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.. ------'�---�-- -_____ . _ . .,. ___. .,. .. .._.T-, <br /> � __'� 1 . . . �r�v--�T <br /> � <br /> . . .� �� �i�.� _�.j.. : <br /> oen�•�+�w,.r.aher t+i�i�a�r�j+-�t st d�e Prapeitw oc�ocoo4�Y�in li�n ot caioda�oe,ane 4tnby��_. _ -_ <br /> �4�11 b��id b l.rdrr. � , • <br /> r dM ev�M d a ooW tat�nr tt�e PropeAy. �e_�oc�ed��11 be �ppiled to�he wna �ecu�ed by d�1s 5�.�w�ity . <br /> laiau�t.e�er cr na d�en aaa wltn.ey ex,oea p�W w eonc�er. In ua arr�.nt d.p�LU qkb�af�6e P�ope�ty m <br /> �hich dr hir awioet valna of Uw PropeAy immedi�tnly 1�efoee the atin�i�aqu�l to or�rouer tl�w d�e ama�unl d�he wass ., <br /> Mnrd by dd� 9rwd1���0°�Y��o�e tl�a u�ins�w�u Aormvuer ru�d Ls�wle�,atharwl�e+�pee In�iWy. � <br /> the��tnd by thb Sacwi�y Uatramaq I be talu�ed by da amaunt of�ho muitiplied bY db tdloy►'ia� <br /> ma <br /> fr�ction: (a)the ww1 atuow��t of tlx wms secwrd immedim1y�6arc the�akin�.div 6y lb)the fiir marka vatue ot tbe <br /> Prope�ty iaanedl�aly befae da wii�in�. My b�Ua�oe�II be p�W to Barow�e� In tha event of�p�rti�l qkinj ot tbe <br /> P�op�qty b which tUe fiilr n�rlcet value of the PropettY immedlataly bctae tho Wdn�i�less tFw�d�a anawu of tho wms <br /> •ecund iaruedi�ely beforo the ,unles� 8orrowar�nd I.ender alherwlio ��neo in writbtg or unlas applicablo I�w <br /> ahawise peovida,the prnoead��h�ll Fie p�pNod to d�e�taw securod by thiR Secudly impumait whetl�er or nat�ha wnu ue <br /> Iha due. <br /> If Rhe Plq�aty ia�b�ndonod by Bortowa.or if.aRer oodca by L.ender to 8mrnwer tiut the candemnor otfers ro m�ka <br /> a�aw�rd or xttlo�cldm for ciWO�ea.Bo�rmwer fails w rapond to l.ender within 30 dMs aAar the dete the notioe is�ivrn. <br /> l.ender L autho�ited W rnlloct rod�ppyy the p�ocads,�t ita option�eitbar to resta�tion w iepir of�be Phopaty ar Iu d�e <br /> a�as ie�cwad by thi�Securlty IastnanaU+arl�eiher or not tha�due. <br /> Unkss La�dor ad 8anoiwer dherwlae�nee in wriUng,any appIic�ion o�t procads w pNipcipal ain01 oot e�uaW ar <br /> po�tpone die due d�to of tl�e nwa�hf�PaYme�referred to in p�a�aphs I and 2 or c6�e the atao�rK ot such p�aqn�niants. <br /> 11. �a�rawer [Y�R I�ela�di 1�1o�'bnr�ce 67 LendH' lYai a Nrsirer, F.xtensiaa of the time for paiym�t or <br /> modllicatlao of�no�t�aian af thc suma sa.hred by this Socurity lasururoen��ranted by Le�r w any suooeswir m ir� <br /> af Bartiowea'�haU ad ap.�rWe w�kave�he Wbility of the aigi�al Bonower or Bormwer�:uccessars ia intcye�t.l.a�tder <br /> — �tnti sot ta r��'i co cw�unet�ca pt.�.�ea�iu�r: +�ao►�t�ny suct�essa-in inaenest ar rfuse to extend tiu�e fur prryaisr�t.� <br /> adn�wise�nodif�amoMiratlon of the aunu se.:ured by t6is Socuriry I�trumept by mason of any dem�nd m�le by the arlginal <br /> Barower ur Baaower�sucoes:�as ia intencst. Aay fcxbeuar�oe by l.endcr in ox�cisin�any d�ht ar rea+�dy rhall not be a <br /> waiver af ar poclude Ihe eaercise of ony�ight ar remedy. <br /> 12. 9Ma+�ea'�a�d AtY�n Barodi Jd�t�D Several Il.inbUity;Casignerx. Thc covenan�s and ag�eements of tbis <br /> Security In�t slW)bind and benefit the successors w�d assigns of L.ender and Bortower.sobject to the provlsions of <br /> p 17.Ba�uwer�cove�wits and ag�aments shall be joint and seveial. Any Borrower who co-signs�his Securit� <br /> �r�t but does aot exceute the Note: (e)is co-s�gning this Securicy InsloWne�t only to moAgage.grent and coov�y that <br /> Bon+nwu�a inte�est in the Propeny wider the trnns of this Securiry Insuumrnt; Ib)is not persa�ally obligata!to pay�he suma <br /> iecwed by this Security Inswmrnt;and(c)agroes tiwt L.ender and any aher Borrower may agroe to extend.madify,fotbear <br /> or m�ce�uy�nwdations wlth ie�ard to the teims of this Security Insuument or the Notc without tiw Barawu�s <br /> cauait. <br /> !3, l,aea� C�, If thr• I�n xecurod by�his Security Inswment is sub�ect to a luw which sets muimwrn loan <br /> charges.and lhat law ia fir�ally inte�p�eted so ti�;+e c'�e interest or other loan charges collected or to be coli�:ct�d in canaecNon <br /> . with tha loan