.11� � "_ _ '._ ....c.}�.0 ^ - � f, �I.4�e2�:`N� '' i •4�*!��•"• �_��• �.
<br /> .`r. v.-.!�_..:: �t.� .� 1. ��it'u. .�V_a.f�.:�::.15�+. It�..e y,v:.,
<br /> ; ti n,i„�,IWC, . . I.- ,. • ..,� ..�y�_� �^'--- -
<br /> �.. _
<br /> r .�.sslirw+t+ri . . ...- .�.:R__
<br /> �K ew .__ . � � !� '. .r.,..-. -,_� .
<br /> . - . .. .�. .�{:ile--
<br /> - �� ^_ �_. .. .. 91.-- 1.0�r:��i'r ��::.�......�°�� ,--- _
<br /> ., .�� 'R�"•�''�,,; . • hold Puod�In�n �rnount nW to aoNd Ih�nwdrrnMn�n�wA a MndK fa�t�d�r�Yl►r�t�d mot10�0e�►�Y ��� for Bortow�r's ° .
<br /> � ��� M �fuow�ooaunt uadK Ih�Nd�rd Ral E�M�S�Itiwwnt Proaduns�at ot 1W�u artMndrd trom t4n�to tYn��12 U.8.0. Z601 N s�q. —
<br /> • � . .,�.'
<br /> .,�. +.ti.;.. ��:._"�.. (•REBPA'►�uniM��nathK Mw Ihst�PP�to 1M Fwida��Muw�mount. tl w.I.�nd�r m�y��t any IMn�.ooWot md hold Fund� �-•-"-". �':--l�•�,,. _
<br /> '.;`t��,k,�"Sf In an�tnount�Ot t0�aaNd th�Natw�mount. L�nd�r m�y MNIm�U Ih��mount ol 1und� dw on Ih� baW o1 oumnl d�1� snd �-_--
<br /> rM►on�bN atMrW ol�M o1 lutun Etatow ItMns or oih�rwlt�in aaa�data w8h eppAc�bN law.
<br /> . ,, .�,� ^ „
<br /> Th�Funds sh�N b�h�id In�n b�111Won whos�d�poslu u�Inwnd by�t�al ap�ncY•In�WmM�t�INy.or«tliry(includiny L�nda� ---
<br /> . `.� N l�nd�r h wcb �n inqitutlon)ar M�ny F��I Han�loan Bank. Lmder ah�Y�pply lh�fundr to p�y Ih� Esarow Il�rn. lender
<br /> �-- � �-�`- - nwy not ciwrpe Bo�i�,wt�far hatdtnp snd npplph+Q Me Funel�,�^^uaYy�nayslnG�h�p°row recount, or verltylnq the F.suow It�ms. r.: --_ __
<br /> , • , , � unlan l�nd�►p�yt 8arrewK IniwNt an Ih�funds�nd�ppllo�bl�I�w pwmitt L�ndK to m�k�wch• charya. Mowever. Under nwy �__--
<br /> - requY� BoROwr lo p�y� on�1Nn�oh�rp�fa an Mid�PmMnl►MI aht�Wc rapoAlnQ arvic�u�ed by Lender In connectlon with Ihl� —� ---- "
<br /> lo�n,unlns apppabN I�w providM othawls�. Unlas an �prMrmnt Is rn�d�er MP(labl�aw n4uker IntKest to b�paid,Lander �haY �;,:•.:,.,,,. . ;.:• r
<br /> _ � , � �. not M nquk�d to pay Borroww ary Inir�st a wnlnpf on Ih�Fund�.Bor►owK�nd Undv m�Y�9►M��^p� howw�r,thtl Int�rest k+y1;•,'.. ,
<br /> " ahap be pdd on th�Funds. Lendu sh�l pH�to Borrower.wHhout ehuye,�n�nnual�ccounUnp of tha Fundt, showinq credit� and �� �' `
<br /> debfta to the Fund��nd iM purpoa�la whloh Moh d�bit lo th�Funds was muN. Th�Funds�n pladyed as add�lonal 4ecurity lor•q 4<i-------"--- . .
