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- �----r-��-� . ... . . .. . . . . ..._ __... . _.. . , T..��.- . . _� � --- _ <br /> . .. . . . a �. .. .. . - .. , . _. . . _ . . ' .. •.�.- : �. . -�`31. <br /> . / ... . . � ���. �/_ �� n �� � .. •�. _._ �. <br /> .. ����� �������������� �� .. <br /> � �+�t wbiob elall d��sC�' .e;;�►tv�el�l.�r�ts�wes�!s ic� ��rr�.'. '�e!�'"�w=it -•- .. <br /> L,�nderY a�ia�obt�ia b pawct landKlr ri�M i�Piop�ety N�000i��p�+Ki 7. <br /> All brunu�oe pol!�ia�aw�ls dnll b�ooept�6M 1�Iw�du�od eb#U Y'cYde��quidMd maA�yo clw�e. l� <br /> , �11 b�ve the dyl�t lo hold the po�icia aad ra�e�t�. If I.MUMr Ieq�droR Bar+tuwrr�kall promplY iive 10 LaM�r all poripM� <br /> of pid p�+waaiann wd naawd notloa. In tue event ot{ow►SOtrower s1Wl �ive panpt nofka w d�e i�o�iwri�t a�d <br /> t�.aaer. t�enaer may a�lOe proo�ot la.u na mde p�on�pNyby 8artn�«. <br /> Unkw L�aider�od Borrov►ror olbrnvviea�roe in writin�.inwnn�e sbdl be�pplied�o te�or�tian at nqir d <br /> tbe a1�ty d�m�ed. it da neswt�tiao ar�pir ie eooaoaiiaiUy f We �nd l.a�derti sxuriry ir na ie��a�ed. IP d�e <br /> �t a t�ir i� not e000amkWy i�es�i6b�x L�enderti�oeurity wouW be h�ed, the[�auwROe procaedr�inU b <br /> �pplied a the aans�eou,ed by thi�Seauity In�a+an�whalbr ar na thai due�with�ny excas p�W w Borrower. It <br /> Ba�ower�bwndont tha Pmpo�ty�or doe:not �aswer wiq�in 30 d�y��notke fir+om i.a�der tdst d�e imu�moe curier ha <br /> otTa�ed w setde�claim�tbai I.etKkr nu�y cdlact tho inwrnnce prooeed�. L.etdar auy u�e the prnoeodt to�pir or rottore <br /> the Nope�ty ar ro py auma�.wred by cNi�Seaurity T�utrtatw�t,wMather ar not U�en due. Tl�e 30�d�y palod w�ll be�in wl�ea <br /> �ha nolice ia giva�. <br /> Uakas i.mder ard Harower aUierwi��groa�t wrltin�.any appUauion of proceeda w priacipl ahW aot ez�end or <br /> postpooe�de due d�oP tdo moattdy p�yments refened w ia paw�sphe t and 2 or ch�o the aenatrrt of dia paymcau. IP <br /> uadcr painp�apb 21�bcP�ope�y is iocquirCd by L,ender.Borrower6 dght to�ny in:waaoc pobticie��ai p��uoeoda resuitin� <br /> c�vm d�m�ge a tLo Pr�c�peny_ f�►rr a tho aaryi�iNon,h�ll pw w I.endAr w die eatent d'd�o ann sxuRed by d�i.Soairity <br /> In:trwnant l�runodi�tdypneK w die tlaa. <br /> 6. OecapRecy. Pn�ecrv�tio�, dafes�ece �od Probctia� d'tYe Propert i Bareo�ve�''� 1.aiia Appiic�lio�: <br /> • ' I.ea�el�old�. Borro�ver�hall occupy� uee tlKS Proparty u Bamwerg prina�l�esldenoe vv�t'kie��jn dler <br /> • the exerhqi�n�f rhis 3e�a�riry lnxaument and stiall�tim,e w asupy the Propetty�s Hon�nwar7t p�incy�ut eW fot M <br /> les►st me yair after t6e daito of occupency. untess I.ender otherwise a�rees in writing, whieb cdqsem sh�ll aa�t �e. <br /> ' unrputi,ml�bly witfiheld.or unloss extenwdng ci�umcwnas exlst whlch ate bayond Borrower�a caiunl. ,�drmareral�ll:na1 .� � <br /> destroy.damage or im;pai�thc•Pra�aty.allow the Prope�ty to detedornte.or commit waste on the Property. Bamows+r shaU" � <br /> ' be in default if ao�y Forfeehus action or pmcading,whether civil or crimin�►�.i�begure that in Lender�goal fui�1'�.�udBmeM <br /> , could�esult in fopfeiture of ihe Property or otherwlse ma�erially impair thE�Uen created by this Secu�ity ln�wment a ', <br /> Le�tderk security intercsG Horrawer may cum such a default and ptovided in paragraph 18,by csuaing tha�ctioa <br /> orproceeding w be dismissed with a nrling th�et,in Lender`s good faith determhutian.p�ecludes forfeiture of the Bormwer'a <br /> interest M the Propaty or othar material lmpairment of the lien crertted by this Security Iastnunent or Lenderh sxurity <br /> interes� Hormwer ehall also ba in default if Borrower. dw�ing the loan applic�don praxss.Save meteddly falae or <br /> inaccurato Infom�adon or statementa to i.ender(or feiled to prnvide l.ender with�ny materiwl infomiatIon)in connecdon wlth <br /> the loan evldenced by the Note� ineluding�twt not limited w. rapiesontatiare caiceming Borrower�s occupancy of the <br /> ptoperty as a pdncipal rc.sidnnce, if�hia Security Insuumrnt is on a leesehold Boriower ahali comply wlth+�Il the provieiau <br /> ot the lease. If