exaoed tF+e pem�itted limiu.then: Ear ony such laan charge sha)1 be roduced by 1he amound Q�r:essvy to reduce <br /> 1he chacge to�he perniiued limi�;wnd(b)any sums alneady collected from BaROwer whkh excceded permined Nmits will be <br /> ;,;� � ' refunded to Borrower..i.ender ma��c&oase to make this nofund by r�cducing the}xincipul owe�under the Note or by mel:ing a <br /> diroct payment to Bomow�er. If a r�eYuttd reducec principul,the�ducUon will lie treuted as a�artial prcpayment without any <br /> __—_— prepaymdit charge uex�er�hc Note. <br /> ' l4. Natic� A�y nwice to Barower provided for in thin 5ecurity I�es�rumem shall be given by delivering i�nr by <br /> _ , mailing it by first class mail unless appl icable lew requires ur,e of uno�her mNe�nod.The nwice shall be dircctod to the Property <br /> Addtess or any dher uddress Bomower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br /> �'� mail w Lender's address swted herein or any dher address Lendrr designales by notice to Bomnwer. Any notica provided Por <br /> , in �his Security Insaument shall be deemed to hovc bcen siven to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this <br /> �IS Governlug Law;Severability. Thi� Securiry Instrument shali t►e govemed by fedeml law and the luw of�he <br /> -- jurisdiceion in which the Propehy is lacuted. In[T��event�hat ar�y prrvi�ion or cluuse of this Security Iststrument or the Note <br />';:�,,,�� conflicts with upplicable Inw,such�anflicl s3�aN not nffect otMer pmvisions o•f this Security Ins�rument or the Nae which cu� _ <br /> >;,� 6e given effxt without the contlictia�g pro�•i.riora. To Ihis end ti�P provisinn�of this Security Instrument and the Note are <br />= __--= declared to be severable. - <br /> �" 16. Borrowe�'c Capy. $ofic»oer shull be given one conformed ropy o'f tf�e Note and of this Security Instnm�ent. <br />' iu��>� 17. 7F�nsier oi ihe Property or a BeneAciu0lnteresl in Borrower. 1�all or uny pan of the Property or uny interesl in <br /> =y���=� it is sold or uansferred(or if a baneflciul interest ln Borrower is sold or transfcrnd nnd Bomowcr is not A nuturnl person) <br /> �:; <br /> 'Y=�� without I.ender's prior wri�ten consem. Lender may,ut its option,rcyuire immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by _ <br /> `- -:a �his Security Inswment. However,lhis optiun Rhpll not be ex�rcised by Lender if exen:ise is prohibited by fedeml law as of <br />'--rt'�� the date of this Securiry Instrument. _ <br /> If Lender exereises this option,Lender yfi�1".givz Borrow�r notirr oti ad;celen►tion. The notice�ha10 pr�vide a period of - <br /> `�•.y�'�q nat less ttion 30 days from the datc the notice ic�,c4;vcrrd or mailed within w�irh Borrower mua�pay ull sunrs secured by this <br /> - _.'.;t� Security Inswment. If Borrower iuily to pay thc:ce sums prior ro the exp�ru�ion of�his period, Lender muy invoke any <br /> -�,-��.`,�� remedies pem�itted by thf�Security I�strumem without funhe�naice�►r Jemund un 9um►wer. - <br /> `•-.;��,�! . 18. Borrower•s Ri�ht 3a tR�instate. IF Borrowrr meets certuin conditionx, Born►wer .hall h�vc the right to hnve _ <br />_`:�;;>� enfineement of this Securilr• instr+�r�nent discon�inued ut any time prior to the e�riier..�: (ul i days lor�uch aher periad as � <br />��=� Sinpk iamily•-Faank Mae�Fnddk Mx UNIFOR\11��"G'G2E'NIsNT••UnfCam Covrnanu 9/9A / = <br /> -- na�t J n/A/q�tsl <br /> -�h:i.^� <br />-.�.-_".u.�:."�7 <br />=Y;�i�� <br />- =--� <br /> _�.,P,,� — <br /> c�re��,rerra✓, . . ,- _, . . .: _,:ri�_ . 'iiL:�T. r:: .,., r r . .t. �. (: -i19.;':� . . .., �. <br /> .. �..-_. _- <br /> �- .�tr- ' . � o. � - <br /> � . <br /> ." '^+-'x - .�.i_�� � � - ' , � <br /> ..• .. . - <br /> . <br /> -- °--� <br /> . .. . . � . ... ._..';� ��..°_:ilA+rii:����r: �t.�-:�t_•.°�1 _ �!b•,-..- <br /> —�_ � _ _ <br /> . � � .. <br /> - --- ---- --- --'--- <br /> - -�:�n.a�a(Yl"_ - .-_ .__.___."_ _. -__ .__..__ ..-- -- __ .-_.-.. _ � .... _. _ _ .��� _ ._r_ T-�_'-_.- ._._ _ . ___ ._. .__ . _ <br /> -' J_i. -_ . 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