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""'f:_�' �.,....�i. ��, :>?��.v�-�=_ :�. . �., . -• ;:��.;s. -- <br /> - , , �,�_. <br /> � �� .,..` <br /> 00��11 a�I�I��Qf�IIY�I!Q�thE�1�1l�•��t OOwMyrOf��Y����x��� <br /> — L:'���SII�. -- --- ._.._._�_. . -.. - .`_ - _-.._--.- - - • <br /> 6i diC�Overit��t�ti�til�li�Of Qi0 PUi�itRy�11f0p II�Id1 b0 �pp��tld lu(�M tYUYI fnC'd1��jr�i�YI�� . <br /> • lmauabd.wbellw ar no4 d�on dne�.�with�ny exoa�pidd w�BanDwer. fn the'evenl d a p�rtial edcin�at�Mp�y i� <br /> arhkfi the t�ir trwket v�lue of the Property G►nnndi�eely 6efae ehe Wtin�i�eqwl to or�oerr tfan tht ano�wt d di� -iiam� <br /> tecwed bY�hL Security Insawnau in►medivafy bcfaro tib t�ctn�.unlep Bcxmwer�nd La�der a�be�+�ee.ia wridnt. <br /> d�e atau recurod by thL Siac�uiry 1Luorumeat�hdl be e+ak�oed by N�e�mount d didp� a�dpliei�r qie lbdo�rl� . <br /> factioe: (a)the tot�l+uaount ot d�wa�t�ea�rad Immedi�tely befae d�e nkbig,d1v{ded�by(�b)d►a fait aa�c�e�t valre bl ibe <br /> Aapetty immedlately 6efae d�e taidn�. My 6�W�ce rhdl be p�W w Bomnwet 1n the ew�tt ot a p�rtLl t�idet d dtie � <br /> Prnpelty In which d�e fiir miuica value af the Pnopaty Immedi�tely befae the qkln�ii lea tMn tlw�mowa a�tfie auru � <br /> ,�ecurod immedf�tely beta+e the t�king.unka Bomower�nd Lender od�awLe rpee in writiag or unlas�pplic�bte law <br /> othc�wlee provida,lhe pooeedi�b�U be applied to dK,sunn iecurod by thit Sieaurity lntqun�ent w1wFMr or not the anu�ue ' <br /> thw due. <br /> ff tlie Properry ie�bandonod by Bomnwar.or if.�tter ratica by L.ender ta Borrower th�t tho co�demnor of�'en W rtuka <br /> ao awaod or scuk�cldm for d�m�gw.Homower Gils w ra��nd to I.ender wilhi�30 days after the d�te the�odoe u given, . <br /> L.endcr ie�Ni�otixed w collxt�nd �pply tho procaede,at ita opdon�eitl�er to mstarallon ar�ep�ir of d�e P�uperty or to d1e <br /> was socw�ed by t�is Socurity Iosuumen�whether a not tlkn due. <br /> UNesa I.ader�ad 8�a�owdr tMhetwise agiee in writing,any�ppUcation of p�ooea#�w Rnrimcip6 slWl wot euend or <br /> po�tpa�p Il�o due d�te of the mo�Midyp�y nts nefemed to in pira�apha 1 end 2 or dnnge 1he amoim of suc�pqn�e�ts. <br /> 11. Bonower Not ReleAaed;�br6euaaoe 8r Leqder Not A Wiiver. ExRa�sion af the tia�q for psy�ent ac <br /> mudifialtia�of amo�tizuian of t1� a'u+n�''securod 6y lhis 3ecudty Inatnenme�n�ed by I.ender to�ny sucoeaor in intaest <br /> of HadFbw�er nhW not opente w rok�.ehe liabWty of tha ariginal Bamwu or Aarowert oucoeason fn in�aest.L.a�der <br /> -- — sbe!(nc►t beteqerim!ro co�n�eni't p�c+�etcl�r��s��in�t �ny�ucaseor in iooer�st a ra�sc m eactead timeme for paymwt or <br /> - - -_—_-- otllerwide mod fi y amottizatian vf 1hc swotis'�+ured by lhie Socurity Insdumeat by re�soh at��nY demu�d made by tho ori�inai <br /> Btx'mwer or Bortowo�h sucoen.cors in ia�teiti.ct: My for6GUance by L.eaider�n e�Rrcl�in8 anY ri�ht or ranedy shall aot 6e a <br />_-_ waiver of or prcclude�e eaerci�of�•t�p�l ot�emedy. ,�� <br /> IZ. Sua�str�apd Aes�n�baund;�o�Y s�ad 3evval Li�btlity;Cas�gA6h4• 'X'he coveaanta and ag�eemena of Wi� <br /> -- . Securiry Instruitacnt ahall bind and benefit the sucaswrs and essigns