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_. _ _ __ . _ <br /> �'�'.•�`.=-+�'^.'�' . . � . . ,,e�.��� GL.+�vcl)a . :,�dr,k,..ur1 _ . . �� -:w*�Y'�v':.:. _ � <br /> , . , .. . . .. . 4.i::-- <br />.. , � .., . .. . . � � �M . _!' ,_. <br /> 11M llMy l�C�1i0f 111�IIIUIDM)b/�Ir M�f 0�IMf �O�Of������(�MM 00��d/ '' <br /> ----- �i.�..w"'�'�i'�'� »A 1���.' (l�.. _:-.: __.. <br /> � L�err an ,wr.+ddaM �n Morl a ea. ..a�r aib i�:M ur.�a.�if,r,�.li�'�MM � . <br /> . 000�ew��)�utM�ryr ddwlt of�ay pp�oov�or�p�wMnN; c)P�Yj���P������1���4' <br /> i�ipa�na�e,lnch�dY�s.bre aa iNe�INd a.raMa�Eie�t�omayt'1�; an�(d)aloa s�h �oaan�r iwid�r a�q►�oM1�l�r <br /> • rpuirs a�+r thu tMe u�a d dU��carley ln�trumenc.l.a�dati rl jht�in the Propwty�nd.parowbr�u6M�a �hr <br /> w� rreuMd by Ihb SrClKity uo�Ultment �iull oontbw� w'iob�a(Oad. UPan ni� bY ��• 1� � <br /> � 1nMnMnent md the oWlpdau�ecure�d haeby�lull rem�ln tWlly effectiva a Il no�oaMratlon h�d accumd. Howr�r:tld� <br /> � �i{bt w�etrauroe eI�U tat�ppir in tMe wre oi'wcalemifon uruler pw�pb 17. <br /> 1!. i�d Noai CMu�ot LaM 8�rtio�r. 71�e Nde oc�p�r�d iniaat!n�he NWe(w�ether with thi�Savrlty <br /> lnurumatt)rtu��►be�old one at ma�e dmea wldwut pda nodce w Bamwer. A�In tn�y rault ln�ch�n�e in the entiry . <br /> (lu�own u thc L.o�n Siatvfoer'1 duu collaxs moadtlY{M►ymanu due undor tha Naa a�d thi�Securlty In�hument. Thcte alw <br /> may be one or mam chmge�of tha Go�a Servtoer wuclarod to a stle of the Note. if tha+e i�a chmge of the L.o�a Setviar. <br /> Borrower wlU be�iven wriqen notice oP the ch�n�e in aocord�nce wlth p�ra�raph l4�bavo and�pplic,�bk I�w. Thc natkx <br /> will state the aane�nd�dd�e�a oP the new L.a�n Servicxr�nd the addna�w which p�ymenu�houW be m�de. Tbe notice wW <br /> al�o contdn�ny oA�er infomiadon requiuod bY apPlic�ble I�w. <br /> 20. i�4:ardous 3u6�nca. Borrowu dWl aot cause a permit die pncsence.use. dispoMl•atar+i8e.a�+eka�e o[aqy <br /> Haz�rdous Sulnw�cea on a in the Propaty. Barower ah�U not do.nor dbw anyane cicc w do.anythina�'actaag We <br /> P�'nPerty thu i4 i�vloluion oi'�ny Eavhonmaitd I.�w. Thc paxding twa sa�moes�atl aot�pply w the preseiwe.nce.or <br /> sta+�e on tde Aroperty of small qwunitia af H�r.�rdow Substmoa that are Qa�enilly roco�nized w ba�ppnop�i�te w notmd . <br /> �aidauial uses and to matntrnanoe of tl�c P1�operty. .. <br /> B��*�p�'�PUY 8ivc Lcader wdtten notkc of�uny investiguion,�nu,lawsu�c or ahcr acaon ay�ny,,.: • :. <br /> � �cej�tetetal nf n�etl�tory ngency or�±dvatc{+aA�invdviep�he P�o�ty and aoy�uttAow Su�or Envil'�ur1C�MtND .. <br /> � t.i�w o�which �omawer Iws actual knowled�a If Bomower leams.or is notiflcil by�nY guvennmentpi !n'�regu'J�rtcxy . <br /> autlxxity.t!W u+y removAl or othe�remediati�m of any Hazardous Subst�nce aff'ectung 17�e Pcuperty ix�nicc�tipry:Barrowet,.:' ;� <br /> id�a1!promply take all necessury t�medi�l ac�iuns in accordance wlth Hnvlmnmentxl 4aw_ ; � ` �'':'.'•" <br /> ' :�s used in thia parngrapie:'tl,"Hazprdous Substanc�a":,ue those substences defi�eQ as Ipxle or F�Q�daua sabstue�oo5'by ��. <br /> 6�1ironmeatal iaw and the fo�lr�win subsuinces: gosdia+e,kerosene.aher flan►mable or'toxla p�troleum�►roducts,toaic. ,, <br /> pt�ticldes apd herbicides. volptile so�vents, materials contalning asbestos m fomu�ldehyde, and tat�iaflet�vd�m�Ter3a9s. As <br /> • ' used in�s paragr�ph 20."E�viro�tm�mtol l.Ax"taeans fcdcral Inwa and I�ws of the jurlsdicdon where tlu•Prppeny�s_l�tpd�.' .. <br /> th+it rclate[o or environmental prouctton. : '� .• ;' . � <br /> '�� NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foll�ws: � <br /> �21. Aeceler�lton;Remedies. Lender abWl give potiace to Borrower prlor ta acceleratia�follovvbg Borrower's. ' ' <br /> •., tireocb ot my co�enqet or agreement ta thls 3ecurlty Instrament lbrt aot prior lo Aaekrallo�arda'pnrag�'Aph 17 . <br /> � unless appllcable law pravldes otherwise). The aoNce aht�N apeclPy: (al the defaull;(b)tl�e Act(oa required to cWre tbe <br /> t�ttw�(ci�date�da!!