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_ ._..� . ..,�W-_"- <br /> . .. g3 ' io�s ��7� � _ <br /> � <br /> . �mnMian or�ibr Wciiy u��ay pWt of dr Ptcprty�or far oanwy�aoe in lieu of canOrtatwtioa.x�b�nsby�wl�w1 Md � <br /> ral)be plid W I.srdar. . - - -- ---— . ; <br /> , ,M Ih� evMrt of a toql t�kin�oi tlN Plropalr.tM� �II be�pplled to.tbe�udu Molwd by Ih1e�K�Iitlty , <br /> las�aa�t. wbNhar a na dba due�wilk�urey e�coew pid w donvwer. In the event d a pati�l akMy ot�he M <br /> abk6 die fair aw#et v�lue of dio Peoperty imnedi�tely bcforo 1Ga t�ici��1�piu+���nd L,eqder ott�erwl��aMas <br /> tecired by d�3ecudtp Ymtrumrnt imtnedl�tely beforo Ihe aking.unleas Bartower a�ae in wri�in�. <br /> dia aotu�ecurad by this Secwiry Imtr�miont�11 ba ieduoed by the �rnount oP thc paK�eedo multiplMd by d�t folbwln� � <br /> tracdan; (a)thc tauil iunaunt of the wm��easured fmmedl�tely beforo the ta�in�,divldod by(b)the hir nuA�at vvw of We <br /> Piapeity itranediiroely befato the p�n�. Any bYlu�co sh�ll ba p�id to Botrower� In the event ot a pwtiW at tho , <br /> iro <br /> prope�ty in wbich the fiir m�ufcet vdue ot tha Pr+npe�ty Immediwtely befona tha t�kin�i�lae th�n the nnouiu o[ wrtis <br /> iecwed immedt�tely befon tha tAldng. wnleu Barower�nd Lender atiierwl�e agroc in wr1Un�or unlas �pplic�bte law <br /> odkrwi�e provlda,tho proceed��tWl be�ppikd w the�ums�acu�ed by tfiiR Secudty tiwuumont whethor or rwt�he aptt�iu�e <br /> then due. � <br /> 1f the Property is�6auido�ed by Barower,or if.after notice by Lender to Bon�uwer thu the condemnor offen w m�ke <br /> u�aw�d ot seqle a cWm hr dan�es.8oaower fule w respond to Lender Mithin 30 daya Jter ihe datc ihe notice ii�Iven. <br /> l�anda�i�wwhorizod w aolkct�nd apply d�e procoods.u its optian.eid�er to reato�tion a rap��ir af the P�+aperty or a d�e <br /> amp sacu�d fry Nus Sacurity in�bwneat�wl�ethor or not thea due. <br /> Unks�s lxjider�nd Barower otberwlse agroo in writin8,uoy a,pPlication af procads to p�incipal ahall not extend or <br /> po�lpo��a t�tnN dUe dua of the moMhly puymenta refe�d w in p�uaRvap�s 1 and 2 ar change the�unaunt of such p�ymente. <br /> • 11. Hw�CdNer Not Raleaied: Fa�rbeat�aoe Sy l.eader Nat s Walver. Factension of the time for payment or <br /> •rhudific�don of artqstu.�i�i�on af the aw�s secured by this Sccudty Inttrument granted by Lenckr w any auccessor in intenest <br /> •qf Borrowbr iihaU pat uperWe w nck�c Ihe liabilii,y�1F dte origina!Borrower ur Bormwer�a succes�as In interea�L.ender <br /> ' 's}�all nn h� e�ed t�ccMtrnence prcx�e�cl4�s a�fczst aay�ucctssar fn iaterest or reflsse t�s�tenA tima far payrt�u or <br /> � � othd�wese modi Iamoidz�tm of the suQn+securcd by thli Securiry Lnstrument by reason of ar�y ckmend made by the origlnal .+ <br /> Hbrtowor ar Borruweth suixessors in Interost. Any Por�earwnce by Lender in.exe�dieinQ any ri;;1►t a remedy�h�U not be a <br /> w�irer of or preclude the exetcise of any dght or remedy. __, <br /> 12� Suoces�or�s►at1�1ssl�os Boundi Jolot aad Several Liablllty;Caai�ners. The covenents and Agseementa of�his <br /> � Socurlty Instrument shali binA and benefit the succ6ssors and eseigns of Lender und�Homnwcr, sub,ie�ct to�the provisiona of . -- <br /> par�graph 17. Borrower's covcnants and ag�eements shall be joint and seversl. r�ny Borrowcr who Casignx this Security ;= <br /> ' Inatrumrnt but does not excxute the Note: (a)is casigning this Secudty lastrument only to mortgaga,g�ant aad convay�hat <br /> Bortowal�intetesl in tha Property unde r 1he terms of this Secu�lty lnsaument; (b)is not personally oMigated ta,pay the sums . <br /> secu�ed by this Secudry ltl�wment;and(c)agreca thnt Leader and any other 8orrower muy agree ta extend.modify.forbear <br /> or maka any eccommadaUons with regad to the terma of this Security instrument or the Nae wlthout that Bo�rowert� <br /> coruent. - <br /> 13. I.aam Chprgee. If the ��sm secured by this 3ecurity Instrument is subject ta a IAw which aeta maximum loan <br /> clsargcs,u�d that!aw'is S�a!!y i;tsrr�reted�o that the