.} � � � . . �J� �, r.: y�.� .r.M�3�.k ,.:., ,:.:. . . ., ' Y c�.+vrli�, r
<br /> � � ( • .
<br /> ; .i�:•. , ... ', ' P.,��' �.;�Ss _.,.�+ � �:;:�e;4�ra. 1�•-. •�. . _.i,'si �, ��
<br /> . - r' � �� - --__ — - -- -- - - - _. _
<br /> ' i � �-4L�ldilfl�lYs l �t,� I� � � ► r .�...'u".........�p.. . . .� ..w+ac�..r __ .
<br /> . I %� .�j�t�'�.�ipA'r +."T�',�II.<Fr'li�it`. . . . . .. �.'yc� �4 ' _
<br /> � .fi.
<br /> '� ... _ u _ ..y� • ''
<br /> - :;,,;...'.�. ., � i +�'st11�1�i _ _ _ � -- �j—
<br /> ,x,:..
<br /> �
<br /> � t.�.�
<br /> ._. . ,,:�- -�-`�
<br /> ..�r�
<br /> �� ✓♦--102 9wd r� ~
<br /> ;I�►, ;'�;•�,�^ .�rao«Mn�o�int�s.aue+�r u��aum.nt ai.00nurw.a•�.nr um.w+o►�o m•..�a.r ot:(�Y S�Y�(a woh oth.r p.riod...�.Mw -- ----
<br /> F���`�'�w:`"' may tp�qfy lor nlnslat�nMnq b�lon uM ol th�Proputy Punu�nt lo,�ny powK of saM oontaln�d In thls S�wdty Imuumrnt,a(b) - _.. _.
<br /> L�ndr d�ums whlah then wautd '�
<br /> ;�0,�• �• • mpy of�judpnMnt�niw�obp thN 8�oiwlty In�trunwM.Tha�acndtllam k�IhN BoROww:(�)W1n ��'y"�'�=°--
<br /> I . p�du�und�►thl�B�aiAty Imirummt�nd th�Not�Iwd no aoo��tlon ooeurt�l; (b)au� �nY dN�+N ol �ny othK aovm�nt or �
<br /> � ` .. � ' sprNm�111s: (o)PM V�P�NS k1ouRM1 N N11o►oMtO ihlt B�ouIMY IMlrumMll, IndudYlp�but 11ot WNI�d to� fM�ombl� 11�omya' ------
<br /> �r:�,::�-._......a„—
<br /> � leer,ond (�taka woh�clbn�t L�nd�r rtwy renonaby r�ulr�to�sau�thtl th�Nn of thh S�ouNry Indrum�nt, L�nder'�dqhta In � _-,m�.--_
<br /> th�Pro�rty md Bortow�r's obNp�Uon W p�y Ih�wm� uourd by thls 8�auiitY M�trum�nt �fu1 eonlinw unch�nped. Upon �_,`�-� —
<br /> --- - roinatatemant by Botrowx�thh &�au�fly lnedument�nd the oMl�tkru s�ew�d h�nby �h�nmdn fuly �Ihatir� ��H no�ac�nUon ��- --
<br /> " h�d ocau►ed, How�vK�thls tlpht to nintt�t��h�N not appy M►IM c�s�ot accMaatlon undor{wrapraph 17. �°"'" `° —
<br /> � �j�s�r _
<br /> 19.Sato of Not�; Ch�np� oi I.o�n S�rvlcar• Th�Nota a a pN1W 6deral �n �n• Noto (wQetnar wnn inie securnyr !,�� �m �
<br /> tnsdumait) m�y be sold ono or mon tims�wNhout prbr noUca to BorrowK. A u�ta m�y nsuft In�chans}e In eho qntlty(known as tho . S ,,`, `,.°r>•.:,,:�:';�
<br /> ts dua undar ih�Mota�r►d ihts SocuritY Insfw»ont TAara r�iso rtny tre one or more �,�•: ' ::'?'�'„�';rr,:,.:t;*��?,..;`
<br /> •+ •�� . , "Can Swvkr'�that coMxte mmthlY P�Y� z ' ' . .
<br /> l ' ChAn�O Of tlN 4.O�RE S�ic�ie WYR�IW9d!O�f#�t Of tltf IVCEw �R7T/i�14�d1�lYqY 4t Yw 4o�YKf SA1vfCa'.BO�'O�+Y[wi� bC glr6n w�itl72tt ,.
<br /> notici d tfw ctw�N►pc<.��P��Ph t�wbae IK+h�Op�law. TfM noUr�4 wi�state tl+�nr+w and addreas ot ihe new • �.,,, , .
