' �P';}�;���,'� w. � .. r,y„�„,�na?:�.� t �;�.+��,�i::i��: i� � �::�.�:. .�;�}'���i,5.`�i?3�i:"+�? Xfi�7hwiW" -
<br /> ' '�• ' � ' ��fF�G-. � .t• . ,�. 3!• � �� ¢ � .t--- -- -.
<br /> �'"'�x4.t i
<br /> s ,a.� f� � IIWIM� .rktt•�h �!�f.IN/t1` �'wr�s,-f �y.. J _ ---'--
<br /> %�en't.�•�•r.,wrr Y,w
<br /> �' ` �' '' y�� '.Y1.1LrY!`+,t�'i'l�idl(17r'•a�w�M�i57y. - -
<br /> 1 ,~ -�f.••}��FTT•.....h,�aW�.�._..� w.. .._r. .
<br /> i . . • � '� � -�_
<br /> � � ���•��k!'__ "._ . A '.T,��. ..
<br /> . ' . � ...____-_ __ .. -.-._ '_.
<br /> , . .��.�_�.._. _ ...
<br /> -
<br /> ... �..r.. '_ _. ___'—'_--�.-
<br /> �, _' St.,1..:.A'.:.;_:-
<br /> � . 91-10292"7
<br /> ' v 8onowK�oquk�s IM UW W IM ProMrly�ih�IMS�hold �nd th�IM INN�hal nol�untNS L�ndK�p►�to th�m��r In writinp.
<br /> '�,� �r� ' �` 7. Prd�otlon af L.�nd�►'� RI�hN In th� Prop�rty..It BoROwK wi. co p�nom► �h. covenana .na +��a �.-
<br /> • , �' :,..a.�";.' ��� ocmnWn�d In thM 8�oirily Inskwnrnt,a Ihw i��1�1 Woc�ino that m�y slanlAca^W��ad L�nMr'p dpM�In th� P►oP�tY puch �s
<br /> 0
<br /> _ „ ., ,� J ' �P��Y���W�Y,P�ob�t�.far eand�tbn o�forl�lluro a to�nloro�I�w�or tpul�tlon�).Ih�n LmdK mq do �nd pay lor �^,
<br /> • �� ; . ..� `. z. , whatwM 1�n�aswy to prot�llh�valu�ol lh�Propwiy�nd L�nd��dpM�In Ih�Propwty, L�nda'��atlon�m�y InWud�P�Y„il �^Y �.�_�----_
<br /> � aum�uound by�Y�n whlah hu plally ova tha 8�aully ImYUnNnt. �ppMrinp in court� P�Yinp n�sonebM �tlomry'a leos and
<br /> ' w►tMinp on Ih�P►opMty to m�lc�n�d►a. Mhouph Undv mry Wa�aibn und�thl�par�pnph 7.Lwidr dws not h�ve to do eo. ;�,:-�-
<br /> �= ,... �. _ .�;,�
<br /> �...! My smounta d�bun�d by L�ndr und�►thl�pwpnpA 7�h�A b�oom� �ddltlon� d�bt o1 BartowK ��cund by thb Seuxity �_,_ �,��;� ��
<br /> �- -- InsQumont. Unlsas BoRawer�nd Lende��yrs�to otM► I�m� 01 p�ym�nl. th�o amounts aha! be�r Interest ae+m th� dHa ot c. _ .
<br /> � � dshurawn�nl�q tA�Not��U�nd shaM b�p�y�bN�wNh ht�1.upon eotk�hom lmdx to Boaow�r nqueiUnp paymm� -��� _
<br /> 9. MoK�ap� InsuraQO�. fl Und�r►�quk�d moA�p�Inwrana n�eonditlon of m�kinp Ih�loan��ourod by thb Seewity = -_--�
<br /> � Insuument.Barowar sFu�N p�y th�pranlums nqulnd to munt�b th�malp�ps inwnna In ell�at. If.�rr�k�d to�obtaln cover�pe �� -�
<br />� ,°�,. .. insuano� aov�q►p�nqulr�d by LN1dw I�Psa or uI1NS to b�b Nl�ol�Borrowor�h�A p�y ih�pnmlu ��-
<br /> aubat�ntl�qy�qulvdwrt to Ihe maip�pa Insunna prwbu�y In Nfect.�t�co�t �ub�Untl�lly wNNakM to the cost to Borroww o11he �1���. ;.4,t;$;=-�.