�s!lr.�38 slays SnNx ilse�s!=!!:e��gdv�sa to l�orrewer:bT whkh tl�drJlwlt mu�t De � <br /> � cured;aad(d)tlwt�ailure to cure the deTault an or before tbe date speciAed in the aoNce au�y rcsult In ncaleratlon ot <br /> the sums secured by this Security Iastrumeat and sale ob'tde Property. The notice sholl furtber iatonn Borrnwer o� <br /> the rigdt to reinst�te a(rer accckratbn and!de rlght to bring a rnu�t actlon to a.4sert tUe non�e�stence a�A detault or <br /> oay otder dcfense ot Borrower to acceleratbn aad sole. [f the detAUlt is not cured on or 6e�orc!Ne dnte epecitied M <br /> We noUce,Leader at ks opfion may require immediate payment tn full otoll snms secured by tdis Securlty I�strumeat <br /> wilhout iurther dem�nd w�d may invoke the power of anle �nd any other remedks permltted bq appllcabk law <br /> Lender sfwN be entitkd to collect WI expenses incun�ed in pursuing the retnedtes provided in this pa�pb 21, <br /> includtag,but not limlted to.reasonabk wttorneys'fees And costs ot tltle evldence. <br /> It the power ot sWle Lv invoked.7lrusta shall record A notke of default In each county in whkb Any part of the <br /> Property is located�nd sh�ll mail copies ot euch notice in the manaer prescrlbed 6y�pplkabk I�w to Borrower And to <br /> the other persons p�escribed by applicable IAw ARer Ihe time required by rpplicabk Iow.7Yustee shall�Ive pubUc <br /> not(ce ot sale to the persona and in the maaner prescrlbed by Applicable law 7lruetee,wllhout demand on Borrower. <br /> shall sell tbe Property at public Auction to Ihe highest bldder at Ihe tlme and plpce and under the terms deslgnpled in <br /> the not[ce ef sale fn one or more parcels and in aay order 7Yustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> pArcel ot the Property by public announcement pt the time and place of ony prevlouely scheduled sale. I.ender or ite <br /> designee mwy purchase tUe Property at ony sele. <br /> Upon receipt ot payment oP Ihe price bid.'I�ustee shall delive�to the pu�cdaser 7lrustee•s deed conveying the <br /> Propeny. The recltals in Ihe 7Y�ustee's deed shAll be prima facle evidenee of the trut h of the stutemenfs mwde therein. <br /> 'I�ustee sholl ppply the pracee�ls oi the sale in the followi�g order: (al to all casls aad expenses of exerclsing the power <br /> Fsrm J128 9/9D l�wKr�ojerwxesl <br /> _.�....,.,.-,..r:.,..,- . ��....- 1 _,_-�....—. <br /> t . ' .�t��''�'f-«..�"�a s�-';`"., -- ._T' ... ' '�`�1, ,', , - ,��.t•'-`�'�,c�'5�:�����"�7 �wpr�'!T1`w�` . <br /> ._ , � ' ' <br /> ^r.,3 �,• . � l ,., ' .' <br /> _ . .•�� it ._ .. , ti i .. <br />.aaM�c.���• . ' �>� �3.' . ` ci ��. �v '9. tit�I�T9�i�91��'t � ' , � ;. <br /> . <br /> aH.�¢��,..� ' ...} . , . , �. Q���� pa..........¢r.Fir. <br /> ..•��Y.,iSsSS ��_�._ .,�:�•:.�s _•._ .�n�__s._ �i-.:rfv ;�:i.4�r.t:ni�:,��:�ai�ttSk� -�.�;lyd�".��'�filffll - . <br /> �� � <br /> �� i " --- �m:ri�rr , - .�{j�s � � .,s-�s, �..� .��,.- � c- �. ���r <br /> •._r- ,d1�. i� - � t -! , , � )�. . .�,�.,.�..,,.�iav i {`I��.�L � ,r 71.��.- <br /> - �_ � � � rt�4�� �-. t _ 1�_15� N ` Sr1 .. � y'� � r � -r,t�•�::1'(�.�il!?kR �S . -/ l' . - . 1�1-�i �5ttie� - <br /> 4 'KU' j� ft Y ' 7 Q�i ... _ .! -� y ff ' :.,, . t i- <br /> . ..�. � �r � . U! �Y �L � _ � �1 1�; y ` �y . �_ ��•1 l -_ <br /> ! '� IF y ��� �:r�� 1 �(}� � - � `�y i » <br /> L�����L�-: $ t1�5��`�1tii �-' .: ..� .nni: t ?- �d '.� . _-'.. e¢ , . � Y 11� . <br /> ,.,r , F��L {��i,'r�-:-�� , ; ,�.r�„i;�•�,�t y I!)'l, � Sr � ' � .. r t�J.:•�' f ' Z JC • tt r . <br /> . .1rf Sf�� � i .. - ;•' �1 J. t.1 -�,Nt , ^(r �t�,r I� ',, �. h !}j�•1 s r ,�i. � �,y1 r � <br /> _t'•n ��3A� rk�� i�.:'. .'.�t� -_�'.��.� j'P ��(� .. 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