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A:` T11 - . �.1 � .... --.__ _ <br /> ,f�. .`.,'/., 4 , '.1 .. �r..w�`4f.��.'���r:�+a���'1NAA.uaC•. ...�"5:.���M_`�:1�Y�"'.."�..i.:.t-:u.-�-- _- <br /> _- : . .. . ;1�. . � , . .'� ,o�a�� � . ' ,. .�_ ______� <br /> . . . � . . <br /> . . -- ,: <br /> pKio��d+�Q�t.em�l�a�'n1autws.�'i1N iew�ptoe airtier pv►o�i�l�I!M uMeM_ryMa.Irdl e�cl�oMa by Dor��a�:�+�� -:::�"` <br /> __. - - ____.___.. . - �l�f!1l�Rlf M�M��-��.iI�WL7 W � . ������i.."_-4^•,v��.�-._ <br /> Ia�dry a�p�bN�a�p�i1 m p�ct�1.eodn�M�as i�ti� �.00��t�++w�i- "� � `_--.__- <br /> ' -�OU dwusnoe poticia�rraew�4 dadl b 1u l�iad�iwll Y�dlMdr r���tll�.L�M' ^-�; <br /> �lull Mva tbb ri�bt b I�oW 1be poUoia+�od l�b�L,�d�eequi�+a.�oeow�r ellrll pnx�llq�Ir�7i Iw�d�r�trailt� : <br /> �'P�P�'�imro and�eww��ll nulkas. In tha evaq of 10�,�o�iow,er�U�ive peaavpt�oti�a 10!6�irYirrlor waiet Md <br /> l.w�det L.ender nny aMke pioof'oP laa if not rn�de Pr�om�t1Y bY 8orrorver. . . <br /> Unle�t t.ender and Bonuwer ah�awi�e�poe M writ���i�wu+�noe �11 be�pplid a iw�aNio�ar�ir d ' <br /> �w <br /> - - -- n��Propwty d�ed�if tho ro�toraUwt ar ic�tr is c+�atomYaaUy f blo and Lendet3t acCUrlty Ie not ksxtttd,. !f the " <br /> �ation a is aot uranomially [ea�ibb a l.enderti security wa�id be 1a�abd.the in�r�no+proo��..�Md1.M . <br /> y�pUed w the aua��owrod by tNi�Secu�ity Uuprument,Mhal�er or not d�ea due�with any exce�pdd p gqrowr. I! <br /> Bonowa aba�dom the Prope�ty.or doe�not auwer within 30 d�y�s notice from lrender tlut da in�wwuoe car�'i6r Iw <br /> otf'erod ta seule a cldm, then I.ander rtu�y ooUeci tMe inwnnce proceetb. L,a�der m�y we d�e p�oceeds to ropdr or rptae <br /> the a to pRy wm�iecue+ed by thl�Sxudty Imtnunen�w�or not thm duo. '['tie 30�dRy pm�iad wjU bpin wbea , <br /> the ie given. <br /> Unku I.ender�t�d Aarow+a othe�wii�o sproe iia wrilln�. any Ucation of procceds w pir�aci�l�hall nat oxeead oc . . <br /> postpone tbe due d�1e d the aorM61Y P�Y���'efened�a ia p�n�ie i�nd 2 ar ch�o�e the anoant af d�a p�ymeoa. U � <br /> under pragrap6 2l the Propaty i��oquirod by L.enda�.Aaroworl�r� to my insta�cx policiea�rd pa�eed�rt�ulti�i <br /> fi�vm danu�ge w the ProP�nY P�to U�e aoqnisitio��FMII p�us w w tho o�rat,of the w�nt wcttred,hy,id�i!r:So�R!�►; , . ;;r <br /> ia�uma�ti�nn�diatelypriarroRUc qor►. �. • , , �,; . � . •::•.;: • •;i�r;;l;i�;,';;- <br /> 6. Oa�p�eic�, Preeawatlon�'�eq��ce �ipd�1h.'u�tectlou ot the �petty'; Ifosra:w�et����u1►.�p�d�R�3'� ';:�!;1�:4;:. <br /> - � i,�l�otda aaaawer:i+�l oocu qt�d ase ttre Prq�ietty�as Ho�raw�t�princlpal�roaJtlt��►ithin s� ty�Yfll,p�' i �� �. <br /> py�.tsu►bils}�. <br /> � ' ttie e:ecutian of�hii Socwit�r laspumeht wid�13 cb�tinuc w occupy.,ifio F�apasY aR�br(qwe,��s�iac�P!�:te;9at�ob�!ac�it = <br /> �����r .lcagt 4iw� X"rv' ++Rrr tim .3�� of c=c:t�usnc�y, aatc�s I.;ader attter��ls� 's�gres in a,.�kin}S,":te#1ic�e ctn�e�et �„!s�l+. :at !�e � S <br /> � �;.a �n , . unrp+.�a►ably withhex�.Aa'unkas extenuating��ir�ui��tAr+�es S�lst whicl�arc beyondi,Bo�Oitverl�ctiilppl.,'.