<br /> •� �' ",. . . �0�9�Inwranc�prwiouty in dMct,lrom an�Uartwte maty�pe Insurw +Wprowd by Lend�r. M subatanti�AY oAutwlent mortg�ge s, . ,- ,. . .:
<br /> ..��5,r�.�+-k�r�'t,:?'�•
<br /> � inauauico cor�p�h�ot�rai1�GM.BoROww sh�N pay to landx wch moath a aum eVwl to oaetwMlln of Ma Y�►„Y monyage ..•„ ..- .-�,., !..:!;;
<br /> :� irtsurenee premken bKnq PMd bY 8a�aw�wMn ilw hsur�nw cov�wya I�paed o►cws�d to be in eMed. Lender wa accept, use and �-� :;,� .,..r;_`1i(��4�4:;.:,.;
<br /> d-1 r.,.�..�-.•�.4}!�!�:lYi7}i•;'[::_.
<br /> ,eWn thea�p�ymwwd��s�toa�res�rva in N�u of mod�y�inwranca loas raaerve PaY^�+��Y no lonyer be�N�ed.at the vpt�on ,:,�..y..�,,. .�... �,,;:_,
<br /> ,::'ar,,�ti ym �: ��• � r�(dl�;:t)<'ii`
<br /> ' �Y,..,., o�lded b an insure� apProved Oy , . '��.,�.�....ti...
<br /> ot Le�de►, i maty�9a Ineu�a+ca c0v�se(f�tha�tnouM and la 1ha pe�iad 1ha1 lenzier requies)P� y lnswance�n efioc�. ar ��'" t ,.�'�i%;-:�?''
<br /> ���:�,';.' ;;;�r�}`�y�•�! Lender Rgah+becanes av��bie and is obtu�ned. 9ortow�r sAd pay nhe premluma tequtrec!to mwNit�in moAy�ya ,.
<br /> ..,�.,'.7,, i.,�r.�����y:.�. . :,''•'
<br /> ';';�•"','.'1 h•�r. ,tr;'� � .�.,.,4 � � .10 Wotikfe��oss ruuva.unta the raqwkernertl for nwR�pa inwra+�wnda In acaardanea witf+ao�y v�w�an aaraeme�4 bEiwae�e Bmrtoww
<br /> � �,:�.;;a. � f;�.�l• .. ,. a
<br /> �r,'.;�;( , }.�,,�;�..,. �S;ti� `
<br /> ;.�. }t'�i;,�.,,:;•a',:{; �.�' and lendet or apppaabl�I�w.
<br /> �,�r..��� � Fti;�:::�t�a?��'i'.';,,;i;�.:f,: i;r r 9. (11� 6Ct10D. Lander o►ila agent may make reasanaCio entriea upon and 1naD�13ons ol the PropeAY. Lender ahaA live •�rr-�,..
<br /> ;:�;r;';[�. x.�:,:;}ti.,r,�,�,.,�,�;.,•.,��;•, P P � :_ ,
<br /> ' ��� `;,:*�: ��, :.��;i�, Bortower noAce at iha Wne of or pdor to an inapection apecloyii9►easor�bie cauee fa IAa Inspecuon. (
<br /> 10. Condomnation. The praceeda of any nvard or dum for damayes. dkea1 ar consequential. In connedbn wfth ony ����
<br /> ,',� condeimatbn a oth�t�ldnp ot my pert oi ih�Propaty,or fa conreyance In Ueu ol condamnapon,an hareby saelpned �nd shap be L_ _ -�-
<br /> ' �� . peid to lender.
<br /> �=��
<br /> � • � In ths evenl oi�to1e1 hkin9 01 ihs Proparty, th�procNds sluip be appUad to th� suma secured by this Security Imlrumen�, ••�'j���•� �-
<br /> , ., whWha►w not Ih�n du�,wHh�ny axass pald to Bortow�r. In tha event ol a putlal uk(ny of tho Praperty In whiCh the Iek rrwritet . �.;j�,��
<br /> wlu�of the Propaty ImnNdi�tdy bNon Ih�t�kM�p I��qwl to or pratar Ihu� Ih� �mount of th�wme necund by thls Securiry ; ,
<br /> Insln�mm�NmNdfatNy bdon tho Wdnp,unNss Bortowa�nd LwidK otherwl���pra�M w►Ulnq, Ihe wmt eecu�ad by thle 3acurlly : �>r�
<br /> � Instrum�nt dW b�nduc�d by Iha�mount ol th�proa«ds mullfpY�d by th�lopowinp Ir�ctlon: (�)Ihn tot�l�mount tho ol wm�secured � —
<br /> • „ knn�tMy bdon Ih�WrM�p�divid�d by lb)th�f�k mukM valw of tb�P►op�rty Nnm�dl�tNy 6�for�th�laklnp.My bNana sMN be p�ld ,�:...
