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.. ._. - _ <br /> .�ra..w�.:e.i�.�ss� - . .. � _.....At!r�!�t�E'�s��5*f�'.!�j�'1e��•►�'H"-","S%'!w�x�..... _ .w,r� .�« -_ -_-- _ ...- <br /> 1 . . • . ,. . . . . . � ' . 'i'!�.:�._ <br /> r� �� �� � -_ <br /> 1�0�WfY't1 tll the ienpoye�M��er l�wA�wror+l on We pnapaly.#�d�N�MIMInIiM.�rM�w!pN� .. „ - <br /> --- - �0 tf�Mow a Irtw�fiar�p�ut d�r p�.w:-�r���.�1� � . �.. � .--- _ <br /> lu�p�t. A11 a/tlM faa�i�rafand b�d��M1t�r le�e�u�ent a Ila Pnopeity. � �•'' . <br /> Bt�RR()WBR mM1►BNA1V7'9 du�t Aano�rar 41�wti�lly�ei�ed o!'die awte he�eby ooav�eyed�nd h�t Ib�i�M�o�t�at <br /> +u�d canvay thePropa�y and that the Propa�tY b u�nc�nfbqrod�exaepl far oncumbanoes ot rocaed Barcwe�wMrr+t�.Md . <br /> wlll defawf Saaaaliy ihe atb w�he Property.y�all ct�.nd da�+�nd��abJe�x a�ny a�aaabaa�ot reoord. <br /> Tt1iS SECURI7'X INS'IRUMSM'aimbin� u�ifam oova�rrb[ar n�tional we �ad naranitam oav�w�ta�writh <br /> Wnited vniuiom by jari�dic�ian to ca►ctiwte a aqifcxm ucurity it�cment coverh�teal ptvperty. <br /> UMPORM COVRNAM'3. Ho�mwa'�nd l�a�der wvawot�nd a�roe u foUow�: <br /> 1. P�ywent d PtiACip�l�d I�terati h'�PU�t�d L�Ee Cb�rp�r. Bamower�II P�AUY P�Y wl�en due�lie � <br /> ip�of ud intaest on Ua debt evidericed by tbe Note and�nY p�'�P�Y�t and luo chvges�e under the Nde, <br /> �Z. 1+hnd�tor 71�xa�ad laa�r�aoe. Subject w�ppUcable law or w�written wdvcr by Lender.Bomower tlult pRy w <br /> l,cndor on the day monUilY WY�u arc due under tbo Note.wnil tho Note Is pnid in full,a aum("Funds")for;(s)Y�Y . <br /> tuces�nd�smama whlch�ruy�in priaity over thie Savdty Inswment as R Ren on�he Prope�ty:N)Ye�rly kaiehald <br /> p�yments a� �ra�uad �eots oa �he P�openy, iP�ny: (c) YeattY Mr��d a P�P�Y insunu�ce piremiums; (d) ye�rly ftood <br /> fosiran�;c prami�mas, if�n�,(o)�rearlY ma�R�o ina�uanoo Pnemiu�r�s.if�qy:and t� �ay suass piY�ble bY Bortowcr b <br /> acoo�dtaioe with tl�o p�urisians of pw�agr+�ph lieu of Rho pey�aent o[n�tga�e ineunu�ce pamium�. 1'hete <br /> i�ems ue c�llod"Fx�row ltems." I�ender nW►.at any�imc.oolla.�t md AuW Hub�wa�n smount not to oxaod thc•�nbamn <br /> �mount a lende�r fat a fodd�lly�elwtod mort�ga loan�y roqu��o�'ur�o�rower�.$ycr�w �t.ut�der ihe�for�lq�l ftal <br /> EstAto Sealen�u Ptoadura Act of 1974 ds�rixnded f�an ame w dnnc,tt�U.5.0 4:k�l ar s�V•("ItESPA"),uq�bs�aratha <br /> I�w tluit applies to tho Ei�nd+se�s a kssa'xr�nuil. if so.�er mA��r�a�at�uny;tiine�collect and holal��u�1 ia an atndunt nof W <br />-- _- -- _ �;:�LL3 tl�t !..-�=r�.�s�»- !-��; cs'�m!ww � ama,�of�unds�due oa the basi� of�CUmrlt dw�nd?�on�bb <br /> eatimues of expendiparcs of fut+u�Escrow Itema or athenti•ia�in sccordancc.wilh wgplicAbk law. ; . - <br /> The Ruids �haJl bo heW in an institudon whose deposits are insurod by� Qed�-�al.ugency.iosorumaitality�ar entity <br /> (including Lendcr.if Lcnder is auch an insutudon)or in any Federal H4i�Loan Banl�. l.ender,b0�a1�s�ply the FUnds w pay •. ,' <br /> - 1he E.gc�nw Items.�er may rwt charge Borrower for holding and applying tlic Funds.erinaa�lly nr�alyzing tho eacrow :' ', <br /> accoun�or verifying the Bscrow Items. urtless Lender pays Borrowe� inte�st an the li�nds�dqaii uPp➢icable low pcanits . . <br /> t.ender to mal�c auch a chnrge. However.Lender may require Barc�wer to pay a one-tlme oharge for an iadepender►t real <br /> eswtc tau roport�n8 service uscd by Lender in connection with this loan,unlesa app!lcab4q lew provfdes otherwise, Unless�n <br /> agneement is nwde or s►ppiicuble IAw requirea intercst to be paid,l.ender stiall nut be�ec„�ired to pay Barower any interest or <br /> earnings on Uie FLnds. Borrower and L.ender may egree in wridng.however,lhat interest shall bc paid on 1he Pupde. Lender <br /> nhall give w Borrower.without a�uroal accounting of the Punds.showing credits and deb�ts co�he Flmds and rhe <br /> - , purnose for which each debk to the hbnds was mrde. 71ie i�nds�ne plalBed+�a add�donwl sawiry for all sums secwnd by <br /> —-�- �s Sxuriry Inswmen� <br /> If ti�e Fvnd�heId by[.ender cx�i iiie antotints pcnttitted to be held bY apA!'stsble lnw:Lender ahall account to <br /> �-K�:��S�� 6orrower for the excess FLnds ln accor+dance wfth the reyui�menu of applicable law. Ii the amaunt of Ihe Funds held by <br /> L.ender ut nny time is not aufficient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in <br /> :;� -- such case Bomower shall pay to l.ender the amount necessazy to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shell mvice up the : <br /> deficfency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at l.ender�s sole dlscretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Inctrument.l.ender shall prnmpdy retiu�d to Botrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.undcr pamgraph 21.Lender ahall acqulre or seU the Property,I.ender.prior to the acquiaition or <br /> sale of the Propcity, sh�ll apply nny Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> �•• secured by thie Security[nsuument. , <br /> •,,. 