<br /> . ... iFc.
<br /> {Ullq i�pU�l1 b�/Ihli SYGU11ly 111tdYM�fIL �_..,.,.� ,yy�.,.
<br /> _ bM tRw. Lerwfer a1wi1�ccount W Borrowa tot the ,�,.'.°.R;:;��:°�-
<br /> � U tiw Fa�dai iwir7 Ly leadcr mcccad tho emourd� pen*+ilted to Mr h�k1 M•P!� .�.y�.;+.�:e�..
<br /> t�of {�w. M 1M amount d 1h�Fund�hrd by 4ande► at any time b oot �''� �._ _.
<br /> , excass Fwids b�o�ord�na wqh iM nqu�i�► �DP�� ..
<br /> � a sutAcient to Wry the E�aow ftems wMn dw.Lw�du m�Y so�ot�Y Bo�ower in w►rih9.and in weh car•e 6oROwer sha11 PaY lo Lender ; ,,�,;..
<br /> � • the�mouat n�cess�ry to m�aP the d�AclR�cl►. Bomower shW caake up ihe defldancy in nv more ih�n tweive monthl� DaYme+�fs, at �('�4.,F���;.� -,;�� • •
<br /> ' londer'a aole dlscMion. �'�1ltK.;r�'.��,'•,,� , �-`'r'l��:��S;
<br /> i41
<br /> ` 1, i.1.., t�{ ti� r���� �S J '
<br /> �r , �� �+ • Upon pAym�eri!Jn 1uH of all sum�sau�d bY thf� Secu++lY tnatrument.lender shad prompty retund to BoROwer any Funds hNd by ):� r �;F��t f'�
<br /> � , � J:,�, . � -
<br /> '` � ' �' ' Lender. fl.u�der pera0raph 21,lender sh�l acqWre or ae9 the Property.4ender,PrtoT ta tne axqula8bn a sale ot tne Properry, ahaU �?� , ',�,(�'ty�p� .
<br /> ;��M'✓t,.f.t. _.,.1, .. � ,.,.1 i.� •,,��1!''��
<br /> •.,�`�, � •`.�� { j, , f • �PPN any Funds held hy Lender at the tYne of RequlsiUon a sak Aa a eredit�palnst tlre aums aecured by Ihh Seeurity InstrumenL � ', :�""",,���,1t��t;U�1
<br />' .�111 �.._�.� i`..•�i��'�•�L�...-_'��11.� � .'' 1• ,i.ll��:..� '
<br /> �'�� ��1�'��`�' ��';��`' • 3. Appllaatlon of Ptryments. Untesa�ppllpble law provWea othetwlee, al paymenta recelved by Lender under paragraphs , ,
<br /> ;. �...,..... ..
<br /> :. ��',..ta'��;itr•,._� , ,•{ '
<br /> :�•�. •'� •��� r ' G 1 and 2 sh�N be�pptled: Nrat,to�ny prep�ymeot charyrs due under the Nota: s�cond,ta�mouMa payable under peragreph 2; Ihlyd to .__;,r„_
<br /> `.'r•.. �':!.i, ' � Interest due;fouAh,to prinolpd due; and Is�t,to any late ahrpas dus under the Note. ' �
<br /> . ' 4. Char�oo; Uolfs. Bortowe►ehal pay�N tax�s.nsessmants,ohuqei,Ilnes and 4nposHtons atMbutable to the PropeAy . µ��
<br /> • , whkh may atWn prlod►y ov�thls 8ecwMy InWrum�nt, and le�sahold p�yments a 9round rents, R any. Barower shaB pay these . :. :_
<br /> � obllpedont In Ih�m�nn�►provldad h Winpnph 2,or N not p�ld In lhst m�nner,Borrowar�h�U p�y them on tlme dkecty lo the peraon '°-'•+,-,
<br /> ' . � owed p�ym�nL 8orrowM�h11N prampUY h N Bortower m�kYS . .
