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_.. .;., <br /> _ . �_ . �.�. ,.,; <br /> � _` , - . <br /> ; � . � 1��a3 � � '' , <br /> .} � <br /> __ _ _ p�e t�I.e�r roqulrM. n��Mr pm�►ldhg�he tm�,noe,b�u bR ar�owe by aa�eQe�r.�a tr,Mdirti <br /> �pprard�rbld�rnU not b un�ro�bly wNNMid. V Barower tdu fn m�itqdaoovaryp dwo1��bor's►IrMfrt�qr.�t <br /> � � l.a�i�optioe,o6qinoovers�e�o prola�ct l��derti ti�11u in thep�pe�ty in a000�d�u�wilb p�n�p�p�h 7. . <br /> All 6+wra»oe Palicia+md renew�h�6�p be to l�a�de� -ind�b�U b�clwb�M�edrd aorqye caw�. t.a�det <br /> �hal�b.�e a�e rf�M to no{a tbe policio..�na�e�aw�l..'°°'pu►"�°���,eo�row��h.0 a�r ave w L�aar.0 ro�w <br /> � �P�P��ad�aiewal aotloo�. In the eveot of loa�Ba�rowar�fu�ll�ive pompt nodoa w tbe iptur�aoe odr4 and <br /> �.ader. Lawiet m�y mdce prnot of lat if not nnd�P�o�ptiY bY Horrawat. <br /> Unk�Gender and BoROwor oti�avvUo�yoo in writia�.inwr+u�ee chaU be applial w inuoration oe tepalr of <br /> ����ty d�mqal,if the testor�tlon a tap�ir i�eoonoailcdly f ble�ad L.a�durl��ecudty i�not louiaied. U t6e <br /> a�rq�ir i�not eoancxnieaUy feuibk ar Lendetb �ecurity would be le��aiod�the inwr+uioe�ocaed��tull be <br /> �ppliad to We wau�ecwed by tbl�Seeudry Inarumaa,vyteetha or tat thea due�wilh+�ny o�piid w Bamowcr. If <br /> Barmwer�b�ndo�u the does eot aa�wu wUbin 30 days a notica from I.ender tb�t the inwranoe curier ha <br /> oflerod to seqle a cl�im.tYm L��dri�rpr coUoct the inanu�ee poceoda lmder m�y we the proceod�w ropair or ntto�e <br /> 1he Pro�auy ar 1m p�t rua�n s�cw�ed Rry d�Sacwity Iatt�ument.vnc��6er a not Waai dao. The 30�day period wi116e�in wl�en <br /> We�otioc is�ivcn. <br /> Unless L�endet s�d Batrow�er otl�wL+e,�ree Fa vHitio�.rqr lic�aon d pooeats ta princip�l�6ap na extad ar <br /> postpoao Wo due d�le of�he mo�r DaymaRs�efen+od 10 ia��1 saA 2 ar chan�o the,�ma�mt oi t�o pymend. It <br /> w�det pu�aph 21 tho PropeAy is�oquirod by Lcnder.8art�owa�d�R to wy inw�aoe policia aod pa000ds reaultin� <br /> irnm w t6e Piapeity pdor w dio acqui�idon�I�aN pres to L�ader to d�e e�mt d d�e sipas:ocune�d by this Security <br /> m`�`�a�t�ma�od�.tely�u�o�,�� sur�w Lo■. AppY�o�. <br /> I.eaul�old�. Bormwer sWU aad use tbe�Bornowerh ' � �esida�ce wlthin t�dxys afler <br /> — — the erteeutian oi tlu��:urii i�ast�c��e�t3 ihali coatinua w��y t�e Pmperty�xs Bwrawer's p:+nciQai r �-r:cc for� <br /> Ieact a�e ywr �Rer �he dnte of oaup�ncy. unlw Lender ahervvise a�+ees in writing, which eansent sp�U nat be <br /> '�.� umea:on�bly withhe�d,or unlas ext�i��g clrcurnslanas exist which�re 6eyond Borrower7��1. Bortuwu ah�ll�at <br /> destroY.dam�ge or impair tlae Prupaty.�Ilow the p q�to de�erla�ate.or commit waste on the Prope�ty Barower a1wU <br /> he in defiult if�ny fal'eiiFw�e�ction ar pmceediag. ctvll or criminal,i�begun that in�derl�good fxith judgme+�t <br /> vauld result in forfeitune of the Pmperty or otherwi� materlally impair the lien cneatad by this Security u�stturt�em or <br /> — i.r.ndet�s security inten�t. Borrower may cw�e such a default and provided in puagraph cauatng the actiaa <br /> �':;�j or procading to be dtcmlasod wlth a mli�g that,in Lenda�s good fai�h detemtinuian,procludes forfeidae of the Bartowerh <br />_ . _...-_ inte�+est in tke Prnperty a other metedal impairtnent of the lien c�eatod by this Securlty Insuument or L.ender�securiry <br /> intems� Horrower shall alr,o be in default if Bamwer. during �he Iwn appliatim proass. Bave materially fa4se ar <br /> .�=j inaavrate infomwdon or statanents W L.ender(or faikd w provide Lender wlth any matetial infort�wt�on)in coMOCt[on witb <br /> � the lo�n evidet�ced by the Note. incHidipg.but not limited w,rc.pnesentaHons cor�ceming Horrower5� occupmcy of the <br /> — Ra�ssy as a�cipal�sidetxe. !f ilau.5:.:.KitY Issr,srumass i�an s k�ld.Basrau�r sls9!!comply e�sls a!!s!x pruvisf asu <br /> - _ �= of th�lease. li�orrower aoquires fee tiQe oa the PropCty,the leasei�old and the fa utic shall nut merge unless L.cmder agre�ea <br /> _ .