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__ _ .� . , ,- ,-f�,.+ij�-�' ��1t•T�hu�^ , : .;�....w..•��,d�yu..��• ��,..�c-:'.i� <br /> ---..__�__ .. , . _ ' , . , . . . , �'�'�� �DY•N.- <br /> _ ... . � . � ' � . . .. <br /> �piM�bio Mw �wy►rp�cify lbr�)bdh��a4 al'IM,l4�op�th'/�r�t�o�f�a�d�ao�Mlr�4.�e ' <br /> - � - --���as t�a�y t�wa���g���w..�. 'i'Aa►a�ass��'�.�!_—,-�; - <br /> ' piqrs�tl!te�»�dleee be d�e�I�r Wt i��d� �loM.�if#IQ�'�11�." . , .. <br /> ox�(ti)a��ryr d�lt d�s�r a1Mr aa�awM�a�M�.�)��M�ina�d la Iw1�iMdN{ih s�r�rlp�r — <br /> 1�����.b�t rot Ii�Med�0.n�iarble rorwp�'tNS:�udua(�Ww peM�otlou�I.�le��wD►aww�W�r <br /> ' nq�fre a.w�e�c�he lieo of dd.aea�rity�wn,t.�9err ri�M m.Rv�leey wa 8ona�1�obit�ia.a p.y�M. <br /> wati�rd , IW 9earity 4�h�w� aWl oo�Ml�w w�hMlM+l. UPos � b�► Du�m�Mrr.ii� ,�eit�r <br /> Luaus�ot�a0�obliptia���owed Ibteby.�Mdl nra�io 1Wfy el�ectiw�tt No aoaientioa b�d at�nd. lb+wwr��W , <br /> ri�At 10 niertMe rqU not apply Is tbe a�e d aooeleation wdx pr�npb 17. � <br /> i!4 Sdt�of�MaMi C�rM�iwM 8rrtio�r. 7'fie NaM or� i�il MMawt ja die rTalo(poptlrK wW��Yit�e�My , <br /> Imtr�hont)m�Y be ald aie ar e�ae dma wid�aut ptioe aatioe a A�ale an�y rauit ia a dnnse i�Wt adty <br /> (luawn a the 9.o�n sen+loa")tbu coaeoa moaddy p.yments aue uaAe�die Aro�.+ra a�socurity Imtrum.nt. 7' <br /> m.y ae one or mo�e cWr,�or we s«vioer w�mw.a eo+�t�le of aie r�o�e. U mae i..a�.n,e or the LoMO sawloar. <br /> Ban�owe�w1116e given wriaea oodoe of the clwn�e in�coo�danoe wtth p�h 1�/+�bove�ad applkable i�w. 71a nodoe. <br /> will W�te the awme�nd addt�as af die new l.o�a�Setvloer awl d�e dd�+as to p�y�r�+a should be mMle. Tfie notbe wiU <br /> �Iw ao�win�ny od�infotauuiaa�aN�bY�PP1Ic�We l�w. <br /> 10. ilaa�dow SabdWOa. Bamower�11 not came or p�Nt the pa�noe,we�d(�paal.� rolwe cf�ey <br /> Hv,�Nout Sub�on a in Ihe Propmty. Barowa thdl not do.aor sllow�nyone el�e to do�anythia�affa�ln�die <br /> Propeity dw is la vlolwon or,�ny i3nviro�an�w l..w. 1t�e pec«un��e,ioe.�u n«,�pply w tt�e pesa�ve,wa a <br /> �tor�e on tbe propwiy of am�U qwnddes of H�za►dow 5ub�tanoes thwt aoe�mo�aNY�����PProP���� <br /> �raida�tW u�es�od to maintauu�oe of tbe Ptopaty. <br /> Barow�x�Il P�P�Y Bive Lenda writteu notice of my imrad�adon,cl�im.dmm�nd.4wauit or odier�ctian by my <br /> - B��a�aY�Y a privaee p�ty involv�nR die Prope�tY�d�ny H�z�dow S�ba�woe ar Euv�rawmmui <br /> - --- � liw of Mhicb Barower hu actu�l knowledge. If Bamwer lann. or ie notffied bar ieo4' ;ma�o�a�a RN�Y <br /> �utharity.d�t+�ay removal ar od�er rcmodiuIon of any H�zandout Substmce af�'actiaa�ho Propat�r is aooesary.8o�rower . � <br /> �P��P�Y pke aU nece.u�ty retnedlul actions in acoo�dmce with Environmenbtl l�w. <br /> Asz used in�his p�ragnph 20."H�zaiduus SuMpuices"u�e tlase cubsWroea defioed as w�ic ar hu�udous wbstana�by <br /> BnvlrunmenW l.�w aad Ihe foUawing substanoes: gawline.keroaene.od�er flaa�ble ar toxic pwolaim product�.touic <br /> pesdddes�nd babicides. volAtile soivrnts.mauedals containing asbes0oa or[amaldehyde, and radio�ive m�terWs. As <br /> USCd jil 1�S�f1l�gi�l�."�Y�(Of��,#W"IIICAlIS fCdCJl��Wf/Ild�#WS O�t�10 j1t�IfdlCt�00 W�1dC f�10 pl'OQCIIy�i�OC�DOd <br /> l�li[IC'if0[O�ICA�1f1�Si�CIY Of tOYj�O11�11C�(M1lCCt�0i1. <br />-- NdN-UIYIFORM COVE!yAtd7S. So�owe.r and L�ender fuN�er cavaunt and ag�ee as foAows: <br /> —_= 21. Aaxlenitlon;Rea�edies. 7.eadrr 'slpol give notloe to Barro�er pMor to�Ivatia[albwt�q Borrowa''s <br /> ----- M+wcb ot aay covenaat or�gteemeni 9N tl�is S�a�rtty I�trament(bW aotprb�'to�►ccderqiori u�der p�ra�aph 17 . <br /> ` ualar applkable aaw pruvldes other�vi�� The aroNce s6�11�s (a)the d�iwit:(b)t6e actios r+equired to cure t6e ; <br /> dei�uii;icy�didr,uui ks�ii�tu�30 8�y�i1'atu tLe dKe ibe aoik2��Iven io 8asrsais2r,tsp�c6 i���!