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± ��.y'1hLMiY�i. . � . . � - _ ' �'' ..-^:r`.R��'^�'.�.�. . . ;. . . _-- <br /> �� _ - - ,. '� . w _ � . r .r1'='�as --. <br /> .. �.. � .. . . �v_ ,. .'riti_': <br /> .r . . <br /> . . � . %i � . ..ry�.,.. <br /> � .�Iio�M�Irw�qr�oif�r far rein�Mw�t)betore�M d t�Propwrty put�nt a+u�y pa*�Ir d W�ob�d,ii��ia .. . <br /> __ �-� -.—�__�� � - ��*e+l��rtM���+'""'"�'t.�d+ia_�.e�t�rtn�w,fant, 17ww3����-__--_- ` <br /> • py�L,MMM 41 w� rrhid� w� hr dw W�dd� ��Lttininbnt and thq Ndk �t if tq�'�i----- • <br /> . aee�d�(r)a�w ny►dbtwlt of�ay alMr aovaNnb a�p�anMn ,ns'(c)[NY�W expawes inCurn+d in eafarofe�diti�,iowky . <br /> M�aw�t, i�ludfe�. bu1 noe Haeiaed a.ns.a�bie aemerori�toat+�1d�(e) Ww�uch�aqio�n�La�de�ml�y eb�a�61�► ,. <br /> �b wW�thM tl�lien of tida Socur[ry Inwwna�t�Len�lati ris6q�ia the Properiy�nd Bonowa�ti abii�ation to pay�e <br /> ' w� Mawd �r dd� �oudty Uu�lpekut �U oa�inue �a�dw�ed. lJpan raimbitcm�►t bY Bomower� d� �cwit�► ., <br /> taqriwarat�nd dw ab�iwioa�rec,�md.�b�rcbY eb�U nin�in Mlly oft'active u if no+�cceler�don h�d occurrod. Ho�rovar�diy , <br /> �i�iM b ni�rMM aup not�ppty ia th�a�of accelaWm under per�pi�17. <br /> 1!. NM d.Ndrt��l LpM.Sa�lar. The Na�e or�padal inta�eat in the Note(w�aher w4h dds Sec�aity <br /> I�upw�M)�y be�ald one or rnore dmas wrjtuout prlor noNoe to Bonrower. A wde ma�ns�ult in a clw�ga W the eatky <br /> fluiown r IIM"Lan Sarvicer"1 Ihot coilectsinaphlY WYm�ato due umbr tbe Note and this•�putneirt. 71�ae tito <br /> nwy bo+wt�ct mon ch�n�es af the I.aeo.Sem`+cer unreUted to i�s�lo d4 the Nou. If thene le�a changa of thn Swiasr. <br /> Banower will be�iven written notice of die t�ta�agc'in eccmdanoe with pu�graph 14�bove and applloabla law. T1�e eotice <br /> w1U u�1e 1be a�me aod addiea of tho new Servicerand tbro.�W�+to which WY���lld'be�inadq. The nadco wfl! <br /> d�o ca�Naln�ny olhet lnfamuulan roqaited by applit�nbYe law,; . . . '' . <br /> 71, 11W��ow B�Mann�. Bocrowu sh�ll not�ua4 or po�iqit(he pr��enoc.use.dlsppa��;siora�,or relcasa of�ny <br /> N�tardou�5ubat�nesR oa ar in tha ProQnty. Aamwa alull no(�do�nor�llow anyone �lee'�ta►,�ia;ahyih�g aflecdng the <br /> Prope�ty that b in violnfolt of�ny EnvinanmhlW The proceding two senu�nces ehstll not apply:tb'the pregonco,use,or <br /> tto��e on Ihe Proputly a1 wrwll qwnaitle�of Huar�do�w Substs�nces that a�+e gener+illy roco@nixed�w�Uo.approprJpte to nomaal <br /> raidend�l wa and a m�intemnca of thc Property. . <br /> Borrower sh�ll p�ompllY�ive l.endar wcitten noticx of u�,y,inv�sdgation.cWm.demand;'lawsuit or othot xtion by�ny <br /> QovprtWnaual pr reuulstanr