Bomuwer�cqui,es t'ee dcie co rhe Property,the lcusehaiii nnd thes fea iiQC ehail��t ri�'Qe untec:L�et�dat'a�t�ec <br /> to tho rr�rger in wdtfng. <br /> 7� Protectton of Lende�'s Righte In the Preperty. If Horrawer fails tn perform �he wvenants and egreementa <br /> contained in this Securlty Instrumcnt. or thene fs a legal proceeding that may significantly affxt Lender's rights in tlte <br /> Pro�►erty(such es a proceeding in bankn�ptcy,pmbace,for condemnetlon or fodeiturc or w enforce laws or regulations),then <br /> I.ender may do and pay for whalever ls necessuy to pn►tect the value of thc Property end Lender's dghte in the Property. <br /> Lender's actione may includo paying any sums secured by a lien which hes priority over this Secudty Insau�ent,eppearing <br /> in couct.paying neasonable attomeys'fees and entering on tha Property w meke npairs.Although Lender may take action <br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 shull becomc eddilfonal debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Insuvment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear inteiest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shell be payable,wilh inte�est,upon nodce from l.ender to Botrower rcquesting <br /> payment. <br /> S. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender required mortgage insurance ac a condl�fon of malcing tho loan secured by this <br /> Security Instrument,Bortnwer shall pay ihe premlums tequired ta rnal�tain the rnortgage insurnnce in effect. if, for any <br /> reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses ta be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> premlums iequired �o obtein coverage subs�untially equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previously in effeci. A1 A COS� <br /> substontially equivulent to the cost to Botrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an alternate mongage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantially eyulvalent monguge insurance coverage ia not available,Borrower shafl puy to <br /> I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelNh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance cuverage Inpsed or ceased to be in ef fect. Lender will accept,use and retain these paymenGc as n loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments mAy no longer be required, a�U�e option df I.ender. if mortgage insurance <br /> coverage (in the amount and for�he pc:riod that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender agein becomes <br /> nv�ilable and is ubtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mnintain mongAge insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement betwan Horrower <br /> and l.ender or applicuble law. <br /> 9. InspeMion. l.ender or it�agent may makc reasanable entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shull <br /> give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reusona6le cause for the inspection. <br /> lA. Cnndem�wtion. 'fhe proceeds of eny award or clnim for or con�equential,in conneclion with any <br /> Singlo Famlly--Ftinnie Mu/F?Mdit Afac UNIFORM INS7'ttUMENT•-Unffarm Covetqnts 9/96 (poge 3�fn pa,qe» <br /> c�rex tata Bwmd.iam..�oc.i <br /> Tn Oida Cal t�B0�63609D3 O YAX A16781•1191 <br /> ,, . <br /> � }�I�i.'�"��� � • f R <br /> ti=� ;�„�'kF'�I�ll�l�l9 . ..�.,�)ai„�i aa��,r,--1�; .`r�y��vr ,�a�r�i�' _ � �� �,�r:, ,�,'S�S l =,� -�=x� <br /> ( + -)'. _ yE" . . � , :t' ..,lr�r�yt�- tt_f •_ ._.__.�I 'C . 9' •�1 ; r W <br /> � --� ;Jllfti ,. . . . - 1 � } Y1 ... ., .tpi L � ` <br /> ��r.f�b� � �� � • . ��`�� �� lS��tr�til�t1_ .... . .�,...:�1�t..,. ��;1 t}y�`�'�+�/ t�ii��r�.�9�' t�r''. �, <br /> .<<_ , :g.�.i�i5�!'�Y',.3trti+e,�� :i� � S ��k'}�4ii;�`_:ci���� �rs:aak.�?��'K � r �i]��•��'�`�,�fr���.��,iT�y, '��.:. <br /> '-- -- <br /> • - - --- - ., .. t,. .. <br /> 7 .., ..... .T�il` . . : _- -.,-. - rr-- � --------- � - .(y��- :I�1)i�[jj?'�',''.-'. , '_ . <br /> ��_�, � . � . �� � �.}1F <br /> _ ',� . .. .=1j1 .' . ;. � ' �, y,, . <br /> --1° �.. � .� . , . . 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