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: -.:,..:..� :,.. ...,,.. .., . .. . .... . .... _ <br />_ _ , . �_ _ � .. . . ' . ��-,:.�.=_ <br /> , � '�+� �� .. . <br /> �p�R t�l.Q1dCr iL'IjSt�ICi. 72lC�CO C�Iib!pl'0'Y��M�'flMfrK��MU 11�O�1OMp�►poM�rMr►1�01���.M1�M'� <br /> : �p�rvv�)wlaoh��uc.6e.w...wpi+ir�ff�a�o�.r fiii.a nwi.tainco�+�a.rai6ad�bo�., n�.�t , , <br /> L�wKMr�opli��obcain oovaye to prnuct I.enderti rl�hh ir�Ihb In aoca�d�r wNA p�tNpa�h�. <br /> All in�ur�noe pdicfw�ud�enew��iMO 6e eo�iuid�h�1!6iclxde��qndud�r�l�e clau�a La�drt ' <br /> �u <br /> ;� �dall luwe 1he rl�t to hold 1he palkia�nd rornw�ls. !4ender roquina,Bonower�Fwl!pr�nptly aive to lwnder dl no�fpts <br /> ot piiA proaaun►s,u�a ronewv notioa. la u�e eva�t of w�.�earower�11�ive proaip aoaoe,o tbe�rf�r..a <br /> t.eoder. I..mder m�y mdce p�oot ot laa tt rwt rr�ponqNly by Barrawar. <br /> Unks�l.s�tder and Bmrnwer otherwi+�e a=tx in wdth+$�in.+uronoe�elull be�ppliad to ro�toation or no�ir a[ <br /> � ,it�ne rworuwn«� +.�iy r ae�,a��t.ecu��y► �Aa�.�ea. v d�e � . <br /> resax�or�ea ecawmic�uy te�ieb or Lenaer�sxurity wa�w be�a�nea.u�e ttua,tinoe� proo�e�ls�IuU be <br /> �pplied w tbe �tans aecurod by thi�Secudty Uwwment.whaher or oa tl�t due�wlth+�ny e:cesc d w Bamwer. IP <br /> Barowu abmdaa the Property,ar does not aawar wlthin 30 d�ys •nolice from I.ender Ih�t the Insuranoe c�urbr(w <br /> ofteKd w seqlo a cl�im.�iien Lender rruy coiloct thc insurance procood�.�der may uce the prooeeal�to re�ir or rrawro <br /> the Piope�ty ar to p�y w�a��acurod by tbis Secudty IaRtrument�whethc�or not t6en dua. The 30�1ay perlod wdl be�in when <br /> tho aot�ca is�ove4. <br /> U�law�der�ad 8orrawer aherwiso agrce in wrfting.�ny applicatlon of pnncooda to principol�hdl not extend or <br /> po�stpone the due date of the moaWty pryrncate�efarnd to in parAg�phs I w�d 2 or chenga tho�nount of�he p�yma�ta. If <br /> ut�der p�r��pl�21 the�topMy is�equi�ed by Lender.Bormweri�right w any insurance poUcies And ptooeede �esulting <br /> 6om d�au�o�o ttiiee Prqxny pivr oo the ncquiddot��hall pacs w t,onder w�he extent of tha eumr iecwnod by�his Security <br /> instnur�ant immodiatety pior to the acqutsi[ion. <br /> i. Ooairyinen P�werv�tiaM M�ietetuqce �ad Prokction d the Propert3'i Ba�nrer'� I.oaa Ap�daitia�: <br /> l.weholda Bo�rowea s1uN aavpy.e�taWich.and uie tlks Propexty�s�orrnwerk principAl rosidenca witl�in sucty d�ys afler <br /> - . tlte execuuian of this Sccnrity instrass:.^sn and sha!!cosrcinue ro vcce�;ri xi►e Property na AcNmsver'�psia�s!e,�me fex as <br /> ' •least one year afler tho dato af aocupansy. unless Lender otherwiae ag�es in wridng. wfiich ca�.unt s�xll not be <br /> qnnACau�bly witbheld,or unless eatenwting circumsta�x;es exist which rue beyond Borrnwer7e cantrol. Bomower adall aot <br /> ,destroy,dorn�ge or impair the Property.�Ilow the Propeny w dctcriorate,or commit waste an the Pruperty. Borrower shall <br /> be in defauit if any forfeitune action or praceeding.whether civil or criminel,�s begun Uwt in l.enderb gaod fai�h judgmau <br /> ' � could �ult in forfeiWre of the I'topeny or dhcrwlse matcrfally impair the lien creuted by tliis Security Inswment or <br /> • •i.eaderk aecurity intcrest. Borrowa may cure such a default and provided in puagraph causing the�ctlon <br /> . or pmcuding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good fai�h determi�atio�.prccludes forfeituro of the Borrower's <br /> � interest in the Property or ather meter�al impairtnent of the lien crcated by this Securiry G�suument or l.a�der's securiry <br /> . interest. Bomower shell also be in default if Hormwer. du�ing the loaa upplication process, gave materF�lly false or <br /> _ • inaccurate information or stetementa to Lender(or failed to provlde Lender with any material infqtmation)in connecdan wlth <br /> = the loan evldenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, npresentations conceming Borrawa�s oecupwicy of the <br /> � . PropeRy as a principal residence. If Ihis Security Insuument iR on a kusehold,Bompwer shall cumpiy afth all the pmvlsions <br /> ' of ihe lease. If Borrower Acquirca fa title to the Property:lhe leosehold and the fee Ntl�siwll not merge btdess