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_ _-���yi.� ,�`- <br /> .,. <br /> . <br /> — - <br /> i�.. -.+' �_y� --- - ----- ._ ._...__. .. _. <br /> b.-•!'t� Ph`'-r� �— - <br /> r -- ..'_.�� <br /> . . <br /> � 9�. �0�7 <br /> q�pl�cab{e�w a�y�pecify tar reiruquanant)betare uila ot tho Propoity puwwnt w any power ot Mla cont�ined!n�his <br /> -- - -- - -_, �t�ts+b�tpt�or(b)e�ey or a Jua�neni a�ta+oin�thie sec�uiry inurumem. �nwse ca�diuons�ne uuu Homowar: t�J <br /> p�y� i�br all wms whkh�hen would be due under thi� l�utrument �nd the Note u if no�cceleadan hd <br /> oocumdi(b)curc��ny dafwlt ot aay otha oaverunt�ar�ienu; c)pri dl e�cpen�es ineurted!n enforcin�thi�3ecurlty <br /> Inarumait.includin�,but not limited to,reuon�bie�aorneys'few;�nd(d)Wces �uch�cUon u l.c+�dcr m�y�a.on�bly <br /> roqai�e W�utun that tite lien of W3c 5ecutiry Inctrument�I.endarti dghts in tho Property and Hortawerl�obflaatfon w p�y Ihc <br /> a�ms �ecurod by tbis Securiry Insdumau �11 ooadnue unchan�ed. Upon �inueten�ent by Bam�wer. thi� 3ecudry <br /> Inrtrumcnt�nd the obli�Nona socuned hereby chiJl remain fully eftacdve u if no�ccolenuion h�d occure�ed. However.lhi� <br /> — ri�ht to roin�t�u eludl not apply ln tMe caso of�ocelerR�on wider par�graph 17. _ <br /> 1!. Sde ot Nde;C6s�e d 1•��r '[1�e Note or�p�d interost in the Note(to�cther with thi�3ecuriry <br /> (nstnunait)m*�r'pe�ald aae or aKxo�wldwut prlor aotice to�oirower. A sale m�y resuit in�ctrange in the eqtity <br /> llua�rn as die"[.oau Sanrice+r"r 1�at collats maYh1Y WY��du�e under t4e No1e aod Wts S�ecuri�►lasavmeot. 'F�eco atsa <br /> mfry 6o aae ar ma�e cfiarn�es af'tl►c Leo�a Sec�iocr uaccG�ted to a s�e oE t�Noo�. lf tdrcie is a�d�xt$e of Ne Lo�e S�atvictt <br /> Bomowtr wiil be gi�wi�t�tn notn,�e of th�chenge im�ocoNaaoe wfth paragrapll 14 abme ud applicabk law. The notice <br /> .ri�aq�e tbo name aad addres.a aF the new Loan Sorvicer and tt�e address to which payrt�us ahauld be nuide. The notice will <br /> __-- also conlain any,otitcr infnrmetlon requirtd ay applicable law. °- <br /> -=_=- ' �0: ��'doae Subslancca Horrowcr shall not cause or permk the pnesence,usa,,or release of any _ <br /> HeYerdous Substancea on or in the Hnperty, 8orrawer shall not do, nor allaw anyone else ta do,aqything affcating the � <br /> m=�� Propeitp t��t is in violadan of.a�iy�nviromnenlal Law. Tha precediag two sentcncea shal!not apply to the pr�esence.use,or <br />__ _ __-� swrego on the Property of amoll quanticies of HazaMaus Sub9tances Uwt are gencrally reco�niud to be appropriste to nonnd <br /> �idential uces and w mei�tcnanco of the Pmncrty. <br /> Hmmwer shall promptly give L.ender wrluen notice of any investigation,cleim.demend,lawauit or other action by any <br /> _ _ govemmenW or rogulatory agency or private paAy involving thc Property and any Hazerclous Substonco or Fatvironmcntal <br /> — L,aw of which Bonower has actual knowledge. It'Bornuwar IeAmc. or ie notified by any governmenlui ur rugutututy � <br /> �uthwodty.thwt�ny romov�l or other mmedi�tlon af any Hw.�Mous Subsw�co aifectin�tho Proporty iR nore�wuy.Borrower <br /> sh�li promptly take�II neceRa�ry rcmeQial acdone in nccordance wlth Bnvironmental Law. <br /> Ar u�od in thi�para�r�ph 20,"H�z�ndour Sul+�toncee"a�e Ihoso Rubrlorrces de(1nM Ar toxic or hpxardtwr eulminncer by <br /> Bnvir+aimenul L+�w u�d�he followin� �ub�wueR: �aaline.keroseno.aher fliunmable or to�ic petroleum praductr,wzic <br /> peslicidea u�d herbkidee, vol�tile r�Ivcnlx. m��criplx conloinin� Axhcn�uR or inrmaldchydo.w�d raJivaclive matcrlrlx. A� <br /> u�al in thiw�aph 20."Environmrntal l.Aw"mennr fedeal I�w��nd I�ws uf�he Juri�dlction whoro Iha Pmperty Ir lartad <br /> �h�t rclrte to heal�h,wPe�y or envimnmcntwl prolcc�fun. <br /> NO(V•UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. 