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� ,�-. „�.,,r-.�—.,.c i . _y. � . -�. <br /> - � • .i� ..�t.u���... ' .. . , . �_ <br /> . ' . . - ,'�,rS.u... <br /> . . . . . . ' � �� ' • �- �t� <br /> : ._' �A��r�41�A��M����� '�q��^��R��_..5�� _' <br /> � ��IMIINIIMMi Af�w�r�r 0�• MI�OIO�IIS�/�y 1�'��' T�OM0��1�� �.._ - <br /> l�ider�il �a►r wMkM�i �ow b�dw undK d�it ��I�aw�4 +�I dr Naa � i��o��1� <br /> '' ovoatn+d�(b)ama�n!►difar�t of�r albe'onvaMUw a y�aNt�M�t(�)P�ri�����-'w�'°d ia s,�torol�dYs�y ' . <br /> Imnunnenl.iocludin�.lwt not tiioNed 10.roa�oiubk�ttaneys'Iba:md(�qkes�h�la�a t.�+�dar map+aronWY <br /> �oqrir�a awwe tMt ebe t�ea d tMs Secutity In�nunait.l�larti ri,�a M�Peopmty Md Ba�owrrh abeWia►�o P�Y�� <br /> • wn� �ecWradp�r dds �ecwity dww�a►t dwll oondnue unclwwed. Upaa ��►Y s�nuw�. t�M �oC�q► <br /> l�ezu Mnd t�o ob�i�tlona st�ccut+ed henc ah�q reatadn Polly elhective�s it no�aoelaMlnn h�d aocurnd. Now�+�':las <br /> ni u <br /> �i�t 1p�nuls�M11 not q�ply in tMe cue �ooda�Mloq ueder pna�nph 17. <br /> 1!: Bde�f Nde;(.'h�p at LoM 9w�ia�t The Note ar��i�l lataeu ia the Nala(��he�w�b diiss S�curity <br /> inq�anent)m�►ba�old oae ar mor�e dmes wiUeout prlar natioe to�a�ower. A We nuy rault jn a chanie ia the endry <br /> (biown�.d�e"i�o�a Savioer")diu wltecu mamhlY P�Y�►a dua under dic Nota,md t4M Soa�rity Ia�wmaK.�There al�o <br /> m�y be oae ar mae ctw�a�af the l.oa►Servicet uan�el�tad to a ale ot the Noie. lf t�e i���ge����• <br /> BoROwer vriY bo�ivga�iipa��ot�ce d Y�e chm�e in�000�dMOe wi�h pu�gnph 14�bave and appliaible law. The ndbe <br /> wiU sqAe�Ue mme�nd addkew of 4da rncw A�oaw Se9nrioen aad 1he dd�aa to which p�ymem�hatW be m�de. The uotica wW <br /> �t�a coatain aay odiar iofam�tioa raNirod bq�WF'lic�l�e l�w. <br /> ?�. 1lwrdow S�Mfrca. Barrower�lull oat c.w9e ar pdmit tha p�rc�seaae.u�e,dis�osN.atar�,e•or �nf d�ie <br /> I�luandous Subn�mces oa or in the Ptopnty. Baiower stull tal do.nor dlow+anfma�e else tu do,anytfu� S <br /> Propatty that a in viW�ioa oP�uryr FmiroiunrnW Law. The preoediq two�nla�oa shull Aol�pplq W d�e pneaasce.utc�or <br /> stoa�e aa 1he Pbpe�ty of smtll q►wKitla of Hu�Mous Sub�w�tWt are�aias119 r000p�imd w Aa aPP�vp'i�YO��10 awe�l <br /> neddaNi�1 w�a�aM to m�inteaan�e of tha Propa�ty. <br /> aanowcr sb�ll P�PUY�ve L,ader�natfce af�ny iirvadgation.cWm.d�sand.I�wauit or aM7 action b�r'�oy <br /> J $ovann�ena�1 or►eB��Y�+xY a+'Pnv�tc p:uiy inauivb�tita�,.'tty a��!t��s�a�ee es Envl� - <br /> Law ot whteh �larawu hn acwal knowkdge. If Bortower kana. ot is nwlfied br any govamna�W a�egu4tary <br /> autfwrity.tfw a�ry�noval or other remodiadon of�ny Hazardous Subawx�e d1'ecdpg�MQ FropeAy is neas�ry.Barrowa <br /> �P��AUr Wce All neccssary tatnedial,ACHons ip+�cardance with Frvlronmental Ltw. <br /> Aa used m this p�graph 20."N�w�s Substances"�re those wbst�nca deMod a toxic or Iwz�rdou�subst�nces by <br /> Envlronmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosene.o11Kr fl�mmabfe a wxic petroleum pmducta.touic' <br /> - peukides and herbicides. volatile solvents.tnaterials canWning asbestas or fo�maldehyde. and �dio�ctive materials. As <br /> uced in this puagraph 20."EnvlronmenW Law"means fadenl laws and laws of tt�e j►riisdkti on whene the Psoperty is located <br /> dut rclate w a environmentel protection. <br /> NON-UN[FORM CUVENAN7'S• Borrower and Lender fuAher covenant and agnee a f olbws: <br /> 21. Acakratioai Rtynedkv. I.eader shaU give�oNce to Barrower prior to �nrlerntios �aUowlq Borrower's <br /> b�+each ot any oovenaat or agreemeat ia lht�Secu�lty Ioctruoeat(but aot priar to ueeleratba u�der para�raPM!9 <br /> ,�,�Ik�hle b�v r�rovwes ot6a�wi�e1. 