<br /> ,��" Loan Serv�er�nd ih�addresa to whtct�p�ym�nts stwuid bv m�ciw T!w noriev wir �bo corMaln �ny other inlom�atbn requtred by 'Y:��: „�,,*r.>�-�j`:�1."i:
<br /> : ��.' .F`;f{,1'•Si r,:ia,
<br /> ` ��• �tr',?>:•'��;:: oPPNcublo k►w. ��'��� .}�:1:1���.,
<br /> � � , ... ....•;,,;,`,,,;�; . .
<br /> � (.}::J;•,;';?-':;`-�:�;%�• • 20. Hazardoua Subatancai. Bortower sheU not caus�or parm(1 the proew+oa� use,dlepoad, atorage, or releaea al any � ' .
<br /> .� f,rJ�;�.i.i'.�..��'.!Y'.!'i`�.�..�
<br /> ,,., 4,�r,:,���..,,;... :: Hazardous 3ubalances on or In the PropeAY. BoROwer sh�p not do.na dbw myot�o ets�to do.anythlnp�ttectinp iha Propery Ihat a '
<br /> ;'r',;��, ,
<br /> • in vloladon o1�ny Environmental Law. Th�praced{n0 iwo�onte^ees shap not appy to ths preaenee,uee, ar storape on Ihe Prope�ty ot I
<br /> , • srn�0 qwntitles o1 Hwrdou�Subst�nc�s Iluit�yen�rally��aopn@�d to M appropr4t�to ntum�l rasW�nti�l usas �nd to mainlan�nu .a;:.::V,.• .
<br /> 01 the Propeity. � ,::•,�.•.
<br /> ' . . Bortoww sluil pranply 91ve Lendr wditon noUcs of my investlp�tfon.ctakn,der►vnd,law4ufl or othar aclbn by�ny povemmenl�l or �_ ._...
<br /> � -.- . . �'p`t'_ .._
<br /> � . rapul�tory�yrnay o►PtN�t�WrtY InvoNinp th�Prop�rty�nd any Hwrdous Sub�ImG or Envkonmantal Law ol whlch 8000wa haa . ..—, -
<br /> il -..ns.W.
<br /> �elwl knowNdp�. II Borrowa la�ms,a I�notHNd by�ny qovwnmmt�l a requ�lory�utho►ity.thd�ny r�novd a otha remKJlalbn ol �°„�,;:TT
<br /> ' any Hwrdoua Subslu�aa NNa11n9 ih�Prop�Ay 1�n�aNary�8onowK�hW promptl�r Uk�aM n�co�wry ranedl�l�cibm In �ccordancu
<br /> ��'���
<br /> � � • wflh Envkonm�niN Law, f�-
<br /> A�u�ed In Ihl�pWapnph Y0,'11�rdoua Substuuh' an Ihoa� wbat�ncM d�Qn�d �� to�lo or h��udous wbsuncu� by �a
<br /> Envkonm�ntU law�nd th�IoNowMp wltdrncN: W�oYn�,k�ro��m, olhw Il�m�abb a lorlo p�l►oNu�n pruducl�. loxb pnllcklu� �-,.:
<br /> �nd h�rblddN, vol�lY�soN�nl�,nw1�Ws oonlWdnp�sb�do�a lomyld�hyd���nd ndlaciN�md�rlrb. M us�d In ihl�parep►�ph T0.
<br /> .. . •Envkonm�nW L�w•mMn�f�daal I�w�and I�ws W ihM Wiisdlalbn wMre tM Proprty Is local�d It�t rN�t�to hMph� uNly ar � ..;. ...
<br /> ' onvlronmenW prol�otbtl.
<br /> j ,l"`.���
<br /> NOM•UNIFORM COVENANTB. 6orrow�r�nd Lenda IuAher oovmanl�nd�pre��s folows: ;�' �
<br /> __= 2i. Aaa�i�ratlan; Rosszar!les. l�nsler e�l! gtv�notic�to Borrow�r prtor to aaaalo�Wion following � ___ _
<br /> Borrowor's br�aah oi any aov�nant or �proamont I� this S�au�ity Instrumant (but not prior to ` . •;_.
<br /> aaaoloralion undor para�raph 17 unloss appllc�ble I�w providos othorwtaa). Tho notloe �hall ` �;
<br /> spealiy: (�) th� doi�ulh, (b) th� action requirod to auro the dafsup; (a) a d�te. not less than 30 days ;:`
<br /> irom tho data tho notka is qfvon to 8orrowar. by which tha detault must be cured; and (d) that failure ��
<br /> to aura tho dafault on o� boforo tho data speciflod in the notiao msy ro�ult in acaola�Mion of the . • _
<br /> sums soaur�d b�l this Saou�ity Instrumont �nd sal� of tho Proparty. Tha �otlae shall fu�thar inform . '7,
<br /> Borrower of the ri�ht to relnstato attor aacelerdlon and tho right to briny a aourt actlon to assert the ..•. �. 3
<br /> � non•existe�co of a dotautt or any other detenso of Bor►ower to acaoloration and sale. If the default is � ::; ,, �
<br /> � '�� . not cured on or boiore the date spocifled In tha notiaa� Lender �t its aptfon may requlre immediate
<br /> I: '..;.'.