<br /> • to Bortow�r.In Ih��wnt of�p�Al�l W�kip ot Ih� Rop�rly N whloh Ih�I�k m�rkN vatu�ol th�Propwty Imm�diatMy bNon the uWnp , ,,.�: .. .
<br /> ts Ih�lhan lh��mount of th�wm�s�wr w l N r m d l�i N y b�fan th�fakN q,unMa�Borrow��nd Lmder olh�wls��q►N In writinp or . ..1�
<br /> w "` =�-_-
<br /> ^ unlKS appAo�ble I�w othwvls�provid�t.th�prow�d� slWl W�ppYed to th�suns ao�urd bY ii�a Swu�tiy inci+vmzrtit uhalhar a noS �.��•�I;•'~-•�•--_ .
<br /> ,,, .�� ��'.
<br /> . � th�sum� +us then du�. �
<br /> Il lhe Prope�fy is�bandon�d by Botrower,or II, �Hr noUoo by Lender lo BoROwer that the eondemnor ofle�s to make sn ew�rd or . _
<br /> setlls a clalm la d�rt�pa, Bortower UW to rospond to Lendw wHhin 30 d�ys�fler Ihe daie the noUc�Is qNen.Lender is aulho�ixed lo �
<br /> coCect md apply th� proceods, �1 Hs aptlon, eithar to rQStaatbn or repair ol the Ptoperly or to the wms sacund by thb Seourity i , ��
<br /> InsWment,whelher a not then due. �
<br /> Unbse Lender and Bwrower olherwtse�pree In writhy, my sppliaaUon of proceeds to principa ahaY nol exlend or posipone the , .,.�=--1-
<br /> due d�te of the monlhy p�ymenls reler►ed to in parayrephs 1�nd 2 or ahanye Ihe amount M euch payments. . . ..�.�;��;
<br /> . � li. Borrowvr Not Raloased: Forbearanco By l.onder Not a Walvor. Extenabn ot the time lor paymen� or • ,,:,,,.z
<br /> modfia►llan oi uraNtation of tho aums secured by Ihis Secudty Inatrument yranted by Landor to any euCOessor ln fnteres� ot 9oROwor � . �'
<br /> • � . shaM not oper�te to rale�se the IfablGty o1 tha orlykul 8orrower or Bonower's euccesaors in interest. Lender ahaU nat be required to y .
<br /> .�,�,r,•""• comrnenae prooaodinya�yainst any aucoeaaw In int�reat or reluae to exlend tkne la payment a olherwlae modityr �morlizaUoe ol the ' � - _
<br /> , sums seaured by this Securily Instrument by re�aon oi any ddn�nd made by the ai�lnd Borrower ar Bor►ower'e nueceaaoro In IMe�eat. ,�..-.
<br /> ' ' � ' My fabeannoe by Lender In exerdalny any rlpM or rernedy ah�N not be a waive►of a predude ihe exe�clae ol any�i9hl or remedy. � : ��"s..
<br /> 1,,r I.; ; ..:...
<br /> . '"'� 12. Sueeas�oro and Asalgna 8ound; Joint and Several Uabilfty; Co-signera. The covemnta and eyreemenla . ' -'r�."r"`
<br /> � � � ol ihis Securily InsWment sh�N bind and benefil tho eucceason end aaalgns o1 Lender and Bortower, aubJecl to iha provlsiona ol � � .-'
<br /> :�. panyraph 17.Bortower'e covenants and ap►eementa shaA be Jokd�nd several. My Barower who co-slgns thia Seaxity Inatrument but �• ,'-�'�_:�
<br /> ��.:. ,
<br /> , � � does not execule the Note: (�)Is oo-algnlnp thla 3eariry InsWma►t ony to mortpage,yrant,and convey that Bonower's Intereal in the +�.^y�:
<br /> �� • �•��''��'• Property unde�tha terms oi thta 3ecurUy Inawment;(b)is not pereonaly obliflatad to p�y the euma aecured by ihis Security ' . '�•:x:` "
<br /> • , , �.:�. ' '...,�r-
<br /> - ' InsUumenl;and(e)apreea ih�t Lender and any other Borcower may agree to extend,modity,lorbear or make�ny accommodalbns wflh �, �-...,.•:::
<br /> "� , • reysrd to terma of ihis Secu�ity Instrument or the Note withoul th�t Bortower's conaent. rt� �y.ri��L
<br /> 13. Loan Ch�rpes. II the lan aecured by thls 3earily Inswment is aubJect to a law which sets maximum loan charyes,and � ,�:;�»::
<br /> • ihol law is An�Ny interpreted so thet the interest a dher loan charyea eoUected or to be coAected In connactlon wNh the loan exceed
<br /> � . the permitled WNb,then;(�)any auch lan aharyes eh�l be reduced by Ihe amount nacesaary to reduce the aharqe to ihe pemiNted
<br /> � Iimq;and (b) any aums ekeady collected hom Ba►ower whieh exceeded permi»ed Wnits wW be retunded to Bortower. Lender may
<br /> chooae to mske lhla►etund by redudnp the pr4udpd owed under the Nme or by maklnp a direct paymenl l0 8orroww. II a refund •
<br /> F reduees prindpal,lhe reduatlon wlp be treated as�pui41 prepsyment wNhout any prepayment ch�rye under the Note.