7'6e nofke siau specu,.: cs)u�e arelrrwn s lb)�he acuoa n�qukea a�vne tre <br /> det�ult:(c)�date,aot ks�4�wn 30 d�ys flrom the date tYe natice ts give�lo��aer. b�wMkb t6e defsplt aauq be <br /> curcd:aad(d)tbwt fi�ar+e au�r�re the defnull on or before the date spa3fied'un tae aollce owy rc�lt ia ac�aleistioa of <br /> the sum4 secw�ed by ihis Secarity lastrumeat and�wle of the Pr�erty. Tde nodce cMall furt6er toform Qorro�ver ot <br /> the rlght to�+c9o�te a1te�ric�ekYation pnd the right to bring a court actbn to�ssed�I�s aoatxlsknce af a ddwlt or <br /> Any ot6er deite�se of Burrower to accelerntion and sAk. 1�tUe default is not curcd an or betor�the date specifkd u° <br /> 1he notice,Lender At jt�coptbn may require immediate payment ia fbll ot all sumg seart�d by Wis Secu�ity Instruweot <br /> wlthout turlrer demand nnd may invoke the power of sak and any other nmedks permitted by applkabk 4iw <br /> Lender shaN bs eatitled to collecl all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedia p�^ovided in t6is psusRraph 21. <br /> ___,,,,,' iacludiag,but not Iimked�onable attorneys'tees and costs of titk evidence. <br /> _ If the power of sele i�invoked.'Itustee shqll record o notice of defaelt in each coY�ty io whkh any part of!he <br /> --- property is locpted end shAll mail rnpies ot such notice in lhe manaer prescribed by�pplicabk law to Borrower and to <br /> --°--�— the other persons pre�crabed by applicable law. Ai�er the tiioe required by appIicAMe�w.7Fuetce shAU give publk <br /> �'""'�D''� notice oF sale to the persons and in the ms�nner pre�cribed by appNcpble law. 'I�usta. wlt6out demand oa Borrower, <br /> _�:._fr,�' slwll sefl the P�operty u¢p�ublic auctton to Ihe highest bidder at the time and�lace�ad under the termv designated in <br /> —_�'�'' tde notice ot sale in one vr more parcels and in�ny order 7lrustee determines. 'll�u9tee�noy postpone sok of all or wny <br /> __._.,;�s <br />-�„v;,�A�,��. pucel of the YropeHy bv public annauncement at!he time aqd place oi'Any previaaly scaesluled sala Lender or its <br />- �:3��� desi�nee may purcha�e t�e Properly at any sale. <br /> � -": ' Upon receipt of puyment of the price bid.Truslee shall de1lver IA tlie purrfixser 7Y�ustee's deed coa�eying�he <br /> �'��::� Property. The recitals�r�lhe 7lrustee's deed shall be p�ima PAC9P eviclence oP i�he trulk of the slatemenfs mpde therein. <br /> • •� Y�: 7lrustee sholl�pply thn�prviceeds ot the sale in the fultowing order: (a)to all ca.gts and expenses ot exercisin�the power <br /> -=,�?',,:„�� <br />`}�;:`=2��`� r. <br /> - ;,. n.. -- <br /> '.;:,_• . -� - <br />-•t:_-��•. <br /> . ,��fr _. <br /> , �'.! Form�112N Yi90 t/aivr 3��/n�wRes1 <br /> ; .Z. - <br /> _ _ . , <br /> •�� <br /> -�'•��ti� <br /> ��3�FrI.���;:1A. <br /> � ;�m•�i. <br />••Z�W I/:Y.:4`iM <br /> -�liti]�iYl� Y <br /> �F�•y{Dt ...i. ' 'ftj��;1 . ' - .. _). ., - � i'��t '}'. ,j'�7�� _�. +.'. � .'�.�`� i+'� i• 7_ :� <br /> n.—_S��•�f._. ' " ' 't� i'1 '�.:� �^ .ln <br /> . '_ � . <br /> �=� .a:_:�,-_i_,v._ _vs:r: __ • - ._ . _ . r .'..t _--��_--.�ir - •:r.u.�� ..�,r•r_Z: _�� ,:F`a]lc..�` <br /> ..ari�ri:-:.�][�----,�-��, �_ --.--,- -r---- -- --�----- --- -� _°_ -- _-. - - `_°- — _- --- ---- �;,�•_� a�- .-- - ----------- --------._ -.--._----- <br /> �c�i,:p••'�`6sL1li � � � . � - . . ' ' ' � t�.. <br /> '�4.-'�.Y_!!�.f'..��.. `��l. 1. - 1 � . . • ' . <br />..__, mu�:�'J���r.l.:>., � � � . 1 <br /> 'w�.=_ .r ��e . . _ <br /> __ _—"_ .. __ ' .apl�F W1.. )" <br /> �.�st�i'��1���_ �" 'U_" . __ —_'. `.__ .___ ` "_' _" - ... r- _ �r-.-�-.__�. - .�._�- - . . . . .. <br /> l�}'i1'AQK4�� '..� , o.V , , . . �t .. ' ,. .. � _ . .. .. ' ' ' ., <br /> � r�� <br /> ..�ir�.:;.iT-T-� u�:1g.SxL1 .. . ' � . .. <br />:vi�Cu�(Aide.�� . - " ' � ' ... ' , , � , <br />._-:'i1a:�-_'.`..".._' ..L . . - - •• ' . <br /> _._� - " >' . . , . . ' . � . . <br /> _-�_�' „ . _ . �.. .e4.,. . � ,. - . �� � '�..:A.'" .. , . <br /> t�7.ce'_-d�'���'... �, .• •. '. _ • . . . 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