� , <br /> curaf; and(d)Ibst fpllure to cure Ihe defwlt on or betor+e t6e date specified in the�oticQ awy nsult ia aaekr�tion�oi <br />:�?; We sutm erecured by tht4 3ecurlty Instrumeat and s�le of tbe Property. Tde notice sdA�l(brther intorm Barrower of <br />-- the right to reiastah After accderation Aad tAe eight to bring a court�cllo�to wsse�l the noo�steoce o�a dehult or <br />_-.i any M6er defease o7 Borrower to pcceleration aad swle. It Ihe detault is aat cured oa or betors tbe dAte specifkd ia <br /> • the aottce,Lende�u't 9ts option may requfre immedinte paymeat in full d's�ll sum�secured by th19 Seeurity Iastrumeot <br /> �vithout turtder demand and may invoke the power of sale aad aay other rcmedies permitted by applkable la�v. <br />• I.ender shall 6e enHtied to coqect All expeuses incurred in pursning the remedies provided in tbia pu�a�aph 21, <br /> � includlag,but not Ilmited to.reasonoble attorneys'�eea nnd costs ot title evidence. <br /> [�t6e power of sAle is invoked,7Yustee shall record a ooHce ot deiault in each couaty ia wbkb any part af the <br /> Property is located und shall mall coptes oi'such notice ia the mpnaer prescribed by applicable law to Borrower aad to <br /> - the othe�persons p�escribed by ppplicable tow After the time required by applkAWe Irw,7lrustee sh�ll give publk <br /> notice ot sAle to the persons And in the monner prescribed by applicable law 'Ilrustee�without demond on Borrower, <br /> sbaN s811 ibe Property at public uuction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the tem�s desi�ated ia <br /> Ihe no2ice ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrastee determines. 7lrustee may pastpone ss�k ot nll or any <br />- parcel of the Property by publk announcement al tMe time and place of nny previously scheduled sak. I.ender or Its <br /> �. ,�_��� designee may purchuse the Property at any sule. <br /> `� ;� ,�'- • Upon recelpt oP payment o�the price bid,7lrustee shall deliver to the purchnse� 'I�ustee's tleed conveying Ihe <br /> :�'"x:':"�:`� Praperty. The recitals in the'IYustee's deed ehaN be primo fucie evidence of the trulh of the afatements made therein. <br /> - . "„ 1lrustec shall apply the praceeds of the swle in the i'ollowing arder: �a)to all custs and expen.4es of exercising the power <br />• li�A�I;dr;a..• <br /> � Q �t <br /> �'� �. <br />., r� �Y`T��'y� <br />�/ ..f� T.�. <br />- �a x � :�r� <br /> '"rla:r�• _f . <br /> ':"a�• y �;,.�.. FormJ02�1 9�90 I/�Rr��,JApuqesl <br /> i.S:fi��;�.�5,? � .('�S <br /> ~7r3.:iv�.•• : �,.-..��Y <br /> . .��_t � , �',;� <br /> . .�� ` � .�, .- <br /> -=•�+ ��r f 1,�'� . , . . ,,,'�'----'��c�,,�,nr+,n•,v.a� - . _:�, <br /> �j,,t•y . • ,. ,, . i' _.�,. .m . ,.: <br /> �,�; � ,� <br /> �: ` r..,. y�-r �� 7' ��i�\1t- ��� - � -� : . . -A ' . . c- �t i � <br /> � y ,.. .:t.E �} � � . <br /> i � � .n_ iF���`!�!� _. . �:t: �i:t�. . .Y�� " . r i� :. �Ity�fi:l ��.� ti��. J ' ; <br /> $[�t �� � . . .1l '' . <br /> = �II�I�Y���BaJL� � ;.'�ASV..,u.—�1, � '1�; . `1. t t� � tw.,,.li��lYa)L". <br /> , ,.� _.. .e__ �.. _-.. _--�-- - � ' - - - -._._-- _,---=..._._«:�_.yWc�-: 1t��.` L._:�iva4_.uSS�.f.'l:vi�n.ivn.-.._. <br />-°-------�-.._�_,r� - - --- - --._...------ -------- ___-_ - __--- -- --- --- � ---- �-�--- -.. - - ----�- ---��--� -- :- <br /> , � f . <br /> � '.:0.•!1. f d ' � , � . <br /> �- <br /> N. X*'cr �f� . r� , <br /> � .rv�ir.•WSr� .� ' . � . :� `� . . . . 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