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l4 e . � —�-----'^—' --,- .-. , R . T ---- <br /> - ^v `-� . . . ... -...r.ML... . . . _ ; ' . �'Pz� - <br /> . , �� �� •-', . _'? <br /> '�1�W('��ll IW 1�OY/p101lti OQW Cf rNrlTMtMrC11R��1 t110�1'ly��Id r1 al�lA11�1. �_. <br /> °— '- i.�w �iikiC"r.:li�`a/Oi�'8�3'it 8�t�p3+�!'j.-���..,1��ild�!�!!�'.�Q!!d�l01l0 CO�M!!�� ..� ----� ._ -. <br /> ..�i -�. �����n�s����{OR�a�����y.w � , <br /> � �RROWER OOVEN/1NfS d�t Bo�mwer it O�wfUUy iai�!at the a�tMe daaby oomeyed wd Iw d�el�ht b prM . '. <br /> �od caavoy d�e Propaty and ttwt the Propntty u unm+ct�nbaed.exorpt icr a�aa�brnnoes ot ro�atd. earrower wrrrMr rd <br /> � will defend�a�er�lly tUe dUe 10 tbe P�'oPerty apiiw W cWnM aad dem�nd�.wbka ou aay encwsbta+oK d�aoad <br /> 't7tIS SECURt'I'X M97RUM8NT awnMner uNfacai oovea�u►b fur rwiawl �ue �ad aoaaa�itona oovw�M� wfdi <br /> __ t��ea�.�a�by ju��a�o+�w«��wo�w,uom��cy�wn�e,u coYa���criy. , <br /> � ut�tNORM mvBrtAArrs. La�der oovan� qree a rd�ow,: , <br /> 1. P��t a�PrMidpd aad IdereMR PireMl�t�wd l.sp CM�r�1. Hamnw�er sMll praanptlY P�Y whon due tlw <br /> �of uM iru�rest ao the debt evidnncad by the Nota�nd�ny p�ep�yraari�nd We chu�os duo unda the Nolo. <br /> I+�nd�tor 7l�a ud Imoraace. Sabjoct to�pp1{c�bb I�w o�to�writtat w�iver by I.emdor.Barower�11 p�y to <br /> La�der on tbe d�y monthlY P�Y�u ua due wxler the-fVate. until�he Note i�p�id in tl�ll��tum l"Hmds")C'or:(�)Yeu19 <br /> t�uce��nd u�o�smena wl�ich m�y ua�in,priarity ovm thia Secu�hr ln�hun�ent u�Ibn on�ho Pnapaty;(b)Ye�r1Y Ics�ohnld <br /> p�ymena a�+a�nd ceata oo ma Property. if�ny: (c) Yeuly i�ar�d or ptioperty ltuu�x pranivau: (d) esrly flord <br /> inaur�nce prc�nu�reAS.if�ay: (e)�rearlY mottgage i�uurance pmmiums. if�ny: and (f�qn9�W3'��Y�wer to <br /> L,pider�in�000rd��o v�n�b,tho p�ovisions of pangraph liou of thept�yment ot mat��Qe in:warpe pnxniums• '11ase <br /> itcros u�e c�"Eecrorr Itaam." i.cader ma► any tima�wllat and hold Fiutds in an unount nat w anceed tde m�xitnum <br /> unowq a la�der fa�feda�Uy relatod�rwrtgage lo�n may nequiro for Bormwerti escrnw�xount t�ider ihe federal ReAI <br /> Estate Sepkmeat Plvoed�es Act of i974 as�nended from dmo to dme.12 U.S.C.4 2601 e�srq.("RE4PA'�.unk�s�nother <br /> law Wat Applies w tbe AiMs sen a lasser amoun� If so.Lender ptay�at any Nme.colkct+�nd hold Wnd�in�n amount�ot ta <br /> euc.*d the k sser amount• l.ender m�y auimate the amoune of Iiia�ds due an �6e Msis of curmnt daui wd�m�bk <br /> __-- --_ -- eaumates of expenJiluteS.�.'r'uture Es�row ite�ns or othervvlse in�ccadu�e wrirh�ticabie iaw. _ <br />- The Fud.s sh�ll be hetti in an i�+stjt++pon whose deposiu are iosurod by a f�de�al endty <br /> — (inclucUng Lender.if Lender is sach�ih instiwtion)or in any Federal Home I�►Hmk. I.ender slvll epply ti►e Hnds to P�Y <br /> �';t:,°J�j', the 8scrow Iterne. l.ender muy nat cMargo Ho�mvrer for bolding�od aQplying �he Flunds�annually wwlyzing�ho oscrow <br />_��,�I accoun�or verifying the E{serow ltems, unless L,ender pays Bornower mtercst on the Plmds and nppltc�We l�w pern►its <br /> L,ender w melce such a ctiuge. However,Lender may roqeic+e Barowu w pwy a one-time charge far an Indepaxknt real <br />:�;� ��, asute ta�c rcpaRing service used by Lender in Sonnecdon wilh this Iwn,unless Applicable law provldas othetwfae. Unlea9 an <br /> — � agreement io nwde or appUcable law requires interest to be paid,L,ender shall mt be requlred to pay Bomower any interest ar <br /> � eamings on�he fi�nds. Bortower and l.ender may agree in wRiNng.however.thot inte�eat shWl be p�id on the Punds. l.ender <br />_:�;,:41�r�� chall givo to Borrower.without annual accoun[i�g of the Fi�nds.showing credits and debits to the FUnds and the <br />---��-,r;;a;Nrba�� Pwpose for which each debit to the Funds was mede. Tf+e�Undv are pledged as�dditiond cecurity far WI sums�ecwed by <br /> r this Saurlty Insaum�t. <br /> ''_-- - --- --- if ihe f�r�ds iield by Lender eace�d tt�c amousts perm�tt;.ci ta be htld by agplteable ls�.f���er shs!! eccaunt ie <br /> �°•Y Borrower for the excess Funds i�accordance with the requirements of Applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by • <br /> :,5�,�,, [.ender at any time i�not suffictent to pay the Escrow ltems when due.l.en¢ler may so noHfy Bomnwer in writing,w1cf, in <br /> �:��4�"` such case Bomower shall pay to L.ender the amount necessnry to make up the deiiciency. Bortower shall ma{;e up the <br /> ��`� deticiency in no mon