a�ency or Qrivate party iavolvin� the:Property ond u►Y H�wrdrnis Suba�altce or Envimnmental <br /> _---- -- - L.Nw of which fiaruwer luin �clwd knawlMge. If llorrowet learna� or is notified by any gm�emmentwi or regui«iory <br /> �uthorily.lh�t�ny rcmov�)or cNber�medlaNan of any�i�ardous Substance affecting the Praperly ie necx�cary,Borrower <br /> shrll pramqly t�ke�II nocer�wry romedi�l�otions in ace4rdance with$nvironmental Law. <br /> M ucod in Ihis para�raph 2Q."Harank►u�Suberor►ces"are�hose substanoes defined as wxio oi.hazardaus substancca by <br /> Environmerttd L.�w and the follawin�t�ubsumceR: gasoline, kerosene�other flwnm�ble a toxic petrolcum products. toxfc <br /> pesticides And hetbicicks,volrtile colvents,materials c�ntaining asbestos or fotmaldehyde,and�dioaetive materi�is. As <br /> u:ed in thin pvA�20."@nvironmcnld Law"I11C8[IS�,(�' Ef&R I6W�Ylld IRWB Of lI1Q jllf�l�IICf�011 WIIEfC I�16 P�OpCily�S IO�C�ICd <br /> — thit rel�to ta Iw th,wfety ar environment�!protxtEon. . <br /> NON-rJNl�ORM COVENANTS. Bartower and�cr�further covenant and agree as followa: <br /> 21. Aodde�tlani Remedla. Lender sbwN give Wftne to Borrower prior to accelernttoo tal�wiag tlarrower's <br />_ M�eacb ot any�a re�l or��+eemenl ln this Securit'l�ta�ent(but not pMor to aoceleratiori�nder,�r.A.g�pb 17 <br /> _ uak��ppllc�ble Irw provMke WherwMr). Tbe aoNce aha1P epeci�q: (a)fde defwulli(b)the aclioa�cquked t0�we the <br /> 7 defauht ici a�te�aot i�tiqa 3S da�irom tim dwir ihr auif��i�givea to Sa��es,t��S3ct�3�ik�'a�ft a�'!s� <br />- cundi+�uud!d)that hllNro to cut�Ibe de�ault on or befon the d�te specitied i�t6e a.iice�u+y�es��t ia accelerAt9oa og <br />- the sunw secured by thb Security Inelrumsnt And snle of the Property. T6e noliee s1eAU further�ofa�a 9orsowe�o? <br /> - Ihe ri�t to reinctde�1ter wcceleralluu and the ri�ht fo brin�A court pction to assert tMe�on-existence r,P a d efault or <br />=- any Mher defen:e of Borrower tu n��cele�aln�Aed x�le. It the detAUlt Is not cured oa or betore t?�e�w8e specifiPd io <br /> the notke,[xnde��1 il�optbn may reyuire immediate pwyment ia 11u114�a11 sums secured by t�1s Securtty Insirwment <br /> withoul lbHher denfwnd wnd mwy Inwdte the power ot sale ar�d Any other remedles permilted �y appllcabl� I�w <br /> l.ender thall be enlllled to collect �II rxprn� incurred ia p�rsuiag the remedks proviiled in this paragapph 21, <br /> . <br /> lacludlag.bul nd Ilmited ta re+ucnn�hle alluraeyR fecs s�nd casts a!P iitle evidence. <br /> It the puwe�of xwle 1�In��ol►ed.'I�u�ler xh�ll rrcord a notia�of default in each county in whicb any pan of the <br />. t�� Property(s lacated and shall nwll n►pk�►��f Kuch aWice in Ihe manner prescribed by wpplkabfe law to Aorrower and to <br /> the ather p e n o na p reKCribed b y a p plkable Irw. A1ter the time required by applicabte law,'llvstee shall alve public <br /> notice of ealr to the pernone wnd In Ihe mwnne�preccribed by appltcable law 'IYustee�witbout demand on Borrower, <br />.