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_ '�d" - . . ;.. ::: : , . . , _ _ <br /> .,..T,,,,,�,t� <br /> � ....,�".Y` _ - ♦ � , ' � . � . `l . . .... , �`SyC'�'.�� . ♦ . .-.. - �.::-'^F-:.YJ(v.." '�'_ <br /> . ._ , , � . . �. <br /> , • - � ...:n ,�,{,�,- . <br /> ��. . ��v. . , f��Tu .. <br /> �Illsd�i�Ir�f�, �-���r/��1•�{�M��]d�Ay1Nl1��. ', _'.. <br /> s_ �� -� �{il�� � �:,�';.�,�__-:. <br /> . Lwi1w1 aptte�.eMi��ftoMeR��i�a� .��rnnr�MiN��al�. I.iiir ° ,r-=;�: <br /> A�i�r+�o�'oilobs�i�a4wab ii 1� L� �Il � <br /> • �1�AM ri�t�Yde dr MIk.�Ms rr�d n�rwMY.�t l.aider wqriiia,Saro�wNr�11 p�oin�tty Siw ao I�er�dr tlf i�arpir . �, <br /> d������p�odd�bn Y 16�a�r�et at 10�,9anowre�YII fiw p�ompt qoeia w Mr inMrana a�rMr r/ '., <br /> �a.. t.�r�r.Mo� �r.o�..���r�s�+� . <br /> r�nks�s l.ender«+rt1 Bennw�ed�e�e.� wdti�, �o. �h.0 b.pQlMa to,e.�oatla�«A�pik d <br /> the d�a�ad,it�Ye r��t1o�a�e b eooeoisjally i bh aud Ladar��eawity i�nat M�wpd: Q iwi <br /> re�a c+� i�not eaomm�ic+dly 6e�bl�ar La�erl� �rity woald be k�a�ed,dM+imnr�oe Pt�oeed��.M � <br /> appliad�o tLe a�rro savrod by d�is SecMrf�r ttadumait. whelhar a nat then due,wi�h x►y�oaa paiA w�aaa►wdr. ft <br /> BanorYer abMdoa�the Prnperty�a doa not ruMra whhin 30 d�yi�eotloe fiom Le�der th�t the in�r+onoe c�rrier Iw <br /> ofl'aed b�utle�cl�im�thea La�der m� oollect tha inw�anoe prooeod�. I.eadet tn�y we t11e pr�ooeeds to ar r�lons <br /> tbe� wea�������y�4 whed�ar ar aot d�m dae. 7t�s 30�d�Y P�� �� <br /> U�lo�s Leoder ad Bamo�war adia�riae�roe io�rit�o�,mY icMim o�p�ooad�W princiqt �ball�ot e�t�end or <br /> �a�ae dia�dne d�le d We s�o�ly py�nu�10 i paAnp�is 1 aal'2 a cluu�a U►e anant dd�o p���w�rs. If <br /> under p�r�p�21 die Prnpe�ty is a�xN6ed by La�der.Ha�v+rerl�d�ht to�ny intur�nce polkies�}�o�ceed�ree�a�i <br /> 6roa1 d�e b Ihe�op�aqr ptior 10 fbie aoqui�itiou sh�U pts b I�et�tler to lba et0ent ot d�a�wos socured by d�it Se+aYeity <br /> lnqrtqneat iaudedi�elY P'i�r�o d� �itloo. . <br /> f. OcqipMep. Pr+aertMlo�, aM irnletlire of the Pe+opertyi �Mrwa9 IA� �i <br /> I.eMeWi�. Bonoana sh�U occapy.apbli�h.aad we�he A+upaty as Botrnwer�prlacipd rwida�oe wiHin�nty drys� <br /> s!���+++M**af tkis 3��cr!�!!!!!1 awNMUe u.noc�►ar the Pmpmty aa R�wmwrtt priiwa;od rarid�no�far at <br /> lak ane ysar aRa qie d�oe at oo�up�ncy. ualas L,endx od�e�wlce �roes !n writia�. which rn�rdmt �6�U aat be <br /> ���mleu extaw�ting ci�mnpnoas e�ist wd�r.h aro beyad Barmwet!oontrol. BonaNer�all�at.: <br /> d�Y.�Ba a����Y•+�low t6e PYopaty to detGrinrate.or oonunit wasOe on the PmpeAy. Bormw�er:hall <br /> be ia detwlt if aay fafeidaa ac�ion ar pr000ading,�r�civU ar cr] be�un tlut ia L.errlery good fiith jud�nt <br /> could rowlt in fafeiWro of the Ptoperty ar otf�erwis�m�ntai�::y impair the !ku crcaoed by thi� Secmity lason�tomt or <br /> Ladert socurity ipteiat. Honuwer mn etue sucL�deY�alt aM teinctata.