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_ _-�- ...a�a . � . :.r .: a- _...._� <br /> _�— y.u4S{ifz� �. +.�r..ui w.4a��n.v. , . .+M�+.ara++}-"-,, _.. z•rrnq.i�� --s=i�e7i. -- <br /> _ . . . _._ _ " . .i . .. o . �. � .. �h' . .. . �..I�C�'L.; - �—.__-==-.F. <br /> .. .. - �. �J , . •N����x•?�•~ <br /> ,� �u <br /> -- -T— —� . �����MMM 7��1�MMO�������t�S����*`,��.,r—___ _: <br /> � L�dery optioN,a�aMas�w��opia�ea�I.Md�r��i,t�M�q►1��eoodlra+�7�M�pi��i�7. �`-- - r '..�� <br /> , All b1�a�oe policrs Md�w�1k�116� b ' a�d�M�U i�iclWo a�dunl�o�e1�M1 d�1. L� ; <br /> �b.0 l�wa t�e,ryhc a l�oia tbe poikio�.Nd r�n��t.rau r.a�dN..eaio+yer.Inu ao�ptly dva w L�ndK.0 MoNMs, ' <br /> o!p�id p�antiumr ad nne�v�+�Woei. ln�he event of 1w�,Barmwer�l)�ive pna�pt�aUa�o t���o�nYr�d � <br /> l�e�de�. l.pdet ar�r emio�peoot d lws Uoot m�de pta�iply�by Dan�x. <br /> Unloa Leutler tnd Bbrrower dherwwe a�ae in wri4nj,inwc�noo p�oceed��lull be�q►lied w roponidon ar�epfr d <br /> � d�e it the mstonuiaa or r�i�r is eoonomkWY ta�Jbto aw t.enuerw�eouriry i� na b�ted. If this <br /> ne��i yardi+a is aot eowwmk�Uy fe�sibb ar lrenderlt�ecurity would be la�a�d,the in�n�e�re pmoeeeN�Wl 6e <br /> applied w d�e spms�ew�ed by tl�Secudry Inswma►t,whal�er ar na tlKn due.wid►�ny oxa�p�id ta Baro1�r. If ,, <br /> � � Harowar�b�doas tba Prape�ty.or does not aeswer witbia 30 days a aodce fiom Letder that the la�umnoe c�niec du <br /> � atfesed m ieuk a eb�im.then Lender may cdlect�he Ineunnce poeoods l.axler aoay we the procad�Wrop��or roatoro <br /> tbe��iven�y���ecur�d by dria Sec,�ty U�.�rAetweir or oot�hm d� 'i�e 30�d�y pedod wW beain when . <br /> Unk�r�der and Borrower dhiwFse m writiog,�oX �tion,o�.procood�w piocipN slwll not e�ctpAd ao ,. <br /> poWpoae the due due of the mond�►�armeh'ts�to in pan�1�hd:or c�nje�e�mnaak of the pRyments, if . <br /> m�der p�ag�aph 21 the Pmparty is�'iry�:�tier. Borrower�ritdt tap�xn�:ai�in'�»oe P���R���u�6 <br /> f c c m�e m�t b e P m p a t y p r i o r b�:�i s i Ha►�I u Q p�e�w l.a i d e r t b�t l�t:�x�n t a i 4 h e sums�a.ti r e d by t b i�3 e c u r l t y � " <br /> In�aymaau. stely or to t6e�is9tlbn. . . •: , , 1�.� <br /> 6. A�n� �tb«i, :`�lar�ten.noe ana Pra«tia. d we°.�i►iipp�rt �,°,�nwery Laio AppunHo.i <br /> Laudiold�. Soirower�ull accupy.,es�uWi�h.�nd use the Propaty as Bano�wera� xe+idence arithin sixty daya aAer <br /> ---- , ' ' the eaece�tion r.f th�Sacurjty Iastra�:na i�i�l�ca�tlnue to occupy the'P.�a�rky�es wah princip�l raiderce for at . <br /> ', . lwt a�e ye�r after the dsue of accupuncy, u�]es� Lender uthetwise t�rees,in writing. which con�eM aiwil nat be •; .. - <br /> � unreasa�ably witdbeld.or unlessti extenuaiin$circumstancea exiat which are'bayuad Borrawenc�aatrol. Horrower s1Wl m►t � <br /> ' • de�troy,dem�ge or impoir tha Proper�y.nllow t�e}�p rty to tlezcrie�ate.or oommit wastc�ap the Propaty. Hormwer s1aU ��; , <br /> d pe c <br /> be In defwlt if my