8armwcr and I.,andcr fudhercovcnom and a�nec w follnwe: <br /> 2l. Aocek�tbsi Remedla. I.eader elwll�Ive not{ce lo Borrower prlor lo acc�kratlon �dlowinQ Borrowe�'e <br /> bre�ch ot�ay covea�nt or�eement M Ihh 3ecurlty Inatrement Ibut not prlo�to pccek�atba ander paniQ�ph 17 <br /> unte��pplk�ble 4�v provWe�otherw4re). Tbe nMke aheH�pecifys lal the defauNi(bl the�ctlon n�lred to curo tbe <br /> �uiti ic}�tfate.nGt!�c tl:aa 3Q dayx!!�t!k dalc!he aalke!a�lven!o�rlslcb!!se det�sult nx�et M� <br /> cured�and(d)tdrt fdlero to curo Ihe de�AUlt on or beforo the dote specifled In the notice moy result tn Accelernqon of <br /> tde sums secured by thts 3ecurity Instrument And swle ot the Property. Tl�e notke sholl tunher Inform Borroaer ot <br /> Ihe right to reinstde Alter Accekrallon And the rIgIN to bring a court actbn to nssert the non�exiatence of a detault or <br /> aa9 other dekase ot Borrower to accelerntion and sale. It the detault ts nM cured on or before t6e dote specilled in <br /> -- tde nodee,I.ender at its option may requi�e immedlote pAyment tn(WII of nll sums secured by tl�is Security Instrumeat <br /> witdout furfher demand and may Invoke the powe�oP sak and s�ny Mher remcdiea permitted by applkable law <br /> ��,. I.ender ah�ll be eMilled to rnllect pll expeases incurred ia pursuing tiie remedks provided ia t4is parag�aph 2�. <br />','�:; including,but not Ilmited to�reasonabM attorneys'fees and casts o�title evideace. <br />_-� it the power of sale Is iavoked,llrustee shxll necord a�otice of dei'aull in each couaty ia which aoy part oP tbe <br /> =��� Property ie located and ehall mail rnpies of�ch natioe ia 14e a�swwaer prescribed b�'A�QIIII'AbI!IAW�O BOfI'OWCI'i1MI 10 <br /> � � ` the other persons prescribed by applicable law After ti�e tlrr�e�equired by applkaLk law,7�ustee shall give pwb�lc <br /> nodce o�sale to the persons And in d�e qu�++ner prescribed by appIfcable law 'IY�eytee,without demand on Borrower, __ <br />_��` • e6aU sdl the Pruperty at public aucHon lo ihe highest bidder at Ihe dme und place and under the terms designated in : <br /> the notke of sale in one or more parcels wnd in any order'I�ustee determtnes. 1Yustee may postpone snle ot all or any <br /> parcel ot the Property by public announcement at the fime and plACe o�any previously schedukd sale. Leader or its <br /> , t� y�'q> des�aee m�y pur�hyse the Propert at any sAle. <br /> se <br /> , � , � Upon receipt of payment of 1 price bid,lYustee slwll deNver lo Ihe purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveyiog the <br /> Properly. The recilals in the'I�uslee's deed shall be prfma tACie evidence of lhe truth of the stetements made therein. <br /> 7tustee ahnll ppply the praceeds of lhe swle in the foqowing order; �a1 to all costs and expenses otexercising the power <br />� --- -- _.. <br />'�`���r�"� <br /> 4 <br /> Form 3028 9/9Y I/x+Rr S ojb�wges 1 � <br /> i , <br /> �� � � �p�� �. <br /> _— - -- --'-- - `�'�•FRw'-'�r ��1 � . <br /> 7,L` <br /> � "�_ -;�•;-�_:ww17.F:,^=o''...,e. .. .. . ' ,f'ip �r -I�.:..:,._� . ..�. .' <br /> — - i'y.5_ . . �� .�i.. ° • .. . .. .�.� •, . �11tr01i�1A�k�tY�..tMcJ:.,..�. <br /> . _.__ , ;r.. �v , y•L3 I j L'� <br /> -0 , , .,._ <br /> . . :. , - . '� -.� • . ♦ _. . )� '!. T� • . .�. .. �, . , . <br /> � . f t. � . . � - . . <br /> . 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