ittstrest ot osher laan chasges collecsed or to!Y rollected ln connection <br /> with the loan exceed the petmined lirnits,them (a)a�y sucb loan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce <br /> the c�e to the permiaed limi�;and(b)eny sums already collected from BoROwer which exceeded pemtittecl limlts will be <br /> rofund to Bmrower. Lender may choose to make lhis refund by reducing ttie principal owed under the Note ar by making a <br /> dircct p�yment to Borrowec If a refund reduces prfncipal.the reduction will be trcated as a partfa! prcpayment without nny <br /> propayment charge under tha Note. <br /> 14� Nodees. Any notice to Borrower pn�vided for in this Secudty Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing k by flrst cla4s mail unless appl icable luw requioes use of another methai.The nwice shnll be directed to the Property <br /> Addrcs9 or any other addrcss Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender ghall be given by first cless <br /> moil to Lender�s addr�ess stated herein ar any other uddress Lender designates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice providal for <br /> ln lhia Securiry [nstrument shall be deemed w huve been given to Borrower or Lender wfrcn given a4 providcd in this <br /> ra <br /> �gl . Governing Lww=Severt�bility '1'his Security Instrument shall be govemed by fedeml low und the law of the <br /> jwisdictfon in which the Propetty is locn�ed. In the event thut nny provision or clnuse of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> rnnflicta with applicuble law,such conflict shall no[affect other pmvisions of thi4 Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> ba given effect wilhaut the conflicting provisbn. To this end the provisionx of this Security Instrument nnd the Note ar�e <br /> declorcd to be severable. <br /> l6. Borrower's Copy. Bomower sholl be given one confortned capy of the No�e and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 'lYansfer ot the Property or a Beneftcial Interest in Borrower. If nll or uny part of the Properry or any interest in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if u beneficiol intercyt in Borrower is,old or tranmferred nnd Borrower is not a nutural person) <br /> without Lender's prior wrinen consent, Lender may,at itx option,reyuire immediute payment in full of ull suma secured by — <br /> this Security Inawment. However,thia option shAll not be exe�ci�ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federnl law es of <br /> the date of this Secur�ty lnsuument. �-- <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borruwer notice of nccelerution. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less than 30 dnys from the date the ndice is dclivered ar mailecl within which Sorcower must puy oll sums secured by this <br /> • Securiry Instrument. If Borrower failx�o pry �hese sum� prior to the expiratinn uf�his period, Lender may invoke any <br /> rerr�edles pertnitted by this Security Instrumem withaut furthcr ndice or demand on Bormwer. �;. <br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinst�le. If B�xrower meeta certuin conditions, Bormwer shall huve the ri�ht to have ==• <br />_ , enforeement of this Secudry Insirument discontinued a�any timc pri�w tn the enrlier�f• (h)5�i�yc �nr v��rh other pericxf ac �'�� <br /> Singk Family--Fuu�ie MndFhddk Mac UNIFORM IKSTRUMENT-•Unifam Covmants 9N0 lpoge 4 nj6 pugPS! <br /> � i: <br /> 4: <br /> r'. <br /> �r�f�;�ti�l�pr'�+i����p;,4�ti;'�'��' vii�t'+#�w`S��r�Mklt "-Ne!,�Kr' <br /> ° s • .. —�i��r?{+�, .• t1�:�1��� „��'��51��` • �rk , '� t,� ;�`!��+,.s+' . ._ - �- ;� � <br /> .rrr �^ t( . ', ���„f '�r • .'�` .-'.,.,�.�i`:•:, . - . _ • <br /> g�s--- -�• � L t �;`' ', ' '- '� .. � ��4- y�,,�.� ��,1 � � , ,, - � _ . <br /> - �-- . ti�r. ,�. .,�'�•',�.� ,�,, .LiAr +�_r�?_3ztLr�uS�,�. �v l�Li ��6arir.'�,�+ri1��*�h�t3L�y:d:� <br /> : <br />,a �y -.. • _ .' ... i� - i\'l�r�i�t . . 'T�T7�'. , --- - ...,. . . ..�,7.,�,ti'�.�..,,. ., t [� . 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