forfelwro acti�,ar�xeedlr�g.whether cdv�or'� begun t1wt,'in l.ender�good fnith jud�mea�t..,•, , '. �:', <br /> could rcault in fodeiw�e of the Praperay ar othenvlso materi�►!!ty tmpair thq.usn created by this Secutity Iaswmenil u�: ��•.:':•. , <br /> � . L.enderS�security inte�st. Bortower trfa�r care sue�i u defaWt end pmvided in paragraph causing�he��op' . <br /> � or procading w be dismissed with a.mUag that,ia Lender�s good faith determination.pnecludes forfeicurc of the Borro�xerl� � <br /> . intenest in tho Pmperty or ather material�lmpalrn�enl of U�e lien created by this Security Insonunent o�Lenderh�qcudry <br /> • interesG Bomower shaU also be in defpult if gorrower.during the loan applicadon �ocbss, gave materisUy f�lsc or <br /> insiccunte infom�ation or statcmants to Lender(or failed to pravide Lender with any material iaformadon)tn camectian w(th <br /> the loan evidencod by the Note. including, but �wt, repnesentAtinns conceming Borrowerh occypancy of the <br /> • . Pr�q�erty es n princlpal rcsidence. lf this Secu�ity lnstrument ia on a�leasof�id.Socrower shull comply with x�l tbe prov�sions <br /> _ , of t��k�se. If Honower Avquues iea tide m du i'roperty.du,ieasehaid:and d�c-feo dtle shwii not mor�e uni�s Lendar a�e�os <br /> to the merger in wdting. ' <br /> 'J. Protectbn ot I.ender's Iti�hts in the`Property. Ti Borrower fails to perfom► the covenants and agraments <br /> — conteined in thfs Security Instrument. or therc is a legal proceeding thet may signiticently at�'ect Lender's dgtits in the <br /> Property(such as a proceodi�g in Iwnkruptcy,probate.far condemnation or foTFeiture or to enforce laws or reguletlons),ihrn <br /> - L.ender may do and puy for whatever is�ecessary io protect the value of the Property and Lenderh rights in the Property. <br /> — Lencler5�acdons may lnclude paying uny sums secured by a lien which has pdoriry over this Security Inadument.appearing <br /> = in court,paying revsonable nnorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although l.ertder may take action <br /> � under this paragrnph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> — Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�his pwagrnph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower securcd by this <br /> - Securiry Inapument. Unless Bornower und Lender agree to other tcrms of pnymen�these amounta shall bear intcrest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be pnyable,with imerest.upon noticc from Lender to Borrower roquesting <br /> payment <br /> �'�—�` - "" 8. Mortgage Inxur�nee. If l.ender required mortgage insurnnce ati a condition of making the loan secuoed by lhis <br /> ��'°� Sau�ity lnetrumcnG Borrower shall pny �hc premiums reyuired to muintnin�he mortgagc insurance in effecG If, for any <br /> =� reason, the mortgege insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lupses or ceases �o be in effect, Borrower sholl pay the ' <br /> �n'`a%°'A�u� premiuma rcquired to oMain covernge xubstantially eyuivafent to the mangage incumnce previously in effect. at a cost <br /> �n,zr � <br /> -�..