<br /> tumbh to LendK M noUaet of amounls to bo pald under Ihl�puayrap •
<br /> Ihw�paymw�u dk�cW, 6orrowr�h�ll pranPty lumish lo Lend�r neelpta wldencing tha p�yments, ,
<br /> '�•�
<br /> . 9orrovyer ehN��+�y d�►9��^Y Wn whkh lus prbrlty ov�►thls S�curlry In�lrumant unlhs Bonoww: (�)�prw�In wrlunp to �—__ = y?.k�$�
<br /> � Ih�{wymmt ot th�obYpatbn t�und bY th�Ibn N• nrnnK accapUbl�to LendK: (b) contasts In pood unn�ne uan by. or d.twidz >— . '.�,.*—
<br /> ' sgalnst w►forernwit ol Ih�Y�n In.I�q�l P►a�adl^W whloh In th�Landa's opinlon opxata to pr�vant Ih�enlorart►ent ot the Ilen: or (c) R � . , . _
<br /> secures hom Ih�holdw ol Ih�Wn�n apr�mnt wQsbctory to UndK �ubordlndlnp Ih� A�n to Ihls Sawdty In�lrument. II l.ander • �:'_�
<br /> • � determkiM thal any p�t ol th�Proparty Is wb�QCl to a Ilen whloh may attdn prlorlly ovar Ihls Seourlty Inatrument, Lenda may qlva - i:
<br /> 6orrower�notica Id�ntilylnp the Uen. 8omow�sh�M s�tlsy th�Y�n or Nk�o^�or mon ot tho aeUonf sot forlh a0ovs withfn t0 d�ye ol �y�;q�:_
<br /> � .�.�.>
<br /> • the yivinp o1 noUa. ' 7:��-
<br /> , �`'�� �
<br /> ' 4 5. Hazard or Proporty Inaurenao. eorrowe*shal keep�he unprorwn«its now extsuny or hereana ereated o^ �he I. ��.:,;.=.'
<br /> PropeAy Insured epalntt lote by fre, h�arda Included wfthN the term 'exlended aovenpe'and any other hazards, InCWdtnq floode or � � , �:
<br /> � Ooodlnp,br whlch Lender requkea Insunnae. Th�t Insuranoa sh�p be mahw^ed �^ �he °►"°°nts and for the perlods Ihat Lender
<br /> requkea. The Inaurance curler providfnp the Insumce sheA be chose�by Borrower aubJect to Lender'a approval which bhOU not be . ,. -.;,�
<br /> ' : ,.i.� unreesan�by wlthheld. II Borrower Iatls to matnub covenqe desaWed above.Lander may,et Lender's optlon. obUtn covereye to ';.���
<br /> . ::..
<br /> ', :�-�� . prolect Lender's dphts In lhe Property In eccordance wllh pKayraph 7. .. . '., r'. •"m
<br />. . �1Y�Y,:,1;':., All Insurance poYoles and renewals sh�l be eccepl�bla to Lender and shall Include e atandard mortgeye clause. Lender shall have . .. .:� "
<br /> ,���'r ' ' the rlyht to hotd lhe pollGes and renawals. If Lende► requkes,Borrower shall prompty gNe to 4ender all recelpls of paid premluma and ; ' n�i ;
<br /> �. �' �i , �S � ,;:r:,r renewal noticas. In the avent of loas. Bortowa sh�p yNe prompt noUo�to th�Insu►anca c�nler end Lender. Lender may meke Prool � , i, ,! ,.-.
<br /> ��� �, :, _•� , ot lose N not made prompty by Borrower.
<br /> .r :;,�i';: �.r . • . ,,..:r,_
<br /> � � Unlass Le�ider ond Borrower othenvlse eyree In wiM�nq.Inaurence proceeds ahall be epplled to restoraUon or repak o1 the property i ,
<br /> , , � �. � � damaged,H the reatoretlon or rep�lr Is economlca0y fe�eible ond Lender's aecurlty Is not teasened. 11 the reslo►aQon or repalr Is not � '��� �
<br /> .'. ' � economlcaqy feaalble or Lender's necurNy would bQ leslened, the Inauance proceeda sha0 be appNed to the sums secured by thls ••
<br /> �� ' •:�;;�• .' : Sew�ity Inatrument, whethar or not then dua,with any excess peld to Bortower, II BoROwer abandons the Prope�iy,or does not enswer � •
<br /> � ' , wlthln 30 d�ya�notbe ham Lender th�t tho Inswmce cartkY h�s offered to aettle a cl�Im. Ihen Lender may oollect the Insurance
<br /> � ' � proeeeds, Lendar may uae the proceeds to repek or restae the PropeAy or to pay suma secured by thla Security Inslrumenl, whether ,
<br /> � or not then due. The 30-day perlod wp beyfn when the noUce Is gtven.