than twelve moothly payments,at Lend�r�sole discredon. <br /> � Upon payment in full of ell sums secured by this Security Insttumen�I.ender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower�ny . <br /> E�nds held by Lender. If,under paragraph�1.Lender shall acquirc or sell the Property,[.ender.prior to 1he acquisidon or <br /> sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.etYder at the time of acquisition or sale as�credit ageinat the sums <br /> aecurcd by this Security Instrument. <br /> 3. ApplEcatlan ot Pr�yments. Unless applicable lew provides otherwise,all puyments raeived by i.ender under <br /> ' , paragraphs I and 2 shell be applied:first,ta any prepayment cherges due under the Note; amounts payabk under <br />��;, r.;�+:,, • ParagraPh 2;third,w interest due;fourth,to principal due;and eny late charges due under the Note. <br /> ,�.•� ;. ..i � 4. C6argea; Lfens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,essessments, charges.fines and imposltions attributable to the <br /> °' f,�, i Prope�ty which may attain pdority over this Secudty Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground reMs,if any. Bomower <br /> ,� .:�,'�+( � <br /> ��•,::.:'�,.,y� shall pay these obligations in the menner provided in par�gmph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower ahall pay them on <br /> �� �`�`'���•:.'' �� ' dme direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amoums to be paid under <br />,;i e'�',?:;::��••���: i <br /> ,� •.;��;�.t����,�, �� . thls paragraph. It Aorrower makes these payments direcUy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencfng <br />' + c�-: - ; du peyments. <br /> � �''�':" �"�"���° � Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has prjodry over�his Secu�iry Instrument unless Bomnwew(a)agrees <br />'�;: .. <br /> .?' ' �,''`�'�''"� '•r - in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b�contests in gaod feith the <br /> •'��!s�"�'�?::� I Iten by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operute to Qrevenc the <br /> . ' 'i:� .' - <br /> ,.J?��.�°,-' - enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement sutisfnctory to Lender subotdinating the lien <br />_`•�� ?r,lf� •, ro this Securiry lnstrument. If Lender delermines that uny part of the Propersy is subject to a lien which may Attain prioriry <br /> ,c,. <br /> ��� .;:;q;..,,., over this Security Inslrument,Ixnder may give Borrower a notice identifying the Ifen. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talce <br /> � - h_:�"-`" i' one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. - <br /> �.:� ....�.�- .. <br /> ;�'o . � ;�' S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shull keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> ° • . Property insured egainst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any ather hazs+rds,including - <br /> floods ar flooding.for which Lender requires insurnnce. This insurance shall be muintained in ihe emounts and for the - <br />-.�,��� '�1^�::.• , ' � Fbrm JII]8 9/90 I/roqe 2��f A/x+Real -: <br />`.a� ,.,.: <br /> t• . ` <br />.!!' � �,i'�4',�'{,` <br /> 't} lS����lfdil:Y_'..�..i.. .' <br />.fi`i,��. r�"" . <br /> ` "� ' . . ,i(' _'Fl��—�__�-. �,,;::�r�*'3'..�w+�v.r��7•�.•,�..-�+�ra� a:.>-,^�+�q�7q�!i�►t,�anr4 _` _ <br /> : ,x�4v,'t . • .�, ';'�. �./'' . . ���';•` .�•`.� ;L' . 'l ' �y'- j � <br /> ,�(�: �`Q�2�r"-t ! _ - � . .i .�`�'� i - • .. . . ' ' . . . St , ,'I; t 1.,S ', - . <br /> 7,�'�:'?.ti:�.i.�: �.l . .. , � .�,t �� �� .�', <br /> , , � <br /> .. . .. , <br /> . � ,,.•. , . . . . s�:: . a�� 1{l <br /> , ,. <br /> . ` . . .x*F� . . . _ ���:.1_ .. - �1�". /4 iL �I.�..��.iYR'�d. <br /> _.______-_ _._ ._. <br /> � ' - _ . . . . . —� - <br /> ,t •...�....'• ..i -_—_�—= --...-- - - :..-'--�-- ,-.- --- --- --- t� {fl ,� ._i <br /> � t. +� .� • t� • �i �l�'1 1 <br /> ` � .. .:� y , :i��,;:•, .. . . , , � <br /> . .� .:� : � , i�.. ..', . �� �_ `t <br /> �y� Y+�lrLS�r:;i•':�,i�/=�t+�K-t.'�a-; v�:itl:j'. � ' . . q� - ,;� � <br /> . .t.i':4 .,I'�-:_ �.,;'T ."_._-._' i� -� ..- -- - - �� 'rc • . .��. `',.n':I' ' ,5 <br /> ��� `� . , .d .ar �, ';. . ��;+:� ,'i�,:':, . . <br /> � '': :�aa. ...5'' • " , . r, �'• .. : <br /> �.� �} �(`• 'i4 ..�,� . . '� � • . . .. , . . <br /> '� '�17[t.�t+ti.eiti:: .. ° - ,�.' , � , , � . <br />. Y'A 'r�3�:V!-,'ll[f,k't' . � ,i:." � : - , � . .. ' . .. . . <br />.il. ' t.`',�. � S. �,�� •`��'„ - � . . 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