�..�a'4=tE;� <br /> -.---�tr;.,a f;�.�;,, substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower af Ihc mongage insurnnce previously in effec�,from an ulternate moKgage <br /> —•�-----�s.-,,.,;,,;.. . � uPpro Y Y 4 F S B PaY to <br /> �:.r. insuner ved b Lender. If substantiall e uivalent mon u e insurunce covera e iy not availuble,Borro�ver shall <br /> `��e�sirr.�'.;: , �, `. <br /> •• �t,�`�t�:•: Lender each month u sum equal to ane-twelfth af the ycurly monguge insurance premium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> �"""'�"� insumnce covernge lopsed or ceusrd to be in effect. LenJer will accep4 uxc smd re�uin these puymenls uv u loss reserve in lieu <br /> —�_�:; <br /> �,�;��_':l��,;i!�'y�' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve puyments muy nu longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgoge insurance <br /> ��'j''�`� '•'���Y y covera e m the umount and for the nod y p y pp y g <br /> �_s?ov�,�x�";,%�•�•; .. 8 <' pe ' that LenJcr re uircsl rovided b un insurer u roved b Lender a ain becomes <br /> !K�j;��"',;;,',;,,,. available�nd is obtained.Borrowcr shull puy the premiums myuired ro muinwin rnc�ngage in.umnct in cifect,or to provide a <br /> �:sau�T , :; •. <br /> �q�,��,,,{,;.;9;��.��r:�, loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mongage insurunre ends in uccordunce with uny wril�en ugr�eement beaween Borrower <br /> � ,uf�s�,.; ,..,<:�;.�'�i�t• andLenderorapplicableluw. <br />���w�•- � '� �j��=�i�''t 9. Ins Uon. Lender ur its u ent ma makc rcusonahle enirie�u m and ins chons of the Pro rl Lender shall <br /> �! � P� F Y Fx pe'� Pe Y• <br /> "' •`f�� ive Borrower naice Lt�he time�f or nor ro un ins ctinn s �if in�reuxonublc rau.r fnr the in, ction. — <br /> —�'�''yL:�`;;�, . � .;,�•.. J� B P� Ix' P�" Y � P�' <br /> — �atS .:�:•;,�., — <br /> ,.�;,�`�.��-���;,wc�_: 10. C�ndemnofian. The�+rnceede of�m��awiv�i nr rlaim ti�r dnmuges,dirrr��tt conseyuential,in connectian with any <br /> - -�-..�. ^-..r y•.F• r_.. <br /> �S':. 4�l�c��•'• �r�•, �� � Sin le Famfl Runnk�1adEtedAle I►fuc UNIF�)NN INSTTtl:�1F:�iT--Unifurm Cwenunt. 9/90 / gr 3�� A ��s/ � <br /> ,. .+.. ,�il.'• R Y•- !w l Ik x -- <br /> �} � . "-,.•��ti:+� f,rm�4�.eu�we,r FaAS.�.e.■ f_ <br /> , �n..,• <br /> .•� • , ,� �:� 10(hdet f�Y:I�BOD�b9LL0393�FM BI&9Y1•O71 <br /> ..M:�`i:.�1 " <br /> 1��'il•11:�:�,'E�'� '�- <br /> ....� ,f'i�;�r.1.1'r�rr, <br /> h � ' t�� � , .� , ' _ :�'"rn�� -'•'.?�;����'�t i�►�"` '..��'t#�� �,'fT''�, v.._ <br /> � _. ,; �a �.� ' - � 1;"' h � ��i t�'r� � . - <br /> n, t r'j��+` rS'�; .. . ' , �'t;i:;...�•i� �. �� . t � ^ 3 �i'k��.�.j�t-riit� ::,+�r, ��?�r'�T4 i�-r i_. <br /> ���.o` ' 1 �i( �� � i t i� �li�. '^!'�c{'++ , iii.' 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