<br /> Unlesa Lender and 8orrower otheiwlae aqree In wrlUny,eny eppAcatlon ot proceeds to princfpal shaA not exlend or poatpone Iho
<br /> � due dale ol the monlhly payments�eferted lo In pKaynpha 1 and 2 ot change Ihe emount ol the paymenla. It under paraqraph 21 the
<br /> Property Is ecqu4ed by Lander. Borrower'a rtpht 10 any fnsurance poGdea end proceeds resultlnq lrom damage to the Property prlor lo
<br /> the ocqulslUon nh�ll peaa to Londer to Ihe oH1en10l the aums secured by lhls Securlty Imtrumont Immedialely prfor to the acqulsltlon.
<br /> • B. Occupancy, Presorvatlon� Matntenanco and Protactlon of the Property; Borrower's Loan
<br /> Appllea4lon; Loaaohold�.BoROwa ahaA occupy,ealabllah,and use ihe Property aa Borrower'e princlpa� realdence withln slxty
<br /> daye �Rer tha executlon ol thls 3ecurlry Inttrument and sh�A eontlnue Io occu�y the Propaty�a Borcowei s prinGpal resldence lor at
<br /> least one yeu aller the d�te of aecupency.unlesa Lender otherv+lae aqreea In writlny.wh�h conaant ahall nol bo unreasonobly withheld.
<br /> or unless extenuattnp ckcumstancea eWat whlch ere beyond Borrower'a control. Bortower shall not destroy. damage or Impalr Ihe
<br /> Property,allow the Properly to deterlorale,or commit waste on the Property. BoROwer shall 6e In defeuR N any lorlelture ectlon or
<br /> __. ...���......�..0......�..,r..i �.tie„��.,�n■i i� iw.dnr'R nood lalth ludament could result In lortellure ot Ihe Property or othervvlse
<br /> _ — - � p�o:.�:��ti. ....�.,.... r...... �_..__., .---e_.. .--- - - • -
<br /> malerldly Impalr Ihe Nan created by thll 3ecurlry Instrumenl or Lender a secuHty fnteresl. Bonower mey cure such o dctlaull ond
<br /> relnatete,as provlded In pereyreph 19,by causlnq the actlon or proceeding to be dlsmfsaed wlth e ruling that. In Lender's good lallh
<br /> • + detetmin�tlon,precludes torleiture ol lhe Barrawer's Intereal In Ihe Property or olher malerlal impalrment of the Wen created by thfs
<br /> • �:,_;�,.:..� + Secudry Inatrument or Lender's aecurlty Interest. Borrower aheU olso be In deteull N Bortower,during Iho loan applicetlon proceas, gave
<br /> �. .Y,�.���"� °) materlalty lalao or Inaccurate IMarmaUon or ataten+ents to lmda(u tailed to provide Lender wlth any meterlal Informatlon) In connectlon
<br /> � wllh the loan evldenced by the Note.induding. Dut not limiteif to.reprasentatlons concem�ng 9orrower's occuvancy ot the Propeny as a
<br /> � �' ` ,.'y�:'!;��'��•: . pdnclpel realdence. N thle Secxulry InaWment is on a leasehotd.89rtower sheN comp�y with aA the provlsions of the lease. �t
<br /> f ,'�.. ' _• • .
<br /> ��,.:,; , .
<br /> � ; pege 4 of S Fum .7�7e=5C ,
<br /> f 1019.LM(3191) ��,A
<br /> fV
<br /> . � ,., � �� ;
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , _ _
<br /> _ _
<br />