`'"; w the merger i�+writing. <br /> 7. Protecdon ot I.enda�'s Rig6ts in the Praperty. If Bomower fails to perform the covenants �nd ognxmenta <br /> conteined in tbis Sccuriry Inswmen�or the� iy a k�al procading that may significantly uffect Lende�'s a�ghts in the <br />��:.�-f�� Property(suoFi u.g a procee�ing in banktuptcy,probate,�F�ar condemnalion or forfeiture or to enforce luws or cegu�adons),then <br /> � Lender may civ and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and l.emle��s r�ghts in the Huperty. <br /> L.ender's actions mey include pzying ony sums securcd by a liero wlfei:.h has priority over this Secuciry Instrumrn�appearing <br /> in court.paying rcasonabk ettorneys'fces and enterin�on tF� �to�er3y to make repairs.Although Lender may take action <br /> �,t±,� under this paragraph 7,Lenderdoes not have to do so, ' -. <br /> -=:�A=,,.;� My amounts dishuned by Lrnder under this paragraph 7 xhall become ucliditional debt of Borrower securod by this <br /> Security Insdument. Unless Bomower and Lender agoe to ather terms of payment,these amounts shall bear intercst from the � <br /> date of disbursement at the Nae rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon nwice from l.ender to Bormwer requesting <br />_ payment. <br /> _ 8. Morlgage InsurAnce. If Lender required mortgage insumnce as a condition of molcing�he loan secu�d by this <br /> Security Insuument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect, If,for any <br /> ` reason, the martgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect. Bomower �:�+aU pay the <br /> ..F;s•4 premiums rcqui�ed to oMain coverage substentlally equivalent to the mortg�ge insurance previously in eff�::ct, at a cost <br />_�1 �'' substaMially equivalent to U�e cost to Borrower of tMe rnortgage insurance previously in effect,from sui altemale rnortgage <br /> .�'+=� insurer approved by L,ender. I(substantially equivalent mongage insurance coveruge is not available.Borrower shell p�y to <br />_ �AJ�.:� <br /> ' �i"� Lencler ea�h�no�th a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly monguge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br />-�,T';ta�.� insuraixe eoverage lapsed c�r cea.sed to be in effect. Lender will accept,ase and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> :;�":�. of mortgAge insurance. Lo;s reserve payments may no longer be required,at Ihe option of l.ender, if mongage insurana = <br />_�; ;+j=���+�`.`° covernge(in the wnount tu�c3 for the period thut Lender requfres)provided by su�insurer upproved by Lender again becomes • v <br />��;:� avallable and is obwlned.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to muimuin mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> __� loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insutonce ends in acco�dence with ony written ugreement between Borrower <br /> —•-°-�� - ' and Lender or applicnble law. <br /> M'` r ^~ 9. lnspection. Lender or its ogent may make rcasonuble entries upon and intipections of the Propeny. Lender shall - <br /> � • give Borrower notice at the time of or pdor to am inxPection specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection. <br />-y�:��', c <br /> 18. Coadem�wtbn. '['iie pnxeeds uf any awurd ur claim for darnages,direc[or conseyuential,in connection with any <br />..:r <br />,_:x, Sln�k Family••�annk M�dFYeddie Nre UNIFOpN IN�"1'R�MEIVT--Unifam Covenu�ta 9/9p (paxr•+uI h p+R�f) <br /> � ;• ` . �,reas wtn nuwne�Ia�s.�ee.r - <br /> . •' to ara.a��aooavoaoao a��ai���•���i - <br /> , �i,n�t)r ili� . _. <br /> f�F�i��; _ <br /> A <br /> _ � I; ��.^. ._. . . .\.d' ' 'J <br /> ::r '•i` )�•��fGSr)..�y l�t .C'��Sd�:�;:t���•: <br /> ��r_. . _ ,�. � r�, '��„ . ..'� � �.:•, � • . . : . �• <br />..:_ - '�,a ; .�'ltv'�' , ,,,c�. j� ,^ ' ' :•.''l.'? " 1�A� � . , . <br /> . �...: � , <br /> �i'� <br /> .�.lt.-���: ' 1 ..� } ..� �.• ��t• ! t i� � • � � .,. . . <br /> , , • <br /> .,. . • • �t 1 � <br /> �� - ... . <br /> .� '��r..n.rdn�'-��ei-•..r. .lU�'�4R.��L1a1�� �S �I•___ .__'.'. __ _ _1��1:, s:�u.^4u4. ti�/�teL C.ti� sr_�_' .ic- <br />- ��.�47 �..._.. 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