�lbr�:.�'.vr{sT�:�t `. ,r.; , � :. <br /> °,a, �;� . t}jd .a� e cu im allo Pbo to�ddteriorme,vr oonp►hiit wiWo on the � �il�ui.7 '�.: <br /> 4< <,i' � am�� ��.�ny''� wh�e�cjv31 or cri ' is be that io I.onder�oyod fai� <br /> `?�• ,5,�i�. ��1iX,o 6C.i11 t�ef'iR�ll ii a�f�rf'Ciiwre a�3aR c��r $• $u� 8 3�$� . . <br />��;, �, `�� �' :1.:' �ould tesp�t iit fil�Yeit�rc of d�e �roptrty ot othetwixe metetjally im�a licn creata! by tbis Securlty In:trument nr <br /> � ���. <br />:a:s�;�'' f i.ender�secudty intorest. Homuwer may cure such a default and provWed ln puagr�ph cwsitig the�ctlon <br />.;;;;� - � or proceeding w 6a dismlas¢d with a nding that,in L.ender�s good f�th detem�inatlon,precludes fa�felpue of the Borroworh <br /> _-_ - intenst in the Property or other matodel impwirment of the lien crrated by this Sacurity Insdument or LeMuis �ecurity <br /> ,r-'? interesG Borrower shetl also be in default if Borrower, during tha Iwn �pplicWon procea�. gave muedvly f+dre or <br /> z inacxurate infarmotion or ewte,ments to L.ender(or fAiled to provlda Lender wfth�ny m�terid inform�tion)in connecdan with <br /> the lo�n evldenced by the Note, including, but not Nmiled to, �p ons conceming Bornowerl� occup�cy of die <br /> ��. Property xs�principal rc�idence. If thir Securlty Inawment is an�I�e�ise�ho d.Barower ehdl camply wlth d)tFia pi+ovWoat <br /> -,�„ --- of�bs keee. If Bnnnwsf ec�qul�rs fe�litb t�U�ProQerty,the lea�ehold and tbe fae title�11 not me�.oe unlas!.«dr�ea <br /> • w the merger in writing. <br /> '-;.�' 7. Protecfion at Leader'� RIQhb In Ihe Property. If Bomower faili w perf'otm the covenanu and epeanaw <br />; ;ti,, canainod in this Security Inawment,or�haR is a Ie�AI ptocadin�that may si�nificantly af�'oct LenderS� rf4h la the <br /> Property(euch as u proceodin�in bankruptcy.probate.for condemiwtion or Forfeituro or w enforoe I�wa a�e�ul�tia�ni),then <br /> _- Lender may do and pay for whatever is neces�ary to pmtect the valuo of the Property and Lenderk d�hu in the Prupeny. <br /> " Lenderk actbna may include paying any sums isecurcd by a lien which hax priodty over�hie Secudty In�uumeet�appearing <br /> . . in court,paying reasonablc attorneys'fees and entcring on�he Properry to maka repairc.Although L�ender may hice�an <br /> - undar this paragmph 7,Lender does not have to do sa. <br /> Any umounts disbursed by l.ender under this psuagmph 7 shsll become additianal debt of Bortower socwed by thie <br /> _,�° Security Instn�mcnt. Unless Borrawer und Lender agrec to other tertns of payment,these amounta sh�ll bcar inten�t from the <br /> e r�, <br />-:u"d� •; date of disbursement at the Note rnte and shall ba payable,wjth intemst.upon nodce from Lender to Borrower requesdag <br />,r..t. � �,�,`:�".: payment. <br />�%?i�� . . n-,":,::; 8. MortRage Iosursma. If Lender�quired mongage insuranco as a condition of makLig the loan secured by this <br /> �.v:. +,v.�.-,r,�:,�l <br />,jf:, ,u�,�;,,� ,..,..,�;.