�r�.;,,;...
<br /> . ;:t;;.>:'r���, premiums myuireJ to obtuin cuvera�:r tiuh,tuntiully cyuivalrm ta ihe rnongiige in+uranc� prrviuu,ly in elfrci, ac ;� co.t r:•.?�•�;;:�•'� .
<br /> . ► ,, � r•�,,•.r�� � ... .�:.��,,•:,;r.- '
<br /> •. ,.�;;�.�. subz�untiully eyuiv�lcnt�u ihc rau ta Horrowcr�►t'ihr murtgagr inwranrc previ�aivh� in�ffcc�. t'rom an al�cmatr mans�gr .
<br /> � • insurer upprmed hy LenJer. If xub��untiall}cyuiv:dcnt mon�ugr in+uranre cn�•eragr i,n��1 u�•:�ilaMr.Bnrruwcr.hall pay iu �;.-::�.,__:--
<br />• . !'; ��' .',,,. . , Lender euch mon�h u�um ryuul to�,nc-twrlfthof thc ycarl�• mun�u�c in.uranrr prcmium t+einE paiJ hy Burro►�•rr w•hcn Ihr r':���.:y-
<br /> t'.��_..e_.
<br /> .�;t ' ' insuruncc ciwcrugc lup+cd or ccaxJ lo Ix inrl'tcrt. Lrndcr��•ill arrepi.utie anJ rrtain thr+r pap•mcm,a.u lo�.rrrrr�r in licu �r_�y��:_—=-
<br /> ,..t�,_t. : u'.`' "
<br /> � i�:;�;�r,:..:.�s. of rnortgagc intiuranrc, Los.rcacrvr paymcnl,muy nu lun�rr Ik rryuirrJ. ai thc i�p�i�m of Lcndrr. it morlEugc in,uranrr ,.�,,^f'�„•'.;`;��
<br /> ; . �.i.;�.,�t . , �� , $�;,';_
<br /> •:•��•�:'r;' roveruge(in Ihr amount:mJ G�r the �xnixl that L�nder rryuirr,�pra��i�k�l hy an in,urrr;ippr�,vrJ by Lendcr a�.uin Ixromr� �.�",:��,.;,.':-.
<br /> �� �::?'. uvuilublc und i.��Muincd.B�ttru��rr�hull pay tlk prrmium+rryuired�i�mc�im:im nwn�ag� in+urnnrc in cf tcc�.ur�o providr u •�
<br /> �.�',, !•;:;�, , ,,•., lo��resrn�c.imlil Ihc mquirrm�nt lur mun�:are imuranrc r�xl.in urrurdunr��vith any ��•rincn agrccmrnt Ixnvrrn R�Kro�vcr :. ,.��,:, . >:-
<br /> .:� �� • i unJ L�ndcr��r applicaMc law. 4' , � ���r
<br /> •„ ,;•,., �
<br /> �1�<< ;;; r,.,�{��;;�::>:�;� i 9. InzpecHon. LrnJer��r il� agen�m:�y nui{�e rra,unahlr rntric� iq�un;uid m,pecliom��t Ihr Proprm•. Lendcr.hull 'r.� �:,.
<br /> ,,7,:�•,: '•,r`�;�� ,�1`.,, ' ��•a;Bcirn�wrr no�ice:U Ilt�Um���I'�x riur In am in+ ctiim� cll)•in�ria�un:ihl�rau.�far Ihr in+ rliun. �,.�
<br /> 1� ,�. ;,i,. �i P 1'� (k a� Ik �
<br /> .. S ,f;:•.,,..:,.:: . •
<br /> ,1•; 10. Condemnation. Thc pm.•rtd,nt airn:���,ird��r�•i:iim�nr dam:�LC,.Jir�:i�,r�•on.c��urnual.in cunnecliun a•i�h;m�• :,:�;,�,:
<br /> �y ;✓;,•.,.;i�;�`:"`+ ; ,
<br /> �mpk I�uml. F'unnle �Ine•FYaldle�lncl'\IF�/N�II\�{R{\IF\'1' Imt�wnt'���rn,m�, 440 �p�ie�•_+„�,��,��r���
<br /> � blrall.d.r.ltn•mrw.l�Nln..lm � .
<br /> ' I��Ih�h1l.�ll IIYRStII`1J'll''11\bIM1•7'111111 �
<br /> ' .
<br /> '•�� ����� • � . ' .. . . � . .
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