<br /> �� , ,r� •'� payment in tull of all aume aecured by thts Security Instrument without further demand and may Invoke ; , :
<br /> ' ',.i;���' the powor of �alo and a�y othor remedloa po�mittad by appllcAbla law. Lender ahell be eotltled to , � � ;
<br /> aollqct all exponsos Incu�rod in pureuing tha romodies provided in this paragraph 21, Inoluding. but ,'���.,.. _
<br /> � ��•'•. not Iimitad to, raasonable attorneys'tees and ao�t�of titlo ovidonco. '
<br /> . " ' if tho powo� of aalo is tnvokod. T►ustoo shall rocord a notiao of dofault in oaoh county In whioh any •
<br /> .� put of tFw Property is loaated and shall mail coplos of such notice tn tho mpnner presoribed by
<br /> � applicabla law to Borrowor and to tha othor por�ons proscrfbed by applicable law. Afte� tha time
<br /> � raqulrad by appOcabta law� Trustea shall �Ive public notice of sala to tho persona and in tho manner
<br /> ;��;':� • prascribod by applloabla law. Trua4eo. without damand on 8orrowor� shall sell the Property at publio �• .
<br /> � �.��`�.� :� auction to tha highost bldder at tho tim� and placa and undor tho te�ms dasignated In the notice of -.
<br /> ��.:;,;
<br /> `•"';::� �'��� �� sale In one or mora parcels and In any order Truatoe dote�mine�. Truatee m�y/ postpone sala of all or :�::;
<br /> �5.''� •� �' ., any parcel of tho Proporty by public announcamant at tha timo and plaao of any provlousiy acheduled �
<br /> � sale. Lender or ita designeo may purcha�a tha Property at any se�e• ' ,
<br /> .����,�1. '• Upon �eceipt of payment of the prica bid.Trustee ahall delivar to the purchaser Trustee's deed
<br /> � conveying th� Proporty. Tha raoltala in the Trustse's deod shall bv prima facle evidence of the t�uth
<br /> ! '� ' ''� ot the atatomanta mada tharoin. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)
<br /> ' to alt aosta and oxpen�es of oxorafsing the power of sole. and ihe sale, inaluding the payment of the
<br /> f Trustoe's feos actually incurrad, not to exooed seven 96 of tha prinoipal amount of the note at
<br /> p tha time of tho doc�aration of deiault� and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to all
<br /> sums soourad by thia 8eaurity Inatrumont; and (c) any excess to the person or persona leyally entitled
<br /> � ` to it.
<br /> � 22. R6C01'1VYyanCe. Upon paymenl of ell sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> raonvey the Properly and shaN aurtender this Security Inaln�nent rnd all notes evidencing debt secured by thfs Securiry Instrument to
<br /> Trustee, Truatee ahall reconvey the Propeity without worranty end without ch�rge to Ihe pcxaon or peroons IeflaYy enlilled to II. Sueh
<br /> . peraon or peraons ahall pay eny recordatbn costs.
<br /> w._a.._.�._.._ s�..�a.. `'..�� ':::�.. u..� . Iriun tl,no 1n flma.wmova Trustae ond aopolnt a succasaor irustee to any
<br /> iJ. �4YiUlYN/ ��Yr��rti. v.. .� ..r..�... •=i
<br /> � Trustee oppolnt�d hereu�der by en insttument recorded In the county in which Ihls Security Inslrumenl la recorded. Without conveyanco
<br /> i ol the Property,euccessor Watee shall aucceed to all the Iitle,power end dulies conlerted upon Truslee hereln and by eppWcable taw.
<br /> 24. Roquast for Notiaios. Bonower requeats thet coples ol the nolices of detvufl and sale be sent to Borcower's address
<br /> wh�h la Ihe Property Addrese.
<br /> � ' 25. Rlders to this SeCUrity (nstrum6nt. If ane or more ndets are executed Dy Boaower and recoruea tD y�tt'er with �h�s
<br /> � � Security Inslrument, ihe covenanis and ayreemenis ol each such Hder si'�aa be �ncorporated into and shaN amend and suDP�ement lhe
<br /> . coverwnte and eqreements ot ihla SecurNy Inalrument ae A the sdCerisb Were a pab ol this Security Instmment.
<br /> . . � aage a or 5 Fc�m ;nzr y��.
<br /> ftDi9.LM(3/Dt) Pf�/91) U(J(19I91)
<br /> i ��
<br /> � r' 1 � .
<br /> . ; - ,
<br /> . �
<br /> . _
<br /> � _ _ _
<br />