�provlded jn pu�gnpi�18,by atutin�d�e aclion <br /> or pror�eeding w 6e dlsioiascd with a� Londerh good fiith�.W�ecludw fafeipu+e of the Barowa� <br /> i�est in die Pmpaty ar ot1Kr m�er�al Imp�im�ent of the lien c�eaoed by thia Securiry Ia:dumait a Lende�Y�ecurity <br /> intemst. Barower s6d1 also be ln defiwlt if Borrower.during �he lan applk�tion pn�oess. gave auterWly fWae ar <br /> inacxurue infann�don or stutmenta w Len�ier(or falled w puvide Lender widi nny rn�terid iafortnatian)ia c�am�eedoa wI�6 <br /> , the laui eviderKxd by the Nae, including, 6ut not limitad to, �wions oonxming Bonowerls occupsrKy of d�e <br /> �' '•�apeity as a princ(pal res�idlcaca, It'thjs Socuriry Inspument is on a les�ehold.Bamwer eb+�lt comply wi�h+iU die prov�sions <br /> , � of.the le�s. If AortovY¢r acquita fee tialc to the Hnperty.the leaset�oW�nd the fae titk sh�ll not me�e unkss l.enda s�nee4 <br /> � � ���tothc t�icrt3�r�i�wrkin8. � <br /> ' 9. Pratection of Lender's 1Q�1�es in t6e Prqperty. If I�ower fails w perform the covenarns wd at� . <br /> cantained in this Security Inswment. or there is a k$al Pono�edin8 thet may signiPic�ndy af�ect I.ender�s d�tha <br /> . Ptoperty(such as a proceeding in banfuuptcy.prahate.for condemnatlon or fo�feitune or to enforoe laws a re��1atlona).then <br /> Lender may d�and pay for wha�ever is necessary to protat the value of the Propetiy and l.ender�v righh in the Property. <br /> LRnder�actions may include paying any suma secured by a lien whicb has priority over Ihis SeCurity Inswmen�appearing <br /> in court,paYing rcaso�wble attomeys'fees and em.ering on�he Property w mAke rcpairs.Althou�l.endet m�y tal�e�tian <br /> under this paragnph 7,Lender docs a�e have to do sq. <br /> � Any arnounts disbutsed by l.eadet under thia,paragraph 7 shall become additiatal debt of Bomowa secu�+ed by this <br /> 3ecurity Inswrnent. Unless Bortower and Lender ap�ree ta otl�er te�ms of paymenq,ihese amounts shall bear inqerest from the <br /> due of disbu�nt at tP�e Nuu wate and shall be payable.with inurost,upon notic�from Lender to Barower tequeating <br /> p�ymenG <br /> 8. Nlortgaae Insurance. If L��cler�qui�+ed morigage insurunce as a condition of making the lo�n secuad by this <br /> Security Iastrument, Bomower shall puy the prcmiums requlred to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> �eason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by t,ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bomuwer shall pay the <br /> premiums required to obtain coverage aubstantiA9ly eyuivakrn to the mongage insurance pnviously in effect. at a cost <br /> substantially equivalent w�he rnst to 9orrower of the mongage insurance pneviously in effect,from en ekernote mortgage <br /> insurer opproved by L.ender. If substa�tiaUy equivalent mongage insurance covemge is nw available,Bortower shall pay to <br /> Lender ench month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect, l.ender will occept,use and retain these payments as a loss rcserve in Iteu <br /> of mongage insuronce. Losa reserve paymen�� may rw Ionger be roquirrd, at the option of[.ender,if mortgagc insurance <br /> coverage(in the amount and for Ihe perlod that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by l.ander again becomes <br /> uvailnble a�d is obtained.8orcower sl�nl0 pay the premiums rcquired to maintnin mortgase insurance in effa�or to provide a <br /> loss rexerve.until�he requirement for mortgage insurance ends in acco�dance with any wrinen agrcement betwan Borrower <br /> � and L.ender or applkable Iaw. <br /> 9. ipspecdon. Lender or i��agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmperry. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower nake At the dme of or prior to an in3�eclion specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br /> 19. Coltdemna!lon. The proceeds of any award or clai�n for damsges,direct or consequentiel,in��nneeiion with eny <br /> Sinyla F�mily••F�npN INie/F1'addk M�c UNIFORM INSfRUMENT••Unifam Covenanb 9/9Y /�u�e 3 uJ6/pgesl <br /> uwt talaa�ra�wr..tK■ <br /> foQderGMk 1JOOB30p9Gi OMlI1F7Y1•1131 <br /> .x,wn."�'.f't��,"��?it�"�jN.,'�.•;�»r.--�..� '+�lfict��Lr''!Re �y� - ?•,,'��. . __i�.. . _ �;+Jr�'`��5�ht�-r <br /> Y ( <br /> � - {i tL ....J-,- ' 1:- C/�i - � . i �.1 Y a;a'�i s j�nit�'y •xs• rs . r'i%.v..�v 1 f/� -� �V�� S.1 � <br /> ,..;-,ll��.r"�,-taF "� ' ' N- I`.- f -� � . �1S� A !'�y'� � i , � <br /> . --�'i6 .----•Y,..�,�1.;........ .`+yt tv - •y. c�`'- , '! -_ <br /> --- �.:Id?YtilS,d�:`..afF_�4:i:i�;h,.l,sr]Ms�Se..Y:i?"Ni�L.i ' �:.Y+.:uaSL':�4 T-` .ii�. <br /> t�''_� r ti - -- - --'--- i - �I �� - --- -- : � . . �_��__�. .. '- �,�.�r,S . . ,f.. l� =MSl4ii�'. <br /> un',�' R .i.^ '�. ( �• • ��-0�'LN1.: ��E Y,ti.4 fS,�.t?i' - 1 �rE <br /> . _ � a _ t ���{� ° s.���t���,., , �- ., .. t�..7�'cR ritt:. ?"``"".,1tt 11:� ,� ,+ . - <br /> 1 �,' ` � <br /> -.,:_ _r� - • , <br /> - ...�a � 4: - : I'Z-! �! . , ! t ,� � :_ <br /> ^ ..d�i c•+ 'f '� .li�Sllf . . ..Pt•.. .. ••r:_w . . ��I fY.:f'�r, . - F� ' �.{-a. ,nn:. <br /> � - Nl�J` ` . 111-�,}, __ __' '",,J . , _'^^-_•^^"';nr- 'M � � � .. � _ <br />._.-___- �7K»� `J ! . �fiHSf i - . . . 4 �}, . . <br /> "_T+��7¢cT,T}'§-,y� _.'�ra���a '� 73�- .a ..N.. . - : " '.��.: t,.�+iC..�....�.,.'�"y � . . `• . ' .. <br /> :' t l 1 <br /> � < . 1_ <br /> � _..1R. 1 � _ " _.,.., .. . ,. , . <br /> . �r���t ]k.t�. . . .. '`1 }�•'r��.:t..�'' ila'J.Y,� ,i . �i�.. , �. . . ., . � . . . <br /> " � ��n.c}�3�r . �...� J,. . .- � .- -- .. �.l�a.. � ' L. �t ..' ; � • <br /> �`°�i�'�'�� •���diK o���vY'M.'Kr j ..:`i� : • - � �� . .,•Jt• 1. ' .. <br /> - - �-- ' -,n ,..�_.._sa11ZsJC -r��r�,`.�h'.1.,.�,t , � . . . .... • ..a.:...-�t' .c�iY�'a f..� . '.;r.� - <br /> -d416�1� �t`"Liie� '. .�/.`f�`J� S4Y� F.r.- G' J . .'.Y�L1",'� .,,� '•.;l,� ... . . "'� .••.. <br /> a[�. :.e!'r� ' ' r �.r .. - . . � <�a: -'�',.,��)y,.;►.S;,�aE:,;.t^�,T•k•r <br /> -- f. -S]�er.rd�����l�fY^ , r 1 ,.`w� _ . . .. � .. eY�: .i�s`!' .:�. .�fii' . . <br /> .._.'pS..t'..T..iN �1:...� �S it� � � i s . .. , . •tis' •�LaY�!�Mx • ' � , <br /> ` ph'y�.a__ ' .�L:,���CMh��f�' '���... `' . . - _ . .. , . _v ..i.: . . <br /> - __ . , . ���4�dr�� � <br /> _ ' � <br /> ., <br /> '___. . �. A a. . . <br /> . <br /> i . � . . <br /> -_ �•. '.t..�t,..:.�Y-.� 'h. � - ' .!. }.� I. <br /> . ,.. �.�. <br /> • � . <br /> niw��sr.�.�... r.: r.��... . -.a•�.:_r _�_.• _ .. ..� . •f. _.. _._ .. _ ... . _'___ __"_—" <br />