�', Security Instrumem, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to melntain the morlgage insur�urce in effect. If.for Any <br /> ' � " ''"' reuson, the mongage insurwrce cove�nge reyuired by Lender lupsex or ceuses to be in effect. Bormwer sha0 pay the <br /> ;;i;;.�r.;' 'f-.�: f°��' <br /> J • . ` �b��i;�.�,} '`���`k;K remiums uir�ed to obtuin covera e substantiall uivelent to the mort a e insurnnce roviousl m effoct. at a cost <br />,� �;�„k,... „ ...,z, ,. P �! R Y �1 B B P Y � <br /> , . ,�•, : � ,�:,r,��+� substantially equivuter�to Ihe cost to Borrower of the mongage insurnnce previously in effect,from en aiternue mortg�ge <br /> _�,�.�:,'.`,,, � � '�''�'�` insurer approved by Lender. If substnntiully equivalenl mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bomower shall puy to . <br /> :' .•;1;:�„S�, <br /> '• �:.�.�i�tr,•�.w: •. S:a�;<<i. Lender each momh a surn equol to onc-twelRh of the yeurly morlgage insumnce premium being paid by Borrower whe»�he <br />`'���:. ' ' � �4:�;��, insurance coverage lapsed or ceased lo be in effect. Lender will arcep4 use su�d retain these paymenls as a loss reserve In lieu <br /> _ .:a�;e.;.a,.y, <br /> .;:;'��, ;:� ,�•�4�;- ,•:•.�.., ..:• of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve puymen�s may na longer be the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> -. �:�f�� �••.\ �S• coverage(in the nmounl and for the period that Lender requlres)provided by An insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes <br />`;,_. ,,..• � - � evnilabk and is ob�ained.Bortower shnll pay�he premiums required lo meintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide o <br /> i:�` �' 4 �:s�`;�• � loss reserve,unlil the requirement for mortgage in.curance ends in accordwnce with any written agreement betwan Borrower <br /> , . ' • , and Lender or applicable law, <br /> � • � 9. Inspectlon. Lender or ils ugent may mnkc reusonuble entries upon and inspections oi the Property. l.ender shall <br />_ ' ' � give Borrower naice u�the time of or prior�o un inspection specifying reu�onable cuuse for the inspection. <br /> _ �� l0. Condemnptbn. 71ie pmceeds of uny Lwurd or cluim for dumoges,direct or consequential,in connection with any <br />-� �. l - Singk N�nfly..Kanek MadFnddk M�c UNIFORM INb'TRUIII�N f-•Umtorm Co�enmu 9/9Y Uw�tr3 olApo�ttrl <br /> 4 , �4F <br /> -b � (iR�l I�Ip OOkK�`01�1,(�f.� <br />_� rou,�c.t�ao�sao�oao n rex�K7i1•�I91 <br />- �•� �� . <br /> , , _. ---a----°----- ___.. .._ ._ - <br />`aa�. ' . . ' . .� �:� �� -�- <br /> C ' ^, •.�� ���._�- <br /> • i fi�,��� ���n�---- -- <br /> , ' , • .::. M � - -� <br /> �: .. <br /> �b,n� ,r <br /> /�t��.�M1 <br /> '�1 �iL��1lYH�u�.Y1'�5.�-L'.. __ -.... ..__ -.. _ _ - ____ - _'_."_"_____ _"_ _--_ .__. .__'_•_- "._-YU�__1L-��.��:y;•S-.. <br /> - � --- T..---_ ._... . ._...-- - - - - --�-----° - - --- .- 9��.,.',� �:;. -:- ,.�;, _ ,-�-- <br /> � u'' n+'�:�i: --_- <br /> ��` � . ... . .. .._ . �' , .�.•":��i.�J._^„t���_-.�{.in�w� _- <br /> �b:�' M'r 1 <br />-n_ ��'� `',�. � i.4 -' ��°.,`„ :i' i9•4..3,�<.Y tF- - .. . <br />-�si -'--'. 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