<br /> a 14. NOtIC6i. My noUce to 8orrower provlded lor In Ihls See�uty Instrument shall be yNen by delivertnq it a by maYing It by
<br /> 8rat ctess maY unkas �ppllcable law requkea uee ol�nolher method. The notice ahaA be d'uecied to the Property Addresa or eny other
<br /> addrese Borrower deslynalea by nolke to Lende►.My notice to Lender shaq be qlven by Txst clase maY to Londer'a eddress stated
<br /> hereln or any other�ddross Lender destpnalea by notice to Bortower. My nollce provlded lor In thls 3ecxulty Instrument shap be
<br /> deemed to have been plven to Borrower or Lendar when glven es provlded In thla paregraph.
<br /> 18. Qovarnlny Law; SYVOrAblllty. Thle Socu�fry Instn�ment shall be govemed by lederal law and the Ww ol the�urfsd�llon
<br /> In whlch the Propaty K loc�ted. In the event thal my provlabn or clause ol Ihls SecuMty Instrument or the Note confYcts wilh
<br /> � eppllc�ble yw, aueh con�lct ahall not aMect olher provlslons of thls SecuNly Instrument or the Nole whlch ce�bo glven eHect wNhout
<br /> lhe con0ldlnp provlalan. To thln ond the provlslona of thla Security InsUUment�nd the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> �� 18. Borrower's Copy. Borrower ahell bo glven one oonlormed copy ol Ihe Note e�d ol thla Security Instrument.
<br /> . -- . - � i'r. I�qi�GirP vi i�ie �ivji�iPiyi v: P V��Y,�C:;1 Ir��r��t 1� Ctnrrnwor, M nll or ony neM 0� lh@ P�OpEM1Y O� 011y
<br /> � Inlereat In a la aotd or Uenslerted(or II e bene0clal Intereat In Borrower Ia sald or trenaferred end BortowcK Is not a natu�el perso�)
<br /> without Lender's prlor w�itlen consenl, Lender may,et ite opllon,requlre Immedlnte payment In tutl oi ell suma secured by thle Security
<br /> ; Ineuumer�.MowevK, tM�optlon shall not be exerclaed by l¢�dEr il exerelse is prohiEited bY lederat I�w as at the e+ate of thls Securlty
<br /> � �:�-.':�` . ' Instrument.
<br /> , ',. ,'�•�•!i;:%��,•;;'��i�' .) II l�nder exerclses this option. Lender shaY grve 8ortower�otice ot acceleration.The notice shaA provide x �e�:ad ot rat�es5 then
<br /> �� �``'' 30 days irom the date tAe notice is delivered or matled withm which the Bortower must pay all sums secured ny Ih�s Securtty Instr�ment.
<br /> ' ' • � ,; !;���,�' ' � It 8orrower 1aAa to pay thase suma prior lo the expiratlon o1 1hls pedod. lender may in�oke ony remedies pe�mitted by this Security
<br /> • �',�'�i'��'�: � ' InsWmenl without turlher notice or derr.and on Bonnwer.
<br /> ' .' �� 18. BO«OWAf'a Riqht to Reinstato. fl Donower meels certain conditlons. Bcrrower shall have 1he rfyhl to �a��e
<br /> - �, �� .`;I' , paqe 3 ct 5 �c�m 3C�e E•�9t
<br /> , � ���,(��'j 1�';',��I�i� -'1�' � F+e'e9.LM(319�1
<br /> �''p';1; '1(,`' .�, ' �� `
<br /> ' . �� ; �- i- � �
<br />