LeiMer agrocs <br /> ta the merger in writing. . ' � <br /> • 7. ProteMbn of Lender's Righfs In the Property. If Borrowc� fai0s ta perform the covenants and agnxmenis . <br /> = contained•in this 3ecurfiy Inswment, or there is a I�gal praceeding thut �m�y si1enlficantly nffect l.ender� rights in ihe <br /> - Property(such ac a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemoation ar fort'eiture or to enforce laws or regulntions).then <br /> Lender may do sind pay for whutever is necessury to protect the vuluc af the Propeny and Lender's�ights in the Property. <br /> Lender�actions may include paying nny sums secured by u lien which Fws priority over this Security Instrument,appearing <br /> in court,paying reasonablc attomcys'fecs and entering on the Prnperty ta mnke repairs.Although l.ender may wke octian <br /> ---�;r'rl under thia parograph 7,Lender dces not huve ro do so. <br /> — Any amounts dis6un�ed by Lender under�hi4 paragmph 7 shall become additional debt of Bortower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrawer nnd l.ender ugree to other terms of puyment,these amountx shull bear interest from 1he <br /> ._�._ date of disbursement at the Nde rate and �hall be puyablc, with interext,upon notice from Lencier to Barrower requesU�g <br /> - paymen� <br /> � 8. Mortgage insurance. If Lender requircd mongAge insurancc ns u condition of muking the loan secured by Ihis <br /> -,�"� Security Instrument. 6orrower sh�ll puy the prcmiums required to muintnin the mortgage insur.mce in effect. If. for any <br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage tequired by Lender li�pseti or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shell pay the <br /> --=,ri:;�:— premiums required to obtoin covemge subgtantinlly equivulent tn the mortgnge insurunce previausly in effect, a� a cost <br />�_4�''�� subswntielly equivalent to�he cost to Borrower of the mortguge imurunce pmviously in effect,from on altemate nwrtgage <br /> ='�r s�',,L insurer approved by Lender. If subxluntiully equivulcnt mortguge inxurunce coverrge is not avuilable,Borrower shnll puy to <br />-_ - i.ender cach month a sum equal ta one-twclNh of�he yeurly mongugc insurAncr premium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> '_�,�t;:;`(�.,_.{ insurana coveru�e lapsed or ceuxed to be in effect. Lender will uccept,u,e And rewin�hese pnym.:ms ae n loss reserve in lieu <br /> -- '�•��it�ti;�: of mongage insurnnce. Lass rescrve payments may no limger t►e reyuired,at thc op�ion of I.ender,if mortgAge insurrinnce <br /> 1��'�'�F:tjv coverage(in�he amount nnd for the period Ihat Lender reyuire,l provided hy un inxurer upprnved by Lender asain becomes <br /> � F�"� available and is ob�ained.8orrower shall pay�he pmmiums rcyuired�o m•rinwin mongugc insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> `_�._�4;�� <br /> _ ;,yif loss reserve,until the requlrement far monguge inxurance endx in ucrordun�e wi�h uny written ugreement�between Bomower <br /> = ' ��t`. and Lender or applicuble law. <br /> ',�?'`� 9. Inspe�tion. Lender or its ngem muy mokc rei�sonnblc enlries uFx�n anJ in��xctinm c�f the Property. Lender shall <br /> � '�!`�� give Borrower notice at the time of or prior tu un inxpectinn ti�x:rifying reasonuble ruu�c for thc inxpection. <br /> r•-ti.,.•:;.: <br /> - - t0. Cnndemnatior+. The prcx:cedr ot'any�award ur�laim for d,imagc�,dircct or ronxyucntial,in conncction with any <br /> ..i, <br /> Singlc Nnmily••t�nnle Mue/PYeddte,l1oc 1�11F1)R�1 INS'1'Rl'tifEtiT•-l'nf6ntn Covenant. 9l90 1/�u�e?r�jn�wqral <br /> r�nt Inte&uieea Pa�r.Inc.■ <br /> �... �. .� To Q�rp CaO�1�'iP9(IY7 O/�li At&7Y1•1171 <br /> '•li:lr',�•. . <br />-- :';�;':iSj� <br /> =��`;:. <br />_���� � <br /> �� . . — �-'_n���jf) 7��l�1� - . . , e �`1i�isk�7,�;'�,�'�.�.�e[ a��tSU 61':�_-. <br /> �r,' }E . ; .4�",r,�»'f � - °� "r��t 1 I""'^ . K <br /> --3 7 � �' � ..: .'' � '�:(,�; ah� . � � - .. , '_.. " �l��r - <br /> �� , ' .�^.. ,. '�` <br /> ! <br /> J� . . .. � <br /> ,� t ' 1'� „ ' �= � � _ , <br /> �..�a�._ _•��A.. .��. . . ��N -� ' ���. <br /> - �+•��tvz'. ,t. �•� �L :.' - - - - - - .�e.d�Liai,. .� a.' i�t���'II.Y`�_`: : <br /> Ar�ts, -.' � • � ' �1��31'i��• --- --- -__' -_. <br />