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;i:�"�'�' <br /> — �.� <br /> �� ti. �;�r�. . --.-. ._. .. - <br /> - .�:�'� � ..� �{ - , -`_ - --- ----------•- _ <br /> s = - �.,_ <br /> -v ..�-;�._�r.. � <br /> — - �7� ��� <br /> canda�u�tfue or atuer ukiry ot�ny pon of�ho Propetty,cr tar convey�noe jn Iku of con�le��tian,a�haeby�i�rod�nd <br /> abW be pdd to I.eeder. <br /> -- - -_----- In d�e avent of�tatal qtdnj oP�he Propetty.ihe pmoeecb �hN11 be �pplkd ta ttw wuu�ecu�ed by thi� Sac�rity <br /> Gwnppee�.whqher m not tfien due.with any eRCCS�pdd to Bonower. In tho�vent ot�prti�l udcinQ ot tho Propa�ty in <br /> which the fdr muket vdue ot the Propeny►immediotely boforo the t�kin4 is equu�l to or peater thm the anaunt oP the sums <br /> secwed by this Socu�iry Instrument immedi�tely beforo the taking.unleu Bomuwe�and l.eoder aherwiRe�gneo In writing. <br /> tho swns�ocurod by thi� Socurity Incwment chdl 6e rcducod by Ihe amount of theproc eeds multipliod by tla fallowin� <br /> fn�ctian: (�)�he toW unount of the sum��ecurod immedi�tely beforo the Wcing,divlded by(b)the fiiir muket vdue of�he <br /> Prope�ty immcdfAtely bcfurc Utc wking. My b�lancc�hall be puid to Borrower. !n the cvent of n pnrdal takinq of the <br /> PropeAy in which tho f�ir m�rket value of the Property immedi�tely beforo�he Wcing la ka�than the amount of the sums <br /> aecured immediAtely beforo the taking.unlesx Borrower and Lender dherwiee wgRa in writing ar unless stppUcable law <br /> dhenviea provides.tho proi:aAs eh�ll be+ipplied to tho cums securcd by�his Secudty Lwwment whether or not the aums�na <br /> then due. <br /> Ii the P�uperty is abWndoned by Bom►war.or if.After natioe by Lender a Bwrower�Fiat 1he condemnor ofkrs to make <br /> aui rwud ar antlo a el�iq�i'a d�m�es.Har'rowcr fails 10�+espor�d to l.ender within 3p dayys�fter @x date the nwice is give�, <br /> I.ea�der i�s wti�a�ize�i to cotQect wnd�Apply tM ptnc� its�r ta te�taxtoon�ac cepair c�f tEie Au�erty or�the <br /> sunns sacurod by this Secarity Insuument,whether wr na�hen dae. . <br /> , , ' �)nkss l.ecider ud Ho�rowts otherM'ese agree in wrilinS.�Y aPF�ica/icx�of pre�ceed� ro pdncipal shnll �a1�nte�d ar <br /> _ ' � '� . pvsipooe the due datc of the momhly paymeats referred to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or ohange the amuunt of such paymems. <br /> '_ U. Borrowe� Not ReleASed;��orbearsinca By l.ender Not a Wafver. 8ztensian of the time for payment or <br /> ����- � ,modification of amalizaliati of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Inslrument grarNed by Lender to Aay successor in intereat <br /> °�°•-��°�°�--�° of Horrower shall nW operate ta release the liability of the odginal Barrower or BoROwer�succeKSOrs in interest.l.ender <br /> - - -- shall not be required ta comme�tce proceedings egainst uny succeasor in interesi or reiuse to�xlend time for pnyment or <br /> ,. � <br /> - ---- �-_ --__�'�+ o�h:rwisc:ta+xiify umudivatiun ai the sum�aecur�xl by tlii�Scxudty lnstrus»wnt by rcnson of nny dcmnnd mncla hy�he eriglnal <br /> --�Y�T"�� • Borrower ar Barrower�s successors in inter�est. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy ehall not be a <br /> Y;;� waiver of or pnectude the eaercise of any rfght or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors And Assi�ns Bound;Joint and SeverAl Liabillty;Co-signers. Tha covenents and agreement�of this <br /> Secudry lnsuument shell bind und benefit the successon� and assigns of I.ender nnd Borcower.subject to�he provlsiona of <br /> puragraph 17. Borrowerk covenun4s nnd ag�+cements sholl be joint and sevaml. Any Borrower wha casigns �his Security <br /> insuument but does not execute tf�e Note: (a)is co-signing this 5ecudty InRtmment only to mortgage.grant and sonvey that <br /> Borruwerb inlerest in thc Propeny under the tem�a af this Sceu�ity Inxln�ment; (b)ix not pe�onully obligated to puy thc�um� <br /> reaured by this SecuNty Ins�nimcm;And Ic1 ugrces�ha�Lender and uny wher Borrower may ayrce to exlend,madffy,forbeu <br /> or make nny accummodutionx wilh rc�wd ro�he temix af thi.r Security Inslrument or�i�Note wi�hcwt�hat Bomowerk <br /> cawent. <br /> 13. l.oan Clur�a. If Ihc loun xe�urtd by thix Secu�ly In+trumenl is xubject ta u law which netx maaimum loan <br /> — ���g4x,and�he�law iz 6nally interpneted uo