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. ._ ._ . ._. . . . .. . ... . <br /> r .:, . �_ ..,.. . . . .., . . -- __ <br /> . i — <br /> .. .._ — � -, , � � •� � . , y ,'Y.� -�-- _ <br /> ' .1 • .. . - :-V4wA►. <br /> _ �DiO�i�y�i��i'!pt'�!�lC�!!�.![EK{'/IN�-`�IOIdotlArM�.r���..:�,�s'.1•�'-.=_. <br />-- -- -- �- - •i�bi p�t�61.wi1R. - _ - :. ._ -.. --- .... : - _'-- -----__== .._�._. _ <br /> Ir 1be evait ol�wonl t�kin�ot ia l4�p�rtr.d�e�. �11��pplMd a 1M �dm�� by�i�e�eipt <br /> ,� l�tru�neo�.wLed�er or�at Ib�n due�wMb �ny sxceN 'p���Honowrr. Ia Ibe�vrat of��tW t�lciy otN��� . <br /> rvhich the htr ma�et valae d dis Propaty immediMely b�trae the akb�4 aqml to a�et tt�h 16e�na�r�c d war • <br /> �x�d by dd�Sec�rtity 1n�auoiqu lawwdWO1y wtare dis ukieu.anlew Hai�u�wr+nd l�ada q�e�ee in , <br /> d�e r�nns�eq�rod bY dJs Secu�itY la�t�t s1w11 be e�alueed fry d�e ana�nt at�P'aaed�,�w p�d Wd b�►t��� <br /> � fi�ctioa: (s)the topf amouat ot dte eun» esc4red hnmedistely be/exe�he Wdng�divid�d hy(�S�.�e t�C a�riut v�Wa d Ibe <br /> propeaty in�nediaoely betaro d�e�. Any beLooe thaU be p�W w Ban+n+Mar. In tk eva►1 W�p�ctW�of�!M .. . <br /> Pruperty ta whkh U�fiir itwlcet vvue at d�o Property inimedi�eely befare tbo t+kl�i ia leif tY�dre Kaowrt d a� <br /> �ocwed inunedi�tely lwforo the t�lcir�.wtlass Bo�mrMer and La�der od�ervrl�e�hee in writio�ar uuks+��p�lic�blo I+tw <br /> othpwise provldet.tbe pnceod�thnq 6e applied to tbe suau�ecuted by tbls Setauity Inwrarer�t�vl�etdet o�not the wNr are <br /> �duo. <br /> If tfa Ptopwty u abandmod by Homaw�er.or U�atter notioe by l.ender w Borlorxu dW►t tha cancf�mnor oPlat ta a�,: ;:'. ., <br /> an AwArd or scttk A claim for d�m�os��aROwa fdla ta nspoad to Lender within 3Q d�afla the dUe tho notica is�iven,...�,��:• :;, <br /> l.e n d e r ii autUarlud ro oollect u�d�p pl y V h e Y�,at it�opdon.eitba�o r�tioa ar rep�it pt the P�aNt+Ry pr w d���•'�� � :: <br /> Runu secw�ed by thic Secwity Instrumont, or not tha�due. , 'v <br /> unks�Le�da�and Barower othe�vioo+�groe in wdting,wy�ppliculon ot pnveods co p�locip�l�tWl�not'e�tend a' <br /> ,;,postpone the due d�te of tho monthl9 WYma�u referred to in�ph;l aod 2 ar clau�ge�h e aaowat ot auA pa�niol'q� .,,•: <br /> ;�:,, 11. BornoWer Not Rdea�edi � 89 l.dqder Not a Walver.� Bxteodon of tha tlme foi �Ayti►ea�t t�� � , <br /> mAdificatian of amottit�ttiou of dw auau sxured by thia Sea�rity Imtrument 8���Y�tn�ny eucuesaac in interost.;`. '. <br /> r.' o�aorrower�AhaU na opprato tq role�a tha Uability of the aigirui Barower or Honowal�:�i�l iruere,�t. I.eadot � , , . <br /> _ ' �:�,�s1! nnR�sr.g��t�a!tn Gommeatx ptncezditt�a},neinst a�y�ucceax�t{n intenyl ar mfLce tn nxtend tLne far pry�eat ar _ ' �-._._ <br /> "'� �. ,,.� otl jerwiae madify amonlzstion of ihe�umr+a�:cund by thl4 Sacudry Insuument by�ansoA of any demmd mado by the original , - <br /> ��A ��.. , :i. ;•�Homnwer ar Bo�mwerk succesaor�i n interes� My f o r b e a a u►c e by i.e n d e r i n�i o r�i s i a�m y�i g h t a�e m e d y�iuU not be�i ` <br /> ��„,,� � � �wdveraf o��q�eclude the exe�iRe of any dght or remedy. � � '.: ! <br /> .�.; lt. Srecesror�and ApIQa�Baund;JoiM aud 3evenl I.4ibilityi Co-sl�nen. 1'he oovenan�s su�d agroemeats of thia . <br /> � ':Security I�t�Ument ehall bind and beneSt�he suecesa�.and wlaigna af Lender�d Borrower�subject to tha proviaiaw ot • .— <br /> � paragraph 17.$orrower's covenants and ag�eemente ahnll be Jaint and saveral.My Bamower who casjgna thia Security _ <br /> . �Jnsuument bµt doc.�nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing thia Secudty Insuument only ro mortgage.giant ntd convay tfuit <br /> 8orrowerk:in�erest�i t��Property undor the urtns of�h1s Securlty Instniment; (b)is not pason�lly obligaoed to pry the:urns <br /> -- � secured by�this Se�r Insaument;and(c)agras thAt[.ender and bny other Borrower mwy agree to extend,mod�fY.forbear <br /> _"_ or make nny��ccaom�iadations with rogiud w the tem�s of this Secutity Lirtrument or Ihe Nnta without Iluu BP�raweT'u ' . , <br /> ,� . `c,uncent. . <br /> '_'� 13. Loaa C6ai�{es If the loan axw+ed by this Securiry Insaument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br />=:;:�� . , charges,wid�hat IAw is��nully interpretad so that the interest or other loan charges wUocted or to be col4xted ln conneclian . _, <br /> ''=°��1 with the lown exceul the permitted limita,then: (a)any such loan chArge ahall ba reduced by the amount neassa�y to reduce <br /> _��,�,:,;,;�a the chorge to the pcm�itted limir and(b)any sums al�eady callected from Borrower which excecdcdpem�ittod limits wlll bc <br /> — - :::;,,.■ refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this rofund by�cducing the pdncipsl owed under tha Note or by makL�g a <br />�:_� direct payment ta Borrower. If a rcfLnd reduces principal.the neduction will be lreated ai a paiilal pnpayment wld�out any <br /> _--__ _ prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> -- � l4. Notkes. My noticc to Barrower provided for in this Sxu�ity Instrument shaU be given by delivering it or by <br /> �_�,� mailing it by first class mnil unless applicuble law requires usa of anothar method.The notice sh�ll be directed to the Prqxrty <br /> -- ,�,.�,�.�,. Addiess or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nodce to Lender shall be givm by fust class <br />__�„-;;��,� m�il w Lender's uddress s�ated herein or any other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notfce provided for <br /> �.Y� ln this Securiry Iostrument shall be deerned to hava been given to Bomower or Lender when given as provided in thi4 <br /> -"'"_'" P�B�aPh• <br /> �- 1S. Governing Law; SeverabiUty. This Security Insavment shall be govemcd by federal law and the law of the <br />.:"'��,,,,'F;;`�;tit•�: jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lceuted. In Ihe event thN any�ov{sion or clause of this Secutity Insqvment ar the Note <br /> — "`Y'�'1�++�����:� contlicts with upplicnble law,auch conflict shall not affect other pro.i:ions of this Security Insuument or the Note which can <br />_..i":._i t:r_,:.�,;:1: <br />_,,,,�,�;,*���- be given effect without the conflicting pravision. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Securiry Mspumrnt wid the Note are ^ <br /> r� ,• ,m_: doclen:d to be severable. <br /> � � �•� � 16. liorrower's Copy. Horrower shull be given one confnrtned copy of the Note and of this Securiry Insuummt. FF <br /> ''� � .� 17. 7lransPer of the Yroperty or a Beneficial Interest in Bor�ower. If all or uny part of the Prope�ty or any interest in <br />��;i`_._....:r.s:.7.. <br /> �, .�,,- it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiul intcrest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naturel persan) <br />_�. '` •�^'� without Lender's prior wrfqen consent,Lender muy,ut its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by — <br /> �•e1'� '''�t�',� this Security Ins�rument. However,this ap�ian ehnll not be exercir,ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as af � <br /> �:::-`:�`�"� the date of this Sewrity Mstn�ment. -_- <br /> ,,: <br />:ti.ii:- . _. <br /> •._.�r* �; •, ' If Lender exercise�this option,Lender shall give Borrowe;r natice of ucceleration. The natice shull provide a periad of �` <br /> ,��' �: � � not less�hnn 30 duys from the dnte the notice is delivered o�mpiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br />.�'��!`'�•','�rt"t' Securit Instrument. If Borrower fails t o pay �hese sumti pri�r ta the expiration of this Fxriod. Lender may invoke any <br /> �,� �..,., y <br />"`�`'1 ��`'���.���' remedfes pertnitted by this Security Instn,+nent without further noticc nr demand on Borrower. _ <br /> �,,,, ,•;�;..,_..; ' . - <br /> 18. Borrower R Rtght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cenain ronditions, Barrower.hall hnve the right to hnve <br /> ,., . .�.�. ° <br /> _%°.;�:..Ara1a•.1�}f,a <br />':;;�,;�;.. . .,, enforcement of this Security Instniment cli�c•nntinued i�t Nny ume pri�•r m�hr e�rlier nf• 18) S daya(�r eu�h nther�neriAd 8�s t• <br />:_,.,.,.,... :•..•.,., €�._ <br />,,;j•, ,�,•yt,;�;��{, ' Smgk�amily-•Fwn�k MadFreddle MacUNIFURM INSTRUMENT--Uniform Covenan�Y 9/90 fpa.¢�d nj'6page�) _ <br /> � ,i.;�� <br /> .r�.� ' <br /> _ .'',�5: '{"::��i,;;� <br /> "`..i��������!`d�. <br /> ,�}t.;ir l�}�l��'t <br /> �', �r-t t _ _' .�.-�,�.,� rr,� i'f�`�,� 1�^.\'+��`1( Y�"!.�.y����y } �,. z_..,.'�1�f�f f_. <br /> ri a�����<1�� �. N-'.. •i�", 1t;..y��'�Alr�i i��'!"��,��L�Mi�; �� l.l,�• �""{��fS . . . 1 , � t;r .f�� . •�.� � '�P}/�y.�. <br /> � "� t� <br /> ; . ,;,� <br /> �.ft��t 'Qr � , , �� s, , ti � ;��, �_,;_•. ' , 4� �,�, , �. .��� � r��,�'1+ . <br /> � � ��.. -�11 ��11 \ - '�1. . 1_ ' _ '�'. 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