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<br /> 4
<br /> n �� TO�E7'HER WITH oll thc improvomame now or hercaf�ar c�cctad cx��hc praprny.und ull cyument4,nppuhcnutxe�.
<br /> e�nnd f�zwre�now or bercaftcr p pnn of�be pro��ny All �pl��comantn arW additionx.rhull ulxo b�covered by this Securiry
<br /> , '�f�,.. ., ., •,;. Inrtrumern. Alt of�he fnregaing ie rcf�:rred tu in�hie 3�:curiry Instrument a.r thc"PropeAy"
<br /> ""� '`'��*''�"' BARROW6R COVENANTS that BoRawer is luwiully+eined af�h�etilulc hereby ronveyed and has itic righl lo grant
<br /> .,•...
<br /> , ' ' and ccxwcy tl�e Property u�d Ihnt�he Prapetty iH uneacumbeRd,cxcept for encumbruncc�;af'record. B�xrawer wurrunts wui
<br /> ...,; ..
<br /> . .. .
<br /> _- �- '. , � will defend generally the title to�he Pr�►perty aguinat ull cluima and demund�.subject to nny encumbnuuew oi recotd.
<br /> "���'r'�" ' THiS 5ECURITY INSTRUMENT cambincs uniform cavennmg ior na�iunui u+c +�nd ncx�•uniform covcnant� wfth � _ _-�_
<br /> �,r.;:...
<br /> (imited voriutions by jurisdiction to conali�uta a unlfarn�security intilrument covering re�i prapeny.
<br /> � ��`'''� UN IFORM COV ENANTS. Borrower and l.snd�r covenant and agree ag foltaws:
<br /> ...,. ��,G;� :., Char ea. Borrowcr bhall ramP��Y PaY when due the
<br /> •-�.:;�:x� 1, Paytoent oP PrincipAl and lote�eat;Prepaymeat s�q4 LAk B P
<br /> "'� principal of and interest on the dabt evidenced by the NW�und unv prepayment and Inte charges due under tt►e Nate.
<br /> '��`:"�;' .�_�. 2. Ftinda for Taxes and Ingurpnce. Subjact�o applicnbta luw a to o written waiver by Lender,Borrower.rhail pay to —
<br />`,,y�^' � . -�' , Lender on the day mon�hly paymenls are dua under the NWa,undl the Nate is paid in full,a�um l"Funds")for:tul ycarly
<br /> �} �. �.� �f, , tnxes and av�essments which may attain priairy over this Sccurity [n,uument as u lien on the Pmperty;(h1 yenrly leusehold
<br /> ,� +�.;G4S5`j�� :� payments or graund tentti c+n the Property. if any: lcl yearly hazurd ar propeny insurance premium�►; (d) yeurly tlood ��', ` -
<br /> �r"��r lR51ICa11C� miums, if an (e}yearly moKtgage insurarue premiums. if any: und (f)any sums payable by Bnnower to e�r
<br /> r �:. ,'i ��'S;tij P1e 9� ra
<br /> t,.. :�'�f,,� ��;?,`�"�t�f?,5",' l.en d er,in acco rt l a nce wi t h t h e p r o vi s i o n s o i p�r a g r a p h 8,i n l i e u o f�h e p:►y m e n t o f m o n g a g e insurnnce premiums. These
<br /> .,.,qw,�..,�•::�.�. •. items are cnll�d"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any t�me,collect and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> Ni,� _ti;,� .� • . amount s� lender for a fed�rally reloted m4rtgage loan may reyuire for Borrawers egcrow uccuun�urulcr the federul Real =_--
<br /> ,°`��: • Estate Settlement Pruccdures Act of 1974 as amand�d from nme ta time. 12 U.S.C.�26(11 e�sey.("RESPA"i.unle�x anathcr
<br /> �• luw that s�pplieF�n�he FLndx sets u laeticr amoun[. It so,Lendcr may,at Lny time.collec�ancl hold Fundv in un amuum not to �� r '�' _
<br /> exceed the I�sK+cr omoum. Lendu� muy e5timule thc umount�►f Fundx duc �►n thc b•rsi� ��f curtcnt d�ia smd�+ea.rwubk �
<br /> �'�"� . ' eciimaieK af expenditurcx of futurc E+crow Item�or otherwi+e m w:curdunce wiih applicuhle law.
<br />: �� Thc Flindy xhnit bc hald in an insliwtinn wix�K dc�ni�+un imurcd I+y u icdervl u�cncy. imtnimenlyli�y. ur rnii�y
<br /> � • � " . lincluding I,en�rr.ii'ltindcr i,wch an in+�iwdnnl�►r in uny Iwikral Homc Luun Hunk. l.riiJc�rhull aprly�Fk 1'unJr���pay ------
<br /> �=t•it thn C?Kruw IWmn. I wndar muy n�N churgr Horn�wcr ti.�h�•IJinµ und u�+�+lyin�t du I�undr,unnu•rU�• unLlyiinyt�he r,crow
<br /> , • ucr�►unl. �+r rorif'ying iha I:Kruw I�em,, unle�x Lrnder pay. Norrowrr inlrre,l un �Ik I�utklv �uKl upplicaMc luw �mm. � -
<br /> ' � Len�kr�a mnk� ,uub u churKr. Huwrv.r. I.�n�kr muy rcyu�rc HuRUwrr lu puy u utK-�im�rbarµc GK un i�xk�n�knt rcul ,�}:�� `
<br /> ,. .. e,law iax n�►ning urrviac u+cd by l.rndcr in c�►nnec�i�m wilh IIU•,I��un.unl�+,upplirubl�luw proviJcr ntixrwi,c. l Iple��w�
<br /> �,,_.��;,•
<br /> , ,:: ugroemont i.r mndu��r nppliraM�law rcyuire�intrre.i io Ix paid.L�n�ki ,h;�ll n�N I+c�cyuind a+�+y Hura�wer uny inlcn,l ur __-
<br /> � •� � cuminyn un tNu Fl�n�l.y. B�xrowcr+md Len�kr muy uK�ti in wriun�t.h��wrvcr.�ha�imm�rl,h•rll Ix�paid un Ihc I�unJ.. l.ciukr
<br /> �; ,;.,. � ' �hnl4 eivu��>I3�►rt►aw���.withnut churgc.un unnuul uca�untin�e of�hc t�wul..,fx�winK rrcJi��unJ�khit�tu thc Fuixlr LnJ ihc -..�-.---.
<br /> . ' pmpn►� 1'vr wbfuh cuuh dubft to thc Funds wu�muJe. The Hundx urc plcdg�al a�udditional rc�uriry I'or ull.um,.crurcd by ��
<br /> _ , tHlh Sacursr tnr:srvmc:nt.. __ - - .
<br /> � � If Ulp FLnde h�rlJ by L.ender cxcccd Ihe umc+unt� permUtcd lo txn c�ld hy upplKablc luw, l.cnder+hall uccount to .�,,,,,,�,_`_
<br /> �,�..y�,-
<br /> � Burrr�we�f�►r�hc cerr��Funds in nccarclancc wi�h the nsyuirertkmx of upplicahle luw. If�tx:amount of�he Fundn c�ld by .��,_
<br /> . •.;., •. . • l.cndur ai•Any timc iw not sufficicnt to pay thc Eurow Itcmti whcn du�.Lcn�kr may .o notify Burrowcr in wriling,und,in
<br /> l�;t- :
<br />: . p �� such cuse Burrower shall pay w Lender the umount nece+sury to make up �he deficiency. Borrower shall moke up Ihe , �,
<br /> . •i " da�cioncy in no morc than twclvc monthly payments,at Lcndcr�aolc discretion. •�"�� �` �
<br /> �� Upon payment in full of all sum�secured by thir Sccuriry Instrumcnt. Lcnder shall prompUy rcfund to Borrower uny
<br /> ' : Funds held by Lender. If',under parugraph 21,Lender shall ucquirc ar.ell the Property.Lender,priar to the xyui+ition or I
<br /> sale of the Praperty, shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of vcqui�ition or s�le ns a credit against the sums �-
<br /> F�'H 3QV�y�`!p..
<br /> ' secured by this Security Intitrument. `�� '����' '°_-
<br /> ��'• .���� :: 3. Applicatlon of Payment�. Unletis upplicable law pmvidcti athcrwise,all p�yments received by LenJer under + ��?•:��
<br /> ��''� '�•,•�•�ti 'S��; . ara m hr 1 nnd 2 shall t�c:� lied:�rs4 to;u� re a ment char c.�duc undcr the Note;second,to amounts payable under , �
<br /> .. . .;�.�,. .. P S P � PP� Y P P Y F'• �;:;':";":�i;%r_ ':-,';
<br /> : �,'��',;;.;,+ ::�;ii;.," , paragraph 2;third,to interest due;faunh,to principal due;�r►d lart,to uny lute charges due under the Note. !;�y,;;��t,�,._..--
<br /> . .. , 4. Charges: Ltens. Bormwer shall pay all �axes,ussessments, churgeti, finrx and impnsilions attributsiblc to the �� � ,,. i �.
<br /> ,'•:'.'"�� Property which may attain priarity over Ihis Se�urity Instrumcnt.and leasehold paymcnts or ground rents.if uny. Borrower • • - +�<•
<br />, . � �'3'�' ' .rhAll pay these ubligptions in the manner provided in p•rragraph?,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shull pny them on �'���`"
<br /> �:�';! Ume direc�ly to the person owed pnyment. Bortower shall promptly furni.h t�Lendcr ull nuticcc of amounls to be paid under
<br /> ,, � i . ' this parngraph. If Bortower muke.r•these payments direcdy. B�xrower shnll promptly fumish lo Lender receipts evidencing �, _`�• __
<br /> .���., the payments.
<br /> ;; ,�-;,5���-
<br /> � Borrower shull prompNy discharge any lien which has priority ovcr thi�Security Instrument unless Borrowee(a1 ugrce� .�,�•;j����.,
<br /> :;:•:;�;��: _._.. ,...,,
<br /> • :�.� in writing to the paymcnt of�hc obligation secured by thc lien in a m;uiner acceptablc to Lcnder;(b)contcs�s in good fuith�he •:'�r__...YJ,:..:�,,
<br /> .�:�:.;`,:;,
<br /> ;.,,gt�,� � •� �• .!•:.�• lien by,ar defends uguinst enforcement of the licn in,legal prcx:cedings which in the Lendcr's opinion operu�e to prevcnt the ;, •.��•
<br /> "'�'''"' enforcement of the lien;ur(c)securcs from the holdcr af Ihe lien an agrecment satisi'actory to Lender subordinating the lien . „
<br /> � -,-,.•.:lti• .' •
<br /> � ,�.z;:it��. 1'`,' to Ihis Security Instrument. If Lender determincs thu�uny p•rn of the Pn►peny is rubject to a lien which may uttnin priority ��f
<br /> . � "!��•'' over this Securiry Inst�ument.Lender may give Borrower a noticr identifyin�the lien. Borrnwer shall satisfy the lien or take E,.
<br /> ��;�,;;"';
<br /> ' : .•� � one ar more of thc uctions sct fonh above within 10 days of IFx giving of noticc. f •
<br /> '�+'��``� S. Hazard or Property Insurar+ce. Burrower+hall kcep thc impmvcmems now cxisting or hereafter erected on thc
<br /> „ , :.,::,,
<br /> � , . Propeny insured against loss b3�fire,hazards includrd within thc term"rxtended cover•r�er"and any other hazards,including
<br /> • floods or flooding, for which Lendcr reyuire+ inwrunce. Thi. in+ur•rnce tihall br maintuincJ in the amauntti►+nd for the !
<br /> �
<br /> Fbrm J028 9/9p �r,uK��n�n�urs�
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