= shnll cell the PropeMy wl publk rucllun N�Ihe AIRh�wt bidder At the lime and place And ender the terms design�ted In <br /> • • n�j the nolke of rnle in one or mure pwrcrlu wnd in�ny urder 7Yuuee determines 7lruqtee mAy postpone sale of t�ll or aay <br /> ' � parcel of Ihe Properly by publk wnm�u�emrnl ul the ti�ne wd plare of Any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its <br /> �.. ;� deslQnee nwy purch�e the Properly�1�ny+w�l�. <br /> Upon nceipt of pwyment��f Ihr prke hid� 71�u�iee shwll deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> , , -.,.j""''� Prope�ty. The rccltal�In the'Ituxlee•x deed.rh�ll br prima tacie evtdence of the tru16 of the statements made therein. <br /> : , 7Fustee shWl�ppty Ihe pruceedu uf Ihr+wlr in Ihe fulluwing order: la1 to a0a rosts and expee�ses of exerclsing tbe power <br />� <br /> ,� <br /> .;��, _ . <br /> �rs:: . <br /> '4.'t <br /> ' t.� .. <br /> ...G.a <br /> �i �,4�._yy�� . <br /> D'{T� <br /> . '(.. ' <br /> �`• • ` <br /> Y <br /> `'_ . ,�' '�, ' Fbrm 3028 9/9B r/H��e S nJn�w,� <br /> �:`: . ' ' <br /> "":^' � _ <br /> . ,k r. . ' . ' _ <br /> -:..,..-. .. _ <br /> . '� .. . . <br /> � "'ft��_ _ -. .cr----- � � � - ° -- �-� - - --�� -,-- . •� . °;ns*+[ , �r(I;n�-`r - <br /> �n <br /> � � � � : - � <br /> .- f. -,C � .e,��. . . � � . ,. ; t' F �jtt.�� y i)4f..�". ' � t 5-�ylt }� }k15.. <br /> `� ..G:'.`�. _.: - . � � Ci � 1�� � -f� ;%i'4!!t b� �yc i'14 �- <br /> ,.,. . . <br />.-: . ,. . ., . � . . . , , t,y '1 S(ii!:1�1�j'� ; " , ����. <br /> � F I <br />�.^�'� I�iaal.wMW:s._...,I.::s ' . �.1 � - - . + `�� i,,��.l�.:j�( f�i;�!�1�j�.��-. <br /> � ,y e�• .� __.__. ..---- --°- --- --- -----._ ...-a '1.:.�'.�,-. ti�' :_..i 1i1._�...r.L.::......''.�.:�ri- <br /> - -- � ....-----••�--�-.•-`-. .____ —___._-._______._ . _.- ___ - _-. .'__. ". _—__ - _ . - _ ,--r,'^,-....�: •- . . <br /> t •• , , •- . i _ � ���•:,rr�,`is� f` •.^�`r+;�ti1',-•• ,r,�.,;;..;-;,r-r, <br /> +�1�W�1,••-.c-if 1i. - `J. . � . .. ' . . l 1 -�'y I t � . ' �! �1�' yt �� • < . <br /> t `/i�� � „ I' �r. <br /> �.�.• : -. : . . . . . . �l� 1t; � -�}. ->� ',(fu: <br /> t '� .. , <br /> _ � $.. :c-,',:'.��; : . . , , � - ' - -- - �, ��a�`l.'� . .ti.,.���,,,•� ' <br /> '.�'et14''�T= i. . . - -- . ' ' ' ,�.:: �.. 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