of l.en�kr�id Bort+nwer.sub�ert ta the provGlmu of <br />- p�a grAph 17. Aorrowet�s covenants ond agroements ahall bo jolnt and several. My Borrower wh�ccrsigns this SScurity <br /> �_: ' In'ser�ment put dc�es•not execute the Nou: (A)is co-signing this Security Insp�ument only w mortgagd'grant and c:dovey dw ' � <br /> 4 •�arrowe�'�inte�.ct i�the P�ape�ty under tho tenms of this Security instrumen� (b)ir�wt pe�sonally ub��8ated top� th�e fipns <br /> srcured•by this$ecutity Insuument;and(c)�groes that L.ender and eny other Borrower may agnee w 4xtand.modl��forbcar <br /> or malce my ac'cammadations with rega�d to the tem�s of thia Secudty Insdument or the Nota withaut thu Borrower'Y <br /> ' COIISCDt. <br /> 13. LoAn Cha�es. If the loan aecund by this Sacurity Inaqument is subject to a law wbich seta mUCimum Iwa <br /> - ct�arges,and that i�w is finaily interpieted so�tu the inte�est or aher ioan charges coiixt�a to ba coiiectad in camecdan <br />:<<r, with the loan exceed thc pe�miaed limits.thcn: (a)any such loan chuge slwll be roduced by the amount necessuy to roduoe <br /> the charge to the petmitted limit;a�d(b)any surns alrcady colkcted fivm Aorruwer which exceeded permitted Umits wip ba <br /> �" neflmded to Borrower. L.ender mey choose to make Ihia rofund by�ducing the princfpal owed under the Note or by malcLig a ., <br />��:,� • di�ect payment ta 8orrower. If u refund reduces principal.�he�duction wiil be treated os a putid�epqyment wituout u►y ... <br /> prcpuyment chur$e under the Note. � <br /> 14. Noticea. Any notice to Bomower provided for in �his 3ecurity Inswment ahell be given by deliverina lt ar by <br /> malling it by fi�t class mail unless applicuble law requi�s uxe of another method.The notice shall be dircetod to the�roperty <br /> Address or any oiher addr+ess Bomnwer designntes by notice to l.ender. Any notice W Lender shall be given by tir�t class <br /> mail to l.ender�address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice w Borrower. Any nutice provided for <br />— - in this Security Instrument sh�ll be deemed co have been given to Bonowe�or L.ender when given�e provided in this <br />.�� • •"a'`_` par°gmph, <br /> � ' �,•"�• 1S. Governing Low; SeverabiNty. This Security Inst�ument nhnll be govemed by federel Ipw and the law of the <br /> judsdiction in whlch the Property is lacated. In the evenc�hnt any provision or clause o�this Securiry fn�wment or the Note <br /> • �;�.vrr .. �. contlicts with applicabie luw,such contlict xholl not uffect dher provisions oP this Securiry Instrument ar the Nate which ean <br /> '�'� x u�,��e�'w. be given effect without the conflkting provision. 7b this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note iue <br /> ''"'`r'' 'a"` declared to be severable. � <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thi�Security Inswmen� <br /> =�-a'�=• , }' 17, 71rAnsFer ot the Propeny or a Beneficlol Interest in Borrower. If aD or nny part of the Property or any lnterest In <br /> • it iF sold nr transferred lor if A beneficial interest in Bormwer ix xald or tmnsferned und Bortower is not a natural person) <br /> � .:w�n•� without Lender's prior wrinen consenl,Lender muy,sx its option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums securod by <br /> _ ,�' �d==•=e� this Security Instn�ment. However, this option sBall not be exercixed b;. Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> t �.;;• : �.�• the date of thls Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> ''' �'��i, .,':' •,', If Lender exercises this option, Lender�hall give Borrower notice ot acc�leration. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> •' "' .'S7'%��� `-�"'; not less than 30 duys fmm the dute thc notice iti dclivered or muiled within which Bomower must pay all sums secured by this . <br />' "`'�'° Securiry Instrumem. If Bormwer tuils to pay �hese sums prior to the erpiru�ion of this periad, Lender may invoke any <br /> �'.'r •'1'.,�;�;�i�!�',�rr, � <br /> ',�fi:��: s�i�;:,:1 remediex permiucd by lhis Serurity Insirument withnut funher notice or demund on Borrower. <br /> r;t��t�.:.� , <br /> ����St. .•;� IS. Borrower r R(ght to Reinstate. If Bormwer meets certuin conditions, Bomower shnll have �he right to hove <br /> t�?•��;���1,%''4 enforeemem�f this Serurity Instrument di.contim�ed ai any time prior to the e�rlier of: (a)S d�ys(ar such other�xri�xl as <br /> ',� �sa/�7';,"!��•'. <br /> ��'=`'�t'k�qi�:!''�� Sfnglr Famfly••Fannk Nwe/MYeddle Nac UNIFf/RM INSTRUMF:(VT--UnifiNm Covemnu 9190 (�wge 4 nj6 paResl <br /> fb'_/i>�:�r 1.�' <br /> F'..:.i �t;.,_.,�}'C, � <br /> � • ��.�:.�'{;��'1�i�' .,;: ., i• <br /> i,.,: <br /> :1,., 1 , ��:�����: ,',y, �. <br /> _ ; J <br /> �}���) �,�� ,'�r�tr�i�� • — -- -- - <br /> , 1 ��,+ � yt r �„ <br /> .��l'r�`etS.v'e lu :,�i�'��,� , ti,..,'� :� ., '�2���I���+rbli:�,c:,t'.-�.ri�w�.W�..:.� ?r��14�;'��� l� _ _ „_ <br /> ti5C4I0E t- <br /> -{. . '�':•'•,�� i�r,ti( <br /> �CJ '1�. Q• � �)� . . � \},)r.! ,Ill�t r�� `i . � ti 1' �ti( ��� - .- — � <br /> i. <br /> , 'avr 1 l i. .. ' _ 1 ;�I�. 1 - 3 7�} �.� ���' - 'l�., (1�`}�} �1{�( - <br /> • .'1.i..i�)r1 ' . . �� ` a , • i i,�id;t1 , t�i�" ed.�, 4?�,��.t�f;'S'"•' � °_. - <br /> ' ,. <br /> ;� s i! w_fd4tC�1.�Cr� • _._ •_._. _ _ �.._Il..- ._ - ... _ ...."__'_ '_.i��.�.�i1•_.��.. .�'. _til.-�.��.�sN V��i}�'y' . <br /> :.-_ ._ ': '—_ _ _'. . . . __ .. _.___'_' '.-. . . ... .. ... ... . <br /> k� `.�r� � , � ; .� • ';r�:r��--- ------ - . ` ;'��.'r::i!.A'Vi�~+ .m�.c-, <br /> !'I���' .. � - . . . . . • ��. n . J, :?.. .5(ti��k sp ..,�+ - _�2- _. —�-- <br /> :. J <br />� �r��%`li�t!• ' - , � . ' . ' �� . _� ...a f,4*:• -n .z.' +S����� �-..�-�- <br />. ./r�,' �_. .��� Lr �. �R�°sT' .1 i!�-2?-�s�l�f�t -T- <br /> - � . — . '----- ----— . - � ' • "_' __ . r�- �,---' }�-�. r-�.�r-r,��r — _ <br /> ��� �� ` - ' ' ' l . P�.���'�' - <br /> f��• (�, ,.�'.;,!' � _ � ' 1 ' . . � . . _ ° .. t',; - . _ _ ..': . - t._ -_. <br /> . . - . . � . . •.� <br /> ��. ,. �� . . '• ' • • , . . . . 1 . <br /> � � .+A_ .�,. S., • _ _ .: -�, . . <br /> .. � ., .'s�� , • , • -..ri.�,y,,�, . �_ _.�^•. .•�... •. ._�, . , . <br /> _ .. :' • � . . . . '. . . .. ��. . �t��lr.�f�'.4,7{.',�• ""`"•�+�1lir: - . ' <br /> . . � .� <br /> , , <br /> �� , . <br /> , ' � <br /> y . , <br /> ��::. .. .. . .. _.._ . ... . <br />