3. Application ot Payments. Unl�ss upplicable law provides othenvise. all paymente received by Lender under <br /> :'�� , i paragraphs 1 end 2 shall be applied:fir�t,to any prepayment cherges due under the Note; umounts payable under <br /> - � paragraph 2;third,to interesl due:fourth,to prineipal due;nnd last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> " � •`�,�'t•� '�� • 4. Chprges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assexsmen�s, cherges. fines and impositions ataibutable to the <br /> • •t�;�,< f -- <br />;j, :,.,. . propeRy which may at�ain priarity over this Security Insiniment,and knsehold paymenrs or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> • �'�• I shall pay ihese abligatinns in the manncr ptovided in paragruph 2,or if not puid in that monner,Borrower shali pay them on <br /> � ','� ��•' time directly to the persun owed pAyment. Bo�rower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid unde� _. <br /> "i��;::� �-� this paragrnph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing __ <br /> f„�: -_,. <br /> ' , . �:,,tl,. ��,r �:• the payments. <br /> . � �•,�; ,��,�x.:;,;; Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority uver this Securfry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees _ <br /> '�`!< _"����� in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by thc lien in a manner ncceptAble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith ihe <br /> _. •;,•.:,..•. •,.. <br />�_t a�+wa.w,: lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinfon opernte to prevent ihe — <br />°`:•� „�;�,,t;;, enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an s►greement saticfuctary to Lender subordinating the lien <br />:;����. ,G� to this Security lnsqvment. lf Lender determines that any part of 1hc I'ropeny is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry <br /> �:,���"' �,�'_ , over this Security Instrument.l.ender muy give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Bomowor shall satisfy the lien or take _ <br />.�y�. ;•���z,,�'�.,.;}_�.:Y�, . one or more of the actionw eet forth nbove within 10 duys of the giving of'notice. -- <br /> `!k�� �� '� • 5. Nazerd or P►ope�ty Insurance. Horrower nhall keep the improvements naw exis�ing or hereufter erected on the _ <br />•�ir•, ��� � •� � Propeny insured against loss by fire.hazards included within�he terrn"extended coverage"and any other hozands,including <br /> •,'_;; ;�y';;•���_,._„ .; ,-. flc�ods or f'�aoding, for which l.ender requires insurance. This insurance shull be maintuined in the amounts and for the = <br /> :.��.� �� �,1;�y��;�- .. I F�.�n�exg 9r90 I puRr 2 nf 6 paRerl :. <br /> l���',. �;�`,...�,�}' . . <br /> ��.��6aii. V —. <br /> _��.t:J; •'+t,�+,:�J< •�(i � _� <br />.- � ?FP4•..'.�'l.".i`„�f'. <br /> a\�[re��1R� Y. - �-��+ �.� r�� <br /> e�v t 2. �,' �� , lyp �,yt,n... .. ._ ''-'"�?�!`:.'°�rq � "��b��'� . ,. . :-. •. ..', <br /> s.� i;fiS'.'.. . .� . , , ��... y, ti .. .. . _ ' � .ti. � `,.rri:��,:IL�.���:.��� y,�lt.�`.��.t=. <br /> .��.,�:'�•'• . I <br /> . . <br />_ r . . . ,_ <br /> , � . .,, <br />- ,. :.� _�� 1 ,r� . ., r•� ' ���-�.=ti ;".,r < ,.� ;•:� F , 14��4. s.�;. . .. ,� ,�� <br /> ' <br /> . . . . . . , <br /> : �. <br /> M: , , . � '., , � • ,i . .,. . _ �, , . �p tc, ., : � <br /> i .� <br /> �:. . .. . �Jr ��y'�� ,�� j�p ( ,� <br /> L 1�uOr ' ,. ` i dLt_.t.ill�+�,��n,•`mMiT.l�.l'u4�C4t���145��,� 1`S.� K.��....- <br /> �y •. <br /> �. . ��_ '. _ _. ' ___ - - _-_ _- .. . . . <br /> ..-. . .-f _ __.._.. -_._. .__-_ _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ . _ ___ � . _ <br /> _ • - . , . '-� �' �.,t"i.,,; <br /> (=. �aS� � � , j;„ . • , , j G r� , . 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