tiw�the in�erext or aher loan chArges collecled or�o be rollec�ed in connecdan <br /> whh the loan excoed�he pemnitted IimitK,then: lul c�ny such Iwm charge shall be reduced b���he amaum necesswy to rcduce <br />�';' the charge ta the permUted Iimit;ond(b)any r;um�ulready collected from Borrower which exceeded permined Nmit�will he <br /> - nfunded to Borrower. Lender mny chaose to muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by malcing e <br />-_ dircct payment ta Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.ihe rcduction wi116e treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> - prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Not[ces. Any notice to 8orrower provided for in this Security[natrument shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> malling it by fl�st class muil unless applicuble luw requircti use af Anot4er method.The natice shall be directed to�he F�ro�eny <br /> Addrcss or siny other address Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br /> • mail to Lenderk address stated herein or any other nddretx I.ender designntes by notice to Bortower. Any notice provided for <br /> '.� in this Sceu�ity Instrument shall be decmed to have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given ag provided in this <br /> z. — ParaBraPh. <br /> �;;, 1S. Governing Law; Severability. 1'his Security Instrument xhall be governcc9 by iedernl IAw s�nd the law of Ihe <br />:-�`4 ; ,: jurisdiction in whieh the Property is locnted. In�he event that any provision orclAUSe of�hi+Secudry Instrument or Ihe Note <br />^;,;�. con8icts with applicAble luw,such canflict shAll not uffec�other prmisions of�his Securi�y Ins�rument or the Note which can <br />��i��,, `•`�` be given effec�wlthout the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end�he pmvision�of this Security Instrument and the Note ure <br /> - declared to be severable. <br /> �?�1;. °' z ��.�, 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be Riven one ccxifortned copy of the Nae�nd uf�his Securlty Inxtrument. <br />- ,�;'- �+�, r;� 17. 7Mnsfer of the Property or a BeneticlAl lntereast in Borrower. If all cx any pan of the Property or any incerest in <br /> s�..;,, �u <br /> ',;.;�- x;,,,�, ,,; it is sold or Irnnsferred(or if u 6eneficial imere+� in Borrower is �old or�runsfcrred und Barrawer is not a nuturnl persan) <br /> _«�,t ��"iti"��S�;,t� without Lenders prior written consent. Lender its option,reyuire immediate paymern in full of all xums securcd by <br />_�` �::°�..;'t'' this Security Instrument. However,this optinn ahull na be cxercixed by Lender if exerci�e i�pn�hibited by federul luw us of <br />'��r :�� ".�-�'w. tUe date of this Securily Instniment. <br />- _ 1;�.., `��'�• . If Lender exercises thlx optian.Lender shnll give Borrower notice of ucceleration. The notice shull provide n period of <br /> ._- � '�;;,�;' not lesx than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wilhin which Borrawer must pay ull�ums secured by this = <br />-- �� ��-�,� '� Security Instn�meM. If Borrower fails to p�ry �hese sums prior to�he expirution uf this period,Lender mny invoke any - <br />.�:• .�.�.�. <br />=- �ti,... � remediex pertnitted by thiti Securily Instrument wilhout further naticc or demanJ cm Borrower. <br /> �'�';;,,�-' �� IB. Borrower's RIRht to Reinstate. If Bum»vcr meet.renuin conJiiiuns, Bormw•er .hull have the �ight �o hnve = <br /> � "�s•�%r enforcemeM of this Securi�y Instrument diuontinued ut uny time prior a�the carlicr ot': 1u13 day+(or.uch other period u�: � <br /> �r������ <br /> ' ^.;�;:.�:.,;:;;:��,t, SingkF�mily--Fwnnk�f�dFreddkN�cl'\IF(IRNIICSTRUNE\T-•Vnlfurm('u�cnuu� 9/9Y qk�u�•�,/nrwxr�� ' <br /> ,af?� " �- - <br /> ' ."�.�.. . . <br />' ?% � • <br /> �H • ' <br /> �y: . <br /> .•r., „ �—^.----•:-'��>:c��.s.:�-+•—,------�°—„--T"'�--r. _... �_'�_�---.._' , '�_:. __ . . . . � <br /> ±�t _ Y�:-i��D�.`,-�',... =.4. .. . . . ' ",q - . . <br /> y __ .. <br /> ,.� �A.��•'T���r�nPac .... � . ., - . . : . . . . . . <br /> -: .: n .. '� • , r�� s� �`'i • � <br /> .�.' �:a:..�hl�.rl.0 , ''''': , <br /> i <br /> „ <br /> ' "` �il� :• .. • _�.�•_vs� :.;i1'L:r�hE.4r�%s .tt� <br /> �'� i , ��.� R - - _ - <br /> . . ,� , F , . - J'- - - -- - -- - - _ - _ _ _